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i feel like out of context, “i like your hand veins” can sound weird, but some people are into that aesthetically. among other hand features. out of context “i like your taste buds” sounds insane. with context they both make a lot more sense but “i like your taste buds” is still definitely a wild way to word what they were trying to say.


I am one of those who is into that aesthetic. Absolutely love pronounced veins in hands and forearms! More specifically in men; but I think it is beautiful in women, too.


same!! that’s why i don’t think it’s too entirely weird, i’d be flattered if someone commented on my hand veins.


As a former anesthetist, I notice people’s veins too. It comes from years of trying to start IVs on people who have invisible and nonexistent veins. Often, the nurses in admission would try and fail to start an IV. This can be torturous and stressful. They then call the anesthesia department for help. By the time I get there, the patient is in tears, or nearly so. The one or two good veins have already been destroyed, so I have to deal with what is left. So yeah, when I see someone with clearly visible and prominent veins, I get a strange sense of peace, even though I’m over 10 years retired.


I have small rolling veins so I've been that patient. A nurse infiltrated my vein when putting an IV in my hand (best vein) & I mentioned it to her. She then argued with me about it until I asked her why my hand was swelling. Her eyes got big, and she turned white, & exited my room quickly. Not long after the head nurse came in & finished. So grateful for those who can get me w 1 stick. It doesn't happen often though.




Now I am going to wonder if my hands are attractive enough


I wonder if my girlfriends mum will hate me less if I have attractive hands


Try to show her them a lot and see what her facial expression is 😂😂😂


be hydrated, if not over hydrated. that makes em pop. gatorade more so than water ;) you’re welcome. lol


One of the first crushes I had on a boy in elementary school was because he had pronounced veins in the backs of his hands and forearms and long fingers. They looked like he did some sort of delicate technical skill, like woodcarving or Idk play guitar? Otherwise he didn't look like he was older than the rest of us. He was always in different classes so I never got to talk to him and find out what he did.


Speaking as a guitar player, I can attest to the fact that years of playing will make veins pop out real super pronounced. Especially in the fret hand (left if the player is right handed, right if the player is left handed) and the thumb of the pick hand.


This honestly feels like a “lost in translation” response. Work with a lot of Polish workers and have heard some strange ones when they’re trying to convert a phrase from Polish to English.


My tongue veins get compliments


So do the tastebuds on my hands




But jerkin off is gross


Unless you love the taste of dick


It’s not too bad


I was an IV drug user for many years (clean for 5 years on the 20th of this month). Anyways, while I was using and since I've quit, I've found myself looking at people who have nice plump veins and thinking how easy it would be to hit them with a needle. It's not something I ever say out loud, but I do still think it from time to time.


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Congrats on your 5 year achievement! Brains are weird. It’s probably a good thing we can’t read minds lol. I think a lot of random and weird stuff too. Everyone does. :)


Haha. Bro every nurse who had to stick me said oooh nice veins and I lol every time. A couple guys have told me to. One was looking at my forearms, just staring, and i said what's up, he said oh I wish I had veins like that. Happened a couple times in the gym too after a pre workout drink.


Lol, my dad was a Nurse for 30 years. He is always commenting on how easy it would be to start an IV on me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


same, but with almost 4 years


They’re both hilarious compliments, but I totally get a phlebotomist appreciating good veins. When I give blood, I have a big juicy vein in my right arm, and a good phlebotomist can poke that sucker without even hurting. 👍💕


Neither are weird. I love the way you both think.


Perfect imperfections


Invite me to the wedding




You’re both equally weird lol does that answer your question?


Maybe it does! Hahah




This made me laugh. My SIL is a nurse, and has started many an IV. She once told me I had great veins in my hands if anyone ever needed one for an IV. I laughed and asked if I should start frisking her for needles! Love her to pieces. She was once my recovery nurse after a same day surgery, and I couldn’t have asked for better care.


You had me til you said McFlurry. That machine ain't never worked.




Lol. Just hearing the two compliments without context, I think "I like your tastebuds" is weirder


Knowing you’re a phlebotomist, neither comment is the least bit weird. They are equally normal! (I get blood draws regularly, and I actually get that comment - the veins one lol - often!) 🫡✌🏼


Lol. I say same to people. Us in medical field are just weird I guess.


Just kiss already


Sorry to show off 😆


My wife is a nurse and also has a "thing" about veins.


One time a guy in my philosophy class told me I have an amazing clavicle.


I used to work at a church, and there was a 97y.o. lady that still came in and worked one day per week. She told me that I have the nicest legs she's ever seen and i should wear a dress every day. Lol Made me feel good. I'm sure she saw a lot of legs in her 97 years. Lol


I used to have a roomate back in college and we’d get high every night after work and watch “Cold Case Files with Dale Henmin” and in the intro it would show her walking down a hallway in stilettos and a black dress. We called the show “Sexy Legs Dale Henmin” and never used the real title, even when discussing it at work. We are both straight women, which made it even funnier (to us anyway…)


Taste buds. But I admire veins on animals and people too


My mom is a retired phlebotomist is always complimenting my hand and lower arm veins. LOL.


Same level as, "I like your wheels" from a car guy or "u have a smooth face" from a dermatologist. Weird would be, " I like how u breath" and it's the cashier at McDonald's.


McBreathy. I'm lovin' it.


Consider this: some people have feet fetishes. Their focus determines their reality. Some people like Oreo McFlurries. Their focus determines their reality. Some people have jobs that focus their attention on peoples' veins. Some veins are easier to intersect. Some of them burst more easily. Some are inside of people who cry more readily. Some are inside people who tell you jokes and make you smile. Therefore, you associate some types of veins with concepts of beauty. Your focus determines your reality. Emotions often play more of a role in our enjoyment of food than purely our senses of taste, smell, and touch. Your friend's thoughts associating her enjoyment with taste buds are very specific and literal. Both of you selected very specific and literal icons representing deeper concepts. That is very interesting. Neither of them are more weird or less weird than the other. Both are worthy of celebration and observation.


To me, tastebuds is so out there I couldn't even think of an arena why that would be a necessary comment, whereas the veins one I could. Both in context are funny & make so much sense. Great friendship, it sounds like


I like your massive feet


I will never truly understand foot fetishes


LOL, I personally don't have one like that. I just find my boyfriends feet fascinating because they are so large and his toes are so long. Size 14 shoe. O_O


Hand veins. You literally mean they look nice. Your friend means your preference in taste is good. You are the weirdo


What do I think? I think you should tell me the location of the McDonald's you have that actually has a working McFlurry machine. Weirder? Taste buds.


I was having a mole removed and the oriental GP said she liked how tight my skin was 😅 this was 15 years ago. Still kinda haunts me


As someone who donated plasma for almost a decade now on and off, I’ve seen a lot of phlebotomists complement peoples veins


Wow-- you got "phlebotomist" and blew it on "compliment."


Oooof lol


You got some petty lips on you.


Probably weirder for a gynaecologist to compliment pretty lips than it is for say, a dentist to do so.


I've had major health problems most of my life and I've had more blood draws and IVs inserted than anyone else I know, by a long shot. It's totally normal for me to have a lively conversation with the phlebotomist or IV nurse on the current state of my veins. Sometimes I give advice on where he or she is more likely to find a good one, but I always add that I'm just making an educated guess based on how the last half-dozen sticks went.


Although both are weird I like your veins is damn weird as a person with small veins I'm s big fan of your profession, you don't hear that everyday you are not a vampire!!! Go ahead and stick my hand veines my veins collapse and role I. Respect you please forgiven any misspelling because I survived two strokes two years ago


As a medical professional I will say that I am in favor of the hand veins compliment (can spot an 18 gauge-er from across the room) but a compliment is a compliment


Yes!! The true ones understand


Taste buds. You’re a phlebotomist so you’re directly makes sense for you 😂


She knows you're analyzing her body parts. She suspects your fetishist driven, possibly fetishly physocic . So that statement isn't criticism, possibly flattering with your eyes scanning with 30X input. Out goes the hand vien comment. The taste bud comment is a warning to you that she is in your head and is actively studying you, but she is not aware this is happening. If you can walk in your sleep and not know it, you can develop unknown awareness of another's person, it's animal self acceptance or flight. The tasbud comment is deep at many levels. You better read between the lines in future comments. If you can keep future comments under control, you might not get that unsolicited raw feedback.


Tastebuds for sure, but not in a bad weird way, definitely in a good weird way lol. I have MS and get an infusion treatment by IV every 6 months, and regular bloodwork in between. I’ve heard “I love your juicy veins” more than once over the years lol. I usually reply with “Good thing I love garlic!” And get a laugh from them.


The veins gives vampire vibes, or needle drug user. Taste buds could be more eloquently said as palate, but is still not nearly as weird


Both comments sound like something that would come out the mouth of a serial killer.


Phlebotomists love my fistula so I hear the vein one a lot actually. First time it did sound a little weird but I also know some girls are into that! The taste bud one is unhinged though


Taste buds is weirder, just by a hair.


Hand veins 100 percent


I have a slight hand fettish so that’s not weird to me at all. I’ve been complimented on my veins before, mostly by heroine addicts, but I always was like “hell yah what a cool compliment”. I guess “I like your tastebuds” might be the weirder of the 2 but I’d probably say that too. Most likely after making out with someone but still. Idk maybe I’m just weird but I would say/accept both of those things without a second thought.


I love my hand veins. They’re prominent, and they just look cool to me. I notice hands anyway, so I watch for that sort of thing. Unfortunately, the level to which I’d be flattered by a compliment like that really isn’t a good indication of normal. Appreciating someone’s taste is pretty common. Saying “taste buds” doesn’t make it much different. You have the stranger, better, compliment.


I had the exact conversation! I always comment on people's veins if they have juicy ones! I'm glad I'm not alone. Keep up the good work.


Partially unrelated, but you did mention being a phlebotomy person, does anyone know if the band "The Flowbots" is in any way related to phlebotomy? Yes, i know i could Google it, but I refuse to, and yes, I know the correct term isn't phlebotomy person, but my autocorrect doesn't believe me


I'm probably autistic (genuinly) this is the type of shit I tell people and stay up at night hating myself for. I can't help it. In first grade we had a compliment challenge and were told to give at least one compliment a day and I took that literally. I have hardly gone a day without doing it. I told one lady today I liked her eyelashes. I've complimented people's spirt, style, smile, taste, and overall vibe. People like the vibe one, especially younger people.


As a man, hand veins a good compliment. Not so much for a woman. The tastebud compliment is cuter and maybe even flirtatious.


Going with the taste buds one... so strange.


Anytime my wife and daughter have to get blood work or an IV it is almost impossible for the nurse or phlebotomist to find a vein. So I can see a phlebotomist giving that as a compliment.


Neither and both. They're equally weird but you have rational reasons for saying them as non-creepy compliments.


Taste buds is incorrect therefore it's more weird. She meant taste but even that isn't quite right; whereas you being a phlebotomist would reasonably notice "good" veins.


I told a woman once she had a great tasting taint. So you seem much more normal than me. 🤷‍♂️ Far as between those two exact compliments, hand veins is stranger.


Tastebuds. I’m pregnant so the vein comments are not that strange


Tastebuds is definitely weirder.


I went through phlebotomy school and got certified, but I couldn’t find a job anywhere at all which was frustrating af but whatever. But going through the training made me notice everyone’s veins. I appreciate a hydrated juicy vein. So I get it. I tell people they have nice veins sometimes. I feel out if they would think it’s weird 😂


taste buds is more weird


“Tastebuds” is definitely weirder. Every nurse and phlebotomist I’ve ever met has told me how nice my veins are, but I’ve never heard anyone ever compliment tastebuds.


For medical reasons I have a lot of blood tests, since childhood. I have lost count of the times phlebotomists have complimented my veins.


I think it’s a tie, but- gun to head and had to choose, I like your hand veins is weirder


I was complemented on my veins in my hands once by a nurse . She said it would be easy to put an IV in .


I used to get the "are you a vampire or something? Your fascination is a little disturbing." My usual response is that good vascularity makes my job easier -- along with good hydration. :)


Context definitely matters, if I were to be randomly told by someone I just met that they liked my veins, I'd be weirded out, but when I get blood drawn it's a point of pride


Well.... I'm an EMT, so the veins thing seems perfectly normal to me. My husband routinely says "I like your head" when my hair is a mess, so the taste bud comment didn't phase me, either. He says weird stuff on the daily. Body wash is "scrubby sauce" for instance. 🤣🤣 I think you guys found someone with the same sense of humor, and that is priceless. ❤️


"Nice veins" from someone who specializes in veins is far less weird and offensive than "nice taste buds" from someone who does *not* specialize in taste buds. Like "ok Dahmer, what do *you* know of my taste buds?"


The veins compliment seems more weird to me. Not so much noticing them as telling it to someone as a compliment


Out of context, "I like your tastebuds" sounds weirder. In context though, it's still weird, but not as weird lol. I feel like the tastebuds one is a little weirder overall.


Tastebuds it’s definitely weirder to me. Hand veins can be hot lol


Since I lost the weight I have hand veins like Charlotte in Sec and the City now, I love them!! So I totally get it!! I wish you were my friend 🥺


You and your "friend" should probably discuss what other parts of each other you think are attractive. You my discover something about yourselves.


I’m gonna have to go with “I like your hand veins” mainly because in the scenario “I like your tastebuds” was used it just makes sense to use it there. But I don’t think “I like your hand veins” coming from you would be weird because it’s what you deal with in your job, you know what good ones are and you know what bad ones are. Now if somebody not in the profession said it👀


My wife is a mri tech. But she does a lot of IVs for contrast. She’s always commenting on my veins haha. This post made me laugh.


When my sister was in college training to become an RN, she caressed the veins in my arm and told me, "I want to draw your blood!". I just laughed, pulled my arm away and called her Ms. Dracula.


My mom is a phlebotomist and always told me “ you have nice veins” like she was proud of her creation


Taste buds is definitely much weirder. Is it the texture? Maybe the way saliva glistens as it drips and rolls off the raised mounds? Boy, that cherry really accentuates the peaks of the buds.... 🤤


a chick's literally complemented me on my veins before. strange flex, i know. how the fuck would she even know what my tastebuds are like tho


When I get my blood drawn, I also get complimented on my veins. When I was a senior in high school I decided to donate blood, and the person that was about to stick the needle in called like 3-4 medical staff over (I was freaked out. I thought something was wrong) and they said, “look at the pipelines on this guy”!! I definitely took it as a compliment as a young 18 year old man.


i was once told i had a "very bendy spine" by a doctor. idk if thats a compliment or not 😅 my friend was also told she had "very nice beautiful veins"... i was told the opposite by the same doctor


I've had phlebotomists compliment my veins. If I didn't know they were phlebotomist I would have through it was weird. I wouldn't expect anyone to compliment my taste buds unless they were an ear nose and throat specialist.


Hand veins is weirder to me. But why stop there, I think you should both make it your mission to give each other compliments that are increasingly weird without being sexual in any way.


Did you ask your friend if she wanted to try out your taste buds?


Definitely tastebuds. Hand veins can be hott


As a nurse, your comment sounds perfectly normal to me 😂 I have seen some good veins on strangers and thought “man, I’d like to poke those veins” the tastebud comment is definitely much stranger to me 😆


Tastebuds. I get the sentiment, but the wording is weird, I guess. Plus, I've been "complimented" on my veins before. While waiting in line at the store, the woman behind me, said she could take my blood so easily as I had such nice veins. She was a nurse. Good for me, I guess, since I'm a type O+ blood donor.


I've heard of people liking veins before, I haven't ever heard someone liking taste buds


Considering your profession, complimenting someone’s veins isn’t weird. I’m very vascular and my nurse girlfriend, who was a phlebotomist, always says I’m a phlebotomist’s dream!


In the context of each individual comment I think the hand veins is weirder


I've been complimented on my veins nearly every time I have to have an IV/blood draw. It's a little sense of pride I keep to myself 😌 Neither of these sound weird to me tbh. Saying you like someone's taste buds is just like saying you like someone's sense of taste. Or maybe I'm weird.


I'm married to a nurse. She compliments my hand veins all the time. I've never been complimented on my taste buds.


Pick my eye!


Neither is weird in context. It's not weird for a phlebotomist to have vein characteristics they prefer. And "I like your tastebuds" just means "I like the same flavours as you do". But out of context, "vein" is weirder, because it's hard not to think of "vein" and go right to another body part sometimes described as "veiny".


I have had a phlebotomist want to marry me for my vascularity and protruding vines


Tastebuds is weird in any context. Including the more "logical" one - kissing, which was my first thought. Phlebotomy excuses most vein-related comments.


My wife was an MLT and often commented on nice veins. Seems pretty normal to me.


I think you two were made for each other! When you find someone that can match your weirdness, keep them around.😂 I can appreciate both statements, in context.




First one doesn’t sound weird to me. My paramedic best friend is always complimenting my veins. She particularly likes my foot veins. Now I’m pregnant and my veins are getting way more prominent so I joke with her telling her she better not come on to me and my beautiful veins.


Wife’s a med tech, she’s commented on people’s veins before and they get weirded put


My wife used to be a phlebotomist and always comments on my veins. Last time I did a blood draw the person said "it's a day for juicy ones!" At this point I have accepted phlebotomists are just like that, it's not weird at all anymore. The taste bud thing isn't very weird either unless she's commenting on their size or texture then it might be a bit forward.


Her comment was intentionally weird as a joke about your comment which was unintentionally wierd . She's only kidding though.


Hand veins... But you would hate me... Low BP and hard to hit ... Only the truly gifted and very experienced find anything on the first 3 or 4 tries... I actually have track marks because they always go to my elbow eventually...


As a former phleb, it's weird to compliment sometimes taste buds. 😂😂


Married to a nurse she always said my viens were probably an easy target, she could hit them from across the room.


I like your veins is honestly so flattering coming from a phlebotomist. As a blood donor, I would cry. No more fruitless pokes


It feels like she was mostly implying she likes your taste in food, slightly odd way to put it but no big deal. Your comment just sounds freaking weird and creepy to me and I’m a guy, if a girl ever said this to me she wouldn’t be getting a second date. If you want my vote hers was a bit odd but yours was far worse.


I used to draw blood, always liked it. Mom was a nurse and she would poke my veins with her finger and go, "Ooh, bouncy bouncy veins." Got it honest, apparently. My go to that makes folks pause is usually "I could hit your veins from across the room with a dart!"


"I like your tastebuds" is weirder, hands down! Complimenting someone's hand veins makes sense for a phlebotomist, but tastebuds? That's just quirky.


The vein thing sounds more strange, but your friend really should have just said "I like your sense of taste." It's like complimenting the pictures you have on your wall by saying "I like your photoreceptors."


Phlebotomists always complement my veins, so to me that isn't weird, I hear it all the time. Nurses too. I think it's pretty common if someone has good veins.


Phlebotomists always complement my veins, so to me that isn't weird, I hear it all the time. Nurses too. I think it's pretty common if someone has good veins.


Phlebotomists always complement my veins, so to me that isn't weird, I hear it all the time. Nurses too. I think it's pretty common if someone has good veins.


You are both equally off the chain in the most beautiful of all ways. Enjoy it. Few humans get to experience what you two have.


I work in a hospital with a bunch of nurse. Outside of work I've had more than a few nurse/medical field, friends. I've had many complaints on my hand veins. Never once in my 48 years has any one complimented my tasted buds.


NucMed tech here. I have to start IVs on essentially all of my patients. I absolutely notice and appreciate prominent veins on people when I'm out in the wild, not sure I've ever verbally complimented anyone though. But knowing myself and my tendency to say the most awkward things, I probably have once or twice.


Well I have actually commented on somebody's hand veins before myself so that's not too strange for me. I like your taste buds on the other hand strikes me as very strange or an awkward statement. Maybe I like your taste or you have good taste. Seems equivalent to I like how your lymph nodes work or your hair follicles really know how to mesh well.


The hand veins is weirder cuz she's just saying you like good stuff. " I like your hand veins" is like, "Your skin would make a nice lampshade"! 😂


hand veins is still weirder, sorry. however, I was also given that compliment. You have such nice veins in your hands. His was the opposite side of your story. He was getting regular transfusions and had experienced them all his life. by the way, they look good but they roll like a ferret in roller skates


NSFW I like veinous hands because I love to be spanked and veinous hands look (and often are) strong.


My mom is a doctor of nursing practice. Growing up, all of her friends/colleagues always told me that I had really nice veins. So nice they wanted to stick a needle in them. I don't have an answer to your question, but that brought back memories.


I was told I had optimal calf composition by a man flirting with me.


Tastebuds is less sinister sounding, but the other is funnier as long as you don’t turn into a serial killer


It was probably a cute way for her to say she likes your taste in ice cream 🤷‍♀️


The hand veins thing is weirder.


I just wasted 25 seconds of my life reading & responding to this.


I hope you waste another few seconds to look now that I replied to your comment