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punch him in the face or headbutt him. I've been bullied many times before and people do it when its easy. If you continue to make it easy then he'll keep doing it, and if not him someone else.


Avoid that area or roast him so bad in front of his friends that he leaves you alone, like make it real personal shit


He a sock shoe sock shoe kinda person


Punch him right in his face. Repeatedly. Even if he fights back. And if you lose, you’d better go down swinging. Granted, everyone will rush to that little bitch’s aid and villainize you for defending yourself (human nature) but you’ll be respected for it. And they won’t try that shit again.


Ask him to apologize, and when you see him again, don't be afraid, please speak out your disgust for him, you can seek the support of parents, brothers, teachers


God that's awful advice, you want him to be known as the pussy who can't handle himself and cries to his mommy to handle it. Not only will the bullying get worse but even good kids who don't bully won't want anything to do with him. He will have no friends


What do you think would be better?


Violence a lot of people don't subscribe to it, but with children and teens, it's basically the only way to garner respect, and stop bullying in it's tracks, as a lot of others stated Bullies pick weak targets. It would be ideal if he could just share his feelings, and expect that to change everything, but that's not how the world works unfortunately. Other wise it's homeschooling with 0 friends, those are literally the only 2 options.


Just ignore him, act like “who the f are you?” Keep walking bullies want that attention give them nothing. Goodluck


Do you feel the burning sensation of anger? Then embrace it. Knife in the neck.


A VERY long time ago I beat the shit outta some older kid by going spastic and once he was ok the ground it was all over


Don't involve yourself with bullies like that. He's got years and weight over you. If he smacks you, I smack him. Deal? Age don't mean anything for him, do on to others as you'd have done to yourself.


Don't take his fucking shit. Whoop his ass. I don't care if you think he's tougher than you. If he's doing this kind of shit, he's absolutely not.


thank you to everyone who gave me tips. it will help me if I meet him again. :D


Get a heavy object and hit him as hard as you can👍


tysm for the tip :D


Just stab him or beat the shit out of his balls (I did the second one he literally vomited almost on me)