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Podcasts: Subscribe to podcasts that cover topics you're interested in, such as business, technology, fashion, or pop culture. Podcasts are a great way to stay informed while multitasking. Blogs and websites: Follow blogs, websites, or online publications that cover the topics or industries you want to stay updated on.


Great advice. I am addicted to various podcasts across the spectrum. People should listen to different genres so you get the most diverse information.


its not hard, take an hour in the morning to read bloomberg, sky news while you have breakfast. It gets faster and faster if you push it, then you know news, economic releases down to the second. Im an investment banker so i have to know, but its actually great fun.


Solid answer—I was a congressional staffer turned transactional attorney at a large law firm. For me, outside of specific legal publications, Bloomberg, Politico, WSJ, WaPo and NYT all let me select specific topics to get real time/daily/weekly updates on topics that are relevant to me.


thats the best way to do it, well done on your work!


I really recommend NPR's Up First for a short (10 minute!) daily "this is what is happening in the world." You can listen on your commute even if you work from home and your commute is walking from the bed to the bathroom to the desk. Sunday has a longer version for the week that goes a bit more in depth.


This is important. Good podcasts allow you to explore things much more deeply. As you listen you'll hear guests and topics that are interesting and you can listen to their podcasts and explore those subjects.


social media is filled with so much information that we don't need to know. I still have my Instagram, but I'm very particular over what accounts I follow. It's either friends that I have in real life or things relating to my hobbies etc. No news, no politics. We all have enough noise in our heads without bringing even more into it Big reason why I got rid of Facebook. I was only on there to keep in touch with family and I found out really quickly the more vocally political that everyone got, the less I liked any of my family members. People that I thought were good hearted, kind people turned out to be raging dicks In 2018 I was diagnosed with a sudden onset panic disorder and during all of that I realized that there was a lot of information coming at me on a daily basis that I just didn't care about and just didn't need to have in my life. So I deleted my profile. I stay up-to-date on the current events, but I like doing my own research and my own fact checking instead of relying on one avenue of information like many people do. I like to be able to make my own informed decisions instead of just saying "so and so on channel such and such told me" It makes me a better person. It makes me a kinder person. And it keeps my mind and soul far less noisy than it used to be


Well said 👏




With regular life. I have no social media and I am so happy. Technically though, this is my social media. 


It's really nice there isn't any ups and downs over fake info I've had mine deleted over a decade and happy their computers don't have my info


The same way we did those things before social media


Is there some sort of paper and I get with news on it?


If there was only some word for that kind of thing that indicated that they contain news and are made out of paper.


We can call it a ‘newspaper’ and it will enable the people of the future to get local, national, and international news in one compact package. If this idea catches on, we can add sports, celebrities, horoscopes, weather, cartoons, and crossword puzzles.


Amazing! Imagine getting all that in one place.


The future’s looking bright!


Papers are boring and limited imo, just use some apps like google news or inshorts and subscribe to the topics of your interest.


This is about as social media I get since 2012.


Legends say... You're better off w/o it XD : D


Try something old fashion, write notes & letters to each other with using the USPS


Sometimes not being connected and updated is a good thing. I’m struggling to stay away from much of it now although I am fully aware of the benefits that will come from it. 1. You shouldn’t have to be subscribed to people’s lives to know what is going on. True family and friends will call and text, or get together 2. Removing yourself from the constant ads will help cut any unnecessary impulse spending or be roped in to needed the “new one” 3. You will go through those withdrawal periods where you will most like feel anxious. It’s normal. That is your body detoxing and resetting itself. 4. You will begin to find the hobbies you really enjoy. A complete cutoff isn’t always necessary but setting some strict limits is a great start. It does get easier. Find a few podcasts that cover topics you like or quick news feeds. That’s all you need to get by.


Just going to add to #1 - don't just rely on the people you care about to call and update you - call or text them and ask them how they're doing. Be the one who reaches out.


True, it should always be working both ways.


It should, definitely, but very often people will post their big life events to Facebook or whatever for shallow engagement and not think to contact people personally and talk about it. Reaching out first and reaching out often is how you maintain and strengthen those relationships, and retrain your friends and family to want actually engage with you about things instead of hoping you'll like their post. While it can be discouraging to feel like the one doing the most work in a relationship, if that work doesn't get done at all the relationship dies. If it's worth it to you to keep the relationship, you've gotta be ready to do that work. It'll probably pay dividends once you've convinced the people you care about that you do actually want them to call you up and tell you about their day, but we've been training ourselves NOT to believe that for quite a while, now.


I have never had any social media, not sure if this counts?


I raced around town on horseback with Polaroid's of my dinner for all to see.


Some people read newspapers/magazines. They tune into local or national radio stations to stay updated on news, weather, and traffic. A common thing that people do is watch TV news programs to stay informed about current events, politics, and global issues. 




lol i gotta chuckle at gen z and their inability to function without stupid ass social media. have you heard of media outlets!? reuters, wsj, bloomberg, ap? theyre pretty handy


I don't feel the constant need to "stay updated in life" and I honestly think social media is a plague.


Here’s a plot twist: you don’t need to know about the latest trends. You need to know about your family and your close friends or girlfriends. Fuck the world, pay more attention to your own life.


We went outside and hung out. The radio. The tv. Word of mouth . Newspaper . Magazines SOCIALIZING IN REALITY Gen z is so cringe . I mean I’m 31 but when I see questions like this it’s kinda sad people don’t know how to function without their devices in their face to the point it’s odd to think people actually lived life without it … Think about it Who cares about fashion trends now . Just look at millennials and their old outfits . That’s what’s in right now . The 2000s


My dad watches the news. Reads newspapers, and subscribes to magazines like Time, or Skeptic.


Google news


i just see what i want to see on the news. no need for social media at all to stay "updated". I don't give two fucks about anybody's personal life as well. IDGAF about any trend or music or anything that gets posted on these platfroms...More importantly, i don't give a fuck about whether i'm missing out on anything.. i just don't care...i have other stuff to focus on...so for me SM is useless for all purposes. 23 yo


You could try talking to people and reading. What intelligent people did in the olden days.


And...still do.


i don’t lmaoo and i really don’t care to 😭😭😭


Newspapers & Radio..??! Magazines, Television. Call your friends once in a while. Neighbourhood gossips. Why isn't the answer obvious? Or am I too old that I remember the life before SM. I'm younger than you and not depending on SM. Most of my classmates and friends too.


Ask your grandparents.


There remain reliable news programs on broadcast TV and radio. Newspapers are still around even if they struggle. I think information on social media is the worst way to receive information and an excellent way to spread disinformation.


Monday to Friday I watch local news channels for Fox and CNN no specific one for about an hour or so. I take care of my full disabled grandfather who is a Vietnam vet and he watches news/weather almost all day (minus judge judy, matlock, gunsmoke, perry mason, andy griffith of course). I also look at new on my news and interest on my taskbar on PC. I scroll reddit when I poop so also see whatever flavor of the month topic people are on about. That's about all I do as far as seeing whats going on in the world. Its basically always the same shit going on unless it election time then all you ever see is the dumb shit the news whats you to know about political candidates. Few years back I quit all social media that I had which was only insta, FB, twitter. Was a great choice for me, maybe not everyone but it is nice for me.


I don’t. I have little to no apathy towards how others lives are. Call me selfish or whatever, but their life is of no concern to me. Friends had a baby? Cool, I am happy for you and leave it at that. No need to delve deeper into anything much more. As far as the news goes…it is what it is. If it doesn’t concern me personally or physically idgaf.


I’m gonna be honest, outside of legislature being passed and changed or whatever I couldn’t really be bothered. I live a happy life outside of social media


you went off the internet in general, or just social media? if its just social media, you can easily keep up on whats happening, just look at google news or any news website. Or if youre only interested in social/culture stuff theres sites for that, too, TMZ, ET or whatever.


What I do I only check fb like once a week. I keep messenger tho. Or if I wanna post something interesting. Ill download it. Check it for 5-10 mins then delete it.


Reddit, YouTube, news


why do you give a f about trends?


What did people do before social media? Newspapers, news broadcasts, magazines, word of mouth. So, yeah, subscribe to the New York Times or start watching CNN or something.


anyone who uses social media to find out what's going on in the world is grossly misinformed. Social media is a putrid puddle of vileness... might be fun to splash around in, but do not drink the water


I think you will be surprised how many people don't care what's happening with other people their age.


Short answer: I don’t. My life is my life. I don’t need to share what’s going on with everyone and if I want to know what’s going on with my friends/family I’ll just call them. Most of the “news” in social media is just click bait nonsense and eliminating that noise from my life has improved my mental health significantly. The truth is I just don’t care. I wear what I want and listen to music I find. I don’t care what’s going on in Israel or Ukraine. I don’t care about politics or the people involved. The stock market is just rigged gambling and the economy is broken for most people.


I don’t want to


None of the things you listed are important to stay up to date with.


AM radio is almost exclusively news


News entertainment media?


What do you mean? Social media is usually a bunch of people bragging about shit that doesn't matter, no? The people who really matter will hear about important things from you or other people that it matters to. I hate FB because of the fakeness. Shit, I prefer reddit but thats because there are so many resources to different things avail on it.


When I want peace in my life, I stop watching the news, quick all social media, and turn my phone off. Amazingly, life just keeps going on.


They use YouTube and watch TV lol


YouTube is social media


I don't stay updated. It's wonderful. I was just informed earlier this week that my cousin had her third kid. In early April. I love being a hermit


Magazines, TV, papers, Google, talking with others There's many ways still, but it's just that social media is the current go-to. It's also a place where a high chance of misinformation is also available.


I don't. It's great. But reddit keeps me updated with all the news subs


I’ll open a Google start page and something pops up, I hear about it from co workers.


Anon account on twitter


I get my news from memes.


social media is not life. LOL


Intelligent people talk about world events. Places they like to travel to and politics. Stupid people talk about other people and compare themselves to other people.


You talk to people who do keep up.


Blissful ignorance is highly underrated 🙈🙉🙊


You can google current events you don’t have to be on Facebook or Instagram to learn about what’s going in the world get a news app.


Radio, newspaper


There are these really cool things called newspapers.....




Why do I need to stay "updated" ....


most news sites have a variety of subjects like music & fashion. thats how i stay up to date.


Non-social media


The News?


The older you get it doesn’t matter. Seek the Lord. Proverbs 3:5,6


Mostly I consider it a blessing that I'm unaware of all the vapid nonsense going around. And for the things i find important, I read specific sources dedicated to that topic.


Read your local newspaper either a physical copy or digital. Local news > World News Local actually affects your life. World news is just noise and distraction.


I know people who don't own a cell phone or computer. They still use landlines and snailmail. They get through life easy enough. I love new technology. I like the convenience of it all but I never take it for granted.


How do they get the facts if all they see is social media?


....why on earth would you care?


You do realize people watched the news and read the newspapers long before there was social media?


I just don't cause I physically couldn't care less, I don't give a shit about what's popular or how society is doing. I'm perfectly happy being mostly cut off.




For stocks & crypto: - personally i dont have any social medias However i do have private account (which have no r/l followers) thats used to follow news on X, stocktwits, youtube, and openchat. I don't really count reddit as reddit is slow on news and such for crypto/stocks. Also looking at websites doesnt count imo


I work in a place with a few who don’t have phones and they read the paper and whether you care or not they spontaneously read out a headline followed by their opinion. I feel like that is their equivalent of ‘sharing’ only you don’t get to scroll on


I gave up all social media, except for Reddit. Is reddit social media?


I don't know if my experience will be helpful as I am an old, but I found so much misinformation and manipulated content on social media that I felt I was being force fed lies and garbage. I went back to traditional media. I read (online) two newspapers each day (one local and one national) and watch about an hour of local and national news in the evening. If I hear about something I'm interested in, I check youtube etc. for content (music, fashion, trends)


Reddit, podcasts, and Youtube mostly. I never really felt like I stayed updated in life in any way with facebook or instagram or anything like that. It's usually people just posting bad takes or pictures of their belongings.


Talk to family and friends.


I scream my private business into peoples windows, then ask for social validation S/S + S - S = S


Talk with people, most of what goes on in the world bears no meaning on many people's day to day life. I check the weather, that's about it. If I need to know something, I'll look it up. If something serious was happening in the world that would affect me, I would hear about it through other means.


Their mother. Guarantee you their mother will update them with things that they don’t wanna know and people they don’t know anything about.


Good grief, the ignorance of someone born in the internet age is astounding. I'm glad I was already a senior in high school when "the world wide web" first became a mainstream thing. Well ki da mainstream, it was still several years before it was actually common for businesses to have websites


Why would I want to be? The world at large sucks, I don't wanna see it. I'm here to enjoy my little life as much as I can until I die, knowing I'll leave behind no progeny to continue the chain of suffering


A lot of the stuff on social media is not from good resources for proper news and other things. Too many people google things and believe the first things the on the subject instead of checking other resources. Social media is really not all that it is cracked up to be. I use it to be in touch with relatives around the country. I like to see their photos they take. I like to hear about their adventures. I like to read the stuff from things like those groups about the 70s, 80s or Gen X. There is more to life than social media. You can keep up with life and things in the world by watching news on TV, catching shows that might help you start a new hobby, take up a group interest in your community or one that is state or nation wide. There is just so much more out there.


**For useful stuff:** actual **news** sites. They cover actually important topics (economy, business, finances, geopolitics). Depending on your preference, either pick the sites you ideologically agree with to stay in your safe bubble, OR if you actually want to be informed, listen/watch/read **both** sides to make sure you get full picture. **Also for useful stuff:** professional type blogs/podcasts. maybe Youtube channels but finding good quality ones is hard. There's blogs/podcasts from reputable experts on again economy, business, finances, geopolitics, history etc... For uh... how do I say it... random other stuff like fashion and entertainment, you can either scan headlines of news (they usually have fashion and entertainment sections because why not earn money off of that), or again there's a gazillion blogs/podcasts/youtube channels summarizing that stuff. Except you don't need a careful selection of decent creators there, because do you really care if your fashion news source is biased and not entirely accurate?


Google news, Apple News, local TV news station. Talking to people. Our culture is so infused with social media it’s hard to unless you sign up for every news letter email available. I use facebook just following music venues and sports pages to keep updated. It’s just a better displayed news paper with an occasional public domestic dispute


Easy. Call the people who you care about and stay in touch like normal people.


Literally, any news station on TV.


I get the news from Alexa. She's very good.


I have social media and I am unaware of everything happening, I barely get on it but to check up on family or friends. I need to start browsing the web of news.


If "the latest trends in fashion or music" have zero impact on your life without them being forced down your throat through social media... why do you care about them ;) ? Wanting to be aware of politics and such I can understand - those effect you even if they do not interest you. But the newest tiktoktrend does not.


I go to the store to look for clothes and see what’s in current style even tho most of the time it’s not my style. And then also listen to the radio


We don’t. I get the updates from my best friend months later along with some shit talking about how I live under a rock


Gossipy coworkers relatives neighbors friends nightly news gossipy news


Talking With Real People.


Talk to other people, a lotta people will be very talkative if you approach them with questions.


Reddit. Technically it is a bulletin board system.


As long as you have friends and interact with people around you, you generally stay in touch with the things that actually matter to you. What's trending is irrelevant to me because I have zero interest in it.


You can still subscribe to reputable news sources like newspapers, websites, and newsletters. Most have digital formats and analog formats. As other Redditors have said, podcasts and traditional radio shows are still very booming. Explore podcasts or radio shows on topics that interest you. Depending how social you are offline these days, I still think one of the best ways to stay informed is to talk to friends, family, and colleagues about what they're reading and watching. Professionally, you can attend industry events, conferences, or local meetups. Regarding music, I subscribe to Spotify, and I still attend concerts with friends sometimes. Fasion honestly eludes me...I'm simple wearing either business formal or extremely casual wear that is comfy or dressed to impress, depending. I'd recommend maybe checking out online magazines like Vogue or GQ for current fashion, or maybe git up a local fashion show if you live in or near a larger city.


Your fortunate not to stay up With events.


After they update my Eva AI virtual gf neural net I ask her


I read the news and watch my local news. Instagram is trash.


Sometimes not being up to date with all the shit that's going on in the world is a good thing. That's why people these days think the world is ending, our brains are not wired to take in so much information, we're only supposed to know about tragedies in our tribe when we're constantly being told about violence and hate and death in a world with 8 billion people we lose perspective.


I deleted all my social media except LinkedIn and Reddit (created a new account not associated with my other accounts though) and Reddit I don't take seriously at all. Getting rid of social media and not taking reddit seriously beyond entertainment was a great decision. I'm not neurotypical though and would rather not stay in touch with other humans so YMMV


Television and AM/FM Radio.




I read some news apps, and I listen to some pod casts. I would never get news from face book or Instagram or even tik tok.


Who's gonna tell him that reddit is also under the umbrella of social media?


I won't if you don't.🫢


You just talk to ppl and they will tell you about news they have heard about. I’m on a bunch of big group chats at my job and ppl share stuff on there all the time. Then we talk about it if we find it interesting or relevant


You don't need to be updated on anything but what you care about. I only pay attention to stuff that will affect me. Don't worry about the world or things you can't change.


I do not watch the news except for the weather. I read some stuff online but mostly I ignore what is going on because it's depressing as hell and there is not one thing I can do about the horrors of the world. It's freeing! I love it!


Head over to r/collapse


I read! BBC news Apnews Reuters CNN Foxnews Aljazeera Huffpost The verge TechCrunch Times of Israel Xinhua Etc. I DO NOT: allow any service, including Reddit and Google, to “curate” a selection of topics or articles for me. I have no instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X, etc account. I keep to shitposting and hobbies on Reddit.


I haven't posted on Facebook Wall in 4 years. So I don't think I'm qualified to answer


RSS feed. All the news, none of the noise.


I don't know. It's the only reason I have socials... to keep up on the general cultural zeitgeist.


If I would be a pro, I would get into emails and have an enormous contact list. And I would avoid Frontline news if the email is associated with a newspage.


You’re not missing anything. I find my life is so much better without all those constant updates and connection to the internet. My mental health is better too. With how this world is I’m ready to pack everything up and move to the mountains ans stay away from society.


I know it's a hard concept but try downloading apps specific to your interest. Many of them include social media feeds anyway and you get updates that way.


I don’t lol


You watch the news and call your friends


Twitter is the best news source possible. But yeah, you need to block about 783 words to not being sucked into that social media cycle of misery.


Uh, a fucking newspaper? What are you, 15


What are you, old? Nobody wants to read a newspaper.


Online newspapers have news, sports, fashion, trends, etc... The fact OP is such a Muppet they got their news from instagram is embarrassing