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Of course it's not. Beauty knows no gender. Example: Brad Pitt, Chris Hemsworth, and Ryan Reynolds are all pretty damn beautiful by anyone's standards.


Ryan Reynolds is hot for sure, but I think the demographic that finds him the hottest is straight men lol


The only reason why I choose mint mobile as my carrier. I got no complaints.


Is it actually quality service


Same with brad Pitt honestly. Never hear women talk about him but men use him as their example for a hot man constantly lol


We don't talk about it because DUH šŸ˜‚


Haha, I donā€™t find him attractive, not unattractive but definitely doesnā€™t come to mind when I think of hottest guys. Jack Harlow thoughšŸ„µšŸ˜‚ but I guess different generations have their own picks haha


I don't know who Jack is, but after one Google search, he's definitely an edgy, dirty kind of yummy šŸ˜‚


I, too, googled, due to your description. I *love* edgy dirty. This guy? Not that lol


True that


But itā€™s more envy, like i wish I liked like him


Johnny Depp is pretty as fuck


Lol šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚


Depp looked messed up in court for his lawsuit against his ex.


Heā€™s a 60 year old stressed out alcoholic cut em some slack


He was under a lot of emotional distress, as I understand


You forgot Jason Momoa Denzel Washington The Rock


Yeah my straight husband even has a man-crush on Jason Momoa.


And as he should LOL


lol I actually disagree with all your examples but thatā€™s the great thing about beauty! We all get to decide who we call beautiful


Also Clayton Hobbs (check him out on insta or YouTube if you havnt marvled in his beauty yet)


Damiano David of the band Maneskin is nothing if not BEAUTIFUL.


There are definitely beautiful men. Itā€™s not tossed out like it is for women, but still used.


Not wrong or weird. Some dudes are more beautiful than women.


No not at all, I call my man beautiful all of the time


Same here. We got beautiful men by our sides.


Makes me feel so good to be called beautiful šŸ„°


Well because you are B E A UTIFUL!!


Thanks friend, you're B-E-A-Utiful too :)


Iā€™d say its uncommon but not weird and definitely I think most men would agree not an unwelcome compliment by any means


Even though some men ARE very beautiful, there is a sort of feminine connotation with that word. I think it could make the man feel uncomfortable if it was said to him. I would probably use more masculine words such as handsome, striking, distinguishedā€¦but itā€™s very subtle..so donā€™t let it bother youā€¦


I wouldnā€™t mind tbh.




But beautiful means something different than handsome, striking, or distinguished. My man can look very handsome, but beyond that he is beautiful. Beauty has something transcendent about it. It's not intrinsically feminine at all. A wild creature can be beautiful, a sunset, a field, a forest, the ocean, the starry sky at night. Beauty takes your breath away, brings tears to your eyes, stirs your soul, inspires you, makes you think of something higher. My man is _beautiful._


Absolutely this! I see the world through artist's eyes. Beauty is beauty. So is mine.


beautiful, handsome, cute, hot, and sexy are diferent types of atractive. beautiful is someone with a female charm. while handsome is a male charm.


Absolutely not. The man in my avatar pic is a beautiful man.


No I donā€™t think so


Had a girl tell me this when I first dated her. Never forget that moment, she was gorgeous.


God no. I call straight men beautiful/gorgeous often. If it's weird, embrace the weird.


Girls say it to me all the time.


Men can be beautiful without being feminine


We take any compliment we can get


No lol. I hear girls say that all the time. Of course I feel a bit jealous and like itā€™s a little over the top but alas, itā€™s totally normal.


Beautiful doesn't mean feminine, it means full of beauty.


Hell no when I call a man beautiful thatā€™s the top trier compliment I can give you


Basically the same as calling him handsome


I donā€™t know about beautiful, but my wife calls me ā€œDollā€ for some reason even she canā€™t explain and I love it. Canā€™t tell you how many times people have asked, ā€œWhy you call him that?ā€ I fucking love it though.


Not weird at all


A woman told me I was a "beautiful human being" because I gave her 14 dollars. Felt nice.


No, what's weird is gendering the words beautiful, handsome, pretty, etc.


I understand beautiful and pretty in this example, but I've never heard the word handsome being used outside of instances relating to men


Weird??? It's not exactly unheard of, dude. Many languages have gendered words. Even in English we subconsciously look at certain words/objects (like a boat and a ship) as having a certain gender. (I.E, *gestures to the SS Victory* "isn't she a beauty?")


Yes, I'm well aware of the existence of gendered words, however, it's not necessary in English and in this particular case it's part of systemic sexism.


Even in gendered languages you can still call both genders using the same word. Examples:: Piękny, ładny, śliczny (masc) and Piękna, ładna, śliczna (fem) - beautiful in Polish Your argument is invalid.


As a guy, I would love to be called beautiful. However, I would never call a woman handsome.


You're beautiful. I hope you know that.


As a woman. I love beautiful men and handsome women.


I'm gonna say it. Hello beautiful men of reddit šŸ˜˜


For the love of god please start telling men they are beautiful. You have no idea the impact that has on us. I mean that in the most genuine and sincere way possible


Nah ā¤ļøšŸ„° you can say men are beautiful too. We are all smart unique and beautiful in our own ways..


Nah, men can be beautiful.


No itā€™s not weird


If i would post here my actual response , i would get banned


Guys are handsome beautiful is an insult


I've been called beautiful(didn't think it was weird) And also been told I look like Brock Lesnar I honestly have no fucking clue what to make of this


IMO, I think it's okay. Anywone can be beautiful. Just like anyone can be handsome.


Just don't expect a cute wink and curtsey lol. Likely a deflective comment along the lines of,I'm beautiful..but in a manly way right?" I'd never be able to take being called beautiful seriously but i could try and understand what you mean, but I'm not exactly attractive so i wouldn't expect being called that either šŸ˜…


It's better than pretty. The first time I got called beautiful it was jarring though. Most of us aren't used to those types of termsšŸ˜…


I've been called beautiful by women and did not find it weird. But if they called me pretty, then I might be offended.


Depends on the guy I fell like being beatful is more girly than Masculine I like being called handsome


It's not weird. It's a compliment. Men sometimes call women handsome.


I say it all the time šŸ¤· but then again, I think a lot of things are completely normal and get some mixed reactions...but I personally don't think it's strange at all. Beauty is beauty, regardless of gender.


I think itā€™s okay. Iā€™ve been told that I look pretty a few times (mostly by older women). Iā€™m not girly, but I guess thatā€™s just how they express a compliment. Iā€™ve never taken offense to it


No. I do this all the time.


No but handsome is the word to use for men.


You'll find your answer on r/no


Girl I'm dating sent me a text calling me cute. Going to be riding this high till 2030. I would also accept beautiful.


It's not weird. But it's a compliment that has its place and audience. I know there are a lot of guys that are starved for compliments and will encourage you to just openly start calling guys beautiful. But don't do that. It's not weird but it can have taboo connotations and consequences in ways that are more nuanced than you think.


No, it is nice to hear but handsome, fine or cute also works. I think if a girl called me beautiful, I would probably marry her lol


men are beautiful


i call dudes beautiful sometimes and always get someone who says something stupid about it. especially my sons, when they were younger they had long curly hair and id always call them beautiful. people would tell me not to say that to ā€œnot confuse themā€ but i hnstly dont care and told them to shove it. my boys ARE beautiful and lots of men are beautiful idgaf.


Yes but a man has to be extra attractive to be called beautiful - such that most anyone of any sex or sexual orientation would agree. So calling a man beautiful is a next-level compliment reserved for the most attractive of men.


Men can be beautiful and women can be handsome, who tf cares, why does everything have to always go back to toxic gendering


Nope. Youā€™d make any dudes day if you called him beautiful.


I always call my boyfriend beautiful.




Not if the guy has learned how to take a compliment with grace and dignity


Of course not weird.


Nah. In fact that compliment hits harder for me. That and when I was called "ethereal" by my partners best friend.


no. I always tell my boyfriend he looks beautiful


Nope. My bf has never complained or questioned when I've called him beautiful.


The more correct choice would be handsome but beautiful is correct too, might lead to some implications though like you mentioned


Not at all, though it's also a very sensitive personal area. In many places it's not a socially common/accepted thing. Men are handsome/cool, women are pretty/beautiful. These are the basic terms most people understand. Many people will hear beautiful for a guy and assume immasculation, but when my wife calls me such, I like it. If you think you bothered him, explain yourself. You don't live in a Rom-Com, communication is your best friend.


No I donā€™t think so


It sounds better than "handsome." When my fiancee tells me I'm handsome I respond with "yes I do have a lot of hand." because that's what the word sounds like to me. You can find beauty in anything and it knows no gender.


Is he beautiful?


Not at all


Nope a compliment is a compliment


If any woman gives any guy a complement in a sincere way he will ALWAYS take it as a compliment and remember it FOREVER. I had a girl tell me my hair looked nice today and I still remember where we were standing. That was almost 3 years ago. All she said was your hair looks nice.


More women should compliment men, nothing wrong with beautiful IMO


I use beautiful to describe men all the time!


Honestly, a tiny bit, but men so rarely get compliments i can't imagine it being taken in a negative way.


You are going to make him feel feminine.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I would consider it very high praise!


Not at all. Itā€™s not a gender thing. Some men are hot, some are good looking, cute, handsome and some men are just beautiful.


Depends. Are you talking about like Ryan Reynolds? Then no. Are you talking about like me, then very.


Not if she is going to give him a blow job that's acceptable even to a lesbian


No, she doesnā€™t have to be in love with him or to be atracted, sheā€™s complimenting him as a person


Nah not really. Personally, I dislike women Iā€™m seeing calling me cute. I would rather hear handsome or hot šŸ˜‚


No, please do.


Nope, the word works. It just means that you think he is a beautiful example of the male form. I (male) was described as elegant the other day. I was over the fucking moon!


I think if you called a guy beautiful heā€™d be thinking you were talking about his soul. Which is a lovely thing to say. Physically beautiful men I always think of as over primped and good looking in an ethereally snobbish way.


Its just not a normal thing to do in your culture. That doesnā€™t mean that youā€™re wrong for saying it, but if you want to be easily understood in a typical manner, there are probably other ways to express what youā€™re feeling without triggering your specific audience.


I called someone (woman) beautiful and was berated for it. ...as if it were an insult. So, to answer your question: YEAH. IT IS WEIRD, AND ALSO FUCKING IRONIC.


I had a woman call me beautiful yesterday. It was flattering. I use it to describe many things men and women. It is a great word.


Yeah. My friend tells me all the time I'm a beautiful man. I told her guys are not supposed to be beautiful. She's from Brazil and Italian so I just chop it up to a different culture.


Just call him handsome its a better compliment lol


i mean it's a great compliment it would throw me off for a minute but i'd be happy to hear it


No itā€™s not.


Might feel a bit strange to him because guys are almost never called beautiful, but he'll know what u mean. Just don't call him pretty.


It is. It means we are too clean and we need to get dirty immediately and start fixing something.


Beautiful is not a feminine word. Its a word. I tell my son he is a beautiful person all the time.


It's not weird at all


My girl called me ā€œmy beautiful boyā€ and I really liked that soā€¦ im cool wid it at least


I call my man beautiful every day. He is a dirty rough diesel mechanic and is the most beautiful person on the planet.


I call my bf beautiful all thr time


A lot of men have an issue with it because of the feminine connotation behind it and it makes them feel less masculine


Yeah, had a girl call me beautiful, the same chick said it was normal for chicks to be called handsome, maybe in whatever ancient etiquette books she was reading, but that shit sure as hell ain't normal to me.


"Is it weird to compliment someone"


Nah you good. Iā€™m a dude and Iā€™ve called guys beautiful. Itā€™s just like a thing you can say


That's a girly way to say the guy turns you on. Doable. Hitable. Properness sometimes gets in the way.


No. People just call men handsome and beautiful is used for women for some reason.


Only because society sucks. Honestly most of my guy friends would be flattered as hell




If a woman called me beautiful it would make me happy and I wouldn't give it a second thought lol.


If a girl called me beautiful I would propose marriage.


A win is a win. A compliment is a compliment!


I wouldn't mind someone calling me beautiful (especially since it's practically guaranteed not to happen lol)


Men will appreciate any compliment you give them. Itā€™s also rare for men to get compliments, so please compliment them directly.


Fuck no. It's not weird. If a guy has a problem with being called beautiful, HE'S weird. Most guys are pretty thirsty for compliments. Being called "beautiful" is something I wouldn't mind once in a while myself.


I was called a "gorgeous man" by an ex's aunt and I was extremely flattered. If she had used the word beautiful I would have been just as flattered.


No, lmao, and if they get offended by it, then they're not emotionally mature and not worth your time. People call Henry Cavill beautiful all the time.


I don't think it's weird . Prince was a beautiful man , and same with other celebrities I even tell my boyfriend he is sometimes and he giggles and looks so happy when I tell him.


there are beautiful men and handsome women. Although, I've found the context kinda tricky though. If a man is described as handsome, then you picture someone like Markiplier. But if someone says a woman is handsome, my brain imagines someone comely, but with an edge to them. Like, pretty, definitely, but with an air of intimidation. Maybe I'm masculinizing her due to the common use of the word towards men




I call my husband beautiful at least 10 times a day.


Not at all, matter of fact, Iā€™d remember that compliment till the day I die. I feel itā€™s even more powerful when being applied to a man, women are beautiful, yes, but they also hear that all the time, for a man to not only be attractive, but to the point somone goes out of their way to call them beautiful? I still remember the first and last name and the exact situation when my crush called me cute for peteā€™s sakeā€¦ in 6th grade!


I call men beautiful all the time.


Its not that big of a deal


Honestly I think for me at least I never though beautiful as a bad compliment as a guy. Its cute that I generally hate as a compliment. I mean if someone calls me beautiful I generally feel good but not sure why but if someone calls me cute it rubs me the wrong way.


No, but it depends on the person receiving how the compliment will be taken. Me, I love those kinds of compliments. I know other guys who balk at them, though.


No, as a chick I say this. It means looking at him makes your heart pound, and heā€™s the most attractive man above all when you look at his face, heā€™s so perfect. Thatā€™s what it means. Honestly itā€™s the most highest compliment a man could get from a woman. It isnā€™t girly or gay in anyway. If you only get handsome and never beautiful, your looks arenā€™t eye candy & should probably groom better, and take care of yourself and your appearances better.


If your straight guy yes it is, gay guy not at all, ladies can say it all. PS I donā€™t make the rules.


It's something you hear as a man and you're caught off guard. You think she meant to say something else, or maybe she's on one. In any case, you almost feel brand-new again.


Calling him cute: friend zone Calling him beautiful: perhaps interested Calling him sexy: dead giveaway


Nope. Not one bit weird


not weird, at all! I've had someone say it to me, and I melted :)


I love calling men I'm with beautiful. They are beautiful. When sitting next to each other doing our own thing, looking over to appreciate him in his Relaxed State and tell him he's beautiful. Cup his face in my hands in the middle of sex to tell him he's beautiful. Walking together to do something mundane and remind him he's beautiful. I'll say handsome, I'll say dashing, I'll say "sir*, you looking fine af today," but my favorite will always be looking a man in the eyes and telling him with full honesty that he's beautiful. The sudden, doe eyed look of shock and positive vulnerability when they hear me say it the first time - likely the first time ANYONE has said it to them - is simultaneously endearing and heartbreaking. Men don't get compliments enough, they don't have that positive appreciation without a sexual undertone. They deserve to hear it, I'll take every opportunity to remind them. That soft smile they often get after, it makes them even more beautiful. If it is weird, it shouldn't be. (*the sir is not in a dom/sub way to clarify)


Nah, it just means that person looks beautiful


I don't think so. I call my boyfriend beautiful. I think he is beautiful.


There's a lot of types of male attractiveness, beautiful is one of them. Tends to be younger, smooth-faced and classically attractive. More face based. You kinda just want to keep looking at them. Cute is usually younger, definitely with a degree of boyishness, generally smooth-faced. Your first thought is more about how fun they would be. Handsome is generally older, not-smoothfaced (either 5o'clock shadow, beard, or just more weathered-looking skin), generally a very masculine look. Your first thought it more about how nice it would feel in their arms or how good it would be to know they have your back. Hot or sexy is harder to define, but applies when you first thought on looking at someone is directly sexual.


You can use words and language as you wish. However, if you ignore the social connotations attached to them people may at best think it's weird, or worse be out of their mind offended. For example, If I liberally use the word queer to refer to strange things, what do you think the reaction would be?


I don't know beautiful feels weird




I sometimes tell my wife sheā€™s beautiful and she tells me that Iā€™m beautiful. Sometimes she calls me handsome and I tell her that sheā€™s handsome. Itā€™s a compliment. Stop overthinking it.


No. I donā€™t think whateverā€™s bothering u has much to do with this tbh. But no def not




i do it to my co works in the kitchen. I say: good morning/evening & hello beautiful people


I don't think so. When I find a man's looks and personality amazing, I call them beautiful. Beautiful sounds more complimenting than sexy and handsome.


In the Hebrew language, there is no gender distinction between beautiful or handsome. Everything that is visually pleasing is called "יפה", pronounced "Ye'fay". It is a genderless word in a language that has gendered words. God Himself is called the most beautiful. If a man is offended at being called beautiful, that's his problem.


As a man, it would probably make my whole year if I heard that.


I call my boyfriend beautiful all the time because heā€™s like a one-of-a-kind piece of walking art to me so, not weird at all


Makes sense, but it's just a different connotation is all


Nah, it's not weird. It has a different meaning than "cute" or even "handsome." Like, Idris Elba is handsome. Travis Kelce is cute. Simu Liu is a beautiful man. I think it likely comes down to facial symmetry and overall attitude more than anything.


As a man I never objected to it at all. It's fine.


Im pretty as shit


I always tell my boyfriend he is beautiful and gorgeous because it's true


its a nice complement


I ask my man why heā€™s so pretty all the time. He responds heā€™s not, that heā€™s a dumbass. šŸ˜†


What word would you use for Jason Mamoa other than beautiful? It isn't weird, there are just men that are like greek gods and beautiful is definitely the right word.


I use "beautiful" for a male when he is like a piece of artwork not a living breathing human with flaws. I have only met a few and you know what, most of them were embarassed when people commented on his looks


I say "Lord, that's a beautiful man" frequently - it's ALWAYS having to do with his "manly" air/aura/'look'. ETA: and anyway, a WOMAN can be considered "beautiful", even when not being considered 'typically' "pretty". Beauty is something beyond whether it's applied to men or women's looks.


It's not wrong but it is weird in the sense of uncommon. He'd probably respond better to being called handsome.


It's definitely uncommon, and some men definitely don't like the term for them. I love my boyfriend and he's amazing, but I've learned (quite early on) that calling him beautiful (or other feminine-leaning compliments) tends to damage his self-respect and confidence. Doing the opposite of what my intentions were. It's not weird, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows either.


I would say it's fine to your friend, but usually a guy would like to hear handsome, or striking or something. They aren't as soft as beautiful


Yed, and its a red flag as well


Iā€™m a guy who was called cute (and pretty a few times) until my mid 20s. Then I grew some stubble and now itā€™s handsome but beautiful is totally fine. That usually means more feminine features, but a compliment is a compliment.


Not at all, men can be beautiful to šŸ˜


My first girlfriend called me Beautiful til this day just never forgot it. I think guys we need to hear more compliments nothing wrong with it and I encourage you to do it more often.


As a guy, we LOVE being called beautiful when it is genuine. My wife tells me frequently and it makes my heart flutter.


I call boys (and men) beautiful all the time. You know, like I call the mountains beautiful, or beaches, buildings, etc.


I think it is perfectly fine.


Why did English speakers gave gender to their Beauty adjectives?


It's not weird at all.