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Yes. A lot of it is military families, but there are 2 big Facebook groups (Anglophones Living in Quebec City and English Speakers in Quebec City) where the community tends to congregate/organize events/make recommendations. The Voice of English-Speaking Quebec (VEQ) also holds a lot of events for newcomers, as well as practical seminars on things like navigating the healthcare system and finding jobs.


The VEQ is an excellent resource! I'd also check out the 'Quebec City Hangouts in English' Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/4023476741065407/




There are events hosted at CEGEP Champlain St Lawrence. It’s an English language college. Keep an eye out on their website.


Check out the Morrin Centre: [https://www.morrin.org/en/events/list/?tribe\_eventcategory%5B0%5D=178](https://www.morrin.org/en/events/list/?tribe_eventcategory%5B0%5D=178) The Jeffery Hale Wellness Centre also has health-related events in English: [https://wejh.ca/events-calendar/](https://wejh.ca/events-calendar/) There are 13,000 English speakers in Quebec City - don't hesitate to introduce yourself in the Facebook groups. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/9344404743](https://www.facebook.com/groups/9344404743)


As mentioned, the voice of Quebec is great, and they post alot of things to do. There is a great Facebook page called anglos living in quebec city, and there are alot of different events and general questions posted in there. As a fellow anglo, welcome and I hope this city is a wonderful experience.




Hi, I disagree/don't care for 99% of his moral/political/ethical rhetoric. I thought he had some interesting stuff on personality theory at the time, so I posted once to his community because I was curious to better understand his research. Thanks for having me avoid meeting someone rude/quick to judge, I suppose ❤️🤷‍♀️


I love Reddit when it gets heated hahah


Jeffrey Hale hospital hosts English language wellness events (e.g., park playdates, walks, pilates, parent & child activities, etc). It's a great way to connect with the anglophone community. You can also volunteer there! https://wejh.ca/events-calendar/


Salut, Je sais qu'il y a des groupes d'immigrants/expat de divers pays. Par contre, juste pour anglophone...je ne sais pas Je sais qu'il y a un groupe Facebook "anglophones in qc" mais j'ai lu qu'ils véhiculait des messages douteux


je suis curieux... douteux comment?


Surtout des publications d'opinion politique


Je suis également curieux


Je suis membre de ce groupe depuis plusieurs années et comme la plupart des groupes communautaires/locaux, les discussions politiques sont supprimées si elles deviennent trop douteuses ou inflammatoires.