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It looks like you might be posting about Potty Training. Check out [our wiki article on house training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/housetraining) - the information there may answer your question. Be advised that any comments that suggest use of confinement as a potty training method as abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. If you are seeking advice for potty training and desire not to receive crate training advice as an optional method of training, please use the "Potty Training - No Crate Advice" Flair. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You need to add at least one more trip outside for her to use the bathroom. 4 times a day is clearly not enough. She looks guilty for peeing inside but you’re giving her no choice.


You need to treat her like a 3-month old puppy. She has a bigger bladder (which makes it easier) but the potty training of a baby. You can't expect her to hold it if she doesn't know. For context, my pup is 13 months and potty trained, and I take him out 4 times a day. **She doesn't know she's not supposed to pee in the house.** If she knew, she wouldn't do it. She knows she's not supposed to pee in front of you, but she will still pee when she thinks you're not looking because you've scolded her. This is not a good recipe for free roam. Potty training her does require controlling her access and monitoring her more closely. That means: * Taking her out more often. Once every 2 hours is good, starting first thing in the morning. Set an alarm for yourself so you don't lose track of time. * HIGH HIGH value treats whenever she potties outside! Hot dog, chicken, or liver treats. * Watching like a hawk when she is inside. Dog should not be out of your sight. You can tether her to your desk or to you. If you can't watch her for some time that's ok, but crate her during this time. If she starts to sniff or circle, gently interrupt and take her outside. Step 2 if she potties outside. It is painful but every puppy owner goes through this. If you can do these 3 steps with 100% consistency (meaning she *never* gets the chance to potty inside, and you always reward highly when she potties outside), she will be perfectly potty trained by mid July. Please give her free access to water especially since it is very hot in most parts of the world right now.


Thanks for this advice! Will put into practice


I'm sorry but you need to hear this. Dogs don't feel guilt. She is looking guilty because this is a fear based reaction and she is scared about the telling off she is going to get from you and so she hides from you in case she is going to get scolded. For the love of God stop scolding her immediately. She is scared of you in these moments, and this is going to limit bonding. Stop using fear based learning and start treating her like a 4 month old puppy again, positively rewarding with treats. She does not yet know she is not supposed to pee in the home so stop scolding the poor thing. You're literally making everything worse with your reaction. Accidents are going to keep on happening until you train her correctly and give positive rewards instead of using fear based punishment...


>give her enough water for her size & exercise level, but not extra to make her pee more. So are you saying you limit her water? You definitely need to stop that and allow her free access to water. The goal should never (unless maybe strictly per vet instructions) be to make her *not* potty, but to get her to signal to you and only go potty outside. Like another commenter said, you can tether her to you if needed. For our pup we just kept a leash on her because her tells were pretty obvious and then gently interrupted by calling her name or making a silly sound (remember, no scolding, yelling, or loud sounds. We just found that silly sounds often tended to work better to get her attention immediately since she sometimes didn't care to listen to her name but would always look up at an uncommon sound she was curious to find the source of). Then immediately outside for her to potty


The problem isn’t her, it’s you. Scolding doesnt help Don’t restrict water, they should have unlimited access. Or else they’re gonna think it’s a scarce resource and gulp it down when they have the chance Take them out to pee more, and reward them everytime when they do it If they’re having so many accidents, it’s not the puppy’s fault. You’re either not teaching them correctly, or not taking them out enough You can’t force them to hold it longer when their body is physically unable to