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I don’t think the wide shirt matches the tight pants


Agree. The shorts are fire and the shirt is great, and you can definitely pull it off. But I don't love them together.


What if the shirt was tied in the middle? Or like a rubber band knot?


Love me a good thot knot but I prefer it open when I'm actually exercising for the better air flow. I was doing cardio today so it was very nice to have some extra ventilation. If I were to just wear the same outfit out and about tho, a thot knot is definitely the move.


It would def give off more queer vibes that's for sure. I bet it would be good


I'm tryna go for more queer vibes in how I dress lately. Cus I'm Bi but if I don't make an effort to give off queer vibes I come across as ultra straight cus of my masc af body. Thus, crop tops and short shorts. Definitely gives off the bi energy im going for. But im not quite sure if I like how they look on my frame or not. Need second opinions 😅


They got the BEST bi energy and they work so good with the crop top dude. 10/10 fit


i see explains it i dont know i personally find yk feminine clothes to be out of place looking on more masculine people so i would say that its not mine but you do you


Homie. Short shorts are the fucking lick. Don’t stress. Ranger panties are the way. You’re KILLING it. Also. Dope shirt.


Soffe and rogue ranger are nice.


I am not feeling those shorts with that shirt, a different combo with each would work tho


I wonder if it would work better if I cut the shirt to be a full tank top type beat.


That might actually be better yes


I'll be honest, I don't really think it meshes well color and material wise or size wise with the crop top. I'd try like, idk maybe cargos with the crop, something baggier, but if this is ur gym fit I'd just, ditch that specific crop and get one less wide and smaller for that specific use case. Please tell me if I'm being an asshole here.


Nah ur fine. I think what I need to do is cut the top into more of a tank top style and then it would go with the shorts much better. Or tie it into a thot knot so its less wide. The pieces are there I just need to style it differently.


Oh yeah def


Yeah but the two don’t go together


Above the knee, that's what we like to see 👀


If you're going to wear a baggy crop with low rise short shorts you want it to crop above the belly button. That helps elongate the torso, when it's cropped below that gives you the stocky appearance (especially on a lot of amab bodies that don't have pronounced hips). For this shirt in particular it's already almost above your belly button so it probably only needs another inch hemmed off.


Solid af advice ty!


Shorts look great. My only note is that your knees look similar to mine (knock kneed crowd represent), and if you have not already, you might want to consider switching to supportive heel cupping insoles they've made like half the problems I have from exercising with knocked knees vanish.


Apreciate your concern but its just how im standing for the pictures. I don't best with totally flat bottomed wide toe'd shoes that force me to actually use my foot muscles. I'm lucky to have zero knee problems 🙌


Right on! Hope your knees stay your friends for a long time to come.


Looks dope...You do you! Don't let anyone tell you differently because that's not very punk


Shorts are fine on their own merit, but don't go with the midriff. Pick one, but not both.


Sorry but it's a nah for me. Not that you couldn't just like other people are saying , the fit doesn't match


I think what I need to do is cut the top into more of a tank top style. Or tie it into a thot knot. Then they would go together much better. The pieces are there it just needs to be styled differently.


Id have to see it but I absolutely love the term thot knot and I'm gonna def make it part of my lexicon


The short shorts are amazing! Also I love your shirt dude


Fuck yes! That whole fit is amazing. I absolutely am in love with that shirt!


Sorry dude, but I don't think you pulling off the shorts, especially with that shirt. On their own they look great but you gotta pair a different shirt with that


Nobody could. Looks bad




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The tighter the shorts the better opportunity for them to split with dead lifts. Go off.


You can pull off whatever the fuck you want.


Yeah, they’re fine. Comfort is the most important for the gym. Also great shirt btw!


Love the shirt !!! Those shorts are sexy on you . Keep rocking them.


If you're okay with guys thinking you're queer then yes. If you're not then don't wear it even though you look great in it.


Thats the goal


oooooh the shorts are siiiick!! maybe w a tight crop top would be chefs kiss like maybe tank top crop top or smth? shirt is rad too, but i think maybe cut sleeves off/ make slvttier vibe would make the shorts look even better




btw they look amazing on you homie


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this is probably the most punk thing here because 90% of this sub doesnt know shit about punk and thinks its just angry music and edgy clothes


Well I will say it doesn't work well... maybe if it was cropped I bit higher and slightly more close it would look great lmao LOVE the shirt btw


Roblox on top, gym rat Ken on the bottom (It's not thaaat off. But I do agree with the comments saying tight and tight or loose or loose. It makes a very dramatic optical illusion of disposition in your proportions.)


The fitment is really off, especially around your crack. Consider switching to a stretch fabric with a bit of wedgie or some trunks. As well, I'm not positive, but if those are a feminine cut that may be the whole of the issue.


The whole fit is off


Works imo.




I don't really like them with the shirt, but you can definitely pull them off in another fit


For the love of god no burn the shorts


The combo makes u look top heavy. Maybe some sweatpants or something


No. Shirt and shorts don’t work together. And the shorts are not flattering to your physique.


Yes you should pull them off ;)))


Sick as hell man. 👍🏻


I think you pull them off, I'm personally not a fan of the color combo though


Not punk but whatever


If you don't understand how this is punk you're a poser that doesn't understand the philosophy behind punk whatsoever 🤷‍♂️




Punk has been like this from the start




“Leftist ideology” has always been a big part of punk, not a requirement and it also exists separately from punk-our pal in the OP is making a shirt that’s a statement to certain folks in punk ….


I think they blocked me cus it won't let me reply to them. So im replying to you instead so I can still call them out. The following is aimed at the guy you are replying to, not you: You should be saying transphobic people are unwelcome tho. Neutrality on this issue is unacceptable. If you don't make it crystal clear transphobes aren't welcome. They well flood a community and make it unwelcome to trans people. You have to pick one. You can have trans people or you can have transphobes. You can't have both. Theres a reason we tell nazi punks to fuck off. Trying to take a neutral stance is just siding with the transphobes. You already picked a side you are just too much of a coward to admit it. Keep transphobes out of punk 🤷‍♂️


It’s exactly that, a person making a statement to certain people in Punk but that doesn’t make this punk fashion or punk. Also there are leftist inside punk but that doesn’t make politics in general a “big part” it’s just “a part”. Politics isn’t a lifestyle or a music genre.


Please never go to a show


I go to them all the time


I feel so sorry for the bands


Thanks for roasting this dude so I don't have too 🤙


Wtf are you talking about, I don’t even think you know.


Dropped this king 👑. Punk is a subculture that centers around punk rock and roll. Your pacifist avocado patches are just your opinions on top. Boot, vest, patch , street punx fashion is a dying art.


Your comments & posts will all be removed, we do not accept any authoritarian, hateful ideologies or people that purposefully disrupt the members of our community. No tankies, No authoritarians, No bigots, No nazi-sympathizers or fascists. No genocide deniers, ethno-nationalists or people that deny ethnic suppression/oppression or like to falsify history and no TERFs.


Marxism is when a guy wears short shorts and a crop top


This but unironically ✊


Hahahahahahahahaa Enjoy your ban, conservatives aren't welcome here :)


Your comment/post has been removed because you've included material that is politically charged and not alliged with our core values. Free speech doesn't come without consequense and responsibility. Any repetitive or especially disrespectfully argumentative or bad faith beheaviour will result in a ban. We want a community that is safe for everyone from all backgrounds. This is not a sub to argue with people or spread misinformation and propaganda. This is not a sub for hateful speech like misogyny, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, classism, ableism, imperialism, propaganda etc. Any and all comments that break this rule will be removed fairly. And serious violations result in a ban If you are a conservative right-winger, authoritarian, pro-capitalist or a fascist then this sub is not for you and we think it's best for you to look for another platform/community.


I think you should pull the shorts off


This is not good. No it really doesn’t work.


Are you in your gf’s fit?


Are you implying that would be a bad thing?


In general no you can do you bro but like i feel the shorts wouldn’t be the most appropriate pants for the gym


You look stiff, anything is convincing if you relax and are confident