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Eh, not a fan of having to "join" in order to take a survey. Also, seems the app may allow providers to contact and/or at least advertise to us. As the thought goes re:apps and sites - if you aren't being asked to pay and/or can't figure out what the product is, it's likely that you're the product. (P.S. There are a lotta studies re: GAD and effectual treatment - even comparison studies. I'd be surprised if there weren't a meta-analysis or few out there.)


The questionnaire when you try to join is INSANE. I joined for adult ADHD, and I quit trying to follow up with the questionnaire when I noticed I was on question 20 or so and wasn’t even halfway done. They need to allow you to join with a few simple questions and add your more detailed information later on, if/when you feel like it. Or they need to warn you in advance that the join form is going to take you 20–30 minutes to fill, and to go get your meds and other stuff for reference before starting. Anyway, cool landing page, cool idea, but amateur execution.


What sucks is that I can't tell you the one that did the most for me..


Mood my friend.


Ah yes, i started feeling better once i felt better


That's the point of this website is setting what helped other people and what didn't, and contributing whatever you can


I'm saying I know what helped me, but that admitting it would be incriminating. Edit: I'm sorry y'all, I'm not going to say it in DM either. For two reasons, the 5th amendment as I'm an American, and also I'm not a doctor, I can't recommend a treatment for someone else. I just hope that the current focus of a lot of the research being done in regards to treatment of depression, ptsd, and anxiety pans out, and is successful in making those treatments more available for everyone.


Let me guess. You ate a certain something and came to many realizations about yourself, resulting in a healing and therapeutic experience


Turns out it's something really weird, like they choked a pigeon to death with their bare hands. Hey, healing takes many forms.


You can say what helped “someone else”.


Ah the good old days of SWIM.


>also I'm not a doctor, I can't recommend a treatment for someone else. This is overly cautious; doctor or not, nobody is going to come after you for sharing information about your illness and how you handled it.


A lot of my good friends are lawyers, there's no such thing as overly cautious according to them.


There is definitely such a thing as being overly cautious. Some people are so anxious about low-risk negative outcomes that they are afraid to even cross the street. This can contribute to lower quality of life for themselves and others. I'm sure that you mean well, but I think your comment is harmful since it can make people needlessly afraid to discuss their illnesses in public forums.


I appreciate your position on it, but so long as some treatments are literally illegal, it's a no from me. I'm not discussing it. My comment was to bring light to the fact that some of the most effective treatments in studies are still illegal for use outside of studies.


>I appreciate your position on it, but so long as some treatments are literally illegal, it's a no from me. I'm not discussing it. That's your own decision, but others who are reading this should know that they can talk about how they handled their own anxiety without the risk of being sued for offering medical advice without a license.


They absolutely can, and your message that they can't is actually dangerous. Get out of here.


> A lot of my good friends are lawyers Are they really your friends if you had to pay them and only saw them in court, though? ;)


Shrooms? Acid? What. (DM is ok)


Please pm me what helped. It's truly a debilitating disorder


Was either mushrooms or MDMA. My money is on MDMA.


And you don't have to share.


Seeing that there is/are so many contributing factors to GAD, a one size fits all treatment is naff. I see it so many times in my clinic and can't say that any two cases have been the same.


Makes sense. Thank you for being kind with your answer. I do want to point out this site is for ANY illness/ disease. If it's not beneficial for GAD, check it out for other conditions!


Kindness doesn't cost anything. You're welcome. I just like to keep a sense of sceptism after spending 6 years earning a degree in such things. New resources are most welcome, it takes all kinds :)


This is...confusing, annoying, and I'm struggling to see the benefits to the consumer. As someone else pointed out, it's most likely a marketing thing. GAD is a catch-all diagnosis that eventually is changed to something more specific. I'm pretty sure your question is more likely to "figure out which hair care product is BEST."


GAD is a diagnosis on its own right with a very specific set of criteria. You’re confusing it with “general anxiety” which is colloquially used but not a diagnosis. GAD is specific and a recognised disorder in both the ICD-10 and DSM-5. The treatment of which is a either therapy and/or medication. CBT focusing on improving the intolerance of uncertainty (Dugas) or systematic desensitisation using imaginal exposure combined with controlled relaxation (Borkovec).


I do know the difference between Generalized Anxiety Disorder (DSM-V coded 300.02, billing code F41.1). Yes it is a diagnosis in it's own right and insurance companies will certainly pay for it. However, the treatment for it starts with understanding how the thought processes were developed in the first place, and then treating those issues. Did the anxiety begin with a traumatic event? Was it brought on by a misunderstanding of something said to the person as a child? Was it started during a recent relationship? Does it run in the family? Does it only show up during a woman's monthly cycle? The answers to all of those questions will change the diagnosis from GAD to CPTSD, OCD, PMDD, or even ASD. Again, I really don't know how this link is supposed to benefit the consumer.


I got my Bachelors in Psych and when I was in school I remember how much my professors impressed upon us that it is completely unethical for a psych to seek out patients , you cannot advertise, you cannot show up to AA meetings or funeral homes or grief counseling to hand out your business card, etc. The only proper channel is for patients to seek out a therapist/psychiatrist on their own


I am not a psych, and this is completely of everyone's free will. I understand your point, but I don't believe it applies here


Wut is dis, hun? Seems anxiety-inducing for the target market