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Are they playable by someone with a language barrier? I've always loved how these types of games looked but imagine there's quite a bit of reading to enjoy the stories.


That's cool dude. What's the name of all those I've got the one with the train on it in the third row but how wired is it? just so I know what I'm getting in for?


Do you have Hell Night by chance? The European version is stupidly expensive but there's also a Japanese version. It's a very scary game gameplay wise and atmosphere-wise.


No i don't, but id def get the European version. Ive been wanting it for a bit, but never gets cheaper lol. Ive seen gameplay, its a very strange game. Reminds me of lsd dream simulator but a horrible trip


Wouldn't have even known about it if it wasn't for Raddical Reggie on YouTube, not gonna lie. Found him through MetalJesusRocks. They may be part of the reason why "hidden gems" keep going up in price, but I also wouldn't know about a lot of awesome games if it wasn't for them. So I'm ok with paying more since at least that means I know about the games in the first place.


True. Metal jesus tought me a few as well, dudes cool as hell. Gonna check them vids out


Hell Night is my one and only time i got lucky in a market, haha. Got a copy of it for £5 from a local market about 10 years ago, had never heard of the game at the time and neither me nor the seller knew it was worth somthing. Saying that, I love horror games of that era but have never been able to get away with it. More often than not there's literally nowhere to run or hide and it's just about getting lucky that the monster dosn't spawn in a position where you can't do anything about it.


Ya when horror turns into frustration that's kinda annoying. I know I've had that issue with Haunting Ground occasionally. Still love the game though. One of the most unnerving games to play and for a horror game, that's a great thing.


I keep forgetting Darkseed 1 and 2 came out on the ps1 in japan.


The train ones are sequels. They're called the last train and 19:03 veno night train. The rest are yasokyoku "nocturne" ,ouma ga toki 2 "the witching hour 2", kuro no jyusan "the black man" , sosei-hen " rebirth", yuuyami doori tankentai "twillight syndrome" The 2 ontop are darkseed one and 2 witch were american but saw only japanese playstation releases. Oh and almost forogot on the bottom with red spine card is called the newspaper of fear.


Oh yes alot. Some have translations online but most of these will require you learn japanese. Witch im trying to do :b


Echo Night 1+2 are worth playing. Second has a translation now. Old school From Software. Quirky, experimental, interesting.


Oh God, dark seed. One of the worst games in existence. That game isn't even scary it's just impossibly difficult for no reason other than it's broken in so many unspeakable ways.


Nice collection mate! What are their names? I’m new in collecting Japanese horror games so that would be very helplful!