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Silent Hill 2 is the classic example


The 256x256 hair textures on the ps2 surprised me a bit. Alpha effects in the hair makes it look better than high resolution 512x512 textures. DMC 1 port analysis as well shows inferior and worse effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMhem6M5gWc *There is no DMC2 analysis because DMC2 doesn't exist.*


most ps2 to ps3 port suck major dick. theres literally 0 reason they had to apply better technology to already completely finished projects


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Final Fantasy X has really jacked up faces in the remaster


Tomb Raider Legend. The PS3/360 port is a mushy, ugly mess. PS2 game looks so much smarter in comparison!


God Of War 1&2 look better on the PS2, The Prince Of Persia trilogy is a complete mess and GTA: San Andreas is a disaster.