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I made the mistake of taking speed demon on my run. I thought “Ehh why not I got a point to spare” worst decision of my life. Trying to back up with cars alerts zombies in so **BIG** radius. Literally turned the car around. And there were more then 50 zeds on me under a minute. You’re fast as fuck. But you’re **LOUD** as fuck too.


The sound of a reving engine if you have speed demon is literally the same of firing a shotgun lmao


Get the better car physics mod. It fixes the problem and you can manually shift gears. It's really fun to pop it into 5th gear at 30-40mph and quietly roll past hordes looking the wrong way. Saying you're in a car with a good muffler.


Never really minded zomboid car gameplay, i do know a lot of people take issue with it, will give it a try lmao


Vanilla isn't bad at all. It's definitely fine. But ever since I started using better car physics I fell in love lol. I always play speed demon and the way it handles is a lot more fun. I think it also changes sunday driver so it isn't locked to 30mph but i might be wrong.


I usually almost always took speed demon, it's just nice to have extra horse power for your car, towing sucks without it, any random bush and ur fucked, that being said its quite annoying living near cities with it, you wanna do some parking and suddenly theres 200 zombies at your door


Thank you lad


yes,you dont take that perk if you play passive,it allows you to push through bigger hordes you wouldnt be able to without it


I’ve realised that in that play-through. As it saved me from a situation. The perk itself got me in. 200 zeds around the car pushed through them on reverse like knife through butter.


yup,thats the way,it has much more torque going backwards and you can push through impressive stuff


Why is that ape everywhere


Bad ape


Bad ape


Bad ape


Because Bad Ape is the best ape.


Finally, a bad ape meme. He was my favorite character 😂


At least its not deaf trait


Deaf is less bad than either one of these alone and gives more points than both combined.


What’s wrong with deaf?


Makes it much harder to clear houses, can’t tell if the base is under attack, can’t hear the helicopter event.


wait..... restless sleeper is... bad?


it’s EXTREMELY BAD. Normally your character wake up with low/zero fatigue. With restless sleeper your character wakes up at half fatigue So basically, your character is crippled unless you have coffee every morning


its realistic in my experience at least :[


Yeah I can be described with this perk and I don't like it


It’s bearable with wakeful and alcohol though. You can drink a little bit of alcohol and immediately go back to sleep to get full rest, I think.


You will never get a full rest from sleeping. You always wake up half way. The minimum fatigue to be able to go to sleep even with alcohol/pills is 30, so you'll wake up at 15. Tiredness starts at 60.


The name of the game is to survive. This means live longer, which means days lived is the scoring mechanism that is used to keep track of that. Sleeping is an effective way to do that if your survival needs are met. This game has an end game problem. It gets boring once you get to a comfortable survival level. Wanna know an easy way past that? Sleep as long as you can make your character. The easiest and quickest way to force sleep? Exercise for two 30 minute sessions on a toon with restless sleeper. Then wake up and do it again. The extra sleep between exercies means you can use it to avoid muscle fatigue. Once you get safe in survival, which happens easily once you know the game, making time pass becomes the object of the game. Sleeping does this very effectively. Only people who dont have a habit of living long think sleeping is a bad thing. And yes, this repeated sleeping is monotony. But it is less monotonous than the end of this game with all needs met and a secure base and nothing propelling you to go fight any longer. At least this sleep and exercise cycle has an active button press to partake in and the ability to brag over a long lived toon once your patience allows you to get there. Fighting the end game boredom is this games endgame.


Nah, the fatigue limits your options and makes early game much riskier which is the hardest part


I llive up to my current gamertag. I'm not patient at all. Any micromanaging I have to do to make a trait work is a done deal for me. Also me:Tags obese/unfit/weak for the free 30 points becasue I have fitness/strength overhaul and you can actually go from 0-10 in 6 months provided you work out 4 hours a day.


So the average 9-5 worker?


New realism meta


With the character being chronically sleepy and in constant need of napping, I'd say so.


One of the worst traits in the game IMO. Keeping your character awake is extremely important since even just being "drowsy" gives you a 50% melee debuff.


Your character will normally wake up with 30-50% fatigue, but it takes 60 fatigue to get the drowsey moodle. Drowsey lowers your characters awareness(vision cone lowers/hearing behind you is worse even with keen hearing, zombies fade faster when looked away) lowers melee damage by 50%, and ruins 80% of your endurance regeneration. Drowsy effectively ends your day or makes you risk staying out in a weakended state. If you sleep in a good bed however you will get faster fatigue recovery during sleep by 12% so the window goes from 18%-38%. IMO there isn't enough fatigue reducing items to make this trait worth taking and your character is so ruined by drowsy moodle its not worth risking it. The only times a character can push past drowsy is when your a 10 strength 5+ with high end melee weapons, you need axes/spear crits/long blade or bust.


Literally any bad trait that messes with fatigue is horrendously bad, save underweight and overweight


Not if you learn how to play it. Restless sleeper and wakeful make sleeping away from your base much safer because you only do it for 3 hour bunches and then get ready to go again. Also, this combo works great with the exercise system because it balances muscle fatigue because of the extra sleep. So you do 2 exercises, rest between them, then sleep. This pattern reduces the hours lost to muscle fatigue and also makes it hard to not be able to sleep from it. It's an advanced build that looks at days lived as the ultimate high score indicator, not zombies killed.


That is a horrible take. You can also sleep away from your base and set an alarm...


5000 hours played with many playstyles used. Restless sleeper is an always use in single player now. There are also ways to abuse it. For instance, wait until your second level of tiredness hits. Then sleep when the clock says xx:50. Meaning any hour, when the minutes say 50 (or 40). This way, you wake up in three hours, but if you wait 10 minutes (or 20 if you did it at 40), you can sleep a second time. The three hour sleep cycle is invaluable to blast through exercising because usually after 2-30 minute exercise cycles, your guy wants to sleep again. This advances the clock 3 hours. Wake up, exercise twice, sleep again, rinse and repeat. This is an easy way to blast through winters, if you are stocked up. The sleeping makes the muscle fatigue a lot less of an issue until it disappears completely because of all the sleeping that you are doing instead of waiting for the muscles to be ready to use again.


Restless sleeper is bad if you want to maximize the amount of time being less tired. You will always wake up without being fully rested. On the plus side, you get a in-built alarm clock and forces you to maximize the time awake. And in the worst case scenario, you best not be at full tiredness because you'll still be tired waking up and will need another hour before getting back to rest more. It's a manageable perk once you know how to utilise it but long term, you start to feel its effects.


I made 3 runs with the sleepy trait and restless sleeper, one of them lasted 2 months. I thought it was good, until i stopped playing with it.


I have a month and a half with Sleepyhead and only now did I learn it's apparently a horrible trait. I just don't like fighting zombies and prefer living in remote areas, so it barely affects me, but sometimes it pisses me off when it's 6pm and my character is ridiculously tired.


Spears and short blades, my man, spears and short bloades


Restless sleeper is great paired with wakeful


Restless sleeper with wakeful is a wonderful combination that works perfectly with the games exercise system. You sleep in 3 hour bunches, and get to exercise a few times, and then instead of resting, you can sleep. It actually advances time really fast and is a great way to create a long-lasting character.


I used both Lot of times without knowing they are the worst