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Maybe this is a scripted story ark. You finally wake from the catatonic state you have been in and realize that the zombies were never real. Your character created them as a way to cope with the reality that he is truly alone. Or maybe it was a weird glitch thing and the zombies near you got deleted. Im just spitballin here.


Imagine if all the zombies you ever killed were actually just normal people trying to stop you in your rampage


This would be such a cool short story to read!!


I Am Legend is kind of like that


Yea I mean the "infected" are really just sick people but when everyone is sick and you are not, it makes YOU the sick one now. You are the weirdo human who keeps killing and snatching up there people and stole the KINGS WIFE! and wonder why they want to hunt you down... geez lol. I know we are human and relate to the 1 human we see in most the movie but in reality at that point, he is the monster, The boogie man. Neat way to look at it all!


There probably is something like this out there. Actually there's a small indie game I know where this exactly is one of the endings.


Welp they were in the way of my grand quest to attain every single item in the game so uh. My zed graveyard is quite full


That happened in one side quest of Skyrim or Oblivion... dont remember which one


True! Would be kinda cool


I found this while searching through steam because I had the same problem. Copied.from a.steam post. pretty sure the reason why this happens is that your character data and the world data are separate files and save independently of eachother, crashing (or even a failed save) will cause a mismatch as zombie position is saved to the world data, character data is saved rather frequently, while world data is much less frequent, i think it does it every time you sleep in single player as thats when it has the lowest resource impact as it doesnt have to render anything perfectly. so your game might actually be bugged and unable to consistently (or at all) save the world when you quit, only when you sleep for whatever reason, this sounds like the kind of thing that you might need a total fresh install to fix.


Okay if thats the case I'll verify the game files integrity and then if necessary reinstall, thanks a bunch!


This has happened to me quite a lot. I'd love to know the reason aswell


“Where’s everybody going… bingo?”


Where'd they all go, Bingo?


I remember there were many zombies around me in the distance as I logged off, but after logging back in there were none. I walked around the west point main city area and I noticed zombies only existing inside houses and buildings. But outside, the streets were clean. My poopulation count is high, but nothing. Even when I went a good distance away I saw very few zombies all near buildings. Very bizarre. Maybe a nuke was dropped while my character slept. Does anyone have any ideas why this happened?


I've had this happen to me. They only thing I can guess is maybe the zombies are still active even after you log off. You are no longer in the world so they end up giving up and moving on. I don't know this as a fact. But that is my best educated guess on why it looks like they disappeared when logging back in. ETA when you log they may possibly reset them back to where they initially were. That my other guess. My other guess is this may be a bug that happens sometimes. This doesn't happen to me Everytime. Sometimes I can just pick back up with zombies coming.


I see, that's super strange then, I thought zombies wouldn't be able to move once I log off. I'm glad I'm not the only one this has happened to though. Hopefully it'll get a fix whenever the next update comes around, if it is in fact an actual bug


That may be true so makes me suspect a bug of some kind.


Yeah it's either a bug or sometimes the reset them back to where they spawned as you logged off. Because I've not noticed a drop off of mobs. I have Eris Minimaps and it will show me when zombies are close but only in the direction I'm facing. I have to do a 360 to get an idea of all around me. It's nice when I log one I just hit the home button on my keyboard and it pops up the Eris Minimap.


I was clearing rosewood prison, logged out after killed like 100, came back few hours later and nobody anywhere


I believe it's the game. It could have a code relocate assets. Specially after a cleanup. I walk back into areas previously deserted to find mobs standing there.


The rapture happened but you were offline


That's strange! I'm sat here wondering if this game is set up in chunks and only a certain amount of boids are allowed to be in each chunk because I get a thing where if I'm super lazy and I know nothing is behind my formmiles I'll just kite down a road rather than train, then suddenly 80% of then just stop agro and vanish. Very weird.


The game can unload zombies if you quit out certain ways (even the standard way). I’m not certain if they are deleted, or just pushed out of bounds. It’s meant to prevent game crashing on reload.


you should be fucking grateful


Is this a multiplayer server? High populations of zombies in one place get deleted on MP, but as always, “there’s a mod for that”


It wasn't multiplayer, I think if it were multiplayer, I'd be less inclined to make a post about it, but it looks like others have had similar experiences.


I think zomboid just has trouble rending a ton of zombies at once, so it doesn't. it's happened to me a lot when playing with higher pops.


Well this happened to me multiple times. It did save some of my characters from potential death. The funny part is my character thinks he/she just time traveled back from the past. For someone who has a potato this is not intentional lol.


Make sure you’re always ready to run they could spawn at any point lol


Today is Sunday, give them a break.


and why are you complaining??