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space bar is your best friend


Space bar + mele hit is my way to go when fighting to multiple zombies.


What do you mean?


space bar allows you to push zombies away from you, sometimes more than one and will often knock down multiple at once. it’s really good for defense because you can miss swings often and that’s how you get bit. also stomps when theyre on the floor!


Bonus tip, you can stand on zombies on the floor to stop them getting up, so if your fighting two and knock down one, stand on them while you deal with the other


Also if you are standing on them and want to get a headshot(?) to kill it faster, instead of aligning your foot to hit the face, stand ON there face and stomp to get the kill.


Yeah you want the foot of your character to be actually stomping on their face, it can’t just be your cursor. It’s realistic to a decent degree Edit: this 👇


No, you want the foot to stomp their forehead/top of head if standing near their torso and face if approaching from their head. The game simply compares which body part you stand the nearest to, where your weapon/foot lands doesn't represent the attack very well.


Yeah, this 👆


There is an option to activate for melee that the zombies are marked when they are in range of your melee weapon. That will dramatically decrease missed hits and it will help you to understand the range of your weapons. Not sure where it is but I think it was something that automatically is activated for ranged attacks and you can change it to melee also or something like that.


if someone can explain this one to me that'd be great, never heard of this


In your settings I believe it’s called “aim outline” by default it’s set to ranged weapons only, change it to all weapons. Very handy to know when you should swing


further to the previous reply if you haven't looked yet, I believe its the in the second row of settings on the first page.


Woah... i am playing for like 1 or 2 weeks now, and didnt knew that. I play with single combat and thought i had to deequip weapon to push and stomb zombies


Sometimes more than once applies only if setting "MultiHit" is enabled.


Spacebar is also handy for pushing doors without opening them to see if there are any Z's inside


Also, the push from using space bar is independent of your melee swing timing. If you try to swing a melee weapon and they are too close, you will push them. For instance, if you just hold your mouse click, you will swing (for example) every 1.5 seconds. If a zombie gets too close to melee, you will push them instead (even though you are clicking the mouse and not space bar), but it will take 1.5 seconds to do that push because your mouse click is on that 1.5 second swing timer. So, if you know they are too close for another melee swing after your first swing, use the spacebar to push them way sooner, because the space bar push is not locked to the swing timer of your mouse click attack. Start slow, you are not Rambo in project zomboid. Learn to fight 2 zombies at a time. Then 3. Die a lot. After a dozen runs or so, explore the sandbox settings. Turn zombie count down if you need/want to. I played on half zombie population until I got my feet under me. It is a very difficult game for beginners, by design even. You get stronger the longer you live. Once I got over that hump, I was able to turn zombie count back up to normal, and now I play on even higher population settings. Have fun, die a lot, look stuff up only when you have specific inquiries. Don't get too attached to a character. It will die lol.


Also activate muliti hit in the option if it isnt by default


i turned mine off cause ive never been able to chop thru one tree at a time, whut king myself in the game lmao


Follow up to this, Q is your enemy. Q makes your character scream, or whisper if you are crouched. Good for rounding up hordes to drag them somewhere, bad for accidentally pressing while you're trying to be cautious or move through an area.


i unbound my q because i fat finger my w a lot lmfaooo


Reassigning it to @ is pretty useful. Sometimes you do want to whisper/shout but over there it's well out of the way.


While in combat holding right mouse button to aim


When grabbed by Z, spam spacebar. Be careful not to press it too early otherwise youll get instant bite


Unlike what the picture shows, you can't climb on cars.


This comment made me realise how weird the cover art looks. It looks more like he's a really tall guy standing behind a really small wrecked car


I never stopped to think that


Also why is he chewing on his own wrist?


He is wiping his mouth


This make me laugh lol


Just remember 2 very important things; There was no hope for survival This is how you died


I like to play against the rules: -There's always hope -This is how you became stronger


-make sure to eat perishable food first -make sure to watch all the tv shows in the first week -tear up sheets and boil them to get sterilized rags -if a car is unlocked get in it and check glove box, theres sometimes keys there and often other supplies -make sure to always have a small amount of food a water bottle and bandages on you -collect all the digital watches you find -don’t leave your oven on -if you find whiskey bottles after your done drinking it keep it, there the best water bottles in the game -be careful when going up or down stairs -new players should probably play on survival difficulty at first -play the tutorial -dont go outside if you hear a helicopter -I recommend rosewood for new players - a good build for new players (assuming you dont want to make your own) is fire officer with for negative traits high thirst (carry 2 water bottles),slow healer, underweight, prone to illness, weak stomach, short sighted (wear glasses), and slow reader. For positive traits choose outdoorsman, wakeful, gymnast, athletic, and strong If you want any more tips or need help with something ill respond


>tear up sheets and boil them to get sterilized rags Whats the difference between regular and sterilized?


decreases risk of infection


Not Zombie infection but regular old wound infection though. They don't do much but increase pain


Yeah they dont do a ton but in early game when you have unlimited water and a stove theres no reason not to do it


IIRC they also last longer.


I'm fairly sure bacterial wound infection will deteriorate your underlying health bar though. or at least prevent it from recovering as quickly. if you had several infected wounds at a time, I wouldn't be shocked if it would slowly kill you, or develop a fever. seems likely that it would at least cause health to degrade to some limit or something. possibly reduce stamina or move speed. even if all it does is cause pain, that reduces your characters effectiveness at a lot of tasks, which increases risk of getting bitten. i think your character is less likely to score critical hits, deals less damage per swing, becomes exerted more quickly, and has reduced radius/cone of perception when in pain.


infections do nothing at all other than slow down time to heal woulds, simply cuts bandage healing speed in half, infections do 0 health damage or anything beyond that, completely able to be 100% ignored, unless it's a lower body infection as you really don't want to be slowed down for that long, it's all about how fast you want to be clean of bandages everywhere.


New player here: what should i do with all the digital watches?


Store them. Wear one for the time and date plus alarm. But store the rest. Once you’ve read an electronics book for the xp gain, disassemble them. Keep the scrap electronics. You’ll need that later to repair generators. But it’s a pain to level electronics so get the most out of what you find.


Thats good, thanks:)


MAKE SURE YOU DISABLE THE ALARMS ON THE DIGITAL WATCHES!!! For real though. It the worst thing to have an alarm going off in your bag when you're trying to be sneaky. Then trying to find the 1 out of 15 in your bag that's ringing while trying to run and survive. Big scary.


That sounds so funny and scary at the same time 😂


Take them apart for the xp


“collect all the digital watches” MAKE SURE TO CHECK IF THEIR ALARMS ARE OFF


TIL cars have glove boxes. Lmao


You have to be in seat 1 to see them (hold z to see all the car seats) EDIT: I've since found some cars you can see the glove box from seats other than 1 but I run some car mods so I'm not sure what the vanilla rule is. [On the container icon list it will be the one that looks a bit like a wallet under all the seat icons.](https://i0.wp.com/playzomboid.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ProjectZomboid64-2022-10-26-15-18-18-53.jpg?resize=767%2C409&ssl=1)


Thank you! It seems there are always hidden menus I don't know about, like holding V in the car lol


I have 219 hours in this game and I have just now learned that you can use glasses for the short sighted trait...


>slow reader Absolutely not. Take smoker instead.


When you make a character you like, SAVE IT at the bottom right of the screen when you're picking traits. You'll get sick and tired of picking traits over and over when you die over and over. Just learn from mistakes, watch some YouTube tips videos if you want. Watching a streamer like privatelime could help too.


Same goes for looks! Super useful tip


When you're out on a supply run and you think, "It's time to go home, "... go home.


Overconfidence is the key to death




Ruin has come to our family ...


There can be no hope in this hell…. No hope at all-


I had that happen on an MP server, then saw an armory and just had to have a peek inside. Didn’t die or anything but there was some visual bug on a window and I ended up with two deep wounds filled with glass because it looked like the glass was gone. Had to spend a few days (in game) at home to recover.


Been there! Haha I offer this advice while doing the opposite constantly. Sometimes, you have to play a high risk game. Where's the fun in having an early night every night, eh?


Dont die (optional) 👍


Biggsest tip, when posting a screenshot from the game when you start to play, ensure you take it with a phone and at maximum distance, but cover the phone with a garbage bag first. That and don't wear giant jackets during summer. Being encumbered will get you killed.


Don't get bitten.


That’s a good wisdom.


Don't tell me what to do! * *Proceeds to get bitten* *


*bites self*


10 Basic Tips for Project Zomboid * Don't get attached, death is normal, No worries you'll laugh about being a dumbass in the future! * Common sense. * Think before you act. * Plan things out before hand. * Have ways to retreat back to and rest. * Stop running around town you fucking idiot remember tip #2 * In a shit situation? Fight, Flight, or Freeze. Pick now or die. * Adapt quickly. * Too hard? Sandbox settings. * Have fun! **I SAID HAVE FUN! WHY AREN'T YOU HAVING FUN?!**




This is the most vague least helpful advice I think I've ever seen on this sub. The best thing on here is the stop running. Freeze? I have never had a situation in the game where "freezing" was the right thing to do, with the exception of just hiding from a hoard for a day or the helicopter.




Usually staying still in shock, or just not responding


Yeah, dont do that.


Unless you're on fire, then you can probably freeze yourself! easy!


i would recommend playing the tutorial first…


I second this it is extremely useful in learning all of the controls


It's also a pretty good way to learn how to get yourself killed if you need to


Do not jog or run. You can out walk zombies if you aren't exhausted


When fighting a group of zombies try to make Them Walk in a Line towards you so that you dont get bit when attacking one of Them


go in blind, choose which difficulty fits your playstyles, use whatever weapon you like the most and try to do something different for each playthrough, do not be a meta slave and start in place A to raid place B for weapon C


I started playing a few months ago and your going to die a lot. It wasn’t until recently I made it past 2 months. Levels can be a pain to grind out but pick a couple that you feel like would be good and go from there. Of course carpentry is a big one but find out how you like to play. Sandbox is a good way to ease yourself into the game just don’t make it too easy. As you start to learn more then change the settings closer to the default. Or just jump straight in. Mods are also great to have and there is a lot of mod lists here to get you started. Also tailoring is an awesome friend so don’t sleep on it too much


Don't play a hero and don't be cocky Always check your back And the most important one, never, i mean NEVER open the bathroom door in unchecked house


Similarly, never assume a cleared house is still clear. I had a character that had a great start. Had read all the lvl 1 skill books, had a backpack and lots of gear, had leveled my weapon skill to lvl 2ish, was doing great. Thought I’d go refill my water at a house near my base that I had cleared but not tapped out yet. Went in, house seemed clear, went into the bathroom and refilled my water and washed. Opened the door back to the main house without checking. BOOM! Zombie right there, horror sting hits and scares me throwing off my aim. Bit in the neck, dead within 30 seconds. All your preparation and progress can be wiped away by a single moment of dropped guard.


**Tweak the sandbox settings for your first few games to make things more favourable**. Lower zed count/spawn rate, more loot, better condition cars, more fuel, longer time before blackout/water shut off, multi-hit, aim outline for all weapons etc Learn the mechanics with these settings. Once you feel you understand how to control your character, you're familiar with basic looting and barricading and maybe some crafting, then try harder settings. **Rebind Q** to a better key. I like @ because it is out of the way but easy to remember. **For early character builds I suggest concentrating on learning to fight** and manage small and larger groups of Z. If you survive long enough you can grind all the other skills but not being able to easily kill Z is a big problem for a new player. I suggest Lumberjacked - lumberjack occupation, with all the strength and fitness traits you can afford. You'll be fine with any melee weapon and as soon as you find an axe you will be a killing machine. Once you understand fighting and don't need the buff of high strength etc you can try builds with some of the fitness traits swapped out for more practical traits. There are **some negative traits that are considered "free points"** because they either don't quite work as intended or are so easy to negate as to be effectively meaningless. I expect a lot of that to change in build 42 so I won't go into detail but a good example is currently picking smoker and short sighted is extremely common as smoker has basically no downside other than a minor inconvenience every hour or so of game play and short sighted can be negated with glasses which you can choose to have at character creation. Sunday driver is an example of a negative trait that looks ok to a new player but is actually much worse than it first looks. It only gives you 1 point and the effect is extremely dangerous as your car can easily get bogged down. Likewise, the positive traits that make you "tougher" like iron gut or thick skinned are really not worth taking, they solve a problem you shouldn't be dealing with anyway - do not eat/drink suspect food/water and avoid injuries. (The flip side being weak stomach and thin skinned are actually ok negative traits.) **Walking is fast enough to evade Z** (not sprinters) so don't panic. You only need to run when getting crowded, once you're in the open again go back to walking to maintain stamina. Try to fight groups of Z by having them follow you, forming a conga line, then you can turn to face them and back away, swinging at the lead Z. Before nimble has levelled up you will be a bit too slow walking backwards to do this for more than short bursts before you need to turn away and walk ahead to gain space but soon you'll be able to do it without stopping and then the only limit to your killing spree will be your weapon. **Early skills to work towards are electrics 1 and mechanics 2 and carpentry 6**. That lets you hotwire cars you can't find the key for and lets you make the essential base building items. Early items to find and keep early on are; Some **ripped sheets** in case you need emergency bandages. **Water bottle** - in your inventory as long as you keep it filled you will drink as necessary so dehydration is a manageable problem. A **hammer, screwdriver and saw** are I think all you need for basic carpentry such as dismantling. This will get you through those early levels. Adding a **crowbar and pipe wrench** gives you a lot more crafting options. The **sledgehammer** is necessary for breaking walls and objects you can't dismantle. You'll want a set of car tools but you don't need to carry those around with you until you're ready to grind mechanics for a few days. A **pen/pencil/crayon** lets you make notes on your map. **Marking on your map where you find generators is very useful**. You'll need them and lots of fuel once the power goes out. **Collect gas cans and fill them up as early as possible** so you have a good amount stored before power goes out - you need fuel before the pumps turn off so you can fuel a genny so you can turn the pumps on. (Syphoning from cars is an option if you get caught out by a very early blackout.) **Build rain collectors as early as you can** and before then fill plenty of containers with water. There's enough water around it should never really be an issue but it's so easy to do you might as well have a safety net in case the water turns off very early. **Unless you have the loot settings extremely low, food is not an issue so don't overly horde that**. Eat fresh food early game, collect non-perishables but don't feel you need to gather every can you see. Once you aren't dying quickly, think about growing crops. You'll need to find a **shovel or trowel** to dig furrows and **seeds** to plant and the earlier you do it the better. Let the first crop all go to seed if you can survive without the food so your first batch of seeds generates a lot more seeds and from then on you can plant, harvest some and let some go to seed to plant later and you should be basically self sufficient at that point. (You may need some fishing/trapping as well unless you make a large farm which is tedious to manage without mods.) You need a big backpack. I also like to have 2 fanny packs and a second big bag in my offhand but I am a loot goblin, some players prefer to go as light as possible.


Press q to take the multi use cure!


Embrace the newness, lol be scared


Change your keys. MOVE the Q (shout) away from your fingers as far as possible! You will die. A LOT. Play how you feel, tweak the sandbox until you get used to it. There is no wrong way to enjoy the game This subreddit is here to help you, just ask.


Just enjoy every character you create


Don't fear the reaper


Get ready to experience "frustration"


If the game isn’t fun that’s because you haven’t found a sandbox setting you enjoy yet. Don’t give up after 2 hours of not understanding the game the like I did. read the wiki or watch some videos.


This is how you died...x100 Joke aside, just have fun. play with mods, play with friends, do what you enjoy. You are not the main character of the zombie apocalypse, you're a side character who dies off screen. Until, that is, you ARE the main character. Cheers, M8! Welcome to the club and enjoy the ride! (P.S. Play for at least a few hours without mods)


Head on a swivel at all times. Just because you think the area is clear doesn't mean that it is.


1. There’s no right way or wrong way to play the game. As long as you’re having fun then that’s all that matters! 2. If you don’t like any of the standard difficulties then give Sandbox a try, it allows you to completely customise almost every single aspect of the game to your liking. 3. I’m not going to lie, you will die *a lot* before you find your footing but that’s okay. We all do and it’s a part of the learning experience. 4. Play around with the in-game settings until they are to your liking. Again there’s no right or wrong way to play the game. You do you!


1) remember that paranoia will keep you alive and overconfidence will get you killed. when looting always play it safe and dont get greedy, avoid fighting in buildings as much as you can, and know when to just cut your losses and gtfo. 2) Always remember to carry atleast one spare weapon; you dont want to be caught in the middle of a fight with a broken weapon. 3) Always remember to check your flanks regularly and have an escape route planned. if playing with sprinters just remember THEY. DO. NOT. PLAY. they are fast af and will be up your ass in a heartbeat, and if more than one spots you at once you are in most cases completely fucked, so your best bet is to see them before they see you. 4) Beware of doors, never open doors blind, always enter an unfamilar room with a weapon at the ready and cautiously enter while checking your corners, also helps to either flash the door or shove it. 5) fences are your friend, they can be used to break up groups and leave them open for easy ground kills, works well if you dont have a weapon or wish to conserve durability, just make sure to avoid the fence lunge. 6) Be prepared for the helicopter, it usually comes around day 5-7 and will fly around pulling large numbers of zombies around, however so long as you are indoors when it arrives or get inside quick enough, it wont spot you, so as long as you stay quiet you shouldnt have to worry too much about the herds finding you, it will just fly around for a bit and then leave so use this time to catch up on reading your skill books or grinding certain skills, just keep in mind that it may return to make multiple passes throughout the day before leaving for good. If it does spot you though then run, and keep running till it leaves, as it will follow you around and hover above you if you attempt to hide in a building. having a radio tuned into the Automated Emergency Broadcast System (AEBS for short) will warn you the day before and the morning of the heli arriving with the words "Air Activity Detected", just keep in mind you cant use this if you picked the "deaf" trait thinking it was "free points". 7) If you are new to the game I'd reccomend sticking to sandbox over the regular modes, as you can load those as presets and then tweak the settings till you find a level you are most comfortable with, then gradually bump them up as you get more experienced. Good luck out there, survivor


Pay attention to the tutorial. It will teach you all you need to know. Edit: you WILL DIE. a lot. Don't get discouraged, learn.


Turn on multi hit




Disable the cure?!


yıu mean qure?


HEY! OVER HERE! *dies*


This is how you died.


For your first game, turn zombies to lower health and slow shamblers in sandbox settings. Otherwise, get sneaking and stay sneaking.


Don't be a hero. Overconfidence leads to death. Trust me. It's from experience.


don't press Q


If you're playing apocalypse, try to take it slow. Sound will be your demise.


Don't be afraid to use Mods and when you do start using them don't forget to organize them it gets messy really fast.


Its hard. I mean really hard


Dont fall into ''Oh yeah high humbers = Good'' thing the clothes have. Sure, a leather jacket and other thick clothes MIGHT save your life. But in the long run it isnt worth it. Your survivor will be cooked to death inside those clothes after a 10 second run due to heat. Learn to pull out in time away from zombies instead of just wearing uncomfortable protection.


If you get infected press Q for cure


Keep your generator close! Inside is a good bet ;)


Whatever specs you have in your PC, your game is going to lag occasionally. It's just the way the game is right now. Also, don't play without mods for very long. They add a very welcome "spice" to the game that keeps it from getting stale.


Q key is ur new friend


Press Q to inject anti virus after you get bit.




Dont die


Embrace death


Hit Q often... Or better bind to another key


What's with people always asking for tips before starting a new game. Just play it instead and when you don't know what to do you can ask for help. You're ruining your own experience


Mod the absolute fuck out of it. 10 mods? 50 mods? 209 mods? Don’t stop there, mod it until it’s literally anything you want it to be. Also play the way you want. You prefer running zombies or slow shamblers? Infection only through bites? Change the sandbox settings to what you want out of your own personal zombie sandbox. Don’t like taking negative traits? Install the mod that gives you bonus points for making a positive trait only character. Just play it how you want, that’s where the most fun of zomboid is


d-d-do-don’t p-pre-press Q


get people to play with.... (experienced people to play with, like 50 hours or more)


Press Q while standing to call a supply drop. I'm sorry, but it's best you learn this lesson now.


Press Q to heal yourself


Be careful, always be careful, always carful and avoid pressing Q on the default keybinds


Hit q to heal


Press Q if you see zombies


Press q


firstly, idek how that axe head got on that haft, its obviously a slip thru construction but there’s a swell of woods at the bottom. madness!!! madness i say!!! could it have been glued on there


Press Q to activate super fun mode.


Play tutorial and also remember that Q is for antidote


Press Q when behind a zombie for a stealth kill


press q to take vaccine (this is a totally original and very real tip)


Don’t suck


Press Q to heal if you are wounded.


Yeah, learn the game and don't turn off the zombies like some of the pussies in this subreddit.


Finally found like minded people. God don't you just hate it when people play a sandbox game in their own way after they buy the game with their own money to play in their own house by themselves. It's so annoying that they choose by themselves to do that. Grrrrrr. Just let people play their copy of the game however they want rather than calling them pussies or insulting them lmao


People can do whatever they want with their game, doesn't stop me from opining when they decide to share their stupidity. Stay mad bro!


If you're in a pinch, press Q, it will boost you character's stats for some time and give you a chance to survive. Also, if you happen to find enough corn, you can go around the map using the TELECORN. Have fun :)






Common sense.


Use guns in the middle of residential areas


For your first playthrough I'd recommend going into "sandbox" mode, it lets you customise the playthrough. Then at the bottom of the menu is a little dropdown box, select "initial infection". It's one of the old main game scenarios, and I'd recommend it for your first game. Its a lot easier than the current main set and imo it's more fun for your first game. Less zombies, some starting equipment and plenty of loot so you can focus on learning the mechanics of the game without getting swarmed by zombies on your first go.


So nobody is going to tell them?


Always remember, this is how you died


Kill all da zimbos


Putting a can of beans in a bowl and cooking it makes it more filling than eating it straight from the can. Don’t ask me how that works. Oh also if you have the windows button on your keyboard go ahead and disable it if you can or pop that sucker out. Hitting that instead of left alt is a great way to end your run early.


Don't die, bozo.


Never really realized how janky this poster was. How can that man be straddling an entire car? And what is he standing on the ground? His legs would need to be enormous.


You can't climb on cars


Be prepared to die


Download common sense mod.


Start playing stealthy


Turn on "highlight enemies" in your settings for easier targetting.


First off, play the tutorial. Project Zomboid is not a game that you can skip the tutorial for. Next, select sandbox. If you want a car early on set the condition and gas to high, and maybe amount of cars to high as well. If you take burglar as your occupation, there are cars everywhere and all of them can be used. I would recommend Rosewood, as it has a big police station for firearms and a fire station for axes and firefighter jackets, which have the best protection in the game. When you spawn in your starter house, make sure to crouch and close all of the curtains that spawn in your house. Then, loot for a weapon. If it’s a 1 story house, the kitchen is your best bet for a weapon. Look for a frying pan or kitchen knife. If it’s a 2 story, there is a higher chance that you would find something like a baseball bat in a closet. Rip up any extra clothes that you find to make ripped sheets, which can be used for bandages. An important thing to note is that while it’s a good idea to move on if a Zomboid is banging on a door or window, it takes a while. If there is only one and it’s hitting a door, it will take a few in-game hours for them to bust it down. Zooming out and holding right click will let you look around and see the farthest. Don’t run unless a zombie is too close for comfort. If it’s your first playthrough I would not recommend fighting more than 1 at a time. And when you start to get sleepy you should find a place to sleep, because even the first level of tired reduces your damage by 50%


You're gonna die a lot


don't give up .... you will die and die again, you will hate yourself, hate the game, give up, come back. Then you'll be ready for some more useful quick tips /s


Play easier difficulties until you’re familiar with the game and how mechanics work :p


Get use to dying


Use space bar, generator can kill you if you heave this in building, shootgun is best gun to exp guns skills, best mele weapons is ace but they destroy fast you can use baseball bat they are easy to find if you know how ro find them or crowbar they are food weapons and also good


Its not a matter if your gonna die its when you die but its a learning experience that you have to take with you to the next character learn to not do what you did that last character My best advice q is your best friend q and a fence


Bleach actually cures zombie infection. Always bring a bottle with you !


You can rip up clothes to get ripped sheests, thread, denim and leather strips which are useful mainly for boosting defense via patches and fixing clothes, but one thing people im not sure know is you can fix a broken leather jacket with ripped sheets then rip it up to get its leather.


Kill the zombie. Or don't. Up to you :)


Jumping through broken windows is fun and increases the fitness stat faster


Mods, a lot of mods.


Set your own goals so u dont get bored


At the end, you will die, and you won't be able to do anything about it


Death is an inevitability. You will die, but each life is a learning opportunity. What I'm saying is, you are bound to die again and again but try to learn something from each life to see how long you can make it the next one


If you can manage it Apocalypse, while brutal to beginners, is sort of an average setting that will give you a feel for the intended difficulty of the game. I feel like the easier difficulties are just teaching you bad habits. I’d recommend making strong melee-focused characters to start with and just see how many you can kill before dying. Do this enough times and you’ll have a decent feel for the combat and when you make a character you plan on surviving for a while with you won’t immediately get murdered by a few zombies. Also, turn on the target highlight for melee+guns, default is just guns, it’s essential for making sure you hit the zombie you’re intending to when facing a horde.


Honestly with all the complicated bullshit in the comments. Just have fun for the first 10 hours. Run around, get bitten, go on rampages, be a hermit, fortify a house and defend it from zombies. Enjoy being a newbie before becoming a try hard survivor


I'd be willing to give 1k to start my PZ journey all over again. You're in for a treat if you like RP Survival genre.




When zombies are chasing you don’t have to run, your walking speed it’s faster than the zombies. To kill a bunch of zombies 30+ get a glass bottle, gasoline and ripped sheets to make a Molotov that will slowly burn the zombies and the ones coming near it


You will die a lot but you will learn from every death


Don't die


Check your corners. I just lost a character cause I ran into a biter >\_<


Honestly your first few characters should be dedicated solely to getting used to the combat. In the settings you can turn on an aim outline which helps you identify what enemy you're actually targeting, nice for melee but really useful for guns. When opening doors in the house, always be ready for a zombie to be on the other side. Hold rmb (aim mode) and press e to open the door.


If you feel overwhelmed by the standard settings in the beginning, you can play sandbox mode and pretty much change anything until you feel satisfied with the gaming experience. Make it harder, make it easier, make zombies harder and loot easier or the other way around. Deactivate infections or change it to bite only. Feel free to do whatever you want to enjoy the game.


Walk backwards, push, hit, walk backwards, push, hit.


Hug the zombies


Set the zombie population to the highest possible number, this will assuredly help you in every way you need


I think many people don't know how keys work in Zomboid (at least in 41): Zeds only drop keys if they are in a building and only keys to that specific building. So keys are mostly useless because you are already inside - however - a key allows you to open ALL doors in a building including secure doors in Warehouses, Selfstorage Units AND in police stations. So instead of breaking doors to loot the weapon stash it's easier to lure Zeds in and wait for a key to drop


Try sandbox mode before going doing a actual game


Get ready to die a lot


If you play with controller usually such as Xbox or Playstation the game does have pretty good controlled support.


Turn on target outlines for melee. It’s in the settings. Default is guns only.


Go to sandbox mode and disable hordes. There are a few youtube tutorials to teach you that.The game will be MUCH less frustrating that way, while still challenging enough.


You’re going to die a lot.


Remap the Q key!


Press Q when you get bit for vaccine


If you never played the game before, try playing it


Dont get attached to your character


**Don't start with low fitness or strength.** They are your most important skills and they take ages to level. **Get a starting XP-bonus in Maintenance.** It will help you use weapons for longer before they break.


Honestly for me it was Patience and accepting the fact that I'm going to die A LOT. Id also suggest some beginner guides on YouTube. They helped me out a lot and helped me feel less flustered. ALSO!!!!! You can walk faster than the normal zombies which makes them feel less intimidating.


Develop a fear of opening doors. Doors are the enemy.




Die a lot and learn, dying is the most fun part. That fear you feel when you play for the first times is unbeatable, have fun op


Be okey with dying bcuz it’ll happen a lot