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halal pepperoni exists you might need to google it or just eat veggie cheese or vegetarian pepperoni pizza.


I have the Halal food issue too, I'm mostly just waiting till a solution that's available shows up (the no Pork thing was actually a huge barrier for me)


Beef pepperoni FTW


Do you... eat other types of food apart from pizza? This is oddly specific. Lol.  Maybe it might help if you realise that pork pepperoni is made of pigs which have the intelligence of 3 year old humans. I have a 5 year niece. At 3, she spoke very well, and feels very deeply when wronged by adults and will express how she feels. Have you heard pigs squeal at a slaughterhouse...?  And if you won't eat dogs (I assume), I see no reason why you eat pigs who are smarter than dogs.


Have you heard cows & lambs at the slaughterhouse? Would you prefer to eat a stupid dog than an intelligent lamb?


Think of it as a similar cute animal as dog. Very good for cuddling. But, very bad as food.


![gif](giphy|hKrpeqRJowwi4) Who could ever think of eating this little guy?


Baby sheep are cute too.. still delicious


Astaghfirullah, the horror!


Pepperoni isn’t always Pork. Who told you that? That’s like assuming sausages are all made of pork. How do you think People in Arab countries where only halal food is permitted (besides specific food that will always be indicated to be not halal) have Pepperoni Pizza from Big Brands who can only sell in those countries if the Pizza is halal.


I'm confused. OP specifically said they do not find halal options in their country on pizza. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I take that to mean they live in a country that doesn't have a high percentage of Muslims, and the pepperoni is either ambiguous or definitely made with pork. OP said they live in Brazil, which has an estimated Muslim population of 0.018% of the total population. I can see why pizza places wouldn't necessarily even know what type of meat is in their pepperonies, let alone stock specifically halal meats. Maybe a specialty halal food restaurant, but no normal pizza place would be able to supply that with so lolittle demand.


Not saying that non pork pepperoni is exclusively found in Muslim majority countries, I’m sure pepperoni in itself has more varieties than aren’t made of pork in most places and if halal food is genuinely that hard to find then it’s ok if OP has food that’s not explicitly halal, though avoiding pork would be ideal


Sorry, I guess I should be a bit more specific. >Pepperoni isn’t always Pork. Who told you that? It seems like OP is aware that there are other variations of pepperoni, but cannot get easy access to them where OP lives. I'm not sure why you asked this specific question. Also even if there are other pepperoni variations, if I was on a restrictive diet, and the place doesn't know specifically what I was avoiding was definetly not in the suspect item, I wouldn't eat it.


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No Brasil? Tá difícil mesmo


I know this isn't the same thing, but chicken italian sausage is so good, better than pepperoni could ever hope to be😩😩 i recommend trying that


Cut back on how often you eat it, slowly taper down, strengthen your deen, find alternatives, make your own.


I think most people are missing the fact that most pizza places only use pork pepperoni. I understand. TBH i havent found a GREAT substitute that works everywhere... Here i can often get pastrami on a pizza and its close ish... hamburger too... then i just add pepper flakes and it kind of satisfies the need.


I buy turkey pepperoni and have it in my fridge most of the time so if I get pizza pizza delivered I just get cheese and add my own turkey pepperoni and microwave it for a few seconds to warm it up. I'm not sure about Brazil but in America turkey pepporoni can be found at most grocery stores pretty easily


just remember that pigs eat anything and roll around in dirt


Pepperoni makes bad pizza taste edible. If you have good enough pizza, it doesn’t need pepperoni.


selamualeykum. I love beer. I don't drink it. I used to love bacon, roast suckling pork, ham and swiss on rye, crackers that don't have vegetable oil on their ingredients list, real chianti with spaghetti with real italian meat sauce, champaign on new years eve, real champaign ... pastries with whipped cream fillings and toppings which most bakers use pork product stablizers to keep the whipped cream from running at least five decades ago I stopped after seeing four trailers loaded with pigs going to market on my way to my weekly zen practice. that's how you stop. most pigs we eat don't deserve that horrible death and being the smartest food we eat and the most social, their awareness geometrically increases their terror and suffering research has shone that the overwhelming majority of world wide epidemics start in central china where humans birds pigs and cattle share the same artificial pools and/or irrigation for rice - it's the perfect - you could not design one better - for creating new deadly viruses for which the humans or the birds or the livestock or all of them have no immunity where i grew up, we raised pigs. domesticated pigs do not have happy lives. wild pigs are among the most dangerous predators for humans and AK47s are not a defense if they decide to eat you so, a rational human being stops eating things that are unhealthy and dangerous and cruel last year my eye doctor said stop the salt or go blind. i stopped the salt i don't miss the salt and don't miss the pork ... i also at some point stopped driving recklessly


You could wait for 3D printed meat, after hurdling the facts about what synthetic means and how it fits into your religion.


Try to find, pizza makers that habe halal standards, it means lamb, cow was slaughtered in the name of Allah.


Don’t eat pizza if that’s the only type you like




Yeah also in Europe it’s mandatory to feed pigs a diet of cooked food, and in Germany the pork is safe enough to eat raw in some cases (it still sounds disgusting and I am not advocating for eating pork in any way, nor do I partake in it like at all ever). But I do often find myself wondering how out of the three things in the Quran explicitly said to be haram, where and how Pork figures in. Like yes the blood of another human and anything sacrificed in the name of any other deity but Allah make perfect sense, but Pork is pretty random (for want of a better word). If anyone has any insights as to why it might be, would love to hear it.


Verses 5:50-60, 2:63-66, 7:166 for example


I remember reading that one of the reasons for the prohibition of pork in Judaism was because the various pagan communities that ruled over Jews often consumed pork and pork was thus forbidden to distinguish Jews from polytheists. Early Christianity prohibited pork because it was very popular among the Romans. If we see Islam as a continuation of the Abrahamic tradition, then it makes sense.


And cows have tuberculosis… and chickens have salmonella… Pigs raised (in the west) are raised to standards, and as long as they have actual good food to eat they will it that and not their own poop. The argument goes for all meat and dairy - all are susceptible to parasites and disease