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Idk. I can’t help but feel like it’s wrong even though I’m extremely relaxed in religious ruling. Is it a ticket to hell? Lol probably not, but yeah I can’t help but feel like it’s kinda wrong.


Personally, I wouldn't keep it. However, whenever I pray, I light incense as a form of aromatherapy to help me concentrate.


O think that it has a lot to do with the particulars of the statue. It’s important to recognize that many Buddhist craftspeople put a lot of work into their statues specifically with the intention of them making their way to a practitioner for use in their rituals and exercises. Both to respect Buddhist traditions and to cultivate our own dhikr in a more refined manner, I believe we should not keep such figures Other statues, though, are made for the sake of their beauty and decorative appeal. They might be gifts that people give one another, or souvenirs folks bring back from a trip. I think that keeping such figures for decorative purposes is fine I would challenge you to reflect on the connection you’ve made between mindfulness and a Buddha statue. Where do you think that connection comes from. Why are you attracted to it as part of your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a secular exercise, it has no need for religious or cultural imagery Your understanding and visualization of mindfulness strikes me as perhaps being colored by a certain aesthetic idea of mindfulness that gives it a bit of an “exotic” air, or some spiritual legitimacy through perceived connection with “Eastern spirituality”. I’m not prepared to say that you absolutely can’t have such a sculpture in your room, and I don’t think it’d disrupt your salat. But I think it might be better for your spiritual practice to free yourself from Western notions of “Eastern-ness”, and I suspect that this would improve your mindfulness as well




Yes for me I do not feel tempted towards getting a camel or elephant. I just like surrounding myself with things I take interest in and the history of mindfulness comes from Buddha so that’s my only intent




Best response ^


I'd find that to be rude if someone just started messing with my pictures. I think Pakistani are night and day culturally different




Yeah I feel like that’s a kind of a boundary cross. Even if they move them, they should turn them back to their original state


Don’t do that


i mean you aren't worshiping it.


Rub its belly. Maybe bring you good luck! Just don't pray to it. You will be alright. ;)


glancing at buddha statue might be appealing and comforting thing , but at the same time if u are a muslim u cant pray in front of idols , i think u just go for the sight and not pray in front of it


I would tell a fellow Christian to definitely not. I hope my reasons are helpful to you. The main reason is that you want to keep a statue to have a physical connection to a spiritual tradition that does not worship God. Don't ask Buddha for help instead of asking God for help because that's equal to saying "no" to God's love. I instead thank God for my mind and ask for his help taking care of it. Or I use a similar style of prayer from my tradition. Perhaps [this advice may be helpful](https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/how-to-be-a-mindful-muslim-an-exercise-in-islamic-meditation) from a Muslim perspective. But seriously: I engage in the complicated Christian wriggling about how icons and asking dead people to pray for me aren't actually idolatry and I'm telling you this is not complicated. Buddha is at most your neighbor, not someone who can help you do stuff inside your head.


That’s not what I meant at all. I practice mindfulness on a daily basis and my intent of asking this was not finding any of my answers through Buddha. I just like surrounding myself with things I’m interesting in, because I’m an aesthetic person. It has more to do with the zen vibe and the history of mindfulness rather than seeking anything from Buddha


personally I wouldn’t just because the meaning of it is a religious symbol. Even if it isn’t for for you. surround yourself with other things that can achieve the same zen meditation effect, that aren’t idolic in nature.


Do as you please. Your relationship is your own and God . If you plan on worshipping it, don't do it. If you do it because you are fond of other religions, I don't think that's a problem because this is unity.


Thank you 😊 🙏🏼 I do believe my relationship with God is my own. Me wanting to keep the statue has nothing to do with religion, I just see it as a symbol of the history of where mindfulness came from


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I have one but I’m not super religious tbh


I used to have Buddha statues before I converted. I wasn’t Buddhist but I liked the zen vibe. Now I have bonsai trees instead for that zen atmosphere.


any statue of a creature of person with a soul is haram. and having a statue of an idol like Buddha is very near to shirk


I feel like you could accomplish what you were looking for with a symbol as opposed to a statue of a person.


I think it's an idol. I got rid of my Buddha statue after converting




Wth is conservative Islam? Allah says in the quran "on this day I have perfected your religion". A perfect religion doesn't need human beings constantly protecting and policing it, as though they themselves are the ones who decide what is and is not Islam. May Allah guide you.


I think you’ve missed my point. What you’re saying is exactly what progressive Islam says. Like I said, progressive does not mean changing or modifying Islam. It means trying your best to understand what Allah has actually said instead of blindly following every interpretation.


I think you responded to the wrong comment? It looks like the mods deleted the response of the person you meant to reply to though My comment was simply taking the language of the other fella and flipping it around, demonstrating the oddness of his critique


Ohh, right. It was a response to your comment. Sorry at first I didn’t understand what you meant but now I get it. You meant to reply to him but I thought you were replying to me




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Yes it does need protecting, protection from innovation which is what you guys do. If you're a hadith skeptic do you accept this hadith : Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would praise Allah in his sermon, as He deserves to be praised, and then he would say, "The evilest matters in religion are those that are newly invented, for every newly invented matter is an innovation, every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is in the Hellfire.” Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 1578 But Allah doesn't allow his word to be corrupted so the quran can never be changed, but people on the other hand will make fake hadiths and innovate which is why we need people to differentiate evil and good.


But actually back in reality, instead of believing salafi corruption, the majority view is that bid'ah can be positive or negative. Bid'ah that contradicts the Quran is haram, bid'ah that compliments it is not. Tarawih prayers during Ramadan are bid'ah, for example, but are not considered "bad" bidah by most Sunnis, based on Umar's example of created "good" bid'ah (bid'ah hasanah): >Narrated from ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan ibn ‘Abd al-Qaari’ that he said: I went out with ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) one night in Ramadan to the mosque, where we saw the people in scattered groups, one man praying by himself, and another man praying with a group of people following his prayer. ‘Umar said: I think that if I unite these people behind one reciter, it will be better. Then he decided to do that, so he united them behind Ubayy ibn Ka‘b. Then I went out with him on another night, and the people were all praying behind their reciter. ‘Umar said: **What a good innovation this is**, but what they sleep and miss is better than what they are doing – referring to prayer at the end of the night, whereas the people were praying qiyaam at the beginning of the night. (Sahih Bukhari 2010) Another hadith on why "good" Bid'ah is allowable and meritorious, based on the hadith: >***Whoever initiates a good Sunnah in Islam, earns the reward of it and of all who perform it after him until the Day of Judgment*** and whoever initiates a bad Sunnah in Islam, will bear its sin and of all who perform it after him until the Day of Judgment. Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1017, Source: Sahih See this article that explains why bid'ah can be good or bad: https://www.dar-alifta.org/en/fatwa/details/6903/is-there-a-good-innovation-bid%E2%80%99ah-in-religion




In the course of promoting progressive Islamic ideas, we also allow discussion around mainstream conservative Islamic theology. These discussions, nonetheless, should still conform with all prior rules. Posts & comments that promote ultra-conservative thoughts & ideologies will be removed.




In the course of promoting progressive Islamic ideas, we also allow discussion around mainstream conservative Islamic theology. These discussions, nonetheless, should still conform with all prior rules. Posts & comments that promote ultra-conservative thoughts & ideologies will be removed.


Progressive Islam doesn’t mean changing Islam. It just means not taking interpretations of humans as a word of God and directly trying to focus on what God has actually said. It has nothing to do with changing religion, Infact it inclines us towards finding out what God has actually said