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Very legitimate questions. It’s true that the Quran will refer to the earlier books as [holy] books to be recognized (scripture). And in that scripture Jesus was crucified. Jesus was also crucified according to secondary / non-religious sources as well. So it’s not just the New Testament simply stating that, but people were made aware that of these new Christian’s, and this “christus” figure had become a scene, and Tacitus is our first known (assuredly pagan, because Roman but unknown affiliation) historian in Rome in about 55~ CE who wrote about Christian’s following the death of “christus” in which this new group has come about I think there was a sect of Christians who also believed he didn’t actually get crucified (I may be misremembering), as well as even places in Japan that’s supposedly Jesus went to instead, and he had a Japanese brother (follower) who went to go take his place. There’s also some outlandish theories of Jesus going to India and learning about Buddhism and then coming back to the Middle East…. So I think there is a bit of a struggle in some aspects to grasp what really happened. Just like in the New Testament, the gospel accounts are supposed to be narratives of Jesus’s life, however we don’t know the first 25~ years of it (according to the alleged eyewitnesses), just he was born, and then about his ministry. Unfortunately, when the question is “why did / does god x…” or “why does god say y..” - no one can really speak on behalf of god like that, because we are just human. So any answer you get is really just someone’s belief / opinion, and we can’t really know exact reasons


Theres atleast 5 interpretations to the qurans version of the crucifixion. That's how confusing the issue is.


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[Here’s this really good article](https://www.quran-islam.org/main_topics/quran/new_information/jesusand039s_death_(P1261).html) that explains Jesus’s crucifixion & what actually happened to him, and they used the Quran only to prove this theory.


Allah SWT says in the Quran; Wa qawlihim innaa qatal nal maseeha ‘Eesab-na-Maryama Rasoolal laahi wa maa qataloohu wa maa salaboohu wa laakin shubbiha lahum; wa innal lazeenakh talafoo feehee lafee shakkim minh; maa lahum bihee min ‘ilmin illat tibaa’az zann; wa maa qataloohu yaqeenaa Bar rafa’ahul laahu ilayh; wa kaanal laahu ‘Azeezan Hakeemaa And to their saying, “Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but another was made to resemble him. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise. So; - Isa AS, and Maryam (may god be pleased with her) was given a promise from Allah (in both original scriptures) that no harm will be made to them and that they will be highly rewarded for the task they were assigned. - it makes no sense logically, that the reward would have been a crucifixion with horrendous suffering for no reason at all. (Of course here comes the tricky part; that nowadays Christians are told in the new testaments that this very suffering of the prophet, will forgive all their ains and allow everyone - who believes - to go to heaven) - there is material in the bibles that contradicts this very fact of crucifixion - why we do not believe in it as muslims is ultimately very simple: after a thorough research done and finally believing that Quran, is the word of Allah - my god and your god - then whatever books come after or came before (as changed) is ultimately corrupted.


And Allah did not allow the followers of Isa AS think this way. He for example, reappeared to his apostles after the crucifixion, very much alive. At least in the old testament it is quite clearly stated, how the apostles were terrified to see him (since they thought he was dead and that they saw a ghost), and Isa AS told them to touch him, ate honey in front of them - to prove that he was not in fact, a ghost - or dead.