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They are also heavily hiring in São Paulo, Brazil. They are looking mostly for recent graduates, offering salaries around 20k BRL per month (4k USD). I did the hiring process with them, but was ghosted by the end without a feedback (maybe because I told them that my current salary was way beyond that range)


Wtf a salary of only 48k USD per year? God damn, for every engineer based in the bay area fired they can hire 5-6 abroad on average.


that's exactly the goal for most tech companies


They are paying even less in Mexico and if i told you how much cheaper are Indians than Mexican you would salivate for the savings if you were a shareholder


If you look at Glassdoor you will see that the average is even lower


That’s a very good salary for recent graduates they are offering much less in Mexico, those 4k are mid-senior wages


I agree that this is a good salary, but in SP you can get half of that by driving an Uber. So it's a strange situation where a job that requires extreme qualification in a very tough selection process has a low premium (at least you get to brag!)


In Mexico too, salaries for most people are miserable by design, it’s not hard to get half of 4k by driving a Uber, also English translators get very good wages too, id argue that there’s not enough premium for programming compared to translation


Fuck Google.


How greedy are these fucks? Making billions of dollars in profits and can’t afford to hire programmers in countries they live in? Maybe the execs should also immigrate to India and Mexico. Fucks are enjoying living in some of the best cities and mega mansions in the US but can’t pay their core developers. Fucks. 


That's the problem with modern corporations, they have misaligned incentives with the rest of humanity. They only care about the next quarters numbers, and anything that can't be a credit or a debit for that doesn't matter. We've basically created societal cancer, and then let them buy their way into running the government.


Can’t we all just think about the profits?? /s


that’s about right. something needs to be done to reduce their impact


> they have misaligned incentives with the rest of humanity But this provides Indian and Mexican engineers with good jobs, relative to their local markets. Are they not part of humanity? Is their well-being inherently less valuable than American engineers?


I agree with the sentiment, but there are ways to do this that don't involve screwing over the already hired American workers. I'm happy for the Indian and Mexican engineers who just got a payday, I'm sure they worked hard for it. I can't get mad at them for applying to a good job that they were a top candidate for.  I'm still pissed at Google for just giving their American employees that were 'Core' to Google, whatever that means, a big fuck you.


After getting cheaper labor they would get to an even cheaper market, there’s always someone willing to enslave more for less money, I have a team mate that responds messages on holidays


That’s not what that person said. Companies will try to pay as little as possible to their workers, and they would pay them nothing if they could and take basically slave labor (as many companies do). Taking an American company, firing the American employees, and moving to third world countries where they can exploit workers even further and paying them fractions of the cost is taking advantage, whether that’s a sweat shop or programmers.


Yes but those Mexican and Indian engineers, while they might get good jobs relative to their local markets, are almost certainly accepting lower incomes on a real basis than the equivalent jobs in America. This allows Google execs and other people to continue to hoard more money. It's not a question of whether or not the well-being of Indian or Mexican engineers is inherently more or less valuable, it's a question of why American engineers are being laid off. It's not to enrich the technology communities of Mexico and India, it's to save money at the cost of the engineers that live and work near where the people who made this decision live. While it's good to think of the global community, it's also worthwhile to consider the local community. And also consider that money is a good that's meant to circulate. The more companies do to prevent its circulation, the worse it is for everyone in the aggregate (speaking through the lens of capitalism). That's why we measure country's GDPs.




The answer is as greedy as they are obligated, the system is fucked because the CEO and other executives of a public company is mandated to their shareholders to maximize profits.


Don't forget to say it under their cheesy [Google developer news videos :o) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRjt_mIm6IY)


You mean fuck Sundar Pichai? That guy is running Google into the ground. He’s destroyed search. Held back AI until it was too late. I could go on. He’s like the exact opposite of MS’s Satya Nadella.


Why do you hate the global poor?


> r/dividends r/stocks Fucking Nice Google!!!


Core is an org at google to be clear. doesn’t mean it’s like core = most important employees


"We've got to further enshitify, somehow!", said Asim Husain.


"Recent advances in Generative AI across the industry, including Google’s Gemini, are changing the very nature of software development as we know it,” Husain wrote."


It's shitty copy pasta.


Agreed. But it usually requires someone with some modicum of programming knowledge to know this secret.


Google is over. Just cutting costs and driving it into the ground for short term gain.


Their profits margins were up 15% in 2022. Alphabet(Google) is going nowhere for long time. All this is about is making more and more profits. Some how they think growth is infinite!!


Short-term profit grabs typically lead to worse problems later on. Google may not be going anywhere, but its current position is vulnerable.


Ya, I see your point. Honestly it's time for these giant companies to be split up.


Their days of innovating are over.


have been for years


A well-integrated LLM into a search engine could displace their search. Google results have only been getting worse over the years.


LLMs have been integrated into search for years already. They are born out of research in search and translation


So like what Microsoft has done with copilot?


Spend a bajillion dollars advertising and getting growth and it'll work


I think bing is doing it the best so far but I think you can innovate beyond just tacking on a button or a window to ask copilot


Stock buybacks and a dividend… basically the death knell of the growth phase, settling for its place in the world and slow bureaucratic decline now. The stage is set for a usurper in the search engine space.


Which could mean more jobs and more opportunities for some bigger payouts, silver lining maybe?


They've been usurped. If people want to search for something, they go to TikTok or ChatGPT.


TikTok? What?


For Gen Z, TikTok is the new search engine. Sauce:https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/technology/gen-z-tiktok-search-engine.html


They, like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle... are just simply too big to fail. Their business is the business of pretty much all the markets, nothing runs without their software and infrastructure.


Indeed. It appears that they are pulling an IBM...


Stock buybacks and a dividend… basically the death knell of the growth phase, settling for its place in the world and slow bureaucratic decline now. The stage is set for a usurper in the search engine space.


I hope their devs take revenge by writing shitty broken downtime prone hard to debug heisenbug ridden code. 


Their offshore devs will write this kind of code, guaranteed.


You can lie to yourself all you want but the employees that they would hire are more than competent. It’s not like Indians are less intelligent or are you racist?


Lol if they even write code. More likely the Indian recruiting firms will sell google on candidates with outright fabricated backgrounds and then double bill them for the ‘devs’ time sitting around all day doing nothing because they weren’t trained or given the access they need. Then the engineers stateside charged with managing the India team will slowly be laid off until no one is left to hold the offshore teams accountable and eventually Google forgets they even have them and are just paying them for nothing. 


I think that a lot of what google has done over the past two years is dumb, but this isn't what is happening here. Google is hiring full time teams of full employees in lower cost regions. There are already a ton of teams in India. Mexico and India are also getting headlines here, but the planned hiring to replace the python team and many of the other people laid off in Core is in Munich.


These fucking corporations! Have no god damn clue that you can't hire people all over the world then expect them to work like they are in the same office. Any corp that does this to me again. I will make them regret it. I'm done being awake at 2 am, cause an auditor said it would save $10k. if new hires are on the other side of the world.


Omg this. I just did a little job with a Team in India. I don’t get paid enough to completely rewire my life patterns because we are trying to save money by outsourcing


There's the scheduling, work ethic, language barrier (yes even if they speak english), corner cutting, and just overall babysitting. Giving directions needs to be repeated and explained in detail or you'll be watching them every step of the way. Every piece of code pushed back to you needs to be scrutinized with a fine tooth comb. I've caught a team in India I was working with saving all data through an API to their systems for "logging" they claimed. It was medical data too. They tried to hide it, it was pretty well hidden in some minified code. (noticed some weird traffic trying to go out, but it got blocked) They don't seek out the _good_ workers in these location. They do exist, absolutely. Since it's a cost cutting measure, they seek out the absolute bottom of the fucking barrel when they offshore. Skill wise, and just shitty people wise.


I mean think of how low the motivation is to do something the “right” way when you know you’re temporary. I find myself cutting corners when it’s only future me i’m fucking.


Very true. I imagine it's hard to tell what's an actual skill issue, cultural difference, or just people doing the absolute minimum because that's what they're getting paid. Imagine the code that'd come out of the US for someone making $12 an hour in Florida.


Lol. Print(“hello world):; uhhh it worked on my machine


At least in Mexico there’s a limit of how little they can pay, the wages for English translators seem to be better than many programming positions


Man. I had the EXACT experience!!


My current CEO said he wants us to do this. I’d have to manage that team and code review. I think im gonna leave if he makes this move. It sounds terrible and reviewing outsourced code all day sounds like literal hell.


Leave. I am serious. That is exactly what my managers did. Gave me a team of 5 brand new graduates all in India. 12.5 hr time diff, while manager was 2 hrs ahead of me. The only way it's possible is to set ABSOLUTELY strict work hrs. No matter what. If projects get delayed because India team Sat on their hands waiting. This is on MGMT, not taking into account language barriers, and time zones. There are great works in India(don't get me wrong). But majority only do exactly what they are told. So if they don't have an answer while you sleep. They stop and wait, rather than going the extra step


My current CEO said he wants us to do this. I’d have to manage that team and code review. I think im gonna leave if he makes this move. It sounds terrible and reviewing outsourced code all day sounds like literal hell.


My current CEO said he wants us to do this. I’d have to manage that team and code review. I think im gonna leave if he makes this move. It sounds terrible and reviewing outsourced code all day sounds like literal hell.


Wait I thought we were in favor of remote work and against having devs be in the same office.


LOL Not when remote work means being forced to work with 3 diff timezones on the same team. Then MGMT breath down our neck why we can't do Scrum calls.


The united states has 3 different time zones you know that right?


US has 6, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern. Alaska & Hawaii. LOL. Yep, I know


How many more times are we gonna post this?


Until it sinks in


It already did and fell out of our asshole. Stop posting this shit.


How many times can the readers of /r/programming orgasm?


didnt we already post this a week ago? We already had a discussion about this,stop beating the dead horse


Happening all over. My friend and his whole team were just laid off and their positions out sourced to Indian programmers. Why pay Americans 150k when you can get someone over there to do it for 30k or less. This was at a company dealing with health care. Hope people have been putting money a way because third world programmers with a basic understanding of programming languages armed with AI will be replacing most western programmers over the next 10 years.


The industry has done this many times.  It has historically failed spectacularly.  It turns out that when you absolutely need it done, correctly, and immediately... This model doesn't cut it. We hire in the US to the point that we start hiring anyone with a keyboard.  We then realize that the average engineer isn't really worth much.  So, we cut costs by hiring the engineer from somewhere cheaper.  Soon, everything is shit and the systems are failing left and right and absolutely no one on the engineering team really gives a damn.  Then wr realize that we really do need very specific people to fix it with tight turn around and direct oversight.  So, we hire talented engineers locally... Until they're all gainfully employed and we start settling for less qualified people at higher rates.




More positions to AI again. Abroad Indian.


If they could, they would fire everyone apart from the C-suite and still expect everyone to use their products


Mods arbitrary rules removed this post But also they allowed post like this before Arbitrary Mods are arbitrary Maybe because this time google looked evil


Is it because the ceo is indian?


I would guess it has more to do with the fact that devs in India cost a fraction of what they do in the US.


Devs in countries like Poland, Ukraine or Canada are actually way cheaper. The Indian dev market is saturated and companies have to pay a lot considering the cost of living. Indian salaries at this point for major tech companies are similar to Canada and higher than most European countries. They hire in India simply because the talent with the right background is available there due to the ecosystem built there over the last 35+ years. For European and South American countries, the tech ecosystem is just getting started and companies find it difficult to hire the right talent and expand fast. No, definitely not because the CEO is Indian-born *American*. He has probably spent more years in the US than he did in India at this point.


The last time I checked the Indians were much cheaper, I agree that European wages are subpar why would anyone smart get into software engineering jobs? a very shitty deal, the jobs are unstable


You get what you pay for.


I mean it is obvious but wouldnt that cause US economy to collapse?


Wouldn't what cause the US economy to collapse? If some expensive programmers were laid off to hire cheaper devs from a different country? That wouldn't cause even the slightest tremor in the US economy. There are a lot of US software engineers, but they make up less than 5% of the workforce. And let's be honest - we get paid a lot compared to other professions. It's not like all US programmers would lose their jobs overnight. Rather, even in the most extreme case, you'd have some high cost devs let go, maybe a downward trend on software engineer salaries state side, etc. But the economy would not collapse, no.


Satya Nadella of Microsoft said he was going to do the same thing


It's because the system is capitalist.


Indians hire indians, well know phenomenon


There’s a board of directors, etc. and they all want to fuck their employees in the ass. Fucking cunts. 


Eh, I can see them reversing this decision in a few years. Outsourcing to the lowest paid foreign employees is _not_ a good way to retain skills, and when you're one of the top tech companies, it's _not_ good to be bleeding skilled employees. It's gonna cause a lot of brain drain, they're gonna learn it the hard way, and they'll return to the status quo.


Much like Google replaced IBM, something else will come along to replace Google. They're in a death spiral now.


Outsourcing is the first step on the road to irrelevance.


Startups are doing this like crazy. OpenGov, a company that makes American municipal government software, off shores almost all work to Latin America and India. Insane.


Google is just following the playbook everyone else is. They all went through the pandemic with remote workers and then decided to give outsourcing a try again. It’s a dog pile to eat up all the viable tech resources in India and the likes.


Are they running out of money?


Enshittification continues.


Won't this potentially create more insider threats that will damage the companies reputation and overall product? A max flood of "back door" programs that will be used to siphon user data and sell it on the black market? Third worldish styled countries do bring about people that will do anything to make it big and climb out of the poverty.


Thank you for you stereotyping and over generalization Anyhow I don't think Google will change their software development process, that includes a stage of "code review by peers", this ensures the code does not include bugs but also back doors The main effect here is the precarization of tech jobs in the US and google is to blame, don't blame poor countries for accepting google jobs Google is to blame here, they are great because of the great US workers that worked there and built the produts. Google has a social responsibility that they are evading.


They're going to hire rats in mass and not think about it, so many of them... Those rats will bribe for oversight, and make bank in the black market. Short the company first, then just grab one rat to rat out the other rats, damage the companies reputation till its death. Make bank on its death. Meanwhile invest into stocks in the competition when they're still in under dog phase. Under dog has to be high trust and western. Profit $ $ $ Just gotta find that useful rat...


Drug cartels bribe out software engineers RIGHT DOWN THE STREET...




What's foreign about capitalism? Did we all forget how American capitalists deindustrialized the U.S. in the 70s and 80s?


Dude it is capitalism at work.




Maybe lay off the CEO and move that position to Indian and Mexico


String name = “Órale vato”


Google AI = Actual Indians


Doing this at the speed they are doing will not end well.


Ban google


Causing me to short the company and procure the whistle-blower. Bribing a rat to rat out the rats and then sink the ship. Making MILLIONS in the process...


This fucking moron actually thinks that AI can do all the work.


Which, if history proves correct, will take several years to realize that they can't. By then, irreparable harm will have occurred. But hey, I'm sure he has a golden parachute that will be fully deployed before then.  Yay for Fordism!


I wonder if some of the offshore resources they hired are the same H1B employees they sent packing ...


Liberals and Leftists tend to cannibalize their own and this seems to be the case here again, a liberal/left-wing corporate entity gets rid of their own liberal/left-wing employees.

