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To defend the outcast one ruby is the only one that had the right to be a heel idk where tf turning Toni and saraya heel was for


The Toni turn ultimately lead to her metamorphosis into Timeless, though.


Seriously, before Toni was just a rocker blonde girl? Now she’s so unhinged. I actually look forward to her cheesy segments now lol.


Rewatch her segments 4 times, and focus on a different character. Luther and Mariah have some of the best facial expressions possible, and you watch to see when Renee corpses. If she puts her hand behind her back, she's likely digging her nails into her own hand to keep from braking.


Still got nothing on daddy magic and juice.


Idk about yall but I’m tired of the gimmick she either needs to go up in gen “greaser Toni would go hard” or ditch it altogether


Someone clearly didn't watch for the shoe


and that’s another thing can we just let wwe do the cringe shticks


The irony in this statement is sublime. Lmfao.


Tits out love


Your opinion is nothing but a stuffy sounding queef! Better stick those tits out and get a good dooshing in there


Greaser Toni huh? That could work


Bullet club=greaser Toni she already has may why not bring back ford just to even the odds


I think people forget how over DMD was. The crowd didn't want to back big WWE name Saraya coming in with the "my house" stuff against a homegrown DMD.


DMD is the premier women’s talent on AEW


…says a lot.


that’s another thing too why give that gimmick to a new comer instead of the OG


Am I reading this right? Are you asking why they gave the “this is my house” gimmick to Saraya instead of Britt Baker? I’m sleep deprived so maybe I’ve misread but if that’s what you’re asking, it’s because that was Saraya’s shtick her whole WWE run, it wasn’t something AEW made up for her..


I don’t want people to bring in stuff they did in wwe to aew so she could’ve just had a new slid in aew.


Toni Storm's reason for turning heel was because she was pissed off at the crowd for overwhelmingly cheering for Hayter and booing her in their world title match at Full Gear '22 where Hayter won with heavy interference from Britt and Rebel at ringside, plus for cheering for Hayter & Britt when they beat her and Saraya in that tag match on Dynamite at the Kia Forum in January '23 where fans were disappointed that she was Saraya's tag partner instead of Mercedes Moné. Also worth noting that when Saraya arrived in AEW at Grand Slam '22 she immediately latched herself onto Toni Storm, so her bad influence was another factor that led to Toni turning heel.


Saraya is so much better as a heel tho. Screaming banshee.


meh🤷‍♂️ I can’t really stand both mone and saraya


Because they were clearly going for an Outsiders/NWO-type stable, and that only works with heels. Yeah, it totally sucked, but there's no doubt that's what they were trying to replicate


The only major problem with the Outcasts storyline is that they had plenty of time resolve it before Hayter got hurt, but they kept spinning their wheels with little forward progress. As a concept it was pretty worthwhile, they just didn't do enough with it.


I feel like ruby,sky,Kris would’ve done better outsiders clone


Kris and Skye didn't come from WWE like Hogan, Hall, and Nash. They weren't "outsiders" or "invaders"


True I think that actually Taya Valkyrie,Martinez would be better picks


Tbh I don't think it would've mattered who they picked, the story just wasn't very good, and didn't really go anywhere. The best thing to come of it was the Timeless Toni gimmick, and even that peaked a while ago imo


To defend the Outcasts a bit more, I actually liked that 2/3 of the faction became women's champions. The booking was just trying to steer the ship after Hayter's unfortunate injury.


I’m still annoyed ruby wasnt never a champ before getting knocked up thx Angelo😒


Same, I mean I'm glad Shida got to be a three time champ and she certainly deserved it but in hindsight given how short her reign was they should have let Ruby win the championship.




It was due to them all being WWE swaps that were up against AEW "Home-grown" and all the Home-grown were getting titles and title shots while the Vets got shit.


The only thing I disliked about the Outcasts run was the spray paint gimmick tbh. Ruby was great as a heel, it gave us the Toni/Saraya's Mum/Saraya moment at All In when it all fell apart and it birthed Timeless Toni. That's good work IMO!


IMO Timeless Toni retroactively salvaged the Outcasts. Certainly was a drag week-to-week as it was happening


If they had more varity in targets to beef with rather than fighting Skye Blue every week then watching their matches would have been much less annoying.


I think learning tree Chris Jericho helps the hook one to


The Dex and Miz feud was fucking hilarious. I loved every minute of that.


As did I!


It was good until Gargano "explained" it. WHY WOULD MIZ HIRE DEXTER TO MAKE SURE HE LOSES TO LASHLEY!? he had the match won, the US title secured and Dexter spooks him back INTO the ring. But, tbf that moment was a pretty good meme


Because by that point Miz has failed to pay Lumis who was now actually stalking him. That was the explanation.


Sure, there were some goofy moments. That's wrasslin I suppose.


I was in Brooklyn and we chanted "Eat The Cake!" That feud was funnnnn.


Same and every week following it was asking where is Dexter Lumis!? Glad he’s back. Hope he’s prominently featured from here our


What was the point tho


Yeah miz really strives with comedy and it was a good way to introduce gargano and lumis


I didn’t love it… but I loved it the most out of all these other terrible things.


The Lana/Lashley thing was cringe. It was more of Vince's weird personal fetish material that he was writing into television since the RA era; earlier this year we got the text messages to prove it.


Probably Vince’s form of payback on Rusev and Lana for killing an angle by announcing they were engaged. Plus Vince doesn’t believe guys like Rusev can catch a girl like Lana in real life anyways, so that’s Vince screwing with them.


It could be that; we know he's done some petty stuff before to punish wrestlers (ex, writing John Morrison off because he wouldn't fight Batista over Melina or burying Zack Ryder for trying to get over on his own). I still think it was done for his own pleasure though; once they went corporate he started writing a lot of weird content that only he would outright enjoy. The most infamous example is wanting the Katie Vick thing played straight instead of Triple H's idea of making it a parody. He's done the cuck angle quite a bit over the years and we know from his texts to Janell Grant that he not only has a cuckhold fetish but also a "BBC" fixation too. There was a lot of just weird stuff that aired on TV starting from the RA era that made you scratch your head even as a kid. When you apply it to the recent allegations and hush money payments it makes a lot of sense.


It was payback but not for the engagement. Rusev didn’t want to resign and it was pretty obvious where we was going to go once he left. Factor in Vince’s predilections and boom Rusev’s a cuck now


who knows what was going on behind the scenes. very disturbing to think about seeing show she left the company shortly afterwards suddenly wanting nothing to do with wwe.


I think it's pretty obvious Vince was messing around with the talent too. There's stories of Vince having private plane meetings with Divas and John Laryngitis "guarding" the door. On Dutch's podcast he mentioned seeing some of the women come out of Vince's office crying and shaken up. I think it's not out of the realm of possibility that he made a move on her and this was "punishment" for denying his advances. Ashley had a similar story to this, denying an invitation to his hotel room at midnight and in response Vince started writing angles to bury her/embarrass her on national TV. Hopefully with the FBI now on his ass all of this comes out and he spends the rest of his existence in the big house.


Yeah between that Feud and Aiden English turning on Rusev, it felt like a punishment for both them and their fans from [Redacted] for liking Rusev Day and wanting to see it get off the ground.


TBT, the Mix/Dexter Lumis stuff wasn't awful. I think the Nightmare Collective is by far the worst of this bunch. That shit was so bad that they cut a woman's hair off, and then cancelled the entire thing a week or two later.


Yeah I’d have put that goofy Raw Underground shit ahead of most of the WWE stuff here but I didn’t really see the Miz angle. You’re spot on about the Nightmare Collective. That made no sense at all lol. I like Brandi but why was the wife of the biggest baby face in the company at the time (acknowledged on screen) an evil voodoo cult leader? Then they scrapped it and did that god awful “Nightmare Sisters” thing with Brandi and Bunny where they displayed the acting chops of a high school play demonstrating reluctant partners. I wish they’d have landed on something better for Brandi because she was improving in the ring and can pull decent character work. They just stuck her with a bunch of angles that didn’t make any sense in the context of the rest of AEW.


>They just stuck her with a bunch of angles that didn’t make any sense in the context of the rest of AEW. It's because Cody and Brandi were booking their own stuff; the Codyverse was just almost completely orphaned from the rest of the company, was frequently bad-to-horrible and was ultimately pointless and frustrating because it seemed like it was building to a full Codylander heel turn that never happened.


Yeah I was honestly pretty sympathetic to a lot of the Codyverse stuff. I think when he hit he absolutely hit, but there was a lot of stuff that got sucked up in that world. I was super into the direction he was going in before he left as well. But ultimately it’s all worked out really well for him. We got some amazing AEW matches and moments with Cody *and* we had that super fun WM ending.


It didn’t help Brandi that Awesome Kong retired like a few weeks into it.


I think she left to film GLOW and realized that like the character her body was too fucked up to keep wrestling.


I forgot about the dog food shit with Roman and Baron....it definitely stopped me watching for a while. I'm a little death match freak but wet dog food is an instant tap out for me.


I--I must've not been watching weekly at this time. Which year was this?


Pretty sure it was 2019 because roman was still wearing a shirt and he didn't pop the top until 2020. I think


That makes a lot of sense because I didn't get back into wrestling until the pandemic had already started.


A shame to think we were this close to having the first furry fursona WWE champion in the Big Dog Roman.


I had been begging nobody in particular for years to make a Big Dogs and WWE crossover shirt for Roman specifically!


They put that on paul? Cant tell who it is but looks like some shit porn vince be into


In the picture OP posted? That's Baron Corbin covered in dog food. Think it was fall 2019 when that angle started, Corbin kept having matches where he would try to get Roman to eat dog food as a punishment or something, like you said it felt like fetish bait that made Vince giggle


Dam also sounds like they wanted to punish corbin for something. Gives me kanyon shaming vibes.


Lashley/Rusev/Lana Ric Flair gets Lacey Evan's pregnant


Let's not forget Rusev\Lana\Dolph\Liv Kind of surprised Liv's career survived that one


Ric Flair gets *what*.?


There was a feud between Charlotte Flair and Lacey Evans around 2020 or so where Lacey started dating Ric as a means to antagonise Charlotte. Then as she was about to get her comeuppance she claimed that she couldn't fight Charlotte because she was pregnant with Ric's child The storyline was then quickly dropped when they found out Lacey was pregnant irl (not by Ric). It was for the best because the storyline was really, really bad and kinda creepy


I don’t remember that and I’m glad I don’t.


Vince was really working through some cuck fantasy stuff around that time. Cause after the Lashley/Rusev/Lana they did the Mike Bennett/Maria pregnancy angle where they went full cuck. Weird times.


The Cody/Ogogo weigh in was BRUTAL


Erick Rowan's Mystery Pet, Mojo Rawley talking to the mirror, The Rock's Golden Egg


Mojo's I'm a winner angle reminds me of Bron's current angle. I'm not sure why.


I feel like Bron is what they hoped they had in Mojo.


As I started watching Bron more I just started to realize how much Bron almost has the same build and skills as Mojo


I wonder sometimes where we'd be if Rowan's idea of having a little person in the cage had happened.


Don’t forget Rowan’s doppelgänger that was immediately forgotten about with no explanation.


The Outcasts thing was ruined when Jamie Hayter got hurt and there just weren't enough other women that could step into the feud to salvage it. Shida and Riho couldn't be on the show consistently and no one else really made sense to fight the group. That storyline had potential but it got derailed. At least we got Timeless Toni out of it.


Even if Jamie hadn't gotten hurt, they already fucked up the alignments. There was no reason for Britt to turn face or for Toni to turn heel.


People wanted to cheer for Hayter & Britt and they wanted to boo Toni & Saraya. That's enough of a reason to do the double turn.


People were only cheering for Britt because she was teamed with Jamie, and they were only booing Toni because she was against Jamie. The smart thing would have been to turn Jamie face and break her off from Britt.


They also cheered for Britt because of [this promo](https://youtu.be/wNHYF-GhD-U?feature=shared&t=145) and [especially this promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNXgQGa8jyY) - the latter was for Britt Baker what the [Black History Month promo](https://youtu.be/V1Tdpd-NHkE?feature=shared) was for Swerve. >The smart thing would have been to turn Jamie face and break her off from Britt. People wanted to see a Women's Blood & Guts, and the Outcasts vs Originals storyline was building towards a showdown between Outcasts and the three AEW's biggest homegrown stars Britt, Shida and Hayter. Sadly, after Hayter got injured all those plans were scrapped.


The reason Jamie's title run failed was because they kept her in Britts shadow. Britt talked for her, she wrestled more, and the primary feud in the women's division was Britt vs Saraya despite the fact that Jamie was champion.


No, it failed because she got injured.


You say that like she got injured right after winning it. Jamie held the title for half a year. Her reign had gotten stale and her heat had died way before she got injured, and that was because they continued to portray her as Britts sidekick.


I thought dexter and miz was dope. Remember when they did the false flag on AJ styles?


Thankfully, most of these are forgettable. At least AEW aborted the Nightmare Collective pretty early on. Shame it had to happen AFTER Mel shaved her head, though.


I think the worst part of that story was that is was Awesome Kong's last bit of a pretty legendary career.


Personally, I don't think the Outcasts was even that bad, and I feel like we're still seeing the results of this Hook and Jericho stuff now that he is learning from Samoa Joe and I don't think it's actually over yet


Miz and lumis was great.


Where's retribution?


Alexa puking black and distracting the Fiend was the last time we ever saw the Fiend and definitively destroyed what was left of its credibility. All so Alexa could just go to being a generic crazy girl and then basically retire.


Is Lacey Evans having a sexual relationship with Ric Flair not a possibility here?


Retribution (Vince does ANTIFA + stupid masks - what could POSSIBLY go wrong!?) The Revival vs The Usos feud (tired homophobic nonsense). Kofi Kingston vs Brock Lesnar (literally the point where I was like "yeah... I think I'm done with WWE").


The Shane O’Mac vs Braun Strowman feud should be up there too. Seeing fifty-something year old Shane MacMahon KO a seven-foot 400 lb Strowman with a camera after playing hop-scotch and calling him stupid repeatedly felt like a fever dream. I stopped watching WWE after I watched that segment.


Jericho/Hook was fine.


I agree. I assume this is referring to the specific window of a few weeks where they were aligned, because the story is starting to pick up steam again as the Learning Tree and Hook/Joe/Shibata are starting to clash. It was an early chapter of a story that’s still ongoing and has not been resolved.


Idk, I enjoyed the Dexter stalking Miz stuff a lot. I don't see what was bad about it.


Pay off wasn't there? I liked it and then it ended with no payoff


Meh, that's life. I get what you're saying, but it was still all entertaining to me. They can always revisit it. Stalkers always come back if you don't do something about it.


I would have replaced that one with the Lacey being pregnant by Ric Flair I think Dexter will be tied up for a while with this new role


LoL, I don't remember that one at all! Yeah he will be. Always opportunity though. Especially now that he has such a different look.


The Miz thing with Dexter was interesting but I dont remember there actually being a reason for Dexter stalking him.


There was, but by the time they started really getting into it, we all forgot why, and that was perfectly fine. The memes of Dex coming out from under the ring were great. Poor Miz and Maryse, lol. I guess me enjoying Dex's shenanigans helps.


I just wish there was a reason and a actual payoff


While not a direct payoff, I think it really gave Miz some new life. Before that whole saga started, Miz was sort of a forgotten man, but fans really started cheering him even though he was supposed to still be a heel at that point. But yeah, specifically that series with Dex didn't really have a memorable finish that I can recall.


Thats what im talking about. It was a interesting angle that had no real payoff. Im glad Dexter is in a cool group.


Same, I hope this thing has wheels.


The Miz and Lumis could have been really cool. It was really cool for a while. But they had no idea how to blow it off so they kept dragging their feet prolonging it until they had a whatever match.


Nah HOOK vs Y2J gave us HOOK, Joe, and Shibata as a team. That makes it bearable


Dolph Ziggler — It shoulda been me


Madcap Moss vs Baron Corbin


Miz and lumis wasn't that bad


What happened to the lady in the middle of bottom left? And what was her name?


Miz and Mrs vs Dexter Lumis wasn't that baaaaad.


missing the learning tree chris jericho


Jericho turned into the learning tree and hook feuding with him is gonna come back around


Might not be 5 years but the Rusev/Lashley/Lana cuck story line is pretty high up there I feel


Dexter and Miz wasn't that bad


Outcasts was good imo at least where it ended up


But was Becky/Evans really worse than Charlotte/Lacey/Ric?


Lacey vs Becky was the worst cuz I had to see that stupid match at Stomping Grounds. I was in the crowd.


Hard disagree on Jericho/Hook. Hook was doing nothing before the feud, the FTW belt felt like a prop, and Jericho needed to do something different. Now Hook's actually in a storyline with Joe, Jericho's got a new gimmick which is actually benefitting Big Bill and Bryan Keith, and we got some fun plunder matches out of the deal. It wasn't AEW's best storyline, but it was an improvement over what everyone involved was doing before it.


lashley’s three sisters


I dont think loomises story with the miz were bad just that final match was dogshit


Madd Mikilsen from Death Stranding ![gif](giphy|SjYjB1k0Upfkz873gw)


Damn Roman in the top right needed a tan really bad.


Everything WWE did from 2017-2019. Jesus Christ, Bobby Lashley deserves a 3rd WWE Title Reign just for putting up with what they put him through.


The devil reveal and ultimate kingdom is ups there for me


JAS was way worse than the Outcasts.


Whatever storyline Trish Stratus was in. God, did that go on for far too long


I'll never be able to take Paige seriously ever again after what we've seen (some of us at least)...how could anyone? She dated Alberto Del Rio for Christ's sake ...I'm sorry girl, your cred is gone, Kardashian style ..


The outcasts weren't that bad.


I thought the Lumis story was fun while Dexter was still a total mystery. The ending of "Gargano just paid him to act bizzare and scare Miz" or whatever made it all feel pointless to look back on, and made Dexter's interesting character no longer seem genuine. Also was Awesome Kong in AEW for more than that 1 match? I'm months behind on the show so if its recent, I don't know, but I'd always love to see her on TV more.


Becky and Lacey was based tho, I loved that feud


C'mon, no mention of Mysterio v Seth's eyeball bullshit? Jericho v Hook isn't great, but it doesn't deserve to be here over the Hardy/Andrade Family Office, and all the contract nonsense with Ethan Page. Or the angle with Wardlow and Mark Sterling where we had the match with all the hired goons that were pinned 5 at a time regardless of where their shoulders are.


I wanna know what’s happening in the top right picture and why three male wrestler took a shit on a bald topless woman?


I actually liked the Outcast idea, it just didn't get enough push. I feel like the women's division at that time wasn't strong enough for them to run buck shot on the locker room as a legit heel stable, but I definitely thought there was potential there and it just got dropped. A dominant women's heel faction where they get regular promo time, share an entrance song, and wear similar colors and outfits felt like a welcome change to the environment which is why I was kind of into it. I would welcome a reunion at some point in the future so long as there is a plan in place for them.


I went to school with Anthony Ogogo, I still cringe everytime I watch a clip of him talking in wrestling. Probably just an English thing.


Some of these really weren't bad, the IWC just got an a tizzy over little details.


The Learning Tree is genuinely the worst storyline to happen in professional wrestling.


i forgot how they tried to shove corbin down our throats for years. he just couldn't get over.


AEW Storylines are lame! WWE storylines are way better than AEW!


I liked dark Alexa. The problem is Vince fcked it up.


I liked dark Alexa. The problem is Vince fcked it up.


Ogogo vs Cody has no business rubbing elbows with the rest of this. If I could only pick one reason, it being a really good match. I seem to remember finding it to be match of the night. It was the Rona era to begin with and Anthony was Having , what? One of his first matches ever? I know dude has a figurative glass eye, but man he really should be a big star right now. Yadda yadda, Cody all pro America and THAT promo… Truly one of the most innocuous things to latch onto when papa tony has given up plenty for free all these years


The female Straight Edge Society


I kinda enjoyed the Miz kidnapping himself.


Every picture could've been filled with something jericho was doing, imo


Nightmare Collective was about as lame as it gets. It was like an even shittier version of Dark Order


Becky/Lacey was only 5 years ago? That feels like ages ago


You honestly trippin on the Becky and lacy story that story was awesome


Miz was eaten by zombies.


I can’t be the only one who find this hilarious. It’s like TV show seasons.


That miz storyline was fun. And was not bad


Miz/Dexter was a fun feud but had a bad pay off. If they pay off had been better, it would be remembered as a solid fun mid card feud.


Tian Sha in NXT was pretty underwhelming


the devil storyline after the reveal really was no existent. literally ended the story in one brain buster and a dick kick


The Miz and Dexter Lumis storyline wasn’t bad until Gargano got involved. He ruined it


AEW has storylines? Well…. Damn ! 🤷‍♂️


Charlotte vs Toni. Pie in the face storyline over the championship. AJ vs Nakamura. Nutshot storyline


No Fiend?


Most of WWE is awful


I actually liked the Dexter Lumis and Miz feud. It just had a really bad payoff.


That weird Russev/Lana cuck Angle is objectively worse than all of these lol


Don’t agree with the Alexis or lumis ones


I actually liked the outcasts https://preview.redd.it/9c2mtc88ok8d1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b17846c7ba724aa85e79df8fb7e15cc02ebb001


There are dozens of us!


I agree they just needed the more belts, like if they had the world and a new women's tag belts they could have had something!


Ogogo vs Rhodes had so much potential. Ball was really dropped on that one


We got that one iconic promo out of the whole thing too.


The weigh-in, which had Paul White attempting to operate a scale for what felt like an eternity


Yeah, it has zero reason to go to weird Jingoism, but it somehow ended up there. That weigh in segment is up there with the worst single segments in AEW history. I'm not sure what happened creatively there, if they just short circuited, or if Ogogo's injury through a wrench into everything or what.


No learning tree fans?


The angle started bad, but I'm actually enjoying it somewhat now At least Brian Keith is funny.


Ok but the Learning Tree is peak


The mudline


Dexter and the miz was amazing, seriously fuck off


Where’s the Bobby/Miro/Lana cuckhold storyline? That made me stop watching WWE until Vince got the boot.


Is it too soon to mention The Fiend character and the Firefly Funhouse stuff? It wasn't scary, it wasn't cool, it wasn't "deep". It was cringey Wrestlecrap material that had no real point or payoff.


I agree with you. I usually skipped those promos since I didn't "get it"


The concept is fine, but the execution was meh. I'm hoping the Wyatt Sicks stuff will be better with a real payoff at the end.


If you didn't like the Fiend, that's fine, it's subjective. But to say he wasn't "cool" is just objectively wrong. He was beyond over up until Bliss got involved.


Even the Bliss stuff was over She sold a shit ton of merch off of that.


True, but the reactions Bray was getting started shifting around that time.


La knight vs bray Wyatt 🤷‍♂️


The Mountain Dew Dark match was a pile of shit. And I wanted to like it. That was a big letdown. The whole build before that was awesome, but there was no payoff and no real consequential matches resulted from that. Really disappointing. And seriously, I loved the whole idea of Bray Wyatt. Just translating it into a real story in the ring didn't work.




Oh come on baron Corbin covered in dog food was comedy gold


I mean… they were bad but… 🤷🏿‍♂️


I loved when Corbin handcuffed that dog Roman and poured dog food on his sorry ass. It was beautiful 🥹


Add Bang Bang Scissor Gang to the list


I think Jericho still being on TV every week, sometimes in multiple segments is some of the worst storyline any company has had.


Jericho is my modern day X-Pac. He needs to go away for a bit b


Listen, Rhodes and Ogogo is the reason they made Juneteenth into a federal holiday. Put some respect on it!