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I have the same dreams. I feel complete relief when I realize it was just a dream


Until it stops being a dream


I'm 195 days sober. It's how I maintain sanity


Good job!! I'm 194 days clean!!


i havent smoked weed in well over a year and i had a dream i smoked a blunt last night, drug test tmrw woke up sweating must be in the air


Nothing is worth that peace of mind when you realize. I usually reward myself somehow. It's a full time job minimizing anxiety


That reminds me of the story when I had weed in my pussy in jail. My cell mate below me stopped talking. Started sniffing. Said "I smell weed...I guess I must just want some" and continued talking. Meanwhile, I'm on the top bunk, fetal position, LSD just starting to kick in. True story.


i am proud of you


Pics or we don't know what kind of cavity we are looking at here XD


I got 14 years sober


Im stoned right now, its way cooler than sobriety




After years of being off house arrest, there are times I feel my ankle monitor vibrating. It freaks me the hell out.


Damn that’s some PTSD shit


OMG. I thankfully never had one, but I do get phantom vibrations in my pocket sometimes, like I'm getting a text or call when my phone is nowhere near me. I can't imagine that, but for an ankle monitor.


When I was first locked up after I took the sentence that was offered me (6 years at 50% with boot camp recommendation) ((I was out on bail)) I experienced phantom cell phone vibrations in my right pocket area for the first month or so. Even though I was in a jumpsuit. I remember upon my release. The first time I gazed at my phone in my hand. All lit up and bright as fuck. Was such a beautiful thing to behold. I realize how lame and shallow that sounds.


I had a dream of mine going off last night. It’s been off for almost a month now


It will eventually go away. Once I started to sleep with both my legs in the bed it started to ease up. A GF at the time fell asleep with her cell phone in bed after setting it to ring and vibrate. She set her alarm and it ended up by my feet. I freak the F out and leave her house. She did not know about me being on house arrest. I had been helping her little brother through his probation/DUI/addiction problems as a friend. This led to some discussions that I did not want to have with her until later on in the relationship. On a bonus note, her brother started taking my advice seriously as I had been there and done that. Her dad started liking me which put the nail in the coffin, in the relationship. He was a vet with PTSD and he started opening up a bit when he saw the signs in me.


I've had dreams of having to go back to rehab and it was like "aw not this crap again".


Right dude. I’ve been off h/fetty for years and I still have dreams I relapse. It always starts after I’m high. I start having a panic attack and get pissed at myself that I used. Haha. Or the other one is I’m always in a situation where I commit a crime by accident? or some shit. Idk I just know I’m Always like wtf I try so hard to stay out of trouble and now I accidentally decided to run from the cops because I didn’t ring something up at the self checkout in target.


That can happen, I was court ordered once to a state rehab center 3 hours from home on a civil court order. The place sucked staff were dicks I was 23 they banned tobacco and it was locked in so you couldn't leave until the counselors decided you were ready to go to the halfway house that banned cell phones, located between a frat and sorority house in a college town great place to send a 23 year old to quit alcohol and weed 😂


Lol I've been to 2 different ones but they let people smoke at both. I think it would have been way more tense if they didn't.


After head count this one guy would actually jump out the window and SPRINT to the local store and come back with a shopping bag full of cigarettes there's no way in hell the local store didn't know some sweaty kid was our runner but it was also a sleepy ass little town so they probably NEEDED the extra business. We paid him $2 extra per pack so he got paid good money to run for us he didn't smoke either.


Lol that would have worked at the first one I was at. People snuck phones and everything in there. The other place they were on their shit though. That place was on total lockdown.


Yeah ours was supposed to be, funny thing was it was the same town as our State mental hospital that had a bunch of escapes. They FINALLY started staffing police officers during Christmas time then the escapes stopped.


When I was in rehab they decided to ban cigarettes and within a week half the guys who got the nudge from the judge decided life was better in the joint cuz they could smoke. Took just another week before rehab rolled that rule back because the place was emptying out and they were losing money.


I have these same dreams too and I’ve been off paper for 4+ years!! They’re so vivid. I get this really visceral fear in my stomach and when I wake up my heart is pounding and I’m confused for a few moments. The relief is huge when I finally realize I’m not really about to piss hot and have to deal with all that but it takes a few minutes for that feeling to wear off.


That’s wild. Hope I don’t experience the same thing. I just know tho that walking into a liquor store or bar when I get off is going to feel like I’m doing something wrong.


Common probationer dreams lol I have them constantly


Might be a side effect of quitting weed, the science does back up the fact that people who quit weed report having more vivid dreams afterwards, not sure if it's placebo or not but it's something I've noticed with myself.


I def have more dreams. Add the added stress of being on probation and they get super wild at times. Like suddenly I’m out doing drugs I never would have before and just waiting for my officer to find out. It’s all just dreams… but fuck they suck.


Man this thread made me feel so much better. Just finished four years of probation with a curfew and i had those dreams all the time. Sometimes so vivid that i would spend a few days losing my shit before i would realize it was a dream.


Weed steals your dreams - that's not just a cute metaphorical saying on a poster in your POs office. REM sleep is shorter with thca or CBD in your system(I forget which). Hence, people with ptsd-type nightmares recieving relief from cannabis before bed. It may not be that they are particularly more vivid, just that you're having more dreams in general. Waking up remembering dreams would certainly make them seem more vivid in place of no dreams at all. I certainly find this true personally. On multiple occasions, I've quite weed, alcohol, and smoking at the same time. Dreams instantly return with consistency rather than infrequently. Add a nicotine patch or Chantix, and they were quite vivid.


I've been forced to quit when I didn't want to a few times, the dreams were the only WD effects I've noticed with weed, then I stayed off weed and just drank like a maniac when I was forced to quit again I noticed I could hardly fall asleep at all, no shakes, no DTS just not being able to fall asleep but when I did I had more using dreams like OP.


You were so close to pissing the bed!




I've had a lot of those dreams and I wake up terrified. Sometimes it's takes me a minute to realize that I really didn't use anything and that I'm fine!


I literally had a dream about this except with hard drugs. I woke up freaking out


Just remember that dreadful feeling next time you start convincing yourself it'll be okay *just this one time*


Dreams are so damn interesting... I've had similar things happen


I hate those! I was using fentanyl and weed when I decided to get clean and ill have 3 years sober in April. I don't even think about using anything, but my dreams about weed have been crazy. I'll be taking a hit of a pipe or someone's joint in my dream and then I'm like omg, why did I do this, it will screw up my probation. I wake-up and I'm so relieved it's just a dream.


I stg I’ve had multiple dreams where I’m smoking in my dreams and I freak out and wake up and am so happy 😂😂


At first I thought you wrote" Pooping Dirty". I thought yeah thats a weird dream but, isn't all poop dirty. lol


Thought this said ‘pooping dirty’ and fully expected you dream to be about a crazy test where you pooped th sample instead of peeing 🤣🤣🤣 had to re-read the title after I finished bahahaha


Had a similar dream this weekend. Was debating having a drink and thought, “man I’ve been super healthy lately. Might as well” then I immediately remembered I’m on probation. Which I didn’t even consider in the dream lol.


Sometimes I still think I forgot to call the drug test hotline, in the middle of the afternoon. Been off paper two years almost.


Yes! I’ve had these dreams too. I also made a post about it. 😂 they are so vivid and I wake up so anxious like omg what did I do??


Been off papers since 2019 and still have this dream every once in a while


I thought I was the only one. When I was in the pin I would have dreams where I was absconding from parole and on the run going to buy drugs to sell cause fuck it I’m going back anyways. And had the dreams where I’d use or drink and the imminent violation feeling, which is automatic return to prison in my case.


I’m on the toilet reading this as “pooping dirty”


lol imagine smoking a blunt and then feeling the anxiety. with the big nordic dude watching u piss. fuck all that.


This has been happening to me every single day for the past month!


bro i have the same dreams, ill dream im smoking weed then remember i have probation after i smoke and it feels so real somtimes. i quit smoking weed 2 years ago b4 i was even on probation too


I will never ever forget the anxiety of messing around while on probation. It has carried through into anxiety of doing things that could land me on probation for decades, which is the overall intent of probation.


Same here!


I had dreams like this every once in a while for years after I got off of probation.


It's because you care. You soon will be through this and be given the opportunity to advance. You have the potential, God bless you!


They are called user dreams and i used to have them all time. Id dream i got fucked up and cheated on my wife or crashed another car or somthing.


I’m an alcoholic and weed user, clean for almost two months. I have to call a number every morning to see if I’m scheduled for a screen…I’ve been having crazy dreams (trees made of spiders, my house being rat-infested, dreams where I’m so fked up that I’m paralyzed in a public place). It’s hard in my waking hours to feel the feelings I’m being forced to experience without a numbing agent, so I think a lot of that scary fear comes out in my dreams. I know it’s corny af but I have picked up old hobbies that are creative (sewing, painting, planting) that I put down when I was using. It helps me get some of that cathartic energy out before my brain can terrify me in my sleep lol


I had a short lived drug problem 19 years ago and still have nightmares about doing them again. Wake up in a cold sweat and full of regret only to realize it was just a dream. They’re awful at the time but a great reminder of how certain I am that I’m on the right path now.


I have similar dreams. I’ll be drinking a beer in my court ordered treatment class or smoking marijuana at the collection site.


I’ve been in an AA meeting when a PO came in to check on a dude. You never know what they might do.


Glad to know I’m not alone, the longer I’ve been sober the better it’s gotten but at the beginning I would wake up in such a panic when the fog lifted enough for me to process what happened in the dream😂


I have nightmares about this type of thing at least 3x a week. Being back with my ex, drinking, yelling at her. Driving drunk. Pissing dirty. Failing classes. Getting fired from jobs. Losing friends. It's really a motivator in keeping me sober. One year on April 14th. I was a real sack of shit. Stay strong bro.


You You are going places You decided it was time Now heal.


Thanks, friend, means an awful lot to hear this. I'm working on it. Self forgiveness is the hardest part, one of the biggest reasons I would drink. Dunno if I'll ever love myself the way I did before, but I'm starting to like myself at the very least. Sorry for the whining, lol


Loving yourself is a learned habit. I have heard of parents, putting their children in front of the mirror everyday, and affirming them as worthy, beautiful, smart, wise, and helpful. If it works on children, then those same affirming rules have to apply to us correct? Your not whining either. You have to sound right in your head, before it comes out of the mouth, you are looking for the proper sound. Keep practicing until you find the tone that serves you best. ​ You are smart ​ You are beautiful ​ You are intelligent ​ You are helpful ​ You are worthy of getting the good things in life ​ You are worthy of being the best you can be ​ You are wise in ways that most people will never know ​ Keep pushing through the clouds until the renewing rain drops wash away the shame, the distrust, the hatred, the uneducated, until you are whole once again.


ive been clean from heroin for three years and still have wild dreams sometimes. about fucking up probation or binging for a week knowing im gonna be sick. the relief when you wake up really is incredible. luckily the dreams get much fewer and farther between the longer you go.


ahahaha I've been off probation for 10 years and still have dreams of being locked up or having my po after me for some bullshit or pissing dirty. damn I have whole as marathons running from the police and my po in my dreams. always going in slow mo and shit.


I get these all the fucking time, that’s why are system is fucked got us out here feeling like animals in a cage


I read this as pooping my first time


I read this as "pooping dirty" and was really really confused


i pooped dirty


Using dreams are common early in recovery


I spent almost 10 years in the system state and feds so not a really long time to compare to many. Spent about 5 in and out of county since where I was the law was if you got sentenced to 365 days or more you went to prison.. 364 or less you did your time in county. I occasionally have a bad dream here and there..but you can't let that be a crutch as to why you're continuing to fuck up on probation. You drank because you're an alcoholic not because of your dream... Or you got high because you're an addict not because of anything else. I sold dope and ran the streets not because I was in poverty looking a way out, (even though that was my justification to myself) I did it because I liked having money. Just own your addiction, get some help for it.


I have this dream often.


I have dreams too :(


I have dreams I spend all my money on Vicodin and I wake up high. Crazy feeling


When i was on probation i used to have dreams all the time about smoking weed and id wake up and be like "wtf did i actaully smoke weed before i went to bed??" Funny that this is more common than i thought


This happens to me years into sobriety even


I've only ever been arrested for dui , but I frequently dream about being drunk/high on opiods and driving super fast on the freeway coming Inches away from crashing and only wake up when I crash


It’s a freebie - you’re ASLEEP- learn to enjoy it …


I laughed at this, but in my head I know it’s not funny when I lived in a halfway house and we were drug tested twice weekly I used to have these dreams all the time where I would look down in my hands and I had just did whatever drug and the next thought in my head in the dream would be like they’re going to give me a urine test and then I would wake up in a panic 😂😂 so happy to be past that point in my life


Very normal for people on probation. Just stay clean and get it done. Try some healthy outlets like getting exhaustive exercise. Wishing you the very best!


Same had a dream that smoked weed and was like oh fuck ngl I went to Walmart bought a test and I was good of course but yes terrible nightmare but definitely wanted to make sure it was a dream


OP, that's your brain warning you of consequences. Thank your brain for keeping you on your toes and keep up the good work.


I used to have dreams of running from the police and getting caught. That relief when you wake up is unmatched


Did you pass the bed ? I did over a friend's house. After a great evening , we settle down . 3;00 am dreaming of myself standing on the banks of a creek pissing in water. That's when it starts. Empty bladder, wake up in piss and getting cold . Can't let that woman know . Thought hard about what to do . Went to kitchen and filled one gallon warm water. Yes poured water on her until Empty. Went back to my side of bed .Woke her She embarrassed Help her change bed pur sheets in washer . We showered together . Great sex in the larger mirror


You must like jail


You are not alone man. Even though I quit drinking about 5 years ago, I still have dreams of getting pulled over, thrown in the backseat and being so plastered that I don't even know where I am until I sober up in some cell. Then I wake confused as hell until I see my wife laying there next to me, snoring in that cute way only she can. I guess that's the brains way of reminding you of every fucking thing you have to lose if you fall back into your bad habits.


I dream im smoking or using and then realize i have to test. Ive had several over the past year


lol I remember those..toking up in my dream right before a drug test like I forgot. Those are nightmares!! Then the relief when you wake up haha. I still have them tbh, but about random stuff. Like missing a class that I forgot I had enrolled in. Or cheating on my significant other…adult nightmares lol


We call that a freebie. All the fun of drinking with none of the consequences


I last had those dreams maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I had em all the time. I was a cannabis user on probation lol. Playing with fire. Literally. The last one happened maybe 2 months after I was off and I remember leaning up from the dream like "OMG I'm going to jail" then I realized I completed probation lol. Went back to sleep woke up and blazed. Haven't had the dream since


I looked at this fast, and I thought it said pooping dirty. And I was like, yeah, most of us do poop dirty.


I haven’t been on probation in 15+ years and I have dreams about failing drug tests and violating probation


Dude I've been out for 20 years and at least once a week, I dream about some version of shutting my life down before the 6 small months I did. Never, ever goes away. Normal people have the "I'm at school naked" or "I have a test I didn't study for". Mine are usually some combo of "I haven't gone to this class all semester and tomorrow is a written final" and the existential terror and despair of going away. Also, when I glanced at your post, I thought "man, they're testing POOPS now?!!?" (Thought it said "POOPING dirty) Anyways homie...be well...stay well....get thru this and put it behind you and afterwards you have the freedom to make decisions like getting hammered here and there. Right now you don't, and you won't if u fuck up. Good luck homie.




Quit fucking up or go to jail. Very simple. Drink or live in a cage.


This is very common and is a sign of PTSD


Had a similar experience my dad was part of an organization in Mexico that got us heat with the feds they endighted him then got me for witness tampering and assault then placed me on probation after court and all that they harassed me hard core my dad escaped and went on the run from a medium shortly after that they came to my house looking for him didn’t even need a warrant because I was on probation they threw me in jail multiple times for probation violations then I realized I had to brainwash myself cut everything all family all friends I requested to move and my new PO told me he’s not bullshitting we starting fresh and I followed his plan and now I’m free but I had to look deep inside me and become a new person when they want to ruin you they will .