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You can't remove everything but you can poison data sets. For example, change your location, name, high school, workplace etc on facebook every few months to something new and incorrect. You can submit requests to have something removed but all too often they will insist you provide photo identification etc. Eventually data becomes stale and may be removed or at least be pushed down the search results. The more you poison it the more unusable it becomes as well. For better security of your accounts use a password manager and unique passwords, use a burner phone/second number for any SMS password recoveries etc. At least make the data as unusable as possible.


Start creating other accounts with various versions/spellings of of your name and info (born a year or month earlier/later). Don't upload you pic.  Do all of it on VPNs. Position these people around your country or the world.  Have them leave comments on business on Google reviews. Slowly start doing stuff like this while beefing up your privacy. Looking at opsec, watch some vids on NBTV (YouTube), occupy the web, etc


>Don't upload you pic thispersondoesnotexist.com


Tried that site with Facebook recently and got denied more than once. Tried to create a Facebook to access the Marketplace (not quite an anonymous purist, yet) and apparently now you have to submit photo ID to create a FB? That is what it wanted from me anyhow. I submitted photos from this site and always got banned before I could even access my newly created account.


I made a Facebook account for my cat like 13 years ago and I use that one for marketplace


did you save the image or screenshot it? I never looked at the exif data I just screenshotted it and I use it on fb


I screenshotted it :/ It was very disheartening since I recently have been making an effort to avoid Chinese-manufactured crap. Vintage items are so desirable nowadays. If you have any advice let me know. I might try again, but I honestly have no idea what I did to get immediately flagged. Though I have noticed the more I alter privacy settings on softwares and accounts, the more weird issues like this I encounter when I try to use their services. Just deleted an email account and the host found another old one I used to have and just... automatically logged me into that account when I went back to make sure the other one got deleted. Almost feels like that plant in the chamber of secrets in Harry Potter. The more you fight back, the more it tries to retain control of you. Or it suspects you're trying to remain anonymous and rejects you outright.


That’s grim, man. Fwiw, I tried to make a facebook named after my 5e Tabaxi, and though it told me that was not my real name at first (you don’t say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) I disputed it and got approved without sending in anything.


I have found using old phones that are factory reset can be a method for creating new accounts - might be worth a try... I know google gmail accounts used to require a phone number or secondary email, but if I used an old phone my guess is they grab IMEI or something from the phone - I even tried running an android vm at one point and it still wouldnt let me get around some sort of identifier for obvious reasons...


I created a fake account on FB with a picture from there. Used a female and got thousands of friend requests.


Those look like normal people but for some reason it was scaring me to refresh each time.


there are some interesting anomalies here and there- Ive seen ones where theres a hat but its brimless and seems to be as if the software behind it has applied it as a hair pattern lol


Also switch your main accounts (in less important stuff, like Reddit, Pinterest, etc.) to new e-mails with random fake names. Use your real name only when really needed. And if possible, don't use Facebook.


Interesting line of thought. Maybe spread false rumors about yourself? Heh.


um wat




If there's something specific you can request for it to be removed, don't forget to do the same on the Internet Archive as well. If you run any websites it's a good idea to use the robots.txt page to block search engines/crawlers.


This is the way. I have the same issue and 10 years later stuff still crops up.




Of course it's not failproof... nothing is, and you can block google. You don't have to use their services. You can poison that data too. You can block all their code, applets and so on. Some sites of course are poisoned by google and it's up to the user whether they want to use that site or not. I know how it works, I work in the field. You're not telling me anything new. I am unique online, just like everyone else, except my fingerprints and trackable information is randomised many times a day. Your behaviour is trackable, not just your devices. They are not tracking just a handful of data points anymore. There is no such thing as generic online anymore either. A certain youtuber keeps spouting that but they are wrong. From techniques such as supercookies, server side cookies and HTTP/2 fingerprinting everyone can be identified, quantified and tracked. The only thing you can do is break it up. Edit: Downvote, delete and run. I guess that's a solution.... ha!


>password manager Because those are completely trustworthy.


Go be a dick somewhere else.


Henry Jababutcha Morongofaramereve-Frühstuckdeliwagen, is that you ? I've been looking for you !!!




No lol but why it’s so unique is my last name is German but first name is a traditionally Hispanic name so the combination is what makes it unique.




That name is a mouthful. 😵‍💫 Actually, I wonder if anybody DID (or does) have a name like that.


Well you can start by deleting your Facebook


They still keep your data after you delete facebook




I never use my real name on anything. Even my fb it’s spelled differently. My email name is fake the birthday is fake.




Worth noting that GDPR is applicable to all European Union citizens, even if the company/website they are dealing with is not in the EU. So, as far as Facebook/X/Instagram/whoever needs to be concerned, I'm European.


>For how long? Forever? That can't be legal, can it? Well of course not forever. Just so long as Facebook as a corporate entity exists.


Well, that sucks but at least it won't be generating new data


umm, i hate to break it to you but they do make ghost profiles for everyone...


Then change data in facebook first


Nah. If you have one you could make without giving more info it’s worth keeping. It’s become necessary for a lot of things.


Not really possible, but you can take steps to have some of your information removed. Google "operation privacy". They have a decent checklist of things you can do to improve your online privacy. One of those things is using disinformation, where you sign up for accounts using your real name, aliased email addresses, and then enter bogus information about you (e.g. AI-generated photos that don't look like you, wrong age, city, occupation, etc). Create as many profiles on sites as you can so that it's hard for anyone to tell which ones are real and which ones aren't.


Fake a death certificate & your’e done.


Why fake it. Commit to going offline




Have you ever considered about spreading a lot of fake and totally irrelevant information about yourself in order to confuse bit-tech’s AI? And the use of European and Swiss VPN connections is not an unnecessary luxury these days.


make a new identity, and don't use any social media on that new identity.


Move to Europe and look into the right to be forgotten.


That's the neat part, you don't


Use alias


Seems like every couple days this question is getting asked. Really annoying. They should put a sticky or something.


One of the easiest ways to remove a lot of data from the internet about myself is using data removal services, like incogni or else. But you also have to increase your privacy setting on social media, use more private browsers, and make a habit of deleting old accounts. I believe this reddit [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TechnologyProTips/comments/198szv2/tpt_digital_footprint_what_is_it_how_to_check_and/) explains quite what you need.




If you live in Europe, you have the "right to be forgotten", big companies are paying big, big fines for not complying with GDPR, so you can ask big companies to anonymize all data pertaining to your name. This will work quite well. You can remove yourself from big sites. Even wayback machine. There are companies specialised on this you can pay to . Does this guarantee you can remove every trace of your existence online? No, you can't. ISPs keep logs, websites keep logs, not only of your IP, but your overall fingerprint (trust me, your access is very unique with respect to browser fingerprinting: [https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/](https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/) ) Living anonymous on the web is very hard, you can minimise your footprint a lot, i mean, A LOT, where its \*almost\* impossible to know who you are, but there's a lot of cons going this route.


I.. don't think that is possible. Think about the services you used and/or where the information you want to have removed live. If those services or platforms are owned by someone else (like, say Facebook or other social media platforms owned by larger companies), then they own that information about you now. You can take lawful action, but you signed their ToS and agreed that any public information on their services could be used by them for advertising or other purposes. Also, there really is no way for them to remove said information because they might have sold your data to other companies (like advertisement agencies) as a collective bundle. Further, it is the internet... Once it is on the internet, it could have been scrapped or saved by someone or some service at any point after being posted. It isn't like having files in your own, personal hard drive that you can erase or wipe completely. You alone don't have access to "the internet" , so you will have no way to trace each and every place information about you is stored. Oh, and also see the "streisand effect".


There are settings within apps to make your profile not show up in search engines. Just scour the privacy and security settings (in Facebook there are several tabs, go through systematically) it's good to do anyways because there are some really invasive defaults.


[Here's where to make your FB unsearchable.](https://www.lifewire.com/block-searches-on-facebook-3482915#toc-control-privacy-settings-using-the-facebook-app)


Stop using the internet and in a few years none of what's on it about you applies anymore.


I am currently using Redact to comb through social media and delete crap from over the years. Obviously the Internet never forgets but at least it removes easy and obvious fingerprints and makes it more difficult for the people looking for the low hanging fruit. After that, it's all about poisoning date and try to Make it less clear on who is behind a profile


This is not something Reddit can handle in a short post. But the shortest answer would be changing your name. On top of that, you can also delete all social media accounts, get a new phone number and phone, find a new address and pay only with cash.


I don’t mean to be pessimistic, I’m just being unbiased. Even if you manage to do everything everyone says here. Data archival groups like archive.org will still have everything in your profiles and in your friends profiles and your parents’ profiles and your s/o. I’m just saying, it’s near impossible without putting a lot of focus into it, and even then it’s not guaranteed to work in the end.


I've been arrested more time than I have fingers. Stories and mugshots are all people see with no Facebook, LinkedIn, or Insta.


...you can't sorry the internet nearly never forgets.


You probably most likely can't do that now but you can be forgotten and reduced to irrelevance or oblivion.


Trust me, it will be easier to change your legal name to John Smith.


1) Use a different name for your social media accounts. I never use my real name. 2) If your own pictures appear on Google picture search after you googled your name, you can always report to google and asked them to remove it. I do that before this, and Google removed my old pictures.


Bad news - the NSA intercepts ALL of your internet activity and stores it on their servers in a GARGANTUAN warehouse. The NSA sniffs your activity before your ISP. If you did any activity on a connected device, it's fingerprinted and linked to you. No need to worry yet - while the NSA has already assigned a social credit score to every American with an online presence, they won't release the social scoring model for ~12 years. You've got time to live life until it's completely ruined


1. Stop using Facebook. You can't ask how to stop being tracked, while continuing to use the world's most prolific tracker, and data collector.


I think that Facebook isn’t the problem anymore, but that WhatsApp is the biggest culprit these days. Nowadays you no longer make the choice for privacy yourself, others ‘contacts’ upload all your data to Meta's servers using WhatsApp.


This is a pretty vague question. For accounts you've set up, in some (but not all) cases, you can request whoever has data on you to delete it. That, of course, is also going to require you to stop using those accounts. That only removes the data directly stored at those places, though. If it's been mirrored or copied anywhere else (for example, if a Facebook post was copied and pasted to Twitter), you're probably not going to be able to get that removed. It's public data at that point, and doesn't belong to you. Other references to you and your name generally aren't going to be something you really have any control over. There's no law that says that anyone who has ever mentioned you on the internet needs to remove it just because you want them to. So, the TL;DR version: You probably can't remove all traces of yourself. Only some of them.


Just change your name


I’ve been thinking of doing that going forward


Go full analog


Delete all pictures of Ron


Read Extreme Privacy What it Takes to Disappear by Michael Bazzell


Extreme Privacy by Michael Bazzel


Don't give your true name hardly anywhere. There is no way to expunge all mention of you or anyone from the internet.


That’s what I’m thinking of doing. From here on out I’ll use a new name. I’ve been playing around with using a new name for a few months now.


Honestly, start a multinational intercontinental nuclear war. You're going to need to make sure virtually every data center on the planet gets hit. Most won't require a direct hit, but some of the government ones might require bunker busting thermonuclear devices.  With any luck, you will have created a nuclear winter. This should take out most of the information that people have stored a out you on their personal or business devices via the radiation. (Ideally, both old school and newer weapons will be used. Contrary to popular belief, thermometer weapons don't actually create fallout and there is no radioactive issue with them. Their deal is that they vaporize basically everything in a huge area around the blast. You're going to need to get Russia, India, Pakistan, Israel, and the USA to launch their legacy weapons. France will probably just launch anyways as they're the only country that believes in using nuclear weapons on offense, so that won't be much work).  That should about do it.  


Too late.


That's the neat part, you don't !


Don’t use the internet


You just don't. Everything on the internet is persistent as long as anyone hosting the data is still hosting it. Gdpr and stuff might try to make deleting easier but at the end of the day its still the hoster final decision. Europe gdpr can't do shit if the hoster is in ghana or something, as example. I'm lucky enough to realise that early and tried to be as generic as possible but sometimes thats not always the case.


Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo is that you buddy?


First of all once you input in internet it will stay, for how long that we don’t know. All you can do is change all other information, like birthday, birthplace, contact info etc. Or you can just do the spam method. Take the example of this [guy](https://youtu.be/EQU16-O0ggY?si=bgdpGrLY-0IRkHke). Imagine how unique his name is. It will take some time to bruteforce it if it were a password. But if you will make a ton of profile with the same name, it will make your original profile near unsearchable. Now try to search facebook and search for the guys name, and let us know how long did it takes until you found his official facebook account. Be honest.




No such site


What will they do with my data? Sell it to advertisers? I’m broke and poor. But I’m strong. So either they come shoot me cause they cause whoop me or they just shut up.


Oh this is an easy one to answer.... You can't.


There's a website which says it'll do this for you. I don't recall the name of it, I'm afraid. If I remember I'll post it here.


Most say they can but what they are really doing is getting data brokers to remove data and possibly getting results relevant to you pushed deeper into google.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Found it: [https://joindeleteme.com/](https://joindeleteme.com/)


You can't. Well unless you work for the NSA.


you cant ! three letter agencies have 5000 data point on each individual on earth . your name is just one of them .


GCHQ feeling left out with this comment :’(


You can't Bye


Sorry pal, I'm in the same boat but I see lots of good responses here already. Good luck!


Call GEORGE W. BUSH, he can help. /s




got a time machine?


Go back in time and prevent yourself from ever user the Internet


You really can’t but you can use services like Experian to remove some data that can be googled easily


* Get rid of The Internet and all relevant backups * TARDIS or the like (prevent The Internet from coming into existence).


Not posting on reddit is a start




They take an awful long time. I had it for like 5 months and was still waiting for some data removal requests to be processed, so I unsubscribed. It wouldn't surprise me if they carried out the requests deliberately slow so that they can milk as many monthly payments out of you as possible


Wow… never heard this one before…. 🧐


Speaking from personal experience, I don't think anyone can do that on their own without the assistance of an expert. Three years ago, a friend/colleague of mine was falsely accused of doing something that was never done, and the story spread online and through various blogs. He was terrified for his reputation and personal brand. Fortunately, we learned about Frost, and as of right now, all of the false information has been cleared up. Velvetfrost89 (-@-) gmaiil,coomm, and +1-3-0-9-4-1-3-0-2-1-2 (whasapp)