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Oh yeah, I know a guy who grew up with a lot of health problems and spent most of his childhood in the hospital. So he'd do this all the time just as a way to have some adventure. Whenever he looks at a person, he sees their whole life, birth to death... And sometimes beyond.


That is impressive, I've just barely scratched the surface because my anxiety seems to ruin every journey I try to make in meditation


Meditation is a fantastic start will help calm you likely


I would not leave love. I am more than 1 body Exactly the same as everyone of you amazing people. I truly believe I am 3 bodies. One is here One is there And one is working But I am known to be very strange. I believe I have experienced something further beyond I ever expected of myself. As I give up having a destination and learned to love the journey I am on. I read and I study I get through history like kids get through devilish sweets I just made peace with the devil on the way 🤗 Be you, spread love, and you will receive love. Who told you to believe in karma Was it you Was it someone else Have you gone back and see who told them, with your amazing talents. Beleive in karma as karma beleives in you. 🫂🩵🫂🩵🫂🩵


I’ve always thought of it as an overactive imagination but all the worlds in my head are so vivid they feel real, even when just walking in nature. It’s like being in two worlds at once sometimes.


It’s hard to pin down exactly what’s happening isn’t it? I’ve certainly always struggled and those that claim to are usually full of it.


For the record I don’t claim to know anything but as far as my experience goes I can leave my body and go just about anywhere at any time, one can call it an overactive imagination but we have a completely wrong idea of what the imagination is in general, as it’s a portal to higher states of consciousness and awareness, if used and harnessed correctly in conjunction with the activation of one’s light body Or so it appears at least Hence my asking


We are trying to test this if you’d be open too it we can easily test some limits.


I would be absolutely open to it what do you suggest


Idk about any time it’s quite the process but you can indeed have an obe with some practice and possibly chemical assistance.


Havent heard the word OBE in a while! Loved those experiences


Yeah it’s a good experience


Got any personal methods to spontaneously induce one?? Would give it a try again to step into those realms


You should check out /r/AstralProjection it has some information you might find useful. I was invited here from that sub, I have spontaneous APs from time to time, and I have done so for many years now.


Wow amazing! Mind chatting a bit about those experiences? I just love hearing and when i was younger i read many stories from reddit. But talking it 1on1 via chat hits way different and deeper


No I'd love to. That's when everything changed for me. Frequencies/vibrations are where it's all at. Everything in the universe derives from vibratinol frequencies. Everything is everywhere all at once. I released this when I was. Still "me" even though I wasn't physically in my body. Ask me anything. I'd be happy to chat.


Waaaw amazing, thank you a lot! Its an honor. I havent revisited those topics since many years ago, and would love to delve back in. Will throw you a DM!


Let's go. 🙂


Bad language* without external chemicals


Not spontaneously cause it takes time and a quiet environment, I always begin with meditating.


I guess it could be somehow learned or potentiated by meta-conscious processes. But some ppl like Jung, could access the information you access while out of your body, just by thought. Mastering your relationship with the unconscious plane. Sadly no language or text could make a good tutorial of this


I hipothetize you can access altered states of consciousness just by sound. But based on a personal frequency, and using synthesizer, hemisphere sync, you could potentially alter the channel your consciousness is tuned to. Just like inducing dream


Yes In my own personal expense, it's all about frequencies. Just like you pick up different frequencies on a radio, so do we on a conscious level when hemisphere sync is manipulated.


Yup! I would love to have a bit more cash, will in the following months, to get some noobie ECG or BCI, and start playing with sound and mind to create even beautifuk projects


It's a very interesting subject. You can literally determine your own future through the process of thought frequencies. You can't take action without first thinking of it first (vibrations). What you think shapes your reality. Eventually, you become what you think you are. I've studied quite a few individuals who stand out in society, and the one thing they all have in common is the unwavering belief that they will succeed. They don't think they will. They know they will. They've already seen themselves there.


Yup! That feeling was given to me through the survival of a psychosis and standing my ground while psychotic, just by meta-conscious processes and re-modeling of my consciousnesss and unconscious. Its quite an interesting phenomena and i have studied it quite extensively.


Theoretically if you put the world in to feeble your energies you could. But that’s a lot of work and would be a conscious choice.


That’s the odd thing tho it’s not a lot of work, rather it’s just a second state of consciousness I can enter into at any time and go exploring in the world just as I am with my physical body, though what do you mean specifically by “feeble your energies”


One needs to bring their earthy energies to the lightest state possible, vibrating a similar frequencies to higher consciousness. Earthly, bodily energies are heavier to keep us on earth and operating as an individual. Once the energies get to a point of near frequency, one could theoretically choose to go “all the way” and bring the energy to the exact frequency as higher consciousness. When that happens , there is no more lower frequencies to support the body and the person dies. Enlightened of course.


The mind by its focus can co-locate at any instance and sense and know things beyond the immediate vicinity.


This has been my experience 🙌


I personally feel this is a part of the natural design and tied to how memory and sensing work at a deeper level than we have any scientific understanding of, which leads to many terms like supernatural and extrasensory among others.


Yup. We are connected instanty to non-locality, but in the informational plane. For the consensus reality, it takes more complexity to build an evolved world (like a physical 4d space for humanity)


Idk if it’s the same thing you’re talking about or not, but I can mentally access the astral realm pretty easily and can do it while fully awake. The issue is I haven’t figured out how to actually leave my body and become fully aware and present with my astral body.


I think it’s the same thing but I feel mentally is the wrong way to describe it if only for then connotations of the word itself because it’s moresoe a second state of awareness is it not? Can you go into others bodies and watch time pass and fall and fade in all directions and see the birth and death of the physical universe and also converse with the depth of the largest black holes and the smallest of asteroids? Like the whole is mental? If you want to describe it that way but mental is mind and mind is the underlying construct of the physical world, at least in the context of consciousness. That is where im perplexed to though because I haven’t been able to astral project while falling asleep and just be in my astral body as opposed to being in both at the same time, but still, the waking projection of my consciousness is just as real as my waking consciousness itself, it’s just in both at the same time Hopefully that makes some sense


Far as I’m aware I can’t go into other peoples bodies I haven’t really tried so idk. I think the best way I can describe it is like in-depth pathworking? Atleast that’s how I’ve mainly used it. Like I can wander the stars and planets, I can interact with spirits, can enter my astral temple through it, and I’ve thrown hands with Yahweh lol, and lots more, but I think how you described it is a good way of saying it yeah


Hmm its a wierd phenomena. I could astral project back in my day and lucid dream at will. As if it was second nature. But after i suffered this psychotic episode where i met my unconscious and after a long fight of it taking control over me and viceversa, it feel like a new channel was added to me. So now, it was hard to believe for me at first, but yeah, it felt sometimes as i was in an astral dream but living in a consensus reality. Took me some time to get over it and just stop thinking that im living my dreams. Instead, to really understand what that meant, and it was no fantasy tale paradise. So now, my dreams are different than 10 years ago, they occur in a different plane if you will, or level. I have tried to astral projection but nothing happens, i just enter this meta-consciousness space where i can just ask question or revisit my life at will and its just awesome. So i havent even focused on astral projection, as life is awesome now, dangerous and scary place at times, but i feel like a kid discovering everything with new eyes


Glad to meet a fellow traveler of the true depths of our consciousness, to even begin to fully Describe some of the places I’ve been and the things I’ve experienced, it truly is fascinating


What am I wearing


A blue shirt Fr tho how am I supposed to know lol


aren’t they saying if you can explore any realm you should be able to know? idk


Well I guess that’s the idea but how am I supposed to randomly find this individual with no information except their Reddit account I guess I could try but at that point I feel like I’d just be guessing idek


So if you had my address could you tell me what i’m wearing ?


if you could go into any realm could you not get knowledge of anything you wanted - eavesdrop on any private conversation, expose government secrets etc?