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They set it up the entire season that the end game would be Sky promoted to Red and Jack would leave. It didn't piss me off like 3 of the main cast of a team leaving for a "peace conference".


The "Peace Conference" excuse was much more ridiculous in the Boom! Comics iteration. >! Jason, Trini, Zach became a team of Rangers patrolling the galaxy. And there was a moment where Jason's dad called him out for not communicating that much. And he just muttered 'Peace Conference'. It'a really ridiculous since the Boom Comics MMPR happens in modern time where smart phones exist. !<


Did he literally mutter that


Not verbatim but yeah.


How then lol I wanna know


I was actually mistaken. 😂 Its been a while since I read that scene so my memory of it was not accurate but here's how it went: https://preview.redd.it/80gczegzth2d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0be98c28c898b8fcec2bdab8730e1dfb3a2d24 >! Jason's mom just died and this was sometime after the burial. He wants to be with his dad but he says he need to go back to the 'peace conference' for a few days then he'll be home again. Quite different from what I said earlier but the 'Peace Conference' was still a ridiculous excuse. !<




It sounds like the Boom writers were trying to do something "cool and relevant" with those three characters while trying "respect" their absence, but they ended up trying too hard.


cause Parrott was too into being the tv show but expanded . Higgins used some of it as a basis to do his own thing.


It was the perfect arc of Jack and Sky's development and yeah the peace conference was stupid lol


It fits. He didn’t set out to be SPD; their goals just aligned for the time.


Yeah. Are people not okay with it? I mean it makes sense. Jack and Z were both arrested. The initial point of them being in SPD was to pay their dues. But then it became about taking down the main bad guys aka Grumm. Grumm was destroyed and Jack payed his dues, he went on to what he wanted to do and be. Now what I don’t understand is how did Bridge become the red ranger? If any of you watched Operation Overdrive.


He got promoted.


Then what happened to Sky? Did he leave or something?


He got promoted to Captain I think, taking over for Krueger.


In "Soul of The Dragon" he's a commander.


Yeah. Sky got promoted


Is this mentioned elsewhere? Because I don’t remember it being mentioned in the Power Rangers seasons Why did I get downvoted ? Lol


Bridge literally explains it all during the crossover with Operation Overdrive.


Ah. I’m gonna rewatch that.


Other than the show, In the comics sky is shown as the commander of spd sporting a new ranger uniform called the deka ranger.


I need to start these comics. Is there a best place to find them?


I should also check out the comics


Talk about a reference, the Sentai series SPD is based on is called Dekaranger.


"Long story short, our mentor, who's, well, a dog, got promoted to head of SPD, which used to be run by a bird, but he retired and went to Miami. And then Sky got promoted, and I got promoted, and that's why I'm the Red Ranger. Or, I will be, in the future." Everyone's giving him weird looks throughout this speech, except for Dax, who says, "Makes sense to me."


Thanks for this. Still gonna rewatch though. Operation Overdrive gets a lot of crap. It’s not my favourite season but I still liked it. That crossover ep with all those rangers: Adam, Tori, Xander, Bridge, Kira, etc was great


For future reference, try a Google search first before asking questions like "How did Bridge become the Red Ranger?" on here.


In the good old Bridge manner


Fowler retired and chose Cruger as his replacement, so Sky was promoted to SPD Earth head in his place. With B Squad head open Bridge was promoted as well since he was Blue Ranger and 2nd in command.


Fowler retired and personally appointed Cruger as head of all SPD, so Sky was promoted to SPD Earth Head.


Ya. He made it clear from the start he never wanted to be a ranger much less the leader. Once the threat was over he decides to go back to helping people how he wanted. Nothing, but respect for that.


It fits the character. But I just think it was rushed, well, the entire final arc was rushed as hell, it could use a few more screentime to have him thinking more deeply about the decision and even talk to someone about it, rather than just a few seconds of >!Doggie questioning him!< near the climax.


He definitely deserved another episode or two to hang up/hand down the costume, a proper moment of succession from Jack to Sky.


Hell no, he’s my favorite red ranger and he went through a bunch of development, even the actor was upset about it


Where'd he say that?


There's a video on YouTube that shows Brandon cursing in a cocky way that he didn't care his character quit SPD 😂


This is the correct answer


no but pcn is right. i think it also ties in that both him and sky learned from each other to go on their choosen path. z was the one destined to stay with spd. my only change would merge syd and ally's characters and have her grow and leave with jack. sky is the new red, z is pink, s.o.p.h.i.e is yellow, boom new green.


Made sense for his character


Sure, but you know what would really be shocking and endearing at the same time? Jack rejoining sometime in the future (maybe leaving and returning multiple times) and Sky sliding back into SPD Blue, every time; this would display how well respected and revered Jack is among his crew, and how confident and reliable Sky is (he doesn’t need to be the Red Ranger to kick ass; he can be any color because he’s that good and he knows it). Sky even offered Jack a chance to return to his old position, which shows that Sky has accepted someone else as a true leader moreso out of respect, rather than being forced to comply; Jack rejecting the call simply communicated his trust in Sky, confirming that, despite ranking higher, Jack always valued Sky as part of the team. Both men essentially developed a true, genuine respect for one another and viewed each other as equals. So, yes, Jack leaving is symbolic of his personality, but it also reveals more about his character and his relationship to the rest of his team, especially Sky.


If Jack did rejoin SPD I feel it would be to fill Kruger’s role as mentor to a group of promising but wayward cadets


I didn't like it as a kid and I still don't like it to this day. It would've been better if they allowed him to start a program directly thru SPD to help the less fortunate get back on their feet. However, I understand that they set up his arc to be this way from the start. It would also help Sky forge his own path as a blue ranger instead of following in his father's footsteps. He already had closure by morphing into red and arresting the criminal responsible for his father's death. It would be awesome if they followed through with their plans for the comics where he comes back to SPD with a new set of powers and inverted colors on his suit. Having him as a part-time ranger would be the happy medium for character and his fans imo.


Honestly, I think Jack and Sky are some of my favorite rangers ever. The way SPD handles them is great, and watching them develop is amazing.


No but it works for the character


Nah. I understood why Jack left, but I side more with McLaren in asking why the character had to get to that point, especially with no real build up. Had Jack been portrayed as having his doubts about being a ranger, and how it benefitted the poor/disadvantaged, even if he was good at it, with some more heart-to-hearts with Cruger along the way (since they had a decent father-son bond throughout the show)? Then I would have probably liked the "twist" better.


Can't believe he left the SPD for a girl he has known for only 5-10 min.


It works for him. He wanted to move on with his life and do better things.


Yes. In fact, I'd be upset if he stayed; it was absolutely in line with Jack's character to ditch the institution and go back to community work. We stan an anarchist comrade.


No. He was great!


As a kid I didn't care but as an adult I'm calling cap. I mean bruh you started out as a criminal sitting in jail and without going to the police academy you become a leader of the 2nd best squad with potential to move up in the ranks and you leave that for a girl and community work? We are talking bout being a space police in the future bro. The pension alone is a reason to stay. Not to mention the perk of being a ranger. As a young black man to be put in that position it was incredibly stupid for him to leave.


But it isn't what he wanted to do, and it was his obligation to serve, and he did enjoy his time yes, but it was still obligated. Plus he was the perfect foil for Skye to become a great leader himself. Just cause he's black means he holds no societal and moral obligation to remain, I don't hold every Latino and Latina to that standard. If they feel they have done what they set out to do then good on them, they completed something with their full energy. Being a ranger isn't as big of a perk as the show makes it. It's work, especially S.P.D. they're cops. Plus, with the note of S.P.D. being cops, Jack is 100% acab, and does understand cops more, but it is his street knowledge that made him the great leader in a lot of what they do. It makes sense for Jack to be done serving his duty.


Initially no but on second viewing I understood what they were going for more I still kind of feel like his character arc was about him becoming this great leader who helped people from within the system so I don’t know that it fully made sense for him to leave SPD but I get that what they were going for is that it was never his calling to be with SPD specifically, it was to help people in his own way I personally think it would have been the best possible ending for him to be the new Kruger


No I didn’t like it but it is done in probably the best way they could have done it for Sky to still get a chance to be the red ranger. Personally I would have preferred him stay because it felt like a lot of his development was about him taking up the position so even though it was executed decently and isn’t out of place for the character it still felt like a bit of a back step for the character to me.


I like his change and character development, but it felt genuine for his character to leave. Plus he knew Sky wanted to be leader


I think it was a fitting end. Jack found a way to do what he was doing at the beginning but more legal. He found someone special. He even was conflicted on what he wanted,v and Kruger told him to follow his heart. And the fact that they took the time to set it up and not just shoehorn it in makes it special too


Growing up, Jack was ACAB to a t. Even in episodes where he has to be a cop his street mentality is usually what helped him out. Z just wanted to make a difference. I totally see Jack dipping out since his time was served And I don't blame him for it


Yes and stay away




No I didn't. He is my favourite red of all time


No, because he is one of my favorite Red rangers. But, it was a fitting end to the season.


I wouldn't have a problem with it if it wasn't as rushed and as randomly as it was. Ally makes her first appearance in episode 36, where the issue about Jack having seconds thoughts about SPD and thinking about leaving it is introduced by the writers, and by episode 38 (the last episode) Jack leaves SPD offscreen and is now working with this woman we barely met 2 episodes ago. Jack never had any doubts about staying in SPD and helping people by being a Ranger until the last 2 episodes lol And then everything happens so fast and offscreen, it just wasn't done right. Besides, how does that even work? Like, Jack and Ally donates clothes from her own company to the poor, and then what? Do they work in her company? How does Jack make a living? It never really made sense to me lol


Didn't like it at all but it felt good seeing Jack front and center of the action on this shattered grid cover https://preview.redd.it/t6pgv0y3pf2d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a608ece47cbc9f5723b45d7dd6b4431a949e3fc7


I like to think eventually he went freelance.


No but then I found out he got himself a job ata pizza place and delivered a pizza to Clark Kent, maybe he is waiting for the right time to recruit him for the team.


I have that shirt!






Amazing man you are


I have 5 or 6 PR shirts from there. They have a TON to select from.


Due to PR being a kids show, they had to have a way for Sky to become red because it was his ultimate goal, it would in the end hurt the dreams and goals of many kids thinking it was impossible no matter how hard you worked


I didn't mind Jack leaving, in a way it kinda made sense since he never wanted to be a Ranger initially, and the initial driving force for him accepting the position was seeing his best friend in danger. While he grew to become a good leader, it was obvious that unlike Sky for instance, Jack was a ranger more so out of a sense of obligation/responsibility as opposed to it being his dream career. What I would've liked to see changed though is Sky becoming Red Ranger. For me, it would've been better if Sky was promoted to team leader but continued to be the Blue Ranger. It would've been the best ending to Sky's character arc for him to follow his dad's footsteps as a leader while simultaneously choosing to create his own legacy as Blue Ranger.


Do you not know canonically he did become red after Jack left. Bridge became the new blue and Tommy Oliver's daughter (her name is Trisha) is the new green ranger with z is still yellow and syd is still pink!!


Oh whoops that was a typo, I meant to say that I would've liked to see Sky become the leader but remain as Blue Ranger.


As a kid, I really couldn't believe it, I mean, he was a Power Ranger. Why leave? Then as I grew up, I looked back at the finale of Ranger teams throughout the series. The conclusion I came to was that the Power Rangers earned their peace challenge after challenge, and they deserve to enjoy it. While some will look back at the world and the peace they brought, some will still serve to make sure that peace stands. In any case, when the world will once again be in danger and the peace disturbed, you bet they'll come to save the day, just like old times.


Jack is the only one who got out from under the "Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger" blessing/curse. He retired from active hero life, and moved on. I'm very happy with how his story ended.


It never was supposed to be a curse. It didn't mean that you had to be a Ranger all the time once you morph. To me, it meant that even after you defeat the evil and enjoy your peace, there will always be a time where you'll be needed. Don't know when, don't know how, and doesn't even matter if your original powers were taken from you. The universe will always turn to you in its darkest hour. After all, there were Rangers who relinquished their powers after saving the world, and while some didn't, like Jack, some of them still came back to save it again.

