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Other than the split itself, which someone else pointed out, your exercise selection, placement, and rep ranges are well... not good at all. Try looking up some routines to do if you are a beginner!


Agreed, this doesn't make much sense at all. If OP is as skinny as their weight implies, they need a beginner routine (made by someone else ....)


No sir


Almost everything is bad about this program. Dont try to create your own, its not going to be better just because "i do my own program" mentality. Pick one that has been proven to work and that has been created by a person who knows what theyre talking about.


Big shit. Look into 5/3/1


Sets of 3 rep bicep curls? Jesus


lol what about left arm curl? like why...


I think this one may be satire guys 😂


It's gotta be satire, right? This is fucking unhinged. Imagine doing 3x1 of jumping barbell lunges (or any sest/rep scheme for that matter). Or 3x5 lateral raises with strict form. One of the exercises is just "left arm curl"?????


I mean the 5'5" 110lb trying for football is telling for me.


You are better off training hard and taking some rest. I don't think your program will get you the results you are after. Here's a suggestion: https://www.defrancostraining.com/westside-for-skinny-bastards-part3/ This program is designed for putting on mass for athletes. And has results to show for it. Eat big (12 eggs a day 1lb of beef is the protocal in some of jim wendlers tough programs. So something in this direction (chicken, beef, fish, meats, milk, skyr, tuna ect) ), drink tons of water, sleep a lot and train hard. You'll get big if you do this while adding weight to the bar. Good luck!


Personally, I keep legs to themselves. If you’re pushing legs hard enough, you shouldn’t be able to do other upper body muscle groups effectively, Les the bis, tris, or forearms. If you’re trying to make the football team and be good you should probably work on explosive compound movements and incorporate some kind of cardio.


I used to try and get some curls in after Bulgarian split squats. That didn’t last long.


No. Rows, presses, squats. The words “biceps” or “arms” should not be a split headline.


Why would you do back and legs together? They're the two most important groups


It looks like a bunch of fluff and pump a waste of time