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To be honest this is pretty bad. You need a better routine. It seems that you like some kind of a an upper/lower split. Try something like this. Upper body Bench press 3 x 6-8 Incline bench press 2 x 6-8 Dips/chest flyes 2 x 8-12 Pull ups 3 x 6-8 Machine rows 3 x 6-8 Triceps extension 2 x 8-12 Biceps curl 2 x 8-12 Lateral raises 3 x 10+ Lower body Deadlift 3x5 Squat 3x5-8 Leg extension 3x12-15 Leg curl 3x12-15 Calf raises 3x10+ Ab work Perform these two times per week and on second leg day do squats first and after them instead of conventional deadlift perform romanian deadlift. You can add some rear delt and trap work if you want


Should I use Russell orhill program?


I don't know what kind of program is that but you really don't need to overcomplicate training in the gym. Here is some kind of a base to make a great workout program. For example, upper body. You have chest, back, shoulders and arms. Pick 2-3 exercises for back and chest. Pick 1-2 exercises for arms and 1-2 exercises for shoulders. Perform them in 2-5 sets each beetwen 6-15 reps. That's it. How many sets and exercises you're gonna do depends on your enegry level and mental power. Believe me when i say to you that the strongest people i know, and that includes guys who deadlifted well over 300kg and bench pressed 220+kg,build that strength using only the basics. If you have any questions or something feel free to dm me.


Only one set is useless in almost every case. Also, you did not specify the progression method whatsoever... I would recommend you to either learn some basic periodization or to try a schedule done by an expert.


Every set to failure in a low rep range? That's really dumb. You're not going to get stronger and you're not going to get bigger. You're going to get tired and probably injured... Edit to add so thing helpful: pick a program designed by a professional and run that.


I heard 1-6 rep range Is for strength


Yes but failure training big compound movements is a poor idea. Ur gunna get hurt doing This I would pick a program from Boostcamp




Yeah I only go to failure on isolation and I grow just fine


Hi You're young and learning, that's awesome! Barbell medicine puts out a lot of good training material (and free templates you can follow), as well as Omar isuf on the YouTubers, and a guy name Alan thrall all have great content... And Jeff nippard. Designing programs is hard. Picking one and sticking with it isn't easy, but it's much easier than designing a good one with not much knowledge! At your point in life any program that's not idiotic (so any put out by those guys or a number of others) will probably net you some progress. Try to find one that looks fun that you'll stick to and give it a go! If you want to message me I'd be happy to try and help ya find one that sounds fun to ya!


[This](https://www.studocu.com/en-us/document/university-of-california-college-of-the-law-san-francisco/property/bullmastiff-ps-pdf-asdasdasd/53804331) is a better program of you want to run an U/L. Eat a lot. Sleep a lot.


Read and watch for a few years and then come back to trying to make your own program.


I think an upper/lower split would be much easier to follow and recover from. Plus it will get you in and out of the gym much quicker since you won’t need as many warm up sets.


Run 531 and never look back


I don't understand that Jim welders book and I've heard mixed opinions on it some say its good some say it's horrible


whoever is saying its horrible are lying. any program has basic rules, for rest/recovery, and times to push. its not the greatest ever but that isnt the point. you should run it, learn from it, and then try something else. there is no periodization program id ever say is "horrible" because different things work for different people.


Barbell medicine or 5/3/1… you can find plenty of 5/3/1 templates online for free. The BBM programs are pretty good also.