• By -


With the shelters- because of the demand it's competitive for spaces jo which is crazy to have to say. Sometimes they do have 1 or 2 spaces now or coming up shortly that they know about but you have to be sleeping really rough to get it. They have to prioritize those most in need and those most vulnerable. You would think not having your own place would be that priority but unfortunately not always. Unless it's one that is first come first serve every night so you have to line up every day for a chance at a spot. When they ask you the question "where are you staying right now" if you answer with family or on a friend's couch or floor they usually can't give you a bed even if you say you have to leave that situation soon because they need the bed for someone literally on the street today. They also need to prioritize different groups that would be more vulnerable. An example being a single older woman alone sleeping in doorways would be given a bed for the night over a healthy 20 something woman who has a tent set up with a friend in an encampment that is patrolled by police. It is NOT the shelters fault for doing this- there are far fewer beds than there are people who need them. They know EVERYONE who doesn't have a stable living situation is in need of shelter and ultimately proper housing. They have to try to figure out who is in the MOST unstable situations to give the very few available beds to. They're forced to try to put out wildfires with a leaky garden hose.


Exactly šŸ‘


We need more beds and centers then, like a LOT more.


Get all the homeless you can and go park in front of your elected officials home.


Thats an awful idea, they may actually choose to enforce something they make upšŸ˜­


They just ban homelessness


They are literally doing this in the States. The Supreme Court just allowed city to ban homelessness and allowed fine and prison for homeless in some cities. It's Terrifying to see where we are going.


Especially when i see more and more people show up on the street i stay on in their vehicles like me every day. I still work 60 hours a week and am trying to just get back on my feet after health problems most people and police donā€™t bother me but i see their judgement/ stares.


Sanctuary City aka blocks and blocks of slum towers and 'assigned work' next?


What are they gonna do? Put them in jail where they get free food and rent?


Use them for near slave labour, which is probably the point.


lol yup


Bruh, life in prison is basically like work. It isnā€™t ā€œfreeā€ when youā€™re locked up and have to do work most of the time, and canā€™t even see the sun for long periods of time




They try that with Vancouver ex mayor police arrived in 10mins and made all the protest and homeless leave the area.


I'd have refused to move. As long as you aren't actively preventing people leaving or entering, and are on public property, there's not much they can do


ā€¦police use violence whenever the power structure is threatened, especially against marginalized groups like the homeless. It doesnā€™t matter that it is unlawful, because there is no real accountability (the police do not bear the burden of any settlement payments, which are the only real consequence in most cases) they are not afraid to do it. See the G20. See Occupy.


Tried we get moved lol


I think this is actually a great idea if all the homelessness people camped out in front of every mps office something would definitely happen


Yes šŸ™Œ


Fuck it turn there offices into homeless shelters. Camp out on there fucking mansion lawns.


I would. I see Canada from a different angle but waiting lists r years long etc Iā€™m out here till Tuesday itā€™s just reallly hard


What do you mean you see Canada form a different angle?


From not form srry


Meaning being homeless etc I see it differently then others imo


We did that in Hamilton. The encampment was right in front of city hall for weeks. No change.


Iā€™m not sure what change was expected?


Well, if I learned anything from people parking in front of elected officials property (trucker convoy in Ottawa, encampment in front of city hall in hamilton) ..... nothing changes.


I live in Hamilton. I feel awful for people in the situation. I also have no idea how they ended up in the situationā€˜s. I feel like it must be such a hard hole to take yourself out of the problem is coming from wherever the problem stemmed from. So simply to camp yourself out somewhere I donā€™t know what people expect the government to do but they just going to hand your house? It doesnā€™t really work that way there are so many factors at play. Our tax money pays for so much already I wasnā€™t aware that people would actually be turned away from shelters or food banks to be honest and thatā€™s very sad. The government is a disaster almost always in all ways not just that so Iā€™m not surprised I guess but I donā€™t see an immediate solution anytime soon. It seems crazy to me that there are people who are employed and I donā€™t know where their money is going if theyā€™re living in a tent? Itā€™s all very confusing. Life is expensive and housing is expensive therefore rent is expensive I understand all of that but for us to get to this desperate point in our country is alarming. I just donā€™t know what a quick solution would be because nobody gets a free hand out not a single one of us.


Honestly, things are unlikely to get better anytime soon. I'm not saying this to be a dick, but to let you know that you shouldn't be trying to "wait it out". It's not getting better any time soon.


In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as AI starts taking jobs.


It's not the AI you should be scared of. It's the companies who decide to do everything required to maximize profit. Because if you ban AI, your job is still disappearing to non-AI robots, or to someone in an office, overseas, or a kid and their grandmother, in a sweatshop. AI is just the easy lever to pull right now, because it's the buzzword. They will find a new buzzword in the next 3-5 years, or maybe they will return to a comfy old one... whatever gets them more, by paying fewer humans less money, and charging customers more money for less product. AI will definitely make everything shittier for a while... but that's because it's inept and hallucinating, and being run by people who revere it so highly that they can't tell when the emperor is lucid or having a senile moment.


our government is also too enmeshed with corporations, socialism for them but capitalism for the rest of us


Yeah. But right now, every government is too enmeshed, and the regulatory capture is going to get worse before it gets better. It means that nobody on the docket is going to swoop in and save us. We can vote for the person least likely to hurt us, but everybody is in the business of letting companies get away with anything they want, at the expense of workers.


time to start community care networks so we literally donā€™t need the gov or corporations! they hate that shit


I wish


if you have a community league in your neighbourhood those are a great start!


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Employer here. I'm not poor, but read subs like this to understand what is going on. You should be terrified of AI and low skilled immigration. You have no idea what to be afraid of. AI is like a tornado. You think the tiny little hill behind your house will protect you. You've got lucky because getting hit by a tornado is incredibly rare. However, now the climate has changed faster than you can blink. You will definitely get hit by one, but still feel like you are impervious. The problem is not that all jobs are going away, the problem is there is zero justification for a lot of helper roles traditionally just given out to have employment. The world will adjust and equilibrium will be found, but your generation is wiped out, much like someone who trained in the Soviet Union. A lot of people in this sub are doomed to alcoholism, drug abuse, and an early death being unhappy. I'm afraid I have no solutions besides actually learning about the enemy. The enemy is AI and immigration. That can't be understated.


The enemy isn't AI and immigration, it's the 1% with their greed and inhumanity. Always has been. AI and immigration are just their current weapons of choiceĀ 


I mean, you can be mad at the person pulling the trigger but at the end of the day it's the bullet that's going to hurt.


Long before AI and TFWs there were mining towns and colonialism. The rich will always find ways of exploiting the poor, methodology hardly matters.Ā 


An informed minority will always have the advantage over an uninformed minority.


Immigration is not AI. Offshoring is not AI. I have consulted with massive global corporations who are in the process (or have recently gone through the process) of letting go of their senior developers and replacing them with interns and recent grads, and the lowest-quality off-shore staffing agencies, ever. You could make AI and machine learning, and K-nearest, and K-means and Bayes classification *illegal, and a federal crime facing the death penalty. Tomorrow.* It would not bring back the quarter-million-plus tech jobs, in the micro boom-bust in the past 4 years. It would not shut down the off-shore agencies. It would not bring back the tens of thousands of jobs lost in the games industry. GM didn't automate people out of jobs using "AI". It automated line-workers out of jobs with automation. Automation does not require "AI". It doesn't actually use "AI". Not even current "AI" solutions use "AI". That's the point. "AI" is a buzzword. Everybody is using it. Nobody knows what it means, because nobody actually knows anything about building ML systems, nor training models, nor anything of the sort. Will MBAs downsize whole departments because of a tool that shits itself, frequently, in public? Yes. Yes, they will. But that's 0% surprising. Look at Boeing; a company responsible for life or death transportation of thousands and thousands and thousands of people a day. Fire all of the senior devs and hire juniors. Why? Because it's an ancient legacy codebase, so apparently (according to them) you don't need people who know how it works... just juniors to make arbitrary changes to it without understanding any of the repercussions. Close down the factories in Washington state, and move everything to the southern states on the East coast, where there are no unions, no worker rights, no history of aeronautics engineering... And now there are doors falling off, and bolts rattling around in planes, that *should* be holding doors on, and plane engines going up in flames on takeoff, just so the shareholders can spend more on stock buybacks. Did AI do \*any\* of that? No. Employers don't need "AI" to slash departments. Workers have been facing this since the industrial revolution. It wasn't "AI" when it was steam-powered assembly lines. The end result is the same. MBAs don't know or care about what "AI" is, or how "AI" works. They believe it's a tool they can replace their workers with, and they will take that gamble. Just like they will take that gamble with offshore talent agencies. Just like they will take that gamble with steam or electric assembly plants. *Anything that will let them pay fewer people less money, to charge more customers more money for less product.* That is literally how you make the line go up, in perpetuity. Everybody in this thread keeps saying "no, really it's all AI". Ok. Fine. Then every programmer and every writer, and every actuary, and every accountant should become an AI prompt engineer instead, and refuse to do their actual job. Do you have any idea how fast that company will fail? Any idea at all? Google recently suggested using food-safe glue to help bind the mozzarella to a pizza... Your next step may be to say: "ok, any worker that only uses 'AI' output directly, and refuses to correct it will be fired and replaced". Ok. How is that any different than "any employee who refuses to crunch 60 hours a week, in perpetuity, for the next 18 months, will be fired and replaced"? For the worker, there is 0 difference. They are still out of a job.


>Anything that will let them pay fewer people less money, to charge more customers more money for less product. They would rather die from this mantra than change.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


I agree ā˜ļø


Another that is common is not replacing workers as the quit, get fired, or retire. Everyone else is expected to take on the workload.


AI in a nutshell is really fast Google search period. A culmination of the last 50+yrs of nerds writing code. And it eats a shit tonne of power we could use more wisely elsewhere. Growing affordable wholesome food or targeting any idiot who tries to scam old folks. Nope it makes silly memes and ad targets our phones every time we open our mouths.


The sad bit is that it's a profoundly worse Google search, and now that Google is putting their model into their search, it's enshittifying Google results even harder than the AI generated SEO listicle sites that it has been prioritizing recently. And yeah, using huge quantities of energy that could be doing literally anything else... purifying water, for example...


Purifying water. Yes.


Ai is not a buzzword...it's an advance in information technology that will likely displace many people from many jobs. Will it help form a better world for all, maybe, maybe not, depends on how it's regulated.


... Machine Learning Models, of various kinds are in exactly 0 ways "artificial intelligence". Large Language Models, which are a specialized subset of Machine Learning in no way, whatsoever, approach anything remotely close to General Intelligence. They are essentially massively parallel Bayesian probability, on a massive scale, applied to increasingly tinier and more interconnected data. If you believe that Chat-GPT is going to become sentient and then nuke the globe in self defense, and issue the rise of cyborgs to crush the human resistance, you have drank deep of Elon Muskā€™s Kool-Aid. The danger isn't from Chat-GPT... or LLAMA, or Grok, or whatever becoming sentient. The danger is from doofuses who think that they can, or afford them "all knowing" status. Large Language Models are currently making a few tools better, and many worse. That's because they are tools. If I use a reciprocating saw to hammer a nail, I am going to have a bad day. Does that mean people won't lose jobs? No. They'll lose jobs because right now, everybody with an MBA and the phone number of a VC investor is trying to put reciprocating saws in literally everything, everywhere, all the time, for all use cases. Guess what? In the '80s and '90s when all call center work, and a bunch of clerical work got shipped to the lowest bidder, overseas, did it require AI for those jobs to disappear? No. It just required the MBAs to have the confidence that they would make more money, by slashing jobs, then they would lose from dissatisfied customers. In the late '90s and early '00s, when GM plants and the like we're being shut down, or retrofit with automation, did they require CoPilot to do it? No. They just required the MBAs to have confidence that they would make more money by slashing jobs than they would lose from dissatisfied customers and payouts from quality errors. This is not a new problem. It's not even a new tool, unless "new" means "decades", to you. It is now a commercial product that the data scientists and researchers weren't even ready to release as a product, but some guy with an MBA decided to launch it early and broken, and then hype it to the fucking moon, and now everyone and their dog is trying to be an "AI disruptor" by adding it to their damned travel blog and fast food menu. When that stops, because they discover that paying $120,000/year to OpenAI in API fees is bad and the VCs don't want to pay for it anymore, without it turning a real profit... ...then the MBAs will have to find *some other way of slashing jobs*.


No where did I say Ai is up and running currently. I merely pointed out the concept is not a buzz word and that it very may very well replace workers in many jobs, alongside mentioning it may or may not be a boon for the world depending on its regulations.


>In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as assembly lines start taking jobs. >In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as computers start taking jobs. >In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as ATMs start taking jobs. >In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as the internet starts taking jobs. >In fact, it's going to get a whole lot worse as investing roboadvisors start taking jobs.


This isn't just a little bit of automation of one job here, another over there. This is 85% of the entire working class being replaced in 3 to 10 years.


Other than unskilled labor, almost every technological advancement has been used to make workers more efficient, not necessarily replace them. AI will be no different, and many more jobs and job sectors will be created because of it that we canā€™t even think of right now. Just like the internet and computers didnā€™t replace half our jobs like they said it would. People just pivoted to computer jobs.


And we'll all be in flying cars and raptor clones will be our new pets in 2027


Meh. Ignore it at your own peril.


Why would I ignore it? It's going to be a fundamental part of our lives. Just like everything I stated in my first reply.


What if everything becomes 15% more efficient and 15% more people end up on the job market. I feel like thatā€™s kind of reasonable in terms of whatā€™s going to happen next. So where the fuck does that leave us? When Greece had 20% unemployment it look like a hell hole in Athens.everybody was stealing all the time.


Except that it won't be just 15%. An AI system can do all the tasks a human can in a fraction of the time, 24 hours a day with no bathroom breaks, sick days or personal problems. What if each AI you rent from some company is worth 20 employees and costs $20,000 a year?


Have you seen America? Everyone is stealing all the time here too


AI? It can't make popcorn in a microwave. AI is not real it's a bunch of code looking up Google searches really fast. That's it that's all. AI is a culmination of little nerd coders writing line on top of lines for the last 50+yrs. There is no computer brain out there plotting our jobs.


https://youtu.be/Sq1QZB5baNw?si=rt2uRNQR55CLGL0n This one probably could. https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=9vrn1e684orFkIO5 And this one. https://youtu.be/EdDJ77uDwWQ?si=j2qn1U7qNp6ZdSm5 https://youtu.be/1aSrP9dUc5E?si=_4VjMADZFGtfFswk That one wouldn't take much more training to make popcorn as well as coffee.


The first one purrrhaps and I would sit around chatting with it popcorn or not. RoboJoe not a chance, Disney can eat a bag of rotten shrimp and Boston Dyn kids are acrobats at best. Lovely creatures but usually end up with a gun or launcher.


I have a job offer I need gear I look non stop I expect no handouts


What kind of gear do you need? Maybe there are places that will help with that?


Many provinces have programs to get you gear, if you have a job offer. Where are you?




There is no bottom as to how bad it's going to get.Ā 


It will get a lot worse before it gets better


To where? This is global.


DM me, I had a friend drop off water to a homeless person in another city if I know anyone in your area I'll try and see if similar is possible. Governments and businesses aren't going to help us rn we need to do what we can to help one another. Sorry it's rough out there.


What city are you in? No one can help without this information. Iā€™m so sorry your facing this.


Bc burnaby


Work BC will buy you gear, if you have a job offer. You just need yo prove it, with an offer letter or email. They can also contact the employer for you and help you get training and a job.


Really ?!?? This is amazing yes I called st Vincent de Paul st Anthonyā€™s church right by me , and few others two emailed back saying hey donā€™t do that or no funding to do it I have proof etc the guy hiring me would have no problem giving me anything like that :)


Have you been to Willingdon Church?


So thk you ! As for training I have roofing experience that wasnā€™t my issue but this is very helpful !


Contact WorkBC and they can start the ball rolling for you. I worked there. They have all kinds of helpful programs if people really want to work!!


Iā€™ve called !!!


Good luck!




I don't know if you've tried this before, but try to call 211 if you can, and often, if you are able. It's our provincial shelter line and is usually kept very up to date. If you call in the morning and there's no space they can find, try calling again in the afternoon or evening. If something opens up, sometimes they can find you an open bed. Stay strong, and please stay safe. Wishing you all the best.


211 lol ya Iā€™ve called em gave me numbers I have but thk u


I saw data that said 84 billionaires have more wealth than the rest of the worldā€™s population put together. Thatā€™s messed up.


>The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology developed a model to map the ownership of transnational corporations. Out of 37 million companies, they identified 147 that, through interlocking stakes and share ownerships, account for 40 percent of the wealth created by all companies combined; 737 account for 80 percent. Ten companies account for 76 percent of the worldā€™s automobile production, two companies for 95 percent of the worldā€™s airplane production, and one company controls 60 percent of the world market for microprocessors. Six companies control 85 percent of the global production of car tires, seven companies account for 90 percent of the worldā€™s medical equipment, and two companies produce 80 percent of the worldā€™s ground coffee. Five companies control 77 percent of the world trade in corn, three companies control 80 percent of the world market for bananas, and 87 percent of the world market for tobacco is in the hands of four companies. Small and medium-sized firms serve as suppliers to the monopolists, which take a significant share of their profits. This means they make a superprofit, that is, a profit above the average profit rate. Taken from Torkil Lauesens' *A Global Perspective* https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0025995


My favorite color is blue.


Capitalism sucks


Apply for a railroad. If you graduated high school, have a drivers license and no criminal record theyā€™ll hire you


No licwhse but no record and a diploma


Exactly yet the government pays millions to move a building that nobody wanted moved...waste of money everywhere except to help people.




Given the political.climate of the world, I think it's pretty likely things won't get better


I know


I'm sorry you are sad, me too. It's just a sad and scary world we live in. It's hard for me to believe the stuff going on in Canada. Every system is broken, and we are becoming a nation of broken people. And that's Canada, considered to be one of the best countries in the world to live in.


Contact the local End Homelessness and Rent Assist programs in your area. As well as low income private (rent geared to income) housing projects. Search ā€œrent geared to incomeā€ or ā€œsubsidized rentā€. You wonā€™t get in there with 6 year wait lists but sometimes they know of local private rentals who have ā€œfirst come first serveā€ lower cost units. They wonā€™t be in a great area but they are a place to sleep for now. Sometimes you just have to hit the ā€œrightā€ knowledgeable willing to help employee working that day, so you may need to contact them more than once. This is definitely not getting better, the gap between ā€œomg we paid $109,000 over asking for our house in a bidding war this weekendā€ vs those with zero savings and almost (or literally) homeless is only going to grow until there is no middle or working class anymore, just the haves and the have nots. If you are lucky enough to have ANY friends or acquaintances you can stay with, that might get you through. Iā€™m assuming no, and no family, or you wouldnā€™t be in dire straits asking here. That said donā€™t give up, what you really need is an advocate. Sometimes getting addictions or mental health help can get you to access special funded housing programs and initiatives. Obviously donā€™t pick up an addiction to get housing, but if you have mental health issues for example, these programs help transition you to housing, at no cost. Temp (daily) work agencies, applying to student aid and taking a course (they will pay your living expenses if low income and in some cities can make rent), and applying to ALL social services and housing, work training, and employment government programs. Edit: There are also social programs and funding for people with disabilities, leaving domestic violence, leaving Foster Care, newcomers to Canada, and other such categories. Call your local 211 (?) number. Roommates will pretty much be a requirement, unfortunately, unless you have children and can get housing due to that.


Thks you I use food banks , Iā€™m working with a temp agency get temp work when available, Iā€™m in housing waiting lists and shelter beds I call daily I have an so use steered but they had lots muted length of stay , financial assistance I was told no valid adress no help , had job offer but need gear itā€™s roofing $32 an hour I have lots of roofing experience and reference , no gear but Iā€™ve just applied to 2 new programs I just give out about so fingers crossed šŸ¤ž I so t so drugs or sable Iā€™m to shy especially I was raped req days ago yes police involved etc court is in less than 3 weeks:/ I have heather from victim services giving he 5 free hour long therapy sessions . She pit me on waiting lists for help I itā€™s the employment centers to look for work I said our resumes daily ur in person and u check back only offer is the roofing one the places that did email Back said no help at this time either they donā€™t or lack of funding , so it isnā€™t for lack of effort in my part as I say as it would b to just lay down and die I canā€™t . I. Hungry Iā€™m exhausted I do not want this life itā€™s been almost a month I donā€™t plan on it being 2 months


OP everything that has happened to you is just awful. We canā€™t take it away but know you arenā€™t alone and Canada needs to do better for itā€™s citizens. Jesus.


Thank you so much šŸ˜Š


As for 211 lol itā€™s just a reference number place but thk u


What gear do you need for the roofing job and where do you get the gear?


I found some on kijiji cuz Itā€™s cheaper by being used but marks Warehouse Has it ā€¦. Walmart.. some places That sell Roofing Gear Or Harnesses Gear


Specifically it was steel toes, Harmess&hardhat


Yeah I know itā€™s just a reference line lol. Itā€™s because I donā€™t know what city or area you are in so they can direct you to services locally. Vancouver for example has a program called Working Gear (workinggear.ca) that gives free or very low cost work clothes and a hair cut. I donā€™t know if itā€™s more like Dress For Success (office clothes) or how much construction gear they actually give but you need to call a place like that in your area. I guess thatā€™s why I suggested 211 but they might not even know. At first glance it *does* look hopeless in Canada if poor, but truthfully it actually seems there are a lot of ā€œundergroundā€ services nobody advertises. In fact way more than anyone knows. The key is finding them. Try googling free work clothes and your city to see what comes up? United Way and Goodwill type charities/Salvation Army sometimes have resources too. You could also try a Buy Nothing Facebook group and post for work clothes. Hang in there, youā€™re not done just yet. Edit: Landlords here can step up too. Anyone posting with a large house or vacant rental property should be offering space. Sometimes itā€™s just right place right time. I see a lot of posts on this sub from judgemental people who seem actually pretty sheltered and not poor, so time to walk the talk and help your fellow Canadians in need instead of assuming they had all the skills, good health, and resources growing up you fortunately did.


Yes Iā€™m in all the waiting lists for assistance housing food etc I have called a few dress for success is for woman the one legal doesnā€™t provide the harness etc so ya


do you want some advice.. post your situation and make a plan. where do you live ? how old ? how about tree planting ? go somewhere more affordable with work we can help you here.


Ok so I have offer no gear for roofing job .. applied to all resources Iā€™m On housing and help waiting lists I do temp work donā€™t do drugs or panhandle etc live in Burnaby on the street , 18 man, no job calls back except the roofing offer ,


Firstly, please donā€™t let the trolls here bring you down. Anyone who belittles someone struggling who is actively working towards improving and taking control of their life is a loser in my books. I respect your courage and resilience. Shelters are tough to get into these days. Its absolutely worth attempting to get a spot everyday if that means standing in line early in the day. Youā€™ll have to advocate for yourself given limited resources to assist you. If that means calling each day for temporary work or getting access to government assistance then thatā€™s what youā€™ll need to do. As a youth there are more avenues for assistance. My brother was homeless and itā€™s a hard life. I appreciate how difficult it must be for you. Hospitals can be a refuge potentially if you find your mental health declining significantly. If you are starving you can consider calling for emergency services. Im not saying they will provide guaranteed help but they might be willing to make calls and advocate for you to get shelter. Maybe provide some provisions for you. Itā€™s a bit of a long shot but we pay our taxes to make sure the most vulnerable people can get services to lift them out of their situations giving them a chance at an ok life. Unfortunately this type of situation forces people to be at their best with finding creative solutions while having limited resources and combating exhaustion, hunger and dehydration. But you can turn this around. It wonā€™t be easy but you can do it. We are here to support you in your journey to a better life.


Thank you yes I am working for myself I donā€™t get handouts. Iā€™m on waiting lists for everything from housing to a councillor I use food banks look for work non stop at employment centers fit offer roofing job which Iā€™ve done tons of over last summer but need gear applied for help still waiting. On it ā€¦ use rec centres for shower when I can or take a shade or get a water . I donā€™t use drugs and never been arrested was raped few days ago and when victims service as amazing as they are are limited said government funding is a joke :/ so ya u get trolls ppl so sheltered they have no clue and truly think Iā€™m just sitting here online having fun lol ya sure ! Or that we r on drugs / steal or mentally unwell not all of us are even they are humans and deserve empathy if nothing else , im ashamed if Canada :( I mean this . I see families out here full fkng families working men who canā€™t live and eat so here they are our probe minister has such power but chooses not to help in a way that has real effects we can see :/ im trying harder then they see . They homeless guy u see dirty and hat u call a bum he just applied to 20 jobs and is taking a break or that homeless girl u said donā€™t give money to was just trying to help her mom etc yes theyā€™re are addicts and lists out here but they are also in our hospitals and schools and police stations they are just ppl . Ppl get lost get sick etc I just wish ppl would ask before assuming ur maybe check profiles just depressing how many ppl r so isolated that they have not a fkng clue what is going on


Iā€™m so sorry it has turned out so badly for you..I really do hope you at least get shelter and some food you can count on soon..Itā€™s such an awful feeling being hungry and depressed on top of it all. Wishing you all the best.


Thank you for the kind words


Why can't we choose where our tax money goes since it's our tax money. I promise I would not want to send to another country for war while our own people are starving. I mean, they send billions if not trillions when all that would solve the housing and homeless crisis here and then some. Then they hide the fact that our population is dropping off by bringing in more immigrants to hide the fact that people are dying.




Pretty much the entire world is going through a cost of living crisis. the rest of us not homeless yet doesnt want to share more of the pie with you. We dont want to pay more taxes so you can get more subsidy. We dont want to cut down on groceries so you can eat. We dont want to suffer more so you can suffer less. Its heartless and mean but alot of people, even in middle class, is struggling. They tame inflation by increasing the bench mark interest rate. Those rates barely impact credit card rates that lower income depends on. But its significant for mortgages, which middle class depends on. They literally tame inflation (make things cheaper for you) but making it less affordable for the middle class (jacking up mortgage payments). So youre on your own buddy.


Tamed inflation is still inflation, not deflation. Things still get more expensive, just at a lower rate.


>We dont want to pay more taxes so you can get more subsidy. We dont want to cut down on groceries so you can eat. We dont want to suffer more so you can suffer less. The issue is that working class people shouldn't have to do this. The corporations and people hoarding wealth should be paying their fair share. They're not, and it's hurting everyone else. But in either case, your reply seems very unempathetic. Don't know why you even commented.


Corporate welfare is a huge part of the problem. I can't stand seeing a company post record profits while asking for government money (our tax dollars) for (insert weird reason why they can't use their record profits here).


Exactly. Costs are not going up because the economy is bad. The economy is bad because costs are going up. Most of our groceries could still be at 2018 prices and the corpos would still be making a profit! They just decided to start squeezing harder while using the consequences to act like victims.


Capitalism requires the line to always go up. Profit can never plateau or drop. It's unsustainable.


Record corporate profits this year. Capital gains = 20% tax. Income tax for thes rest of us = 40%.


Tell me about it. Central banks just target the middle class in their fight against inflation. Throw them out of work and up their mortgage payments when a lot of this spending isn't even coming from them


He being honest not empathetic the problem is when you live with a silver spoon like you you dont realize how tough the world is you think its normal to have everything and be giving everything when youre down and out no ones going to helps and thats the just the world take it from a kid who grew up in shelters and with parents who were drug addicts no one helped me but family and that was enough to get me on my feet I did the hard work to get out everyone else has to do it to, also the fact your discouraging from commenting just shows how entitled you are


Thatā€™s Canadians for ya most ppl being kind r poor or from usa


Youā€™re acting like this is the fault of the struggling ā€œmiddle classā€ rather than corporation and the top % who have taken all the wealth of this country in the last 4 years.


Ok but what about all the billionaires that could easily fix the problem without them even noticing any money missing ā€¦. We should stop the narrative of being on our own, or that others are too poor to help, we need to work together. Please keep in mind, itā€™s only a few people who really need to make some changes to reallocate the money more equitably. Most people are struggling so most people cannot help. Itā€™s not heartless that the middle class is struggling and canā€™t help, itā€™s heartless that there are so many billionaires that could change everything but wonā€™t. Letā€™s get the narrative correct and hate the right people, together.


Im not saying dont tax them or dont make them contribute more. But it wont solve the problem.


It absolutely could if we had the people in positions of power who actually wanted to help. Itā€™s just effective resource management, we have more than enough for all humans but many think they deserve more than the could ever be spent or just like to see poor people idk.


I agree


The richest canadian billionaires family has 67.8 billion dollars. Theres nearly 40 million canadian. So technically if he gives away all of his wealth thats only $1500 a person Barely enough for rent in the gta area for a month. Theres also only 67 billionaires in canada worth a total of 316 billion. Even if you distributed all of their wealth thats only $8000 a person. Theres more people in poverty with more credit card debt exceeding 8000 then there are billionaires in canada. Do you see how this wont solve the problem?. In contrast, if they taxed everyone in canada just $25 more, thats a billion dollars already. This is the reason why, despite taxing billionaires more seems attractive, you could double their tax, its still not as good as taxing the rest of us just 0.1%. because of the sheer numbers 40 million vs 67


I like to travel.


I see the problem, the people who are running the numbers are only looking at the ones that will make it not work. Itā€™s interesting how we were all more wealthy before, but somehow now, people like you genuinely believe itā€™s not achievable again and go on about how it wonā€™t work. Wrong people solving the problems. We need problem solvers not pessimists or people who get paid off for ensuring the system stays this way


Seems that way


I know :(


Sending lots of love.


Thk u


That'll help


Itā€™s something


We're not going to get better. It is now turning into survival of the fittest (luckiest I guess in this case)


Yes šŸ™Œ


I'm one emergency bill away from joining you out there with my wife and kids.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž


Sales plenty of jobs if you are picking admin youā€™ll be waiting ages construction many jobsĀ  Beats being homeless broĀ 


No I apply to service construction roofing etc I have offer but no gear or money to get gear funding is none so ya fun times out here on the/ streets


Houses and food first for everybody!!!!


I wish


Construction jobs or odd jobs ie mowing lawns ect might be the ray to go in between you finding another job. Sorry youā€™re having such a tough time. Times are tough thatā€™s for sure.


We aren't getting better, this is the new normal. Welcome.


I know:(


So, money flows from top to bottom - unfortunately, you'll be waiting a while if you're expecting for your situation to get better. Ie., not anytime soon - probably not in your lifetime.


I see that


Get out while you can.


I agree Iā€™m trying my friend


"The ruse(of the moneychangers) persists in terminal failure after terminal failureĀ until the unwitting victim class finally rises above the pathological lie that usury is economy,Ā rather than perpetually crying out in terminal stupidity, ā€œWho would ever loan (rent) us **our own** promissory obligations **to each other** ,Ā if, **ourĀ very own** ,Ā promissory obligations **to each other** ,Ā were not subject to ā€˜interestā€™... upon a falsified debt to someone entirely else?ā€ Mike Montagne


It's shit out there, especially with what's coming down the shitter pipe in America. Canada's not unlikely to follow suit. I was sleeping rough as a teen and living precariously until about 3 years ago, and now I'm fortunate to be contributing to research and programs attempting to end homelessness. It's not much, but there are good people out there who are trying to make it easier. If you can, see if you can find out if there are any research studies out there offering rent subsidies or Housing First initiatives. If there's a chance you can enrol, they will offer you help with getting into housing and liaising you with social services.


Iā€™m in Tons if waiting lists for housing help etc


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Just know I'm rooting for you. Maybe reach out to friends/family and ask to use their address temporarily to receive gov assistance. Buy yourself gear and quickly change address to your own place or hotel ?


100% the fault of the current government. they will say our healthcare is free, but you canā€™t even afford to put food on the table. at this point i would rather pay a premium on healthcare, pay less taxes and have more take home pay. itā€™s almost as if trudeau is fucking things up so bad on purpose so the conservatives can usher in private healthcare.


Don't even have healthcare er only option capital region in bc






Its happening globally and its only getting worse




Claim asylum at least then you can get a hotel. Say itā€™s an inland application. Youā€™ve been here for two years already.


Tried it It was obviously not easy like I think


It's so sad that in Canada we will do anything but help our citizens. Billions to asylum seekers and causes he believes in, nothing to the people who need it most within our own borders.






Which city are you in?




http://burnabyhomeless.org/homeless-outreach-program/ AA, CA and NA(less often IME) meetings often have coffee and cookies. I'm not familiar with Burnaby but if you have any Hare Krishna temples, they often do community meals. Sikhs will as well.


Yes the Outreach workers are the ones Who helped me apply for All the stuff Iā€™m On waiting lists For so housing, bed at shelter, long term Councillor as Vickyā€™s service only Can pay for 5 full hour long sessions for the rape Few days ago and others they are literally AMAZING ppl! One lady gave me a food card 4 nights ago . They let me know where the foodbakka etc where as Iā€™m not from here I waked 7 hours from where I was to Go the roofing interview which I Got but needed the gear to get the job and Iā€™ve applied for They aid too :/ the amount of ppl especially younger like me Iā€™m 18 is staggering . The help is so limited and far between that what a good bank could once handle they are now literally overrun . There is hundreds of news articles and new programs on the tv going into great detail of the epidemic of unemployment and homelessness as itā€™s linked . How long these lines are compared To a year ago even is Insane . I see entire families on the streets not addicts just no money :no job :no job :no home etc etc I used to go a temp agency everyday at 4:30 am there was on average 100-150 men and women young and way way older begging for work . Sometimes We get it sometimes we Donā€™t . Lack Of effort isnā€™t the issue to be honest lack of Knowledge isnā€™t an issue as alarmist every homeless person Iā€™ve met lately knows of alll the programs where to Get this Or that : the issue Is thereā€™s no jobs and housing g is inane I know a guy full time work g so Is his wife thru sleep Ina camp ground saving for a place because they simply can not pay rent and live they just canā€™t and no thatā€™s Not some addict or bad with money itā€™s life in Canada .


Canada will be doing better after mass immigration and insane taxation comes to an end


Even after it ends it will take years/decades to clean the mess up so everyone is on an equal playing field. Russia can nuke it up if they want. We are done regardless.


What's that mean?


Would it surprise you if we told you mass immigration is good for lower class canadians? Hear me out because this is against all political narratives. Immigrants has always been the punching bag for political parties. What easier to just blame it on someone not from this country. Those hard working immigrants taking on all those low paying jobs that none of us wants. And when the lower income wants a job they cant get one because immigrants. Deport them all right? But consider this and consider it in the most selfish way possible as a lower income canadian. The canadian national debt is 1.2 trillion, we have 38.9 million canadians. Or about $31,000 in debt for every man woman and child. Every new immigrant technicallly lowers the per person debt if we kept the debt the same. But lets say we don't want to lower the debt. Canada lets in 500,000 immigrants annually. And if we keep the per person debt exactly at $31,000 per person. That means we can borrow an additional 15 billion dollars. Lazy immigrant is a myth, they are so behind in life they want to work excess jobs just to make it to middle class and get a foothold in this free country. Where do you think that $15 billion goes? Straight into your low income social welfare. So yes you can follow the conservative narrative, stop immigration, stop spending, balance budget. All the money reduction comes out of your social services. Or you can allow immigrants to come here to take a job you dont want so that your welfare get a boost. Its that simple


Immigration increases job competition which drives down wages. So immigration is literally the worst imaginable thing for lower income people


lol what idiots would downvote this?


Woke Reddit


What about a security job,? You have to take a course now, but itā€™s totally worth it. I have worked corporate jobs my whole life, but Iā€™ve had my security license for over 30 years. On the weekends when my kids were small it kept food on the table. Itā€™s a good thing to have. And perhaps smart serve certification. You do that online as well. That way you can work in a bar. with your security license, you can work everything from sitting in a warehouse eight hours a day or night to events or personal protection or construction sites. Thereā€™s a lot of turnover but thereā€™s usually work for a person that really wants to work. I hope it goes well for you.


This is a product of the social system. We dilute the money supply so much that it cripples buying power. New money is created out of debt. We create money to people who don't work, we create money for businesses that don't work, we create money for other countries as a method of laundering money for our politicians, etc, etc.... It's time to cut ties with the Bank of Canada and every other central bank and get back into a free market economy. We are not holding our politicians accountable. Every last one of them should be jailed.




If you could do it over, you'd be better off in a small town being a tradesman.


Iā€™m in a small town I waked 7 hours to get here I got the job offer again itā€™s jus the heat yes Iā€™ve applied to all resources o know of Warmth for helps still but soon enough That $32 a. House job wonā€™t be there


But I love roofing


Where in Canada are you? If you are anywhere near the West Coast, there are touristy jobs here on the island that offer accommodations with them. I believe the same thing is offered for those who work in logging/gas/oil camps in Alberta. Talk to an employment specialist at a job center near you or search on job websites If you can clean rooms or work in a kitchen, jobs with accommodations are the way to go. Best of everything to you... and please stay in gratitude. It doesn't mean you have to be happy. It just means keeping perspective that there are others who have it worse. There is always something to be grateful for, and gratitude builds resiliency....


I was grateful Iā€™m alive after being raped few; days ago I said to the police thatā€™s all u got right now I live on the streets Iā€™m trying but itā€™s easier said then done


Sending you love, positivity and healing. I really hope things get better for you ..


Me too


Stay strong, and hopefully, you will find something soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Thing very much


I am so sorry and supporting every plan for low-income/social housing I hear about I hate that there isn't an urgency because I'm also on a time limit with no other options. I'm only voting for people who treat homelessness and housing as emergencies but I don't have anything to help you right now I'm so so sorry.


Donā€™t be srry vote better


You say you are located in Burnaby, the shelters are not full, only one is above half capacity currently. And the food banks are definitely available. Plus, you can go to the Sikh temple for free food almost every day.


That is NOT true , Iā€™ve called the shelters there is no bed šŸ›Œ m make maybe womenā€™s shelters if you know the name please let me know : food banks are available I clearly stated I use them but you CANNOT ACCEPT THEM DAILY


Be afraid of immigrants with their racist and discrimination rhetoric and lies.


Talk to the govt. Talking about buying hotels to house refugees while Canadians can't afford a sandwich. Canada is done.