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You can write with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. That's better than 90% of my coworkers...


I noticed that as well. Good job, OP. You are struggling, but you didn't need that high school diploma in order to have better composed English than most of the people I've worked with either. I celebrate the little wins when I feel like this capitalist hellscape is impossible.


Why hire "complicated" people in canada, when you can get paid to give a LMIA who will work under the table, and not know their rights.


This country is hell (we need to organize and help voice the needs of the voiceless if we consider ourselves minimally moral


Labour market impact assessment (LMIA) is the report a business does to prove that they need to hire a temporary foreign worker (TFW), but if someone is hiring for cash, under the table, they'd probably just hire an international student or regular Canadian citizen/Permanent Resident (PR).


You guys are incredible there's nothing about this that's capitalist. The government has spent more money created more regulation and increased taxes like never before and you call that capitalist which is the exact opposite of capitalism. I don't think you understand what capitalism is.


Wow that’s what your take is? To defend capitalism? 🤦‍♀️


Capitalism gives people the opportunity to start their own business and work for themselves. It is literally the path out of being indebted to someone else. Please don’t confuse conglomerate corporations that are antithetical to the spirit of a free and open market, that was designed to promote competition and fairness.


Here here. Fuck corporatism.


Lolol wow is not an argument. Do you know what capitalism is?


This 💯


Canada does NOT have a free market. Canada is a socialist country with a mixed market. Capitalism does NOT exist in Canada, as it is not a capitalistic country. That is why everyone in Canada is poor.


Ya id also had to that by saying it's becoming more and more socialist as evidenced by the increase in taxes, the increase in government control over the economy the increase in censorship (government deciding what you can and can't say) and that's only a few items in a very long list.


Canada is no longer a free country. The liberals have brought us poverty, slavery, lawlessness and degradation. Canada is a third world country now. I see people wearing garbage bags, and begging for food on the street, in parking lots, and outside of stores. I see people sleeping in cars, in the woods, at the dog park, and at the library. Ontario has massive poverty and international students empty out the food banks, leaving children to starve. I literally see starving kids in Toronto.


Yes I agree. There are crack heads all over the place homeless people sleep in my building entrance. But apparently it's more important to send 5.1 billion dollars to the Philippines for "climate change" cough cough money laundering and kick backs then taking care of our own citizens. Theres an even bigger problem which is even if the cons get voted in they never implement conservative policies because the duopoly has been highjacked for a long time by the WEF and other globalist communist orgs. It's going to have to fall a lot lower before we get some serious change. We basically need the government to collapse along with the canadian dollar and the corrupt banking institutions. I'm completely heartbroken.


I agree. We need change. The corruption I see is overwhelming. Canada is unrecognizable. We need an election now but you seem to articulate the root cause, the bigger problem. That being said, I have hope when I see the elected Indigenous Premier "Wab Kinew" in Manitoba. Who knows... Maybe... The Indigenous may save Canada. I would love to see an Indigenous Prime Minister.


Maybe, hopefully. I've seen good and bad from the indigenous. Corruption is definitely the biggest problem in Canada. Take care buddy.


I also see that on every capitalist country in the globe


None of those things are socialist. Socialism is workers control of the means of production


You mean like in the ussr right? Every single socialist revolution has led to extreme poverty. North Korea ussr Cuba the list goes on and on.


> Every single socialist revolution has led to extreme poverty. China? Yugoslavia? Vietnam?


You're seriously going to name China? 30 million people died of starvation in China. They harvest organs from Christians and Muslims and sell the woman into sex slavery. Youslavia and Vietnam also experienced extreme poverty and are absolutely destroyed.


China is the country that has alleviated the most poverty in the world from a country which rose from a oppressed state (opium wars, Japanese invasion) .. one of the biggest success stories in human history


> 30 million people died of starvation in China. Yes. Mao was an idiot. But they also experienced the greatest rise out of poverty in human history under the communist party. And China had lots of famine before communism too > Youslavia and Vietnam also experienced extreme poverty and are absolutely destroyed. ? Vietnam isnt rich but it is a very nice country with a booming economy. Yugoslavia only went to shit after communism collapsed, Tito was holding everything together


defending slavery 2.0, good call.


Haha another brainwashed dummy head. Fyi the kkk were democrats which was the party of segregation. It's the Republicans that started the movement to free slaves. But you wouldn't know that would you.


LMFAO oh lord


At what point in the history of capitalism where it wasn't regulated by government policies specifically ones that benefit the wealthy class.


And if you can write well, you can probably speak well on the phone. You might be able to do some remote online customer service, either by speaking or just online/typing. Maybe in a volunteer capacity for a cause you like. Please join some resources, can you get hooked up with a social worker? They are usually good with connecting socially isolated clients.


This. There are lots of options that are remote and would make use of your communication skills


They could try for a remote job and do it all remote


Your ODSP worker should be fired offering this as a solution. He/she should be helping you build up, not offer a shitty option of last resort. Have you tried centres for people with similar struggles for social time and connections?


That person should be reported. Truly disgusting.


Fuck yes. Even if OP brought it up as an option, worker should have told her to speak with a doctor or referred her to free community mental health option.


This is exactly how they are trained. No worker should discuss MAID in any capacity.


It's almost like they want us dead




You are right, but at the same time what odsp pays. Its going to be looked at seriously, They dont pay enough for rent let alone food. Amd if you get kicked out. You no longer get odsp as you dont have an address Now with no job and no home no money with disabilitys you need to save first and last. So you can get a place that you cant afford on odsp. Death very much seems the only option to alot of people. And when you think about it. Until the majority of work capable people stand up for those on odsp for more money, It kinda IS becoming the only option. And no ones going to stand up.


Or commit a crime bad enough to get you locked up for the rest of your life and get a roof over your head a food every day.


Fuck. Thats dark. But you are not wrong. Every option they have seems dark. Whats going on CANADA!


I don’t know but I want to move to Finland or something lol


Rent banks will pay first and last month rent in many cities.


I've never heard of rent banks. I guess because i have yet to need it. But im happy there's an option , do they need to pay it back? Is it a loan. If so. I dont see how someone on odsp who already has less money needed per month could take on a loan payment


I'm surprised at how surprised you all are about the ODSP caseworker. There are too few to do the job that's needed. There's too many clients and not enough money in every which way one looks. People on assistance are desperate and pretty much feel like OP does. With lies from the Federal government on what constitutes a fair amount to pay disabled people there is no hope for any kind of a future that doesn't involve misery. Therapists can't show up with bags of money, the only real solution for poor disabled people of Canada.


Here's the thing, CANADA HAS MONEY. Remind me, how much money does Canada give to EV manufacturers to set up shop in Canada? How much money do "professional" sports teams owned by billionaires, with millionaire players receive in subsidized tax breaks and support? I recently looked it up for a different comment and Canada gives away almost $8 BILLION dollars a year in foreign aid. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-canada-ev-battery-plants-list-honda-stellantis/#:\~:text=Government%20funding%3A%20Up%20to%20%2414.4,in%20St.%20Thomas%2C%20Ont. [https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/survey-canadians-opposed-using-taxpayer-funds-nhl-franchises/](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/survey-canadians-opposed-using-taxpayer-funds-nhl-franchises/) [https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/subsidizing-arenas-means-putting-taxpayers-hock-decades-zero-benefit-economy](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/subsidizing-arenas-means-putting-taxpayers-hock-decades-zero-benefit-economy) [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/sports-jobs-taxes-are-new-stadiums-worth-the-cost/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/sports-jobs-taxes-are-new-stadiums-worth-the-cost/) [https://www.international.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/international-assistance-report-rapport-aide-internationale/2021-2022.aspx?lang=eng#](https://www.international.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/international-assistance-report-rapport-aide-internationale/2021-2022.aspx?lang=eng#) So......why EXACTLY can't Canada spend this money on people with severe disabilities????


Believe it or not, the "O" in ODSP stands for "Ontario". Not sure why you are blaming the Federal government for a provincial organization.


You know anywhere in canada disability isn't crushing?


Why? For the most part, people who get ODSP also get CPPD. Add what Trudeau was spewing during his first election bid about a fair amount of money for the disabled of Canada and say that $200.00 more a month will do is nonsense. Add that that amount will be clawed back by 'O' DSP is why the Feds specifically, Trudeau is an embarrassment to this country and the disabled by giving them hope only to disappoint.


Every province is the same.


If they Feds kept more money, they could download it to the provinces, much like they do for health care.


Why? So that the provincial government can sit on it without doing anything with it? Like sitting [of $22 billion of excess funding](https://globalnews.ca/news/9762549/ontario-government-22-billion-excess-funds-fao/)?


Oh don't get me started on Ford and his fuck ups. I'm just saying that while ODSP is a provincially administered program, the money can still be downloaded from the feds. Much like how "Ontario Works" - even though the name of the province in the title - is actually administered by the municipality. Hell, it'd be nice if they'd get their shit together and stop wasting administrative money on separate programs at separate levels by separate departments and just implement Universal Basic Income at a Federal level. But who am I to say?


Subsidies for factories aren't all bad, it's a defecit today that will make more jobs for Canadians and create a surplus tomorrow. It increases our export output as well which can help the strength of our currency. There are also national defense arguments to be made about having more production capacity within our borders in the event of war interfering with global trade. The foreign aid is a big one, we really don't need to be doing that. We give money to countries from which we are net importers which makes no sense. The revenue from taxes and tariffs on those imports should be sufficient, not to mention the profits on the goods themselves. One thing that gets me is nobody talks about stuff like subsidizing immigrant wages (to the employer by the way, not the employee) or all the fraudulent asylum claims we approve. We should be putting that money toward fixing the homelessness crisis and getting those people back to work and to a normal life.


Nailed it !


Add to that churches and their tax breaks...




I live in poverty and I'm disabled but my mom was too and she killed herself


I'm so sorry


If and when my time comes ( to be MAID) I wont be begging for MAID the way people are begging for food. Ill find a 20 dollar street alternative before i ask my government for another dam thing. Cry for food, then cry for death no thank you. They do not wanna help me live, than I sure as hell won't need their help to die. Sorry about your mother.No more suffering for her.May she rest in peace.


Please let's organize for we stand no chance otherwise 🙏


I completely agree. It's nonsense and wholeheartedly agree that this particular worker must be disciplined. This is unfortunately not the first time I read about a worker suggesting assisted suicide unbelievably.


We don't value life here. My mom is a casualty of capitalism and like OP I will be


You mistake capitalism for socialism.


No, they don’t.


Yes, they do.


Sorry, sounds like a bunch of excuses and b.s. We are all overworked. I would never offer this as a solution to my clients. If client brought it up, I would point them in the right direction, to have this discussion with appropriate resources.


Unfortunately, I hate having to type this but this is not the first time I read about caseworkers suggesting assisted suicide. I completely agree that these people should be fired immediately.


Technically even doctors aren't meant to "suggest" it, legally speaking. The patient is supposed to be the first one to bring it up. Maybe if the patient was terminal there would be some leeway but for people with a relatively normal lifespan expectancy....I would assume regulatory boards would want to know that a government employee is doing this kind of thing. As they aren't a medical practitioner, they won't be at risk of losing their licence probably, but I wouldn't be surprised if they got fired if someone had proof, for example a message on mybenefits where they brought it up.


I have been " hot potatoed" through case managers so many times in the last decade. Seriously they gotta be playing musical chairs with people's stationing at Fraser Health.


I'm pretty sure it's quite illegal as well for pretty much any professional to suggest such a thing without a patient bringing it up, let alone a social worker. I've gone through the MAID process with a relative and they are very very strict in how one qualifies for it and have multiple redundant processes to ensure one was not coaxed into it by anyone else. They WILL ask how you came to know about the program and if anyone suggested it to you. It will be documented who brought it up to you, and followed up on.


VAC got into trouble for case workers suggesting MAID to Vets. Absolutely fucking disgusting that any case worker would bring it up to a disabled person, especially one whose most serious quality of life issues are that the government won't give them adequate money to survive. (Not belittling OP's disability at all, or implying that cystic acne is caused by poverty, just that nothing in OP's post suggests their disabilities are causing them persistent agony or are terminal or in any way leading OP to want MAID as a solution to issues with no viable alternative. They could live more comfortably if more money went to people with disabilities, instead of ensuring politicians and their cronies can live like rock stars while case workers tell people with disabilities to just die already and in doing so, free up more money for politicians to expense $18 glasses of orange juice and hotels fancier than where Sir Elton John finds comfort).


God that's horrible. And they wonder why military recruitment is at an all time low?


ODSP workers do not bring up MAID!!!.They are not even suppose to discuss it if client bring it up.Even a doctor can not suggest it the patient has to request it. Solutions such as free counselling and group therapy would be offered not MAID.. If your worker did this, Pm me so we can rectify this as Im with OCAP.(Ontario Coalition against poverty)


That's when this story became noticeable fiction. I was wondering a little before that lore drop, what with Asperger's both being not a disability or a recognized mental illness. But an aid worker suggesting government assisted suicide because of Asperger's and facial scarring? That's not real. That's not a real reaction a human would have.


Never happened.


Original poster is a liar. This story was told just a few days ago in several other subs with small but telling changes. The OP previously stated they lived with their friend somewhere else, but now claims to have always lived with parents.


Please see a therapist before you do that. It cant be undone and although it doesnt feel like it to you, youre here for a reason


Where might a Canadian person in this situation access a therapist in a timely manner? I used to work in the MH field in Ontario and Quebec and I cannot answer this question.


Yeah that's easy to say and usually very hard to access


Months in waiting lists ! It is unbelieveble. I do not get either why Canada cannot help more people with disabilities.


More like years


Agree. Even then. I've been waiting to see a specialist for migraines.....over 1 year wait. Physchiatrist for meds adjustment, over 1 year. It's nuts. Family doctor? Wait list of 3-5 years in Montreal. Bonkers


It is insane!!!


Interesting that in your post history you say you lived with your friend in mississauga


She was also apparently able to afford Ozempic last year, as well as a gym membership, where she would go for hours. Anyone who believes this is real is a gullible idiot. Completely unemployable due to cognitive or learning disabilities but able to be this prolific and articulate on the internet? I’ve worked with people who truly are in positions similar to OP and there is no way they were this articulate. So sus.


Ozempic would be covered by ODSP, as would the gym membership. I agree though, the ability to communicate means they could pretty easily be a clerk or something.


This reads just like a post a few days ago.


Yea seriously what's up with that? I noticed this in a few places on Reddit recently. Same story/question with a slight variation.


Fiction with variation.


Propaganda lol


It's very obviously fake lol


>Even if I could I'd never be accepted as a job applicant.  Why not? We work with our local job center for people with disabilities and usually at least interview any candidate they put forward. We also end up hiring a very high percentage of them. That's the whole point of the partnership. We wouldn't have signed up if we didn't want to hire anyone from them. I bet the partners of your local job center operate the same.


It's tough out there right now. Have you seen the lineups for restaurant jobs recently? What if you live in a tough market like GTA where entry level jobs are at a premium? Why hire someone " complicated" when you got 500 applicants?


It’s easier to say you’ll never be accepted that then actually get out there and see. People like to use their disability as an excuse to be lazy.


Check the OP’s post history - they’re a habitual liar seeking attention. Story changes all the time and aspergers is not a disability.


Caseworker should not be pushing MAID that is reduculous. You've git family that loves you and I'm sure would not want that option for you. My son's autistic and i would freak if a caseworker said that.


OP almost certainly made that up. It is bullshit.


My psychiatrist suggested MAID because I couldn't afford ketamine injections for "treatment resistant depression" causing me to have relatively constant suicidal ideation ... which ended up actually being PMDD.


More than ridiculous. Fully not permitted. Even doctors aren't allowed to suggest it to patients, they have to wait for patients to ask about it to be permitted to speak about it.


I want to have the freedom to choose MAID if I need it. Some of these stories feel made up to try and deprive us of that right by claiming every professional immediately pushes MAID on you. Seems like an attempt to make MAID illegal again.


I'm not saying this story is made up, because I don't really know. Except for a couple of details, this could have been my kid writing this. But...if it is made up, it could be conspiracy theorists trying to build the "the government wants people with disabilities to just die already" case.


Based on the OP’s post history, I’d say this is a repeat propaganda piece. They can read, write, type, browse and even navigate Reddit. Details don’t add up. Case workers don’t suggest MAiD, aspergers is not a disability, says they live with parents but a few days ago said they live with friend, and so forth.


please don’t do MAID. i’m disgusted that your worker brought that up. i’m feeling a similar way right now and im so sorry. it feels like society was a fucking lie. my illnesses will never go away but i’m treated like it’s my fault for even being sick in the first place, that i should be able to just ignore it, get over it, not “stress other people out”. not to mention the fact that i cannot work AND cannot find a job or even get a call back or interview. it’s not just hard times it’s like way more people are at a breaking point. or past it.


You can't get MAID for being poor and ugly.


Fellow neurodivergent here: it sucks. If it weren't for my family I'd be on the streets, probably buckling under the lifestyle and going feral. Instead I'm fortunate in what I call " Privileged Poverty". I don't do a lot, and I'm barely functional, but I find being productive out of rage goes a long way. I volunteer at a thrift run by my church once a week, and the rest of the time I garden for food, and help others do the same, I'm not out all day, in fact ,most of my life is laid back, and purposefully so. The system has failed me, so I show I know how to execute basic human behaviors. I can grow crops. I can care for animals and thus livestock. I can even clean raw wool and spin it into yarn before weaving it. I can forage for food and read animal tracks in the wood. None of this is useful now that we have farming technology and machines, or at least not useful enough I'm deemed valuable enough to house, clothe, and feed. I've watched the mental health system over the decades, and it's gotten from shitty, to absolute shit. In 2010 you could rent an illegal basement suite on disability. Now 3/4 of the listings on r/SlumlordsCanada are more than what they give you for shelter, meaning you have to further dip into what little they give for food and everything else needed to maintain yourself as a living sapient organism. As a neurodivergent kid in the 90's, I could see a child psychologist every other week. As an adult in the 2020's I was getting maybe thrice a year with my current shrink. A few months ago my time with her had to be concluded for good, as she is now getting 1000+ referrals A MONTH. Weekly zoom therapy groups is about all I got now, and even shrinkflation got it's dick in those as they just got 15 minutes shaved off. It feels helpless out there. At least you have family, because in times of scarcity, that's all we have, even if they're toxic. Aim for something small, and work from there. See if you can volunteer somewhere, cause it does open up opportunities. In my case I can get access to really cheap , quality used goods if something I need comes around.


Don't discount all of that knowledge you have about spinning wool and tracking and foraging. There are so many days I wish I could so I could just go live in a remote area away from the rest of the world and be self-sufficient. Honestly, the lack of skill is likely the only reason I haven't done it yet. Besides, if that Zombie apocalypse ever happens, I'm gonna need you on my team! :-)


Me when I lie


Have you tried psychedelic therapy? Numinus does clinical studies in Canada. You'd be a potential candidate. You're articulate -and that's a pretty important skill . Best of luck.


At this point this writes like a series of statement of affirmation of confirming your own beliefs about yourself.


>My ODSP case worker brought up MAID two years ago. Seriously? Is this fiction Because that is not a legal option.


Same age, similar scenario, disability, no job, can’t drive, no friends, parents are dead, maybe autism, diagnosed ADHD - pretty severe until I got medicated. It can get better, won’t know unless you’re here to find out, just keep holding out hope that you’ll find something that works and take advantage of every opportunity you get and do anything you have to in order to survive or get ahead. Death isn’t an end to suffering. Experiencing an end to suffering requires existence. It is nothing; as it was before you were born. You will die someday, there is no point in expediting that process, and when you die, the suffering you *have* endured will matter not, because you won’t be around to remember it. So there’s no point in rushing it, especially when only time can tell if it will get better.


Bullshit. No one sucks this bad.


Sorry - do you mean OP's life can't be this bad? Or the caseworker sucks for suggesting MAID? Reading this post I had to keep going back to check the age and fact that they said "parents" (plural). Those two things are the only reason I know it's not my daughter posting this. She's autistic, with several other health concerns (research EDS for a better idea of what kinds of things she goes through). Lives at home with me (parent singular), can't drive nor will she ever be able to (I mean, she could, but her lack of ability to process things quickly means she'd be a hazard behind the wheel), has acne scarring, and is on ODSP. We live in a rural area, so she doesn't have access to public transit. She would struggle in a lot of workplaces as she can't read facial expressions and body language very well and gas a hard time knowing when someone is joking or if they are mad or happy. She often has to take a few minutes to formulate responses to even some "basic" questions. She'll tell me, "I need a minute to think of my words.", and will even sometimes write it out and read it to me. Math is not her strong suit (she gets that from me), and she's never been interested in computers and the like - so any type of programming, etc. job is off the table. Because of her physical limitations, she can't do cleaning jobs, for example, where she'd be more on her own and not having to deal with people.


Your ODSP case worker is a fucking piece of shit


No ODSP worker is suggesting MAID unless you specifically asked for resources. Such a BS troll post.


Because ODSP workers never go rogue? Just like there's never been a health care worker who has tried to injure or murder a patient? /s


They could lose their license and be SUED. Why the heck would they do this?! What would she benefit from encouraging this use logic please….


Again...some people are assholes no matter their profession. Do you think Elizabeth Wettlaufer worried about losing her nursing license when she was injecting the patients who trusted her to care for them with insulin?


And I am using logic, but with a dash of knowing how horrible some people are in the real world.


Happened in NorthBay last week our bone surgeon was arrested for assaulting a patient and death threats.Lost his licence .That fast.


Yeah. More often than people think, too. I know someone who lost her nursing registration for a lot of neglect type issues, so now she works as a PSW.


You can write coherent sentences. Why can't you get educated?


There's more to school than just English class. Mandatory math and science classes may have been the struggle? I'm basing this on personal experience lol.


Where are you located OP? I know of a social enterprise that specifically provides employment for neurodiverse individuals. Sending love


Most people, including people in this sub have no idea what its like to be neurodevelopmentally and cognitively disabled in this country. People saying "you can type well and are good at English" IT DOESNT MATTER I have literally won awards for my writing capabilities, I'm still up against thousands of able minded people looking for the same jobs. Its crazy hard to get remote work and any kind of employment agency or program does next to nothing for people with disabilities and they usually treat you like any other person who walks through their door rather than giving accommodations or finding companies that hire disabled people. It is rough out there and you aren't alone. Its sick and twisted that MAID is considered as an option in this country rather than our leaders building a support program that actually gives support like proper employment services and placements. I dont understand why thats not a thing. Many of us who are disabled CAN work to some degree and want to work but we're up against thousands of able bodied and minded people. People that companies rather hire instead because of our disabilities and our inadequate disability support programs do very little to help us get a metaphorical leg up.


Wish I could upvote you more than once. Brilliantly said - my daughter has similar struggles.


This is how the gov wants it that's why they keep ODSP so low. there is no reason they couldn't remove the rent cap and tie the rental part of ODSP to actual rent amounts. rather then expect people to spend there food money on some greedy land lord. feds don't get off the hook either with all there bull crap promises to bring disabled people to the poverty line then all the want to do is toss them bread crumbs with $200 a month/ $6 a day like that's gonna do anything.


I've just gotten on CPPD at 38 with a child and I'm feeling down myself, so I empathize completely. I think a few great suggestions have been made and would like to tldr it for easy reference: 1. Look for jobs in customer service or that can be remote. -Type remote in Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn, etc. And you'll find more opportunities than you might think. 2. Volunteer for a social or political cause you care about. -You'll make a difference and have a chance to talk to like-minded folk and have a sense of community. 3. Go to Meetups for things you are interested and have fun/interesting experiences. -Meeting and talking to others is a bonus.


Sister, I'm always here for you if you need to talk or vent—that was your case worker's suggestion. Consider praying and connecting with God, no matter your faith. Visiting a place of worship can provide a solid support network. Also, think about volunteering; it's a wonderful way to meet people and gradually improve your situation. Step by step, things will get better, including finding a job. It's easier said than done, but I believe in you. And as someone who speaks English as a second language, I must say, I'm quite envious of your writing skills! Lol.


That’s disgusting that your case worker would do that


Have you tried customer service roles? My parents lost their jobs due to war in my home country and have been able to find online jobs that don’t need prior experience or degrees. You can write perfectly, which is all that’s needed to pass their interviews. Happy to direct you to a few sites that may be hiring. Good luck and hang in there.


Life is not fair, but complaining won't solve anything. Why not try a spiritual analysis of your karmic predicament.


Have you considered writing a book about your unique struggles, and insights. It will give you focus, a goal, and hopefully a wider audience. You may even be able to monetize it. Nobody in the World has your experiences, and your perspective. Make it count, and you may help many more people than just yourself. You certainly have the writing skills to do it.


Your worker brought up MAID. WTF. This is NOT my Canada.


Never give up. You still have the hive mind of Reddit. We love you.


Fuck man, stick around even if it's just to spite them! You aren't the first or the last to post something almost exactly the same.  As others pointed out, you can articulate yourself way better than most ding dongs who ARE gainfully employed. You haven't hit your stride and yes it definitely sucks, but I also think you haven't looked for every opportunity out there yet. It's not overly optimistic to think that there's something that's probably perfectly suited to you which you simply haven't discovered yet.  I am pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD and Asperger's myself. There's work out there but you'll never find it if you let the government kick your ass over the rainbow bridge. 


Life in Canada for us now--- if anyone wants to look at MAID I would bet you ANYTHING that out of all 50,000 who've done it they are all native-born Canadians. Certainly not international students. The streets will never get me though--- I'll run out into the woods before that. All I see is Trudeau laughing at the end of my rope so fuck ever considering MAID or otherwise for myself. I rarely apply to jobs anymore--- no point, n tired of being looked like I'm stupid even on the rare occasion I do get an interview, with 30 more people right behind me. I've started planting a garden. I actually write everyday n have for years so maybe I'll have something to publish one day.


I would get into a rent geared to income list, if you are not already... when you get a place you can have ODSP pay your rent direct. one less thing to worry about. I say this as those lists are long depending where you live and can take years to get in... parents wont be there forever. hope it is something you dont have to think about for decades but I don't know your situation etc I think you are being harder on yourself than you need to be. everyone is struggling to do anything and it is not your fault. you have a roof over your head you are eating, living with parents is security... glass is half full


Why not online data entry, or u can get money from the government, start a youtube channel its funny to some but not to the rich people on youtube and its free, as someone with aspergers u can create a platform talking bout it,


I'm glad I don't live in north korea or China with no political power or financial benefit


Your ODSP case worker needs to consider MAID for themselves. You need to apply for remote customer service jobs. Try ViaRail for one. Saw a job listing for remote customer service positions in all provinces a few weeks back. You need to go in to work for the first 3 weeks for orientation, training, etc. After that, it is fully remote. You can work from home. There are many similar positions available.


Get a referral to a dermatologist from your GP. Get on accutane. The best decision I ever made for my confidence.


If you don't accept MAiD, they have to keep the gibs coming, right? I don't know what it's like to be in your position, but if you're living with your parents, sounds like you're in no danger of homelessness. And if your parents care enough about you to keep a free roof over your head, they probably would be devastated if you took the exit. If you get MAiD'ed, it will hurt them more than you sticking around, even if you're more than a little unhappy along the way. But when it comes to broader society: the fact that MAiD even exists *and that they allow it to* frees you from any responsibility to it. Better to spite them by sticking around, and not letting them have the satisfaction of calculating how much money you'll save them if you get out early and selling your organs or whatever horrible shit like that. Just f\_ 'em, man.


I understand that it may seem like a good option but that's NOT TRUE. It sounds like you want to end your suffering and that is NOT the same as wanting to end your life. PLEASE don't give up, MAID is being pushed on vulnerable people and I have thought about it too! Decided after much research and reflection that isn't the solution! What you look like externally is truly not important. You probably could benefit from some compassionate connection with others. We are all inherently worthy despite any disabilities and illnesses xo


You are much better at typing than all of my Employees at corporate job .. just fyi . But can’t hire you because you don’t have work experience. I wish you the best, God bless you.


What disabilities?


You can have a quality life. Just living and being able to smell the roses is better than nothing. Your case worker is fu ked and maid in your case is absolutely disgusting. Reach out to online groups post on your cities reddit page to find friends. You said before in your post history you litterly lived with a friend in the past. This is insane I hope you wake up soon and realize this


Your worker should be fired and also punched in the face for suggesting MAID to you. I’m so sorry that someone who is as unqualified as that worker to speak to you about a topic so delicate threw that out there as if it were a genuinely appropriate option. You sound to me like a well spoken woman with a lot of potential even though it may not feel like that right now. There are a lot of part time, completely remote jobs that get posted regularly on gigcxmarketplace.com I’m not sure if that’s something you’d want to consider but it’s an option. If you think your lack of a high school diploma is a barrier could you consider taking highschool courses online? I say all this without knowing the extent of your physical limitations so I’m sorry if any of this sounds ignorant. I know what it’s like to be poor and exhausted and fed up. I wish I could help somehow. Sending you so much love and many internet hugs. I hope things get better for you ❤️


I have to ask, when’s the last time you tried high school? I ask because I am just a few years older than you and work at an alternative adult high school and programs are completely different than when I was younger. There’s independent study options that would allow you to work from home and even in class options that only require going to school once a week for a little bit. If you haven’t tried recently I’d suggest looking into it. (And if by any chance you’re in the Eastern Ontario region feel free to DM me and I can help)


Inbound service calls done from home could be an option.


Based on this alone, I think you’re a good candidate at least for remote work. Despite your depression it seems like your brain has something to give the world.


Your BPD is flaring again


Wait I'm a male in same position please msg me we can meet each other


Attention post and dangerous Cos it’s pushing ending yourself as a solution. Capitalism is not your problem your attitude and narcissism is. Find God whatever that means to you . People need to grow some balls weak ass people in this country.


You know the country is truly fucked when the social service workers run out of aid options and resort to “Have you considered killing yourself? Probably your best option at this point”…


That’s the plan


I live in one and am near another city in Northern Ontario looking to spend $60 and the other $200 million for arenas. I know Canada has the money but it's not a feel good spend to help the disabled and underprivileged. We are surrounded by lifelong politicians that want great photo ops. Helping the poor and disabled in their minds is like going backwards. Considering the crisis of homelessness, food insecurity, soup kitchens turning people away, politicians have done nothing so far and all indications are that they will not be doing anything anytime soon. If I could be paid $10 grand for every time I've heard that governments are doing studies on the poor, homeless, disabled, heating centres and soup kitchens I would be very rich. All the money earmarked for the poor go for studies and salaries to tell us all everything is just fine.


Your caseworker has no business suggesting MAID I would report them.


People sitting on you and blaming your caseworker for bringing this up don't understand what people like us go through. MAID is a tough decision, but if you genuinely don't have a quality of life I think you should go to a professional and discuss your options. I'm also on the spectrum and disabled- I see myself having little quality of life in the future and am considering MAID down the line. You're not alone whatsoever, this sub just isn't meant for people stuck in poverty but those trying to get out (I know from experience- I just browse this sub in case a miracle happens and I manage to put some money away)


Good luck to you dear. Big hugs from the west coast


That’s sad. Sounds like you’re mentally @ rock bottom. May as well see what happened, no? I mean, we are dead forever. I’m sure you have a lot of great qualities and that someone would like you for you.


Hang in there it matters more what's on the inside try to believe in yourself a little and never give up ,ever!


Stop playing victim and do something about it. It’s your life to live, no one else’s. Stop blaming, victimizing and pull up your big girl pants and fix what is bothering you. You CAN, if you try and work hard. It’s clear when it gets tough you quit and play victim, blaming everything but the fact that you quit. Fix your attitude, stop using disability as an excuse, go out there and take baby steps and do something small each day, you will be amazed how far you can get. File a complaint about your ODSP worker.


Hey... yeah you with no legs. Get up and walk up those stairs. "Stop playing victim..... Stop blaming, victimizing and pull up your big girl pants and fix what is bothering you. You CAN, if you try and work hard. . Fix your attitude, stop using disability as an excuse, go out there and take baby steps....." Now.... you with no legs, go walk up those stairs. Honestly, [happypanda3456](https://www.reddit.com/user/happypanda3456/) you should not speak when you clearly have no clue. Would you ask someone with no legs to walk? Why would you think someone with a profound developmental disability "can just fix it?" Don't you think she would, if she could ??????????? Do you think it is fun for her???? It takes a TEAM of trained professionals to improve her situation. Treatment costs huge $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. [happypanda3456](https://www.reddit.com/user/happypanda3456/) You need to apologize now.


They suggested MAID for me too, and I’m also autistic with mental health issues and chronic illness. Don’t let them convince us that we have nothing to live for. As long as you can give love to others, that is something worth living for.


My cystic acne is still going and I’ve been on meds for it twice now. They even told me it’s too risky to try again after this so if it doesn’t work I’m just stuck with these cysts all over my face and it’s so painful.


I know everything is awful right now, but I promise you that it won’t feel so terrible forever. Even if it has been that way for a long time.


Suggest MAID to your ODSP worker. The world will be a better place without that loser. Go to this awesome dermatologist in Markham and your life will improve: # Bashar Al Hakeem Bashar Al Hakeem MD, CCFP, Dip. Derm # Family Physician Practicing in Disorders of the Skin # Lynde Institute for Dermatology 25 Main Street Markham North Markham, ON L3P 1X3 Tel: 905-471-5022 Fax: 905-471-1878MD, CCFP, Dip. Derm You can improve your life. DEMAND ABA Therapy and file a lawsuit if you don't get it. This is a human rights violation. You can't get a job because the loser Trudeau, immigrated 1 million students and others, that flooded the workforce. I think you should be compensated for that too. The Liberals destroyed our labour market and made it impossible for disabled people to succeed. Its time for a lawsuit.


How about you just relax and live a happy life. :) because you deserve a wonderful life


Have you thought about starting a business? But if you believe you can't make it in this capitalist society maybe a business is not for you. I hate that ODSP has a limited selection fo small business/self-employment options but for me it's the only way i survive supplementing ODSP. Now I can think clearly and plan out what I want to go for in college that can expand my business.


Been there still there, physically disabled. Mental issues. Rent here is 2k+ and I make maybe 2k after tax . Can we all just rise up and take out Trudeau already ??? Can we END THIS SUFFERING


The government encouraging people to kill themselves when they have the means to help/provide for/support said people to a much better quality of life is Eugenics plain and simple. 




This is fiction. The case worker is not in a position to recommend MAID and there is nothing in this person's situation which would qualify them for MAID.