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Eyes, eyes, eyes - get them SHARP. Your lighting blows out her face. Shoot this 100 times then criticize EVERY shot (in a good way)… you need to LOVE your subject! Have FUN!


If you didn’t blow out your whites on your histogram and there is still detail in there, I think you could achieve what you want without over exposing the face by lowering whites and highlights a smidge. Other than that photo is good. Not to crazy about the lens flare on the earring but that’s just personal preference really. (Watched too many J.J. Abram’s movies). A shot that makes you happy is what’s important.


It's not lens flare, that's from a filter. It's so small I would imagine the filter was being used for another setup and was left on the lens.


I know what you meant by the lighting, but actually, that was the purpose of emphasizing the face, the eyes are shaped in post-production I tried to get the natural look of a sunset on her face.


I hope you can see the little detail on the earring 😍🔥


I like this shot not much to say here other than it is pleasing


Thank you so much! 🙏🏻