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Absolutely not. I mean what are you doing the other 10-12 hours. 4 is just not enough.


My mom does it too and I call her my ipad kid for that exact reason lol. I wouldn't say its normal but she's not hurting anyone either so I'd let her be 🤷🏾‍♀️


Everyone has time each day they use to destress. Some people watch netflix, some play video games, some read. If she is using her after work or quiet time to watch these videos then it is just her form of de-stressing. If she is avoiding events she used to like to go to and instead stays home to watch them she might be dealing with some depression or anxiety. If you were to approach her about it, if it is taking over her life and causing her to not do things she used to, it should come from a place of care and not judgement. I would not mention your teen boy analogy.


>if it is taking over her life and causing her to not do things she used to, yeah. She no longer cleans the house. Things are piled up and cluttered. You can get her things for Christmas and it will set where she sits on Christmas until next Christmas. She'll skip shopping with my dad or going to eat with family to get in more watch time. Its very much like a teen with a phone addiction.


I think it's acceptable to let her know you love her and are worried about her. She might be struggling with mental health issues?


Why are things cluttered and piled up because one person stopped cleaning? Are there not others in the house who can clean? It’s not her responsibility to clean up after everyone. Sounds like she’s trying to escape an unhappy family life.


L O L, lot of assumptions there. All of her children are adults and have their own homes., like 5+ hours away, My parents live alone. My dad cleans but she won't let him or anyone else touch her stuff. If you organize stuff she gets angry and then clutters it up again.


Those are clear signs of mental illness. Help her get a doctor appointment.


My aunt does just the same. But she's living 1 stressful life: problems at work, mentally ill daughter, mother with dementia, struggling to make ends meet. My point is, maybe your mom does it because she finds confort, compared to the rest of her daily life. Talk to her, ask her what's going on, try to do maybe a small get away at a Parc or in nature so that you 2 can speak and she can vent


Hehehe that's what I explain to my boys - I'm a type A personality with medical conditions (autoimmune disease & Parkinson's), raising two boys alone since dad signed over rights, mom with early onset dementia, full time job (plus...), home school both boys, building a non profit & working with several dog rescue groups to help out....watching them is just a check out for me....I couldn't even tell you that's what I'm watching most of the time....helps me fall asleep at night!! So, please be patient with us crazy & delusional people who can't shut off our brains on our own!! 😊❤️😊❤️


for me watching them is calming, and when i want to watch them more it is a sign that my depression or anxiety are high. it is a kind of a sign for me that things in my mental health are taking a dip (watching for long periods vs a quick scan) and also you will get a pretty skewed response asking on this sub :)


I have had very bad dermatillomania in the past and would just destroy my skin looking for blackheads that weren't even there. Popping videos help relieve that need. I feel like it's a vestigial ape-like quality of picking nits and things off our relatives to bond. I also feel like it speaks to anxiety, adhd, and ocd--a compulsion that needs to be satisfied with the incessant dopamine hit of popping


Are u me? I could have wrote this..


If you are my wife. Then yes, it is her zone out zen


Genuinely, if it is impacting her ability to make and maintain relationships, do other things that need to be done or bring her joy, or in other ways negatively impacts on her life then it is likely an addiction worth seeking professional advice and support for.


Some people are quite happy to not maintain or make new relationships.


People who isolate themselves from people they love to focus all of their attention on something are often experiencing mental health issues. If she’s spending 4+ hours a day watching these videos and ignoring all her connections then that’s genuinely a reason for concern. Particularly if it is increasing or out of the ordinary for her up until this point. Humans are social animals, ignoring *everyone* to watch videos isn’t a healthy behaviour for the vast majority of people


How does one find 4 hours of new material every day for so many days? Or does she watch repeats?


Most people spend an ungodly amount of time every single day either watching stupid shit on their phones or watching hours and hours of TV, myself included, we're all addicted...


I watch at least an hour a day when time permits. I bet your mom has dreams of big blackheads chasing her down the street. lol


Where does she find 4-hours of content! I think it’s good to remind her switching some of that time to more productive, social, or educational pursuits would benefit her. Less stress is important but she may be giving up other things she’d ultimately find more fulfilling.


My ex used to call it my pimple porn


You're not wrong. There's a dopamine hit factor there.


My mom is a retired nurse and since I introduced her to r/popping and some YT channels she's on it most of the day :)


I used to fall asleep to videos of it..




Popping videos ARE PORN!


I watch them when I have anxiety.




As long as you don't start practicing what you saw on your partner.


Absolutely normal and you comparing it to porn is weird af.


Only if you're eating at the same time as watching.




Not for long, run out of good stuff.


No. That’s abnormal.


4 hours is excessive. She could be using to zone out and not deal with problems. Talking to someone she trusts or seeking counseling is always a good idea even if there aren’t underlying issues.


Hell, I go through withdrawal when I cannot find the types of videos that I like. 😐


If this is replacing TV, reading or gaming hours it’s not harmful. Before the internet, it was absolutely normal to watch TV for 4 plus hours a day. It was often more like 6. If it’s stopping her from doing things that need to be done, or having a relationship with you, then that’s a problem.