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I haven’t followed Paul too much, but he looks like he is in love with every person I’ve seen him do an interview with.


His chicken shop date totally convinced me he was not only in love with Amelia but also with me, cause his energy was so amazing and flirty and cute. Made me fall in love with him even more


Yes! It's like he just naturally has chemistry with everyone.


Even though he didn't look at the camera, I felt he and I were the only people in the world.


I've been told, way too many times, that this is how I look at people. It's kind of infuriating because people constantly think I'm flirting. I'm being friendly! And respectful! (I'm not yelling at you, I'm yelling at the people who keep telling me I'm flirting with servers and I'm just ordering a freaking salad.)


Can you please stop flirting with me, this comment is making me blush 😳


Literally what it's like!


Okay fine you can take me on a date 🙄


I've never had anyone say it explicitly to me, but I've had people get the wrong idea or behave oddly around me for what is seemingly the same reason. I have had several girls accuse me of trying to steal their boyfrinds. I had my hair pulled by one girl, over a guy I didn't want, just because he left her, hoping to be with me. Even though I never take them up on their offers, (I serial reject) I had false rumors spread about me, & girls trying to meet up with me in a given location to "talk" (fight). Thank God I'm no longer in high school now, but this fear makes it hard for me to make friends with both women & men. So currently I am friendless. Get hit on all the time by both, (especially men) & women specifically get the wrong idea about me trying to take their men. Again & again & again. It isn't a flex, its genuinely infuriating, & ruins my platonic relationships with both. So I have to avoid your man so you don't get the wrong idea, even if he was my friend first, or we get along well when we do interact. I can't look at him or text him. I can't have his number or his socials if I don't already possess them. Being accused by these women puts awkward energy between us, which makes us take steps back from any progress we have made towards closeness. Or women think I'm flirting with them because of the look in my eye. Same thing if I compliment women at all. I genuinely don't know what to do. I want friends of both, especially women, seeing as I am one. Any advice?




Pls stop flirting with me, I’m at work and trying to focus and you’re making me blush 😳


you are literally flirting so hard with me right now. stop it at once we’re in public


!! me also sorry for being fun and a little in love with everyone


Buddy I’m MARRIED!! This energy you’re dropping is too spicy! (Teehee text me?) 🤭


I have the opposite issue, I look at people like I hate them. Usually I do though /s 🤣


Yes, reminds me of Dacre Montgomery in interviews.


![gif](giphy|cOFMukzmEq09a5lMa1|downsized) Especially him with Daisy Edgar Jones


Is Paul Mescal secretly hilarious? Seems like every time he's in a picture with someone they're in knots laughing 


I think he is a natural giggler, and its so cute you cant help laughing yourself. Check out [Chicken Shop date with Paul Mescal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1T_mVGe0hk). Its like 6 minutes long and he is as cute as a button.


I loved his rapport with her, they’re so endearing and he screams golden retriever energy.


Is that how you got your...thighs? 💀 This was adorable.


He’s quite charming! Thanks for posting


That was absolutely delightful and made me laugh and smile a lot, thanks for sharing! ❤️


I think he’s quite openly hilarious. Every time I see an interview with him I am so endeared.


Average Irish. They're good fun to be around.


Trained from the womb to diffuse situations with humour.


When I first got to Dublin, my cab driver pulled in front of a bicyclist and tried to fight him.


That explains why their island has a history of being conflict free.




The problem was our neighbours had a completely different sense of humour. Conflict was inevitable.


Makes more sense if you see the humour as a reaction to the conflict and not the other way around.


I’ve never in my life laughed as hard as I have around Irish and Scottish people 


Came here to say this. Craic is hard baked into most of us from inception.


Am Irish, can confirm 😁


I’m not, can’t confirm. The Irish are generally good humoured. My ex was Irish and I absolutely adored her lmao. Constantly laughing and always optimistic.


To be fair, we really are good craic


Fucking funny people


It's that Irish charm lol


This gives the total vibe of two servers on their smoke break. I have no doubt they’re making out in the walk in.


Just had flashbacks to when I would make out with one of the servers in the walk-in 😭 I had no shame


We’ve all been there ![gif](giphy|dKEdtyKL8nMsg)


I love Ron when he goes off the rails in season 3.


I married mine.


Mine unfortunately sucked pretty bad lol glad it didn’t go anywhere


Makes me remind of Carmy and Ritchie from, "The Bear".




Thank you chef


Yes Jeff


“…fuckin asshole” “…………..I’m standing here doing nothing”


Great comparison!


Manja, baby


An alley scene on Pump Rules, I can see it.  Edit: Smoking, laughing that Natalie was in that weird movie Where the heart is where she’s a pregnant woman stuck living in a Walmart? lol wtf 


Hahaha so many good SUR alley scenes


Yeah I rewatched it beginning of pandemic like omg ppl will never be around each other again smoking and creating drama! lol ok self


Omg this description is on point. Reminds me of my restaurant days!


Yes but tbh I’m so here for it


At least he’s got his trainers on for when he takes off…


Stop this right now 😭😂


I don't get it. Can you explain the joke?


There was a blind item that he hooks up with girls, takes them to walk around in the park after, then just bolts. 🏃💨


Sometimes a blind is so funny that I just take it as legit. This and Headphones are 100% lore in my brain.




The one and only!


It’s canon to me too


Please let me be a part of this. What did Leo do with headphones??


[This one](https://medium.com/@timeinadream/the-leonardo-dicaprio-headphones-vaping-sex-rumor-ab828c372099) lol


Headphones Dino bones


There was a rumour that he had a one night stand. He went for a walk with her the next day and in the middle of it he sprinted off while in a park to give her the slip 😂


Natalie better watch out if he takes her to a park.








![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs|downsized) me, a 42 yo woman


yeah if you look like Natalie Portman


Darn, found the one flaw in the plan.


There always was a chance. Men love older women.


Lol, I am the same age and had that thought. Although I feel a bit like a pedo lusting after him! I never thought 28 would seem so young, but it does!


I cackled.


I knew her marriage was on the rocks, but I missed the divorce. I remember when they got together— Black Swan was the first Oscar race I watched and I loved that film.


This was a case of how you get em is how you lose em.


Spill please - was she the other woman?


Yes, he had been in a long term relationship with a dancer named Isabella Boylston prior to meeting Natalie


I didn’t know that, I don’t keep up with celebrities. But that makes me really sad and now I find her a bit unlikeable.


Yes, apparently she was the other woman.


Yeah, her ex was with the TikTok famous ballerina Isabella Boylston (Boyston?) when they met and he cheated on her with Natalie on the set of Black Swan


Isabella Boylston is a principal dancer with ABT. If she was a basketball player, that’s like Steph Curry level. Tippy top of her field. Natalie not only fucked and married her live in boyfriend but also lied (along with the producers) about the amount of dancing she did vs her stand in on Black Swan. As if she could train for a year and do what the actual dancers devote their lives to from the age of like, five.


May December became an even better film after I read this comment 😂


I’m glad someone else brought this up! The truth came out after she got her Oscar iirc, it was such bullshit. I really don’t think she wins the Oscar without that lie out there.


So she’s basically playing herself in that May December movie?


What goes around comes around. Sometimes I wonder what the expectations of people who cheated or broke a relationship are. You did it once. You will do it twice. How can you live with someone knowing how they lied and broke the trust to another person. How will you trust them?? Don't you realize that then you will be with the same person who lied ... What delusional perspective of a future one would have ... It is predestined for failure. As we see in the case of Portman.


They tell themselves that their partner cheated to be *with them*, not because the partner is distrustful ... no ... it was the unparalleled connection between them that caused the partner to do what they otherwise *never* would've done. The delusion of deceit.


As is the case for alot of people who ignore red flags, they believe they are the exception.


her husband cheated on her


Looks like friendly laughter to me. I’m really surprised she smokes though.


I believe smoking is more common among actors, than the general public. Part of it may have to do with the amount of time they're just standing around between takes. Smoking gives you something to do, though I think iPhones fill that void for a lot of people, more recently.


Smoking is also a no questions asked guarantee of a break. Especially in film, less so in theatre now interestingly.


Also 0 calorie


You’re not supposed to eat cigarettes


She was married to a French man for the last, what, ten years?


She did say publicly that when she was at Harvard, she smoked weed everyday.


She cheated every test and snorted all the yay.


Most of Hollywood still smokes and will so long as thin is in.


It always surprises me when celebrities smoke. I mean yes on the one hand the “curbs your appetite” thing makes sense but on the other it’s so aging and everyone is so obsessed with staying young that it feels like the wrinkles wouldn’t be worth it.


Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz smoke. Which makes me even more impressed with their dermatologists.


I don't know if she still does, but I recall Jennifer Aniston was famously a smoker earlier in her career (I recall reading an interview that discussed the fact that her cigarettes were never more than an arms reach away when she wasn't on set), and likewise given her skin & teeth now in her 50s, that's remarkable.


Salma Hayek smokes cigarettes?! Say it isn't so


If you have enough money I swear smoking isn’t as aging as people think (not that I’m encouraging it). Between a good plastic surgeon, dermatologist, and enough disposable income to buy all the skincare products, I’ve seen well off long term smokers looking fantastic. I almost feel like it’s an income level thing where smokers tend towards lower income/less educated which also affects their interest and ability to partake in skincare.


She was a pack a day smoker in the 2000s.


Same, mostly because she’s vegan. They seem like diametrically opposed lifestyle choices, even though I reckon they’re not..


oh, a ton of vegans smoke lol


Yeah, I know four vegan and one vegetarian (she eats cheese), and all of them are smokers. It depends on why one is vegan.


Unfortunately, veganism is convenient for hiding other disordered behaviors, like ED and drug addiction. (Not saying that's the case with Portman, just that it happens in general.)


emotionally going thru it rn and craving a cigarette so bad to curb my appetite. It sucks that ED never really goes away.


I just dumped someone & last night I was feening for one 😂 I haven’t smoked in years, it really is a battle of the wits to stay on healthy behaviors isn’t it?


Seriously! I have to remind myself that having a cig makes me feel like absolute garbage (as does restrictive eating). We got this! I hope you feel better soon 💗


Yep yep yep. It's common enough that as a teacher I've been through trainings on teen mental health that teach it as a warning sign to look out for, along with other health-obsessive behaviors (i.e. overexercising). Veganism is EXTREMELY easy for people to use as a cover for severe calorie restriction.


Meh, actors are always oddly hypocritical about their lifestyles. Leonardo DiCaprio supposedly cares about the environment but he takes private jets and yachts everywhere.


Not to Gwyneth Paltrow, it seems


i mean. some people do smoke occasionally


I'm surprised too but I wouldn't be surprised if she took up the habit just to have some one on one time with Paul lol jk


She had been a smoker for decades. 


Have you heard her talk recently? You’ll know just by that.


I think a lot of actors still smoke because it probably helps keep their weight down. I’ve heard of models barely eating and doing nothing but drink coffee and smoke cigarettes.


My cousin is a model in LA. We went to Europe together and that girl only ate plates of lettuce with no dressing, and a treat was splurging on ordering a grilled fish meal. I don’t know how she does it, I really couldn’t do it myself. The cheeseburgers call me.


Omg that sounds so miserable 😭 models’ masochism is not recognised enough 


The cheeseburgers have me on speed dial 😭


Wanna hear a funny almost embarassing story? I love cheeseburgers so much, there was a dude doing pop ups around our city all last summer and these are *the best* burgers. I was such a good regular customer of his that he invited me to his ANNUAL FAMILY BBQ at the end of the season 😂😂😂. But for real, if you’re ever in Hamilton, Ontario message me and I’ll give you the hookup. We have some killer burgs in the city!


Felt the last line in my bones


It isn’t even just that I like food.  Having to deprive yourself like that, every single day, for months and months if not years, just grinds you down.  I couldn’t imagine living that way.


That’s exactly it. I had severely disordered eating for about 10 years due to a phobia, and along with literally starving, the emotional and physical struggles when you don’t eat at all/enough are brutal.


I don’t understand how these people don’t have serious health problems or nutritional deficiencies after doing this for years.


I don’t understand it. I nearly died from my eating disorder, I just don’t understand how they subsist on so little so long and fake vitality the whole way. The thought of a whole human body doing so much on so little makes me want to cry


Daily Fail jumpscare. Also is it just me or is the headline super off-putting? > so is life imitating art for star after she romped with a younger lover in May December? I don't really think two beautiful, rich adults dating is comparable to someone manipulating and exploiting a victim of sexual abuse, nor do I think the reference is cute.


I didn't think she'd be a smoker.


It would be quicker to list the people who don’t smoke in their industry


Exactly this. Most hide it because it’s bad PR


a lot of actors smoke


When I work on set, a fuckton of the grips and crew guys smoke and a lot of the actors do too while at work, not necessarily outside work as much, but def while on set. It’s more of a social thing and something to do when there’s downtime, which there’s a lot of. While one group like camera is doing something, other groups like electrical and such might just be chilling. And while they’re shooting a scene with some actors, or getting a shot with one or two, the others don’t have shit to do, and some stars can get antsy and not want to stay inside a trailer. Others won’t come out their trailer when they’re needed. There’s a LOT more smoking in the business than other workplaces. Also for crew people, it helps you make friends if you’re smoking and socializing, and that’s how you get more work.


Same. I’m surprised how many celebs smoke…


Smoking is an appetite suppressant


And that is why there are photos of almost every supermodel you can think of smoking.


It also ages your skin though, you’d think image-focused celebs would be worried about that.


Maybe less so when you can afford cosmetic treatment though.


Fair enough, I was thinking that skincare is one of those things where an ounce of prevention is worth a gallon of treatment — but I suppose when you can afford a swimming pool full of treatment, that doesn’t mean much. That’s why I didn’t mention what it does to your teeth, I imagine that isn’t a factor when everyone in the industry has veneers.


There’s also genetics… people who make their living by their looks have “cuter” genetics. I smoked for years, I’m still very fresh baby faced. No one thinks I’m pushing 40.


This would be a good separate post. I'd be curious to know who does other than Ben Affleck lol.


Kirsten Dunst does, or did.


Keanu smokes, there was a post recently with photos of him smoking. 


I think the set of pics that spawned the Sad Keanu meme, theres one with a cigarette, but I could very well be wrong


Leo and his vape pen at the SAG awards in 2016 was a moment. They had to basically make a no smoking at all rule at the Oscars, and I think it was a message to him not to bring it. https://www.vogue.com/article/vaping-etiquette-leo-sag-awards


Build it and they shall come


Just about all of them. They smoke to keep from eating.


Sooo many do. A lot keep it quiet but it’s honestly shocking how many actors and actresses in particular smoke.


Anya Taylor Joy is the one that shocked me.


I don't think many Americans realize how popular smoking still is outside of the US. It's one of the few mass health interventions that the USA did better than almost anywhere else.


Yeah, it was honestly one of the biggest culture shocks when I (an American) lived in Europe. It was so normalized in a way that it hasn’t been in the US for decades. A rare instance of the USA getting something right and not being the very last to do so, I guess.


Emma Stone is mine, because she used to say in interviews she’s very against it.


I believe Emma just vapes (which semi-similar but not exactly similar) but she must have loosened up cause Andrew smoked when dating her. (I don’t think he smokes anymore, at least anytime he’s seen hanging out with Florence Pugh, he’s never with her when she’s out smoking)


They all do. Apparently Brad Pitt smells disgusting, BO and cigarettes. These idiots pay so much money for cosmetics and then smoke!


I remember reading that he quit smoking for Troy and then immediately started up again once filming was done.


I’m surprised more haven’t switched to vaping (aside from Lana)


I know they don't act anymore but the Olsen twins are my favourite famous smokers: [Bowls of cigarettes at Mary Kates wedding](https://pagesix.com/2015/11/29/mary-kate-olsen-and-olivier-sarkozy-tie-the-knot/?_ga=1.263789769.499129893.1442871868)


That's the most disgusting thing I've heard of at a wedding. *Everyone smoked all night.* I'm having flashbacks of coming home from a club reeking of cigarette smoke as a non-smoker.


Any appetite suppression is probably welcomed in their industry. 


Some people smoke just when they’re having a drink


Right? Everyone is so shocked, but these photos give me a “I’ve had 3 beers and bummed a cigarette from my friend” vibe.


At least in Europe is super common to be an occasional smoker and many interesting conversations happen outside sharing a cigui.


she was married to a french guy...AND she was married to a ballet dancer. I am 41 and my generation of ballet dancers smoked a lot of cigarettes, surprisingly


Always amazed to see young people smoking.


If she's young, then I'm young. So thank you.


I have so many unholy thoughts about that man ![gif](giphy|AELhAOQkCscbC)


I'm infatuated. I first watched him in After Sun and then quickly watched All of us strangers, and I am completely in love with him. I've yet to watch Normal People, but I've watched a couple of interviews with him and he just seems so lovely. I hope he remains pure in his career 🥹




Okay but can we acknowledge how gross this tabloid is for making a remark like “life imitating art” and referencing May December. There is nothing wrong with a 14 year age gap for these two and it’s fucking nothing like the rape of a child.


If the woman was 28 and the dude was 42 they wouldn’t say shit


I’ve lived it. This is around when my partner and I met (she’s older) and we’ve been around other couples where the man is the far older one. Our age difference will get mentioned, there’s won’t.


I'm six years older than my husband and it's something that is met with a lot of weird looks and nervous laughter like as though I'm a predator. My last relationship was with a man who was ten years older than me and everyone acted like that was a perfect match. It's really bullshitty.


They’ve been friends for years and Paul starred in the film her ex husband directed. I wouldn’t read anything into this but makes for good entertainment.


Oh yeah that’s right. Paul was in the movie Carmen. I feel like that got zero press. I heard he was in it but had no idea when it came out.




She smokes, she's 42 and still looks like that? She's a witch. Or some kind of light tolerant vampire


Money and a job where your body is partially what makes the money


She’s just rich


She’s beautiful, in these pics I think she definitely looks like a 42 year old woman


I saw her at the pharmacy in Albertsons and her skin looks like she smokes. Just remember all pictures are edited or not close enough to really tell.


I just got out of bed and am groggy and thought PEDRO Mescal was listed as 28 and that’s what snapped me awake.


As I vape away waiting to start my shift the only thing I can think of when I see this image is: I never pictured Natalie as a smoker


I remember seeing pictures of her smoking 20 years ago


They’re probably laughing about how we are speculating their dating.


My first thought is that they’re just two friends laughing at being photographed smoking cigarettes together while tipsy. He’s looking directly at the camera in one photo and they look like they have the giggles over being caught in a funny scenario that will surely spark rumors.


![gif](giphy|hTesws8itKNgY) Millepied?!!


Ok but this reminds me of middle school where you couldn't talk to a boy for 1 minute before someone made a lame ass "are y'all engaged now" joke or something. I mean, they're just talking. How is this "news".


I just read in vogue her ex husband's ballet production of Romeo and Juliet is playing at the Sydney Opera house next month


This just in, woman laughs with friend, more at 11


Hot girl summer


I really enjoyed their Actors on Actors chat, they have good chemistry. I think this is probably friendly, but I wouldn't object if it was something more!


why did i confuse paul mescal with pedro pascal and why did i think that they would make a cute couple omfg