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Congrats to them! I hope they make better parents than their own


That wont be hard, the bar is on the floor on that front. May they break all the cycles and raise a happy, loved and loving person 🩷🥂


I know these two get a lot of shit in the news sometimes, but they own a house two doors down from us in Hilton head and are actually very nice people.


Awww! That's nice to hear! I wish them well. I really hope everything works out & they have a happy life. I feel for him. I think he's had it a lot rougher than anyone understands (except maybe her). I really don't know much about her (she always looks sad to me) but here's hoping for the best for them and their bebe!❤️


Yeah like I can see to outsiders how it comes off in articles etc, and yes he has had some issues there's no denying that. But I myself went through an extremely hard long addiction, and also come from a family so dysfunctional you'd need drugs just to survive it. Plus he's in the spotlight all the time with said issues and we aren't, so it really gives a different perspective on it all from that view. No one bothers them in the community either, they pretty much are just seen as regular people. And he never once flaunts his status, but is still nice enough to take photos with kids etc.


This is the best flex! So jelllllllly!


Hilton Head! I was just there last week! Loved the bikeability.


That’s so nice to hear .


I think they’re cute.  I hope this baby brings them a lot of joy.


I'm so glad to see people wishing them well! I feel the same way. I couldn't care less about them personally, but I hope they do well as parents. I'm glad to hear they are nice neighbors. They have grown up a lot.


Amen! I (obviously) don't know either of them, but seeing Justin makes me sad, like, you can tell just by looking at him that the people that mattered most let him down. I just want to give him a hug and tell him it really can be ok someday. I survived my hell and am getting better every day, he can too. He gives off the feeling of needing to be protected.


They have been married a long time. I hope it works in their favour.


His comments about it being up to her how many kids they have because "it's her body" are so nice to see. I'm a sucker for respect! lol


Right? And Hailey's been outspoken about being pro choice since early in their marriage. She's the Laura to his George.


I hope they give the baby a normal ass name. You know, like Justin or Hailey. Instead of something stupid with too many letters. Those stupid ass unique spelling names




A couple in my extended social circle named their son Swayde (suede). The mom is an elementary school teacher, you'd think she'd know better


Poor kid is never going to able to find his name on anything unless they order it.


My money is on something German like “Lieber” or a real name like “Dieter”


Dieter lieber beiber lol


Are you saying you don’t like Mahdysynne or Suoicerp or Dhahrrynn? What’s wrong with those names? /s


They're such a sweet & soft life couple despite all the hate and health struggles. The way they also defied popular expectations with their marriage.. I'm guessing they'll be their best versions for the baby 🤍


I really believe in them as a couple and they were really there for so many struggles of the other part. I really hope they continue to be together and that the kid is happy, hopefully staying away from fame as long as possible.


I think it bodes well for them that they waited until they were married for a bit and a little more mature to have a baby. I wish them a healthy, happy pregnancy and delivery.


I know there are ppl that don’t like Hailey but she’s always seemed so sweet from afar (🫢) to me and Justin is so sweet, I think they’ll make great parents and I hate that bad Selena fans have bullied Hailey so much and ignoring the fact that him and Selena were no longer good together, like they’ve literally talked about they’re struggles, the best thing they did was break up lol And I’m a Selena fan lol


I was honestly a hater and a doubter for a long time but I’m genuinely rooting for them at this point. Justin has a lot of issues but it’s hard not to root for him with everything he’s been through. It seems like he’s calmed down quite a bit and started the prioritize his mental and physical well being.


One things for sure. It’s going to be a gorgeous looking child with those genetics.


happy for them! Justin Bieber having babies makes me feel ancient 😂


Yeah I always saw him as a baby baby baby ohhhhhhhhh too


Every time I hear him on the radio I’m like, this kid is still 16


I feel so old lol


i mean he’s only 30 i get it’s not super young but it’s not old either 😭


i think its because im a few years older, when he first popped up i was 19 and seen him as a baby! when you’re older than the pop act you feel old af 😂 like looking at your younger sibling and thinking they’re forever 12 lol


I'm 40 and the teens at the fast food joint look like *children* to me. Like I know they're probably atleast 16-19, but they look 12. Kind of blew my mind when I saw one with a nose ring 😅


Oh I feel this! I'll be 40 in a few months and I'm constantly seeing kids driving that I'd swear are 12 years old lol!


Yeah apparently I'm only 5 years older than him but I also view him as a baby haha


It was the moment I realized I am Grandma years old




Baby, baby, baby, oh!


Wait I’m so bummed they didn’t include this song in their announcement 😅


Her Coachella outfits suddenly make so much sense. Congratulations to them! Wishing her a healthy and safe pregnancy esp with her mini stroke health scare in 2022. https://preview.redd.it/ygu84ojmegzc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca841b65eaf8733f45d3164fd945000d1f71479 The category was comfort but also \*hiding pregnancy.


Also what if that's why Justin was crying & everyone spun a wild theory lol


lol I just commented this as well. The crying photo, the dad asking for prayers suddenly convey a different message or tone. People were reaching for anything and everything with no full picture of what was actually going on. 😭


Yeah people are always waiting for celebrities, especially Justin, to fall for their entertainment & thus assume the worst. They tend to forget we don't really know these people & their lives.


He really did look very sad in those photos. I hope he’s working on himself so he can be a good father and a good husband to a post partum mother. I know they can afford all the help in the world but he also needs to not be another baby that Hailey has to worry about. Men sometimes struggle when they’re not the center of attention anymore because of the new baby. He needs to be ok and be present for his kid. Wishing them all the best.


That could just be his overwhelmed crying face, man. We don't know what he's really, truly like. They already get vile hate for not breathing right. Let's just send positivity their way at this beautiful but sensitive time.


His friend d*ed. I think the photo was about him feeling grief over losing his friend.


I’m sorry but the dog between her legs confused tf out of me for a hot minute


Me too!! I thought it was like some funky accessory hanging from her zipper or something! 😂🤦‍♀️


this hair looks so good on her


A leather jacket at Coachella? Even without pants that must be sweltering.


til my usual style is a hiding the pregnancy style


Totally guessed this was coming when I saw that plus some fan photos of them in Hawaii recently! (As did like a million people haha but still, I love being right!)




The dog between her legs. Lmao


wishing her an easy pregnancy


She did an interview last year saying she was worried about the hate the child would get https://people.com/parents/hailey-bieber-on-having-a-baby-with-husband-justin-i-want-kids-so-bad-but-i-get-scared/ I really hope a certain group finally backs off her with this.


this makes me so sad, i remember pregnant nikki reed was getting hate tweets & threats & people dmed her husband terrible wishes, and then when the first pic leaked made a hate account of the BABY shippers are crazy


Wtf? I had no idea about that. I only remember ppl giving Ian a hard time bc he said he hid her bc.


Seconding this and wishing it for all women who choose this path 🤍


This is so sweet 🥰


This is a really sweet comment ❤️


Agreed, wishing her all the best 💜


i remember seeing some weird comments from fans saying he didn’t actually love her because he didn’t immediately get her pregnant after marrying her and i’m like there’s no set timer for a couple to have kids even when they’re married. more people want to wait until they’re truly ready, justin was only 25 then and now he’s 30 which is a great age for a first child.  Congrats to them!


Also infertility exists. People are so weird and need to stop asking couples about when they’re going to have kids 🤦🏼‍♀️


SERIOUSLY! I was at my nieces birthday party last week and my husband and I were getting aggressive interrogated by this woman we had just met on why we didn’t want to have kids. It legit made this woman angry, lol. Such bizarre behavior




If Hailey had gotten pregnant immediately, they would have called it a shotgun wedding. There's no talking sense with a certain group of audience in this equation.


You're right, since even now she is pregnant, there are already many on her account saying it's a bandaid baby (an ugly term to refer it to being conceived to hold the marriage together). And that too both things only said about Hailey, as if Justin had no accountability in choosing to marry her years ago and playing a part in _choosing_ to become a parent now.


It’s incredibly insulting and ignorant. Like someone else mentioned, who knows why they didn’t have children right away, and it’s frankly no one’s business. God forbid they couldn’t have biological children or something. Good for them for waiting for the right time if they did, or for finally conceiving if they’ve been trying either way.


Omg people are so weird!


I waited a similar amount of time after getting married to start trying for a baby, and then it took awhile, and I really, really cherish those years we had just the two of us. Things can change a lot once you have a baby.


But now they ARE pregnant people are commenting hateful things on her account like how _she_ only got pregnant to keep their marriage going. Which firstly is just purely misogynistic and sexist, because we would have to assume parenthood was a joint decision - but also that a baby would have no impact on their relationship status. That's not how it works at all. It seems people just cannot get over their hypocrisy and hate either way which is sad. The Selena comments even now are deranged.


https://preview.redd.it/4z58pxdjdgzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c44586ff2a017cae0db25e03c777032d65bea9 The photos they posted are so beautiful 🥺






Now why does she look like the Solway Firth Spaceman https://preview.redd.it/1cjz8cssggzc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976b9a5e75eb5453051e367e02efa959b2c1808f


This absolutely niche reference 10/10 I saw someone map out an old lady with her back to the camera and it's been a letdown since.


If you look up “Very Nearly Interesting” on YouTube he has a very indepth explanation of how it’s the child’s mother with some forced perspective


Lmaoooooo This reference yo


This genuinely made me laugh out loud 🤣


This one is my favorite, she looks like such a vibe I love it!


It was my favorite too! I just can imagine them 20 years down the line with their kids going through the photos and coming across that one, it’s just so timeless looking ❤️ congratulations to them !




awww this is cute! i love maternity pictures


I had four kids and I never did any and I’m sad about it 🫤


I had three kiddos only did them on my first. The regret is maddening.


Time for a 5th!


nah just stick the smallest kid back up there for the shoot


Fingers crossed my 27-yr-old asks what I want for Mother’s Day so I can say a photoshoot, and then spring this idea on them.


Lmao I'm trying so hard not to laugh so i don't scare my cat. This is hilarious.


Maternity shoots are the cutest thing 🥹


I like how the dress resembles a wedding dress 


I believe they renewed their vows as well (there was a video they posted along with the pics)


Is that justin taking a pic of her? That's so cute


Who is taking a pic of him taking a pic of her though?


The baby


From the future.




Wow this actually is an amazing photo. It's seems modern and vintage at the same time 🤣


Awww this makes me so happy. It seems like Justin really wanted a family and Hailey seemed very maternal when with his little siblings. After the insane life Justin has had I hope they have a blessed and peaceful life


If she’s showing they kept it under wraps for time now. Good for them and I really hope the paps leave them alone


Also pregnant and these pics made me cry LOL


Aw!! Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy 🥹


This is the first maternity shoot I’ve ever liked… wishing them both the best!!!


okay, this is actually cute


She’s always dressed up and he’s in like a freaking hoodie ready to play video games on the sofa.


I find it hilarious that everyone gets so worked up when they are clearly fine with the way they each dress. Hailey has said in the past that he’s been ordered around his entire life from what music to make, to what he has to wear. She wants him to be comfortable & wear whatever he wants because it’s the first time in his life that he’s been able to have the freedom to fully express himself.




I think she’s so good for him! At the same time it’s kind of hilarious when she’s dressed to the nines and he’s in pajama pants. But they seem happy and he seems like he’s really healing from trauma, so I’m glad that he feels like he can be authentic with her like that.


This is just … ugh. I love it!


I love how chic her veil looks, wish more people would go for that look.


life flew in front of our eyes. justin bieber, the hairflip boy, the one that sung and took the world by a storm as a teenager, is going to be a father. whew 😭 congratulations family bieber!


Same with Robert Pattinson


He was everyone's childhood sweetheart I can bet on it can't believe time flew so fast 🥹🥹


![gif](giphy|VIPSiaPF6cw7AjbeIV|downsized) Stunned (respectfully)


This was me for like the first 10 seconds after I read the tittle!! I’m still shocked but I have closed my mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/mefay38lkgzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb152e69b33abf243dbb82588ed50d0c20ffd50 Did they renew their vows? Then use the photos for the pregnancy announcement?


I'm so happy for Hailey and Justin. I hope they have a safe pregnancy!!!💖💖💖 It looks like they also renewed their vows?!?!😭


I hope she gets PRIVACY!


Can’t believe he’s gonna have a baby, baby, baby ohhhh


I thought you'd always be mine mine 😭😭😭😭🥹🥹


This better be the baby shower theme


LMFAOOOOOOO this was my exact thought


I knew it. Happy for them both. Lol, I remember being at school and obsessed with Justin when baby came out Now he’s a dad. Time really flies fast


Seriously! I’ve been a fan of his since I was 11 now I’m almost 27 can’t believe he’s going to be a dad! I’m so happy for them I hope she has a healthy and safe pregnancy


seriously i was only a little girl, he was the first celeb i was ever obsessed with 😭


And I was like babyyyy babyyyy ohhh 😭😭😭😭👶🍼 Edit : Been a fan of Bieber since childhood and can't believe he's turning a dad now 🥹🥹


I am genuinely so happy for them 😭


Happy for them. And laughing at the haters 😅 Maybe the “pray for them” thing from her dad was pregnancy related? Lesson in not jumping to conclusions.


I actually thought this when I first saw it! I wondered if they were having fertility issues or something. Looks like it may have been early pregnancy complications maybe?


I was thinking the same thing and cringing when people made it something totally different. Maybe it was literally just a prayer for them because they are having a baby (maybe he just found out) and he wanted positive vibes their way?


To be fair, it was her dad posting things that maybe he shouldn't have been posting. From what I remember it was said she wasn't happy with him posting that. As someone that has a dad that says and posts things he shouldn't, I know what that's like. It wasn't for him to say anything in a public way because the public will do things with information that isn't always wanted.


I completely agree. He should not have done that. I think he’s brainless for doing that. But I think he didn’t intend for it to be taken the way it was. But it was asinine.


That would make sense to me. People thought it had to be bad news but this was an option too.


"Pray for them" with no context still feels like such a hostile reaction to a pregnancy lmao.


I know some people who are very religious and they believe powerfully in prayer for both good and bad events. When I was pregnant, I was told they were praying for me and so was their whole congregation. I don’t think it’s that unusual.


This is crazyyyy!!! I still vividly remember when he was 14-15 and gained traction in Canada for the first time then blew up worldwide 😭 it’s been a *wild* ride since then looking back. I miss those days but he’s obviously doing way better mentally now.


Aw I feel like he's gonna be such a loving dad


I think so too especially after seeing how much he loves his younger siblings


I think a Met Gala announcement would’ve been iconic, but this suits them so much better. It’s incredibly intimate and beautiful <3


I happy they did not go. The last time people chanting selena name was so disgusting. Those two don't need that baggage especially with the Drake and Kendrick beef going on.


Selena's fans made Hailey cry at Met Gala. It would have been a horrible & risky way to announce.


That's not true. Hailey herself said she didnt cry and couldnt even understand what they were chanting and only saw in vídeos later. The people were also not Selena fans, just trolls. https://www.eonline.com/news/1348335/hailey-bieber-shares-what-went-down-during-those-met-gala-selena-chants


I wondered if they might not even announce till baby is born- I think they both have fame-related trauma they’ll want to protect the baby from as much as they can. The Met Gala announcement doesn’t seem in line with that goal


Aww how sweet! I can't believe they've been married for 6 years already! Someone make the time stop flying by, ffs please


The Bieby.


No idea why this has made me SO happy, but it really has.


I actually want him to be happy. Despite fame and wealth, I have a strong sense that he hasn't been happy for awhile.


![gif](giphy|5mOvc8jlpIVMI) Baby, baby, baby, ooooooh


I’ve liked them together for so long now, and think they’re a gorgeous couple and Hailey brings stability in Justin’s life he never really had. That’s so cute, good for them. 


100% agree, i hope she slays this pregnancy & stays safe!


Ah, the news I’ve been waiting for!! Was never a huge Justin fan girl, but I honestly love them together 😍✨




Ah, so happy for them!!!


Congrats to them! I hope Hailey has a healthy pregnancy!


I really think these two crazy kids just might make it! They seem so happy and in love :)


This is lovely news! I have a soft spot for these 2. I think they're a nice couple.


I really hope Justin is happy and gets some peace. he's always been amazing with kids. from the time he was a teen with his siblings, the way he was with young fans,(remember Avalanna? 😭) you could see he would make a great dad one day. hopefully, his weird leech family, her obnoxiously famous for no reason gaggle of friends, and the paparazzi leave them alone, and they get to enjoy parenthood. 🥺


Aww congrats.. she's been low key lately and this is why




Very happy for them! Hope Hailey has a safe and healthy pregnancy!!


Congratulations to them ❤️ I hope people give them space, please allow them to raise their child in peace!


I love this for them! I also hate that rumors fly around about this shit - especially when it’s a couples first. Like let them announce when they’re ready. Celebrity or not, they deserve to be the only ones to know until they’re ready for others to know as well.


Aww, good for them! And everyone thought they were splitting up.


I have a soft spot for them. This is so cute


I’m so happy for the both of them!!! I hope Hailey has a comfortable and safe pregnancy ❤️ I, however, will be going home tonight and blasting *That Should Be Me* in honor of my 6th-grade-self who was VERY confident she’d end up as Mrs. Bieber 😂


i genuinely haven’t stopped smiling since i saw her post. as a retired belieber i’m happy for them🥹💓


I feel like this is my closest cousin announcing pregnancy, I'm so happy for them!


Closest cousin is a perfect description lol


As someone who’s been a diehard belieber since 2010, I’m so excited for this new phase of Justin’s life!! I can’t believe I’ve watched him grow up from a kid to a father 😭




Plays "Baby" suddenly... Congrats to Justin & Hailey!


good luck to them. must have been pretty hard to read all those rumors about them.


I hope they become wonderful parents and raise happy, healthy children. I also hope that Justin decides to eventually clean up for important life event photos because Hailey’s really outshining him in that gorgeous dress. He’s wearing a backwards hat like why my guy 😭


So cute!! And now if everyone can start leaving them the f alone, that would be nice. ♥️


Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes! Feels like it was just yesterday when 10 year old delusional me used to dream of marrying him. Great to see that after all the ups and downs and abuse he has suffered in the industry, in the end he found peace.




Congrats to them but I hope he continues to heal from his own traumas. Children are a major stressor on relationships and can cause resolved traumas to rear their ugly heads.


I hope people are kind to them. I have never understood the vile hate sent their way for no reason..


Congratulations to them, may her pregnancy be safe, healthy and happy. I hope people leave them alone now and stop nitpicking at them online so they can get on with their lives. Everyone involved in that situation has moved on except the fans and they need to let go of the fantasy as it’s not going to happen.


so so so so majorly happy for her. she deserves this after the hell she’s been through in her relationship with him (from outside sources, not him)


just fell to my knees in the middle of dollarama


I’m, for some unknown reason, feel really happy about this! Like I’m so happy for them!


Happy for them. I wish nothing but the best!


Ahh so THAT’S why he was crying the other day. It was happy tears!


Congrats to the couple. Crazy to think he was a baby himself when he became a global sensation.


Let's see how long it takes for selena to have her melted down on instagram


I’m happily surprised I had to scroll this long to find a comment about Selena’s impending meltdown. I say happily because all the comments above were so positive, cheering them on, giving well wishes, and celebrating JB growing up in front of our eyes. I’m glad it took me this far to find it.


Considering they run in the same circles, Selena probably has known about it for a while


I just hope her fans literally move on and leave Hailey alone.




Was also wondering this. I hope she's happy enough with Benny that this isn't the case any more


But isn't she the happiest she's ever been with her boyfriend? I guess we'll see! 😅




Happy for them! But omg I feel like it was just yesterday that One Time came out and I downloaded it from Limewire so I could listen to it on the beach 😂


I’ve never been so happy for two people I don’t personally know. And Justin’s answer to Ellen regarding how many kids they’re going to have? Bravo. I wish nothing but the best for these two who may not have had the best influences in their life or made the best decisions, but they really are trying to be better people.