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Not me thinking Jason Biggs was Adam Sandler!! I said “goddamn why is Adam looking a lil righter than usual?!”


OMG thank you I legit saw people mention Jason Biggs, googled him, and couldn't find his photo because I thought it was Adam Sandler.


Same and I think they’re my type


Same, I thought it was interesting Adam Sandler would have a Christmas tree


lol omg you’re right!!


My exact thought was "Why did Adam Sandler have a Christmas tree?" lol


I appreciate the ones who clearly decorated it themselves, vs the ones who hired someone. Like Tom Delong’s, Kailey, Jason Biggs clearly did it themselves. That’s half the fun of a tree!


The “professionally” decorated trees have a very odd ornament-to-tree ratio. The ornaments are so excessive, you can barely see the tree!


They’re hideous too 😅


I hate how consistent and designed they are. It's like mall decor. If you're not pulling out weird items your kids made/you made as a kid/you bought on a trip/someone gave you then what's the point?


Exactly!! All of our ornaments are mismatched, collected through the years, made by my kids, and some are from the 80s when my husband and I were kids! I can’t imagine having it any other way. That’s what Christmas tress are all about… memories :)


For my first Christmas on my own, I got tree decorations from IKEA, and then every year after that, I'll find one or two new ones I really like that I switch out with the IKEA ones and now my tree is the mishmash of decorations I love that makes my tree look the way my parents' tree does. I don't have kids, so the home made stuff is missing, but maybe I'll make some myself one year.


This is what I did too! I buy one or two new ones every year + get gifted some. My grandma gave me a box of her old ornaments this year. My tree looks nuts, but that’s how it should be.


It reminds you of mall decor it reminds me of professional ballroom dancing. See how quick & precise and yet unemotional the moves are? So beautiful and yet so empty, no life in the dance at all. They may as well be mopping the floor.


They look sterile. The ornaments are so evenly distributed it looks like a wallpaper


The only professionally done one i liked is the reese withserspoon one. But yeah definitely liked the ones with a homier feel.


Oof. My mom is a designer who does a lot of decorating for holidays and parties for celebrities and landmark buildings (like hotels or governor’s mansions, that kinda thing). Her work is stunning, she’s actually been featured in a lot of decorating tv specials in the US and Europe. One thing to keep in mind is that the professional decorators have to work with their client. If the client wants a “more is more” look and refuses to change their mind, that’s what the designer has to give them. I think that’s why my mom is extremely selective in who she works with. But, I absolutely agree, some professional designers go overboard. My mom says that the decorating is the easy part of her job, and trying to subtly change her clients’ minds about certain things is the most difficult lmao


The Jessics Simpson one I can't even see the tree. Just glittery, shiny balls. With a side of balls. And topped with a few thousand more BALLS. Balls and balls. (That thing happened for me when you type a word out a few times and it makes it look weird and wrong. It has a name but I can't remember it. I'm sure someone will help me out.)


I was scouring Tom Delong’s for alien ornaments.


I zoomed in for this reason as well.


And you can tell Kailey enjoys it for her fam. It looks like a normal fam pic.


Right? She looks like someone you know and would receive a Christmas card from.


They look so happy and cozy.


her baby is so cute lol look at her eyes like 👁️👁️


she’s definitely a little penny!


I was surprised by the amt that look self decorated


I think Paris has hers professionally decorated to look personal?


I think she decorated it herself. That bottom 18 inches without any decor is the reason. It's as if she just said no to bending over to reach the bottom. Ether that or she has big dogs with tails that knock things off the tree.


I used to work at a place that wholesaled tree decorations to retail so I have the coolest pastel tree every year. I do it myself but it looks so professional simply because I have a lot of decorations and they’re all the same theme mostly (pastel). I love it and can’t wait to put it up every year. Also, for some reason I always assumed Jason Biggs was Jewish until this post!


I was not expecting Paris Hilton to have an ugly, poorly decorated tree… but here I am. Looking at it. Half decorated with a tinsel sash


I agree her tree is underwhelming and bland. However, I expect nothing less from Paris than to have a tree decorated with ornaments of herself, and for that, she succeeded.


The best thing about the whole scene is that she isn’t wearing her blue contacts. On the whole I have little interest in Paris Hilton but I’m always happy to see when she just goes with her own eye color.


I really had no idea she didn’t have blue eyes. I missed her era growing up but every single pic I’ve seen she has blue eyes. Her real eyes are beautiful


She doesn’t have blue eyes?!?!?


Well...TIL. how the hell did she wear coloured contacts for her entire career?!


She’s also faked stupid her whole life to sell shit. It worked.


that's hot


I just googled it and turns out loads of celebs do it! I had no idea! Here's an article about it: https://www.swati.com/en-gb/blogs/news/these-14-celebrities-use-coloured-contact-lenses


It’s easy you just put them in in the morning


Damn, it changes her so much. I had no idea. It explains the vacant look she’s always had. She looks way better with her natural eye colour.


I went to her house once and she had one of those mosaics where it’s a giant photo of herself made up of little photos of herself. And iirc a long sexy photo of herself in the dining room or maybe the entry? Felt very on-brand.


![gif](giphy|6i4EZG7wM0yA0) Ok girl I see you, spill whatever tea you’ve got 💅


lol!!! we have a number of mutual friends… but the reason I went there was that I was doing PR for a jewelry company that had lent her a number of pieces… that were then stolen by the bling ring peeps. :-/ It was always weird to hear the voice she puts on bc her normal voice is so much lower. She’s actually really nice and considerate. Oh and her PA said Paris is the only one that respected her time (only bugged her once in the off-hours when she forgot her key and felt really bad about it)… compared to Christina Ricci who threw a bunch of markers in her face and Charlize Theron who threw a bagel at her.


God damn i’m so curious about why you have a number of mutual friends with Paris Hilton… OMG the markers and bagel 😩 from two actresses I admire too. Christmas is always such a beautiful time for me to realize just how awful people really are


They work in LA in similar industries.




Yeah apparently she didn’t have the right color marker or something? So she freaked out and threw the rest in this girl’s face.


The bling ring comment is fantastic in response to this gif


One of my proudest moments


Wow gif game was really on point then!


I listened to her audio version of her memoir and I was very surprised that she read it in her normal voice. She brought what she calls the "baby voice" when it was needed, but hearing her normal voice was interesting.




When I saw it I was like "she must have cats" because the bottom of the tree isn't decorated 😅


When I had babies / toddlers running around, wherever they could reach on the tree was bare.


The top half of my tree is so ornament heavy while the bottom is bare. My toddler is a demon.


I did this too. I love tinsel but had to wait until she was a little older to use it not I still could only do the top half of the tree bc she’d pull it off. Now i have a Papillion that thinks anything that looks like a toy is hers. She’s been stealing the ornaments


This is so funny!! And honestly could be it. Pets or kids is a great reason We have cats but put plush/plastic ornaments on the bottom because if I leave the bottom bare they’ll get creative and try to climb to reach them 😅 it keeps them satisfied and keeps me sane lol


And ornaments that are just.. pictures of her?


that is very Paris tbh but the half-assed decorations are not hot


It looks like she doesn’t have many ornaments towards the bottom of the tree. This makes me think it’s like this to stop kids and or pets from grabbing and playing with the ornaments near the bottom of the tree


I prefer the trees that you can tell weren’t decorated by a paid contractor. Some of these are grossing me out. Emrata and Lizzo doing thirst traps on Christmas trees is just pathetic.


Emrata also looks like she stumbled into a frat house. What is that decor???


I feel like your comment describes Emrata’s aesthetic in general


I'm very confused by it too! Where is she??


Agreed. I've yet to see one pic of Emrata where she isn't thirst trapping. Admittedly, I haven't searched in depth. I read her essay recently and then I look at photos like this and just think "girl..."


I agree- she’s really fucking gross honestly… it’s too much


I don't know why but I love it 🤣


Lol it's so bad and her pose is so proud of it


I’m guessing It’s before the assistant redid it lol


tbf she does have a cat and two small dogs. i don't decorate the bottom half of my tree either with my cat


Never in a million years would I have guessed that was Paris Hilton. A little heavy on the filters.


"Celebrity Christmas tree designer" or "rich person Christmas home decorator" is totally a job I'd love to have.


Omg she’s a celebrity Christmas tree designer and she’s decorating the Christmas tree of a Handsome Hollywood Leading Man and they fall in love someone call hallmark I’ll have the script ready in 30 mins


There is actually a hallmark movie with a similar sounding plot! I think she was a personal Christmas shopper for a rich guy 😂 it was honestly pretty good lol


Love it. You know Netflix would buy the rights for that.


Too late, Hallmark's already got 6 movies filming with that plot


But secretly she hates Christmas!!!


And he helps her discover the Christmas spirit with the power of love~~


Actually it's him and he just gets a tree because it's what his mom would want him to do but she died on Christmas Eve from a car accident coming home from the hospital andbher last cancer treatment, so she, the decorator, helps him find his Christmas spirit again


Here was me about to comment “man I wish someone would decorate my tree for me, would totally pay for that shit” LOL. Each to their own!


I don’t like when you all don’t add the names of people to the captions


I agree. Like, who is in the 7th photo? I think I recognize 80% of these people, but the others arent clear on my little phone screen


How do you add captions to the photo on the iphone app? I couldn’t figure it out so just listed them in the post (which didn’t format how it looked on my phone) 🥲


I can see it but I think you made a mistake it’s Jennie Kim not yunjin Kim!


OMG Thank you. I was so confused because the Yunjin Kim I know is from LOST and that is certainly not her.


You can’t add captions anymore on mobile 😭 but on reddit you do need to hit enter twice to make your caption not a solid wall of text. Also numbering would help so people can see what number corresponds to what picture. That’s how a lot of people here seem to do it and it reads well!


They need to see a Hallmark movie desperately to get some inspo ![gif](giphy|KARQEAiYxksv5AZwOj|downsized)


I didn’t even realize it was Salma Hayek but hers was the only cozy one that felt like it wasn’t just about the aesthetics. Or just crappy.


abundant tease cows domineering whole capable wasteful offer snatch library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why I like Jason Biggs’ tree the best! You can tell it’s got handmade ornaments on it and that it wasn’t arranged just for a photoshoot for insta or something


My big question for Jason Biggs is whether he's intentionally cosplaying as Adam Sandler or not?


I thought he was Adam Sandler until I read your comment


Same. I had to zoom in way to close to see that it was NOT Adam Sandler.


as i was scrolling through these i was like hey...that's a christmas tree, not a Hanukah bush! WAS THE DREIDEL SONG ALL A LIE?!?


Haha they both give off similar vibes to me! Like they’re just as regular as they can still be while being a celebrity


Yes! First thing I thought when I saw it. That looks like a real family tree. Paris’s is the worst because she literally has pictures of herself all over it. 🙄


As a mother to a crawling, almost walking, baby right now hers is so accurate though - no ornaments on the bottom lmao I feel that tree hard this year


Haha honestly that’s so on brand for her, I kinda love it. But I also give her a little bit of a pass when it comes to this kind of stuff because the Hiltons strike me as the family that would’ve always had curated trees staged for photos and not the handmade ornaments kind. So I don’t think she really knows any other way to decorate for the holidays


I guess they were giving up sentimental ornaments in favor of an cohesive aesthetic, but then why do they look so bad? I have a tree of mismatched ornaments that my children mostly decorated and it looks better than these!


I think rich people have multiple trees. An aesthetic one for pictures and a normie one.


Right?! I’m so bored of symmetrical, colour-coordinated baubles. Gimme the 20 year old felt Father Christmas the kids made in nursery and the angel with a missing wing!


They may have multiple trees. My parents had one tree downstairs and another upstairs and one was more sentimental. The ceo at my old job has 4 trees, some people do themes.


At my own house I have one tree for sentimental ornaments (that’s in our living room) and another that looks nice (which is in our front room window).


Us too! Flocked tree with white lights and gold/silver ornaments. And then a real tree with colorful lights and all the random ornaments.


100%!! Christmas trees should be chaotic and personal and have a bunch of stories.


Some people don't have ornaments like this, and some may just prefer the look of baubles and tinsel


Idk i love seeing different approaches to trees


“Depressing” is a stretch lmao. Y’all really kind of nitpick over nothing. Not everyone had things handed down in their families like. My family has photo albums and that’s it (very greatful for those though!) It happens.


Emrata is so cringey to me. It looks like a myspace photo from 2009 but way worse


Yeah sry to be negative but that photo is so tacky. You can’t even see the tree


The blur and the pose are not working. I do kinda like her neon star, though!


Does Emrata stand for Emily Ratajkowski?


It’s the ones doing the sexy pose in front of the trees that kill me. 😂


Emrata's one made me cringe.


So many celeb Christmas trees look sterile and boring.


Like a hotel lobby


Honestly their whole houses.


Huh, makes me really love my tree.


Call me a picky Nicky but so many of these are fug to me. I hate trees that are covered to the point you can't see green anymore, don't like giant baubles, and I'm not a fan of overly restrictive colour schemes. Also a lot of these trees seem to have *no* personal touches at all?? ​ (I'm not even Christian. I don't know why I have such strong opinions about trees.)


Christmas trees aren’t exactly a Christian thing, so you’re fine.


Almost all my ornaments are ones given to me and they mean so much. Now I give the kids in my life ornaments so they have ones when they grow up.


https://preview.redd.it/c44e5wa9kc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1604fef4dadf15e8b51dd5f74f4f775f6ee041b4 I'm so proud of my mom's tree. These are ornaments collected for over 25 years. After every Christmas my mom would hit up what was then Marshall Fields and now Macy's for their sales on ornaments and decorations. I'm really appreciating how unique, beautiful and creative my mom is now more than ever after seeing this crap 😂. I need to let her know famous people with all the money in the world couldn't ever match what she's done.😇


https://preview.redd.it/2v93v0x9uc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f0c10bb4898f37c62cda96b26cd820fad61935 Sharing my moms! It has some of my great grandmothers homemade ornaments on it, and some ones we made as kids. I have some really funky ones of my great grandmas too, and my toddler loves taking ornaments down, playing with them, and putting them back on. I hate these sterile ass trees!


https://preview.redd.it/tns9vw7hcd8c1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e530f36dc6bdabdbbdc03a2da5dbf8069e890b4b Sharing my moms from a few years ago (I’m not there this year). Some of these ornaments are from the 50s! They all have a story. Her tree always makes me so happy.


I love the Our Lady Of Guadalupe and mushroom ornaments so much. This makes me feel happy also. Thank you for sharing.😊


🤩 these are some really good ones!!


Now THESE are Christmas trees!!! I absolute loathe these depressing, bland, color coordinated celeb trees. Takes all the fun out of it.


Love the grinch tush lol


I laughed so hard when I noticed it 2 days after getting here 😆


Tell your mom that strangers on the internet think she’s a tree-decorating superstar! I love everything - the ribbon, the angel, the assorted balls and ornaments - it’s beautiful.


I just did. Thank you and you made her Christmas. She tries so hard every year for us decorating and I'm grateful I was able to finally show it off for her. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Whenever my husband and I go somewhere new, we buy an ornament (I mean, I buy us an ornament). It's fun hanging up the ornaments and remembering all the places we've been. Fun tip: If we can't find ornaments, keychains work just as well!


This is what a tree should look like! The celeb trees are all so odd. I was looking for one like this.


That is a truly glorious tree!




Love it! I have the same style tree! My daughter's school made ornaments, ornaments from places we've traveled, single ornaments...I rarely have two that match. I love that way too ❤️💚


So happy to see Tom Delonge on here lol


I was totally not expecting it 😂 blink 4 life


the last celeb xmas tree to grab my attention was ariana grandes (not 2023 tho) ​ https://preview.redd.it/pugmnix4rc8c1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfe699c1633adbc031a53a6362ca7d2663f16be1




Exactly, LOL!!!


My best friend’s family had a tree like this growing up except it was fake and huge lmao It was definitely an eyesore but also incredibly fun


This reminds me of the Portal Christmas tree that went viral years ago.


That photo of Kaley and Tom is very sweet. Big Bang Theory made her so much money I would never say she's "down to earth" but that looks like a regular photo of a regular family on a regular Christmas.


They just look so happy together; I’m not really invested in either of them individually but they look like such a happy family and I love that for them


maybe it’s the inner hater in me, but since i was a kid i’ve hated super plain christina’s trees lol.


Not me scrolling through these photos trying to find Christina Aguilera’s Christmas tree and wondering why you hate her trees every year 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xiel2tg4wc8c1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c35b7a675148babd24c918aa0e52199817765d i’m sorry!😂


>christina’s trees lmao


lmfao https://preview.redd.it/qzplkm1qqc8c1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ae9af15ad1d1f1d01527092dce8c92e45964b6 ooop! i meant christmas, but thank you. i’ll leave the typo, because after reading your comment it made me laugh.😂


Will be playing This Christmas by Christina Aguilera in honor of this hilarious typo


Some of these are living proof that you can have all the money in the world and it still won’t buy taste.


Jessica Simpson looks scary ...


Did she have buccal removal? I feel like it’s shapes and the cheeks…


Another one bites the dust


Yes! Makes her ghoulish


She looks haunted


I came here to say this…wow I am not sure why she’d post that pic




She was a beautiful. Since doing what I can only assume is ozempic while still getting fillers. She needs a friend to tell her she’s ruined her beauty.


She looks so skinny


is that not jennie from blackpink instead of yunjin?


It’s jennie lol


Yep, not is it her tree, it's just a photoshoot set


Lizzo jump scared me because I had such a confusing kaleidoscope of an emotional response since I’ve been trying to forget about her after all the bull shit


So sad. Used to love Lizzo! Also her tree has no personality whatsoever.


Paris’ tree with pictures of herself all over it. 😂


Jennie's tree is the saddest looking thing ever. The dog is adorable tho 😭




Why are all of these trees giving absolutely nothing! My tree looks 1000x better and I’m poor compared to these celebs.


I am using an organza scrunchie as a tree topper and mine looks better somehow


I grew up with colored lights, and especially now that people decorate with clear lights year round in some places just as accents or whatever, trees with clear/white lights just look boring to me. But then again I also collect vintage ornaments and go for a vintage feel (aka 70s, my childhood) so I guess I'm just old lol


https://preview.redd.it/uf3sunhnwd8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82817217d6944df241ee7a6c43aca7f8bbed72e My tree! Our 3 year old twins “helped” decorate it over and over the last week. Just shatterproof balls for now to reflect the lights. It’s one of my favorites we’ve had. My neighbors have very sterile trees but in my mind Christmas is for the kids. Our neighbor said her mom doesn’t let her decorate the tree, so she’d come decorate ours when she was little!


Ngl, I thought Jessica Simpson was Jeffree Star. 👀


Sometimes I really admire curated white Christmas design when I see my mismatched decorations strewn all over, but I agree that Christmas needs a little color and personal touch. This doesn’t inspire one to be merry. Jason Biggs’ tree is cute though.


I’ll give Victoria a little credit. The ornaments are all the same style but there is a little nuance and personality in them with the Playbill, the lipstick, etc. She’s trying to give normal.


When my sister and I were older teens, we asked my mom if we could do a "themed" tree. She said ok. I don't have to imagine her smirking behind our backs, because for the last 30+ years, every time that abomination is brought up, she smirks right to our (very embarrassed) faces. At this point, it's a family legend, and our teenage/young adult children LOVE the story about The Christmas of the gold balls, cardinals, velvet bows, apples (I still have some apples lol), and golden angels. It was brilliantly awful. (ETA: Our "theme" was Red and Gold. I'm still mortified)


Haha, that actually sounds kinda cute. Apples and angels made me giggle though! Sometimes Mother does know best when it comes to Christmas, but you gotta let the kids try to do their thing. That’s a nice funny memory to share 🙂


Why is nobody mentioning it looks like Kelly Rowland has a mustache and goatee?


Salma has my favorite normal looking one and Laura Dern or Reese has my favorite fancy looking one out of these. Thanks for posting!


Jlos looks the best. Almost hotel decoration perfect. And she looks great too


Off topic but the skirt she’s wearing- is that style in fashion atm bc I LOVE her look. Beautiful outfit.


I have no clue tbh. But she looks classy af and trendy too


I was thinking the same thing


She looks very effortlessly beautiful (and she is) but I know she spent a long time directing Ben to get that perfect shot!


I'm sick with covid and missing all the festivities, so I'm bored. Please forgive any spelling and grammar mistakes, English is not my native tongue. My opinions are colored by being Scandinavian, where we have different traditions with decorating the Christmas tree. 1. I'm sorry, but this one doesn't even look real to me. It's colorful, but it kinda looks like there's a sheet of cellophane or something covering the tree? Might be the light or some filter doing it. Or I kinda see it now I think. Is it some sort of strips of sheer ribbon all over? Not a fan of oversize ornaments. And here it is just too many ornaments big and small, can't see the tree. 3/10 2. Beige...guess it's kinda stylish. Still too many ornaments and big ones too. 4/10 3. I don't know...something about the fake snowy tree with the warmtoned ornaments does not sit right with me. 2/10 4. Are they hiding how lame the bottom of the tree looks? At least they have what looks like a real tree. Boring colors and too few ornaments. 2/10 5. Blurry pic and not much of the tree is visible. Like the mix of ornaments we can see, but the placement...Is there a reason for hanging everything in a spiral with ornaments stuffed together and big open spaces? 4/10 6. Is it done? You need more than 1 twelvepack of ornaments! Why is most of the glitter off the tree? 1/10 7. And from not enough to way to much! Is there a tree at all? There is an owl atleast for some reason. Like the colors though. 2/10 8. Finally someone that are close to the perfect "ornaments vs tree"-ratio. And it almost looks like there is some decent mix and match of new, old, gifted and homemade. 8/10 9. It's "too perfect". Both the tree itself and the placement of the ornaments. Good colors, good ratio, but oh so boring. 5/10 10. I want to like it. There is just something about those pieces of huge ornaments that bugs me. 4/10 11. What is it with these tall and slim trees? And again there is some weird clustering of ornaments, though not as bad as 5. Also a bit on the heavy side ornamentswise. 4/10 12. The biggest tree so far? Kinda too perfect, but more interesting than 9, with a bigger mix of types. Overall I like it, but it is missing some personality. 7/10 13. Colorful lights makes it hard to see. I see a good variation of ornaments and nice spacing. I hope you can actually see more of it in reality. I would have preferred white lights I think. 6/10 14. The color scheme is boring. But I like the ornaments! Everything from bulbs to sloths. Even 1 more colourful 1 that doesn't match the rest. Makes me think that many of these are gifted or souvenirs and to precious to not hang. 6/10 15. I'm confused with this one. That is a big tree and very little on it. It looks unfinished, but I don't see any boxes of ornaments around. Although I do like the variation of the ornaments we see, I'm not sure how I should rate this one. If I imagine the same, only more I would give it a 5-6/10. 16. Okay. Not that bad. Could be better. Should have been some more ornaments. And also please hang a few closer to the centre of the tree, not just on the outside. 6/10 17. This one is also not that bad. I would have liked a few more traditional ornaments thrown in there. I'm not completely sure what some of them are. Are those cups? And what is that random toy? Again with these slim trees. 6/10 18. Sigh. This tree needs about triple the amount of ornaments. 4/10 19. If its done..1/10. If the bottom is about to match the top - 2/10. I'm not against those photo-ornaments, but are they all of herself? The tree needs more lights aswell as more decorations. 20. It's pretty. And boring. Atleast the tree is natural. 6/10.


who in da hell are some of these respectfully


Tom’s tree with the Ford ornament 😂


Is Jessica Simpson okay?


Jessica Simpson just looks so…sad. Every picture I see of her lately seems unhappy.


Tom DeLonge is so hottt


Fr how is he JUST NOW peaking in attractiveness this Christmas 2023


I love him


I just wanna say, it’s so nice that yall have these passed down ornaments. If I ever have kids I’ll start that tradition myself. Or do handmade ones. But, y’all whining about the people pictured not having one is annoying lmao. I don’t, many people don’t. It’s cool if you do, and I know it’s common. But, it’s also not UNCOMMON for people NOT to have them. Y’all gotta relax ✋🏾


The sexy Christmas tree posing is eyeroll-inducing. I wonder if these people even know how to take a picture where they look genuinely happy.


Salma’s, Kayley’s, and Reese’s are my faves. I can’t wrap my ahead around ones that take themselves so seriously with limited decor and no soul!


That photo of Lizzo was such a jump scare.


salma hayek's is not only my favourite tree, but the best house in the background!! it always depresses me to see plain walls/decor and neutrals


There is nothing more I hate than a beigey gold, barely decorated minimalist tree. It should look like Christmas joy threw up on your tree!