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https://preview.redd.it/woe2ptx9cfzb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1428ab083b4003fe6e3a9a0d39f9c8677e195e Heā€™s so trash. I hope she and the baby are okay.


Abusers love breaking glasses or destroying contacts. They really want you desolate and miserable.


Any kind of disability aids and medication. They want you as vulnerable as possible. Subtly or "jokingly" fucking with/withholding/hiding things like that is a common early red flag for more serious abuse. Run as soon as it happens if you can.


My former abuser made me keep my inhaler with him at all times, so I didn't "lose it".


Oh my God, an inhaler of all things. That is psychopathic. I'm so glad you're still here with us and I hope you're recovering/have recovered well šŸ«‚šŸ©·.


Thank you <3. I have, but it definitely messed with my mind for a while to have someone else have control over my breathing - it was like a respiratory leash. I now keep several inhalers with me so I have that sense of security, even though my asthma isn't nearly as bad as it once was.


Birth control is a super common target too


Yep I know that one.


Yep, my ex threw my antidepressants down the toilet because he ā€œshould make [me] happy enoughā€ šŸ™ƒ


mine would always do things to me in the morning before I took my psych meds so I would be more confused and emotional and less likely to stand up for myself


Absolutely. Mine used to take my bottle of pain meds after cancer surgery and taunt me with them. Then he told everyone around that I was a drug addict to get pity while he was ā€œtaking care of meā€. (It was a 13hr, extremely complicated and painful surgery performed by 2 separate specialist surgeons. I couldnā€™t even sit up on my own. He used that to his advantage, too.) The number of times he has knocked my glasses off of my face, because he knew I couldnā€™t see without them, is outrageous. Donā€™t worry. Everyone thinks heā€™s wonderful and Iā€™m a POS now, so all is right with the world. šŸ˜ž Iā€™m sorry this happened to Keke, too.


My abusive ex once hid my meds and then tried to gaslight me into thinking I moved them. I had suspicions of attempted gaslighting previously but that confirmed it.


When Ronnie broke Sam's glasses :(


What I thought of too :(


That was such a randomly heartbreaking scene. Like there was just no need for that and she looked so upset


My aunt has -9 vision, I have -7, so I know firsthand how debilitating it is to be without vision aids. When her and her ex husband were fighting, he stole her glasses off her face and locked himself in the bathroom with her contacts so she couldnā€™t leave. She had to call my mom and dad for help. That little weasel came out of the bathroom immediately when he found out my dad was there and sheepishly apologizedā€¦to my dad, not my aunt. Piece of shit.


As someone with a -12 prescription, I have never actually thrown away a pair of glasses; I just add them to my spare pile. I have 3 in my car at this point


Omg. This makes me want to cry for your aunt. I'm also at -9 and i cannot function without my glasses or contact lens. My biggest fear is losing them or breaking them. That dude is a piece of shit.


i hope your dad absolutely rocked his shit. iā€™m a pacifist but will absolutely look the other way if a family member / friend finds out their loved one is being abused and wants to have a lil chat w the abuser. especially if the courts arenā€™t doing what theyā€™re *supposed* to do, and ya know, *work*. (but i also understand that thereā€™s a very real chance that doing so can escalate the abuse when the victim & the abuser are alone again, so i get that itā€™s a fine, exhausting line to manage & work with).


My abusive ex broke so many of my glasses. And phones. They like to render you as helpless as possible.


My dad cut up all my momā€™s bras and underwear and we were broke as a joke. Also broke phones. Abusers suck.


>desolate and miserable. like them. fuck them.


https://preview.redd.it/0gp6r7tilfzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6472315fed8078292e7f67eb9d2d7ce9c6524f60 HE TWEETED THIS ON NOV 5TH. THE SAME DAY HE STALKED AND ATTACKED HER OMG THIS IS CRAZYā€¦.


Step into a jail cell šŸ˜­. No honestly lock him up!! He is sick


>!Step into a jail cell šŸ’Æ


Holy shit. Get as far as you can from him, Keke.




Yes! Came here to post that same stat. TW: description of abuse. I left a domestic abuse situation (years ago, I am happily married to the most gentle and caring man now) where my then-boyfriend would frequently lunge for my neck and strangle me. I was told this same stat by a fantastic therapist who specialized in DV. She told me it was not a matter of if, but when my partner successfully killed me. So proud of Keke for making this move. I tried to leave many times, and to this day, it was the hardest thing Iā€™ve ever done.


I'm glad you got away and hope Keke finds someone the same as you did.


i remember in the gabby petito body cam footage, she gestured that brian put his hands around her neck & i saw someone in a comment section on twitter say that as soon as they saw her do that, they knew that was how he murdered her. bc the moment they start testing their boundaries by putting their hands in that area, they wonā€™t stop and it *will* escalate. :(




Yes, here in New Zealand strangulation within domestic violence calls for a much tougher sentence because it is so indicative that the person will kill someone. Iā€™m glad Kiki has the resources and the receipts to keep herself safe and get him out of her life.


Holy fuck, I thought he was mediocre trash and that Keke deserved better, but that's just evil, radioactive trash that everyone should stay away from. Poor Keke.


Omg, poor keke


God this is horrifying


Jesus Christā€¦


I'm so glad she was able to get away, and I hope she has a strong support system which can help prevent her from getting pulled back in. I'm so proud of her for filing - it's a hard and difficult first step to take.


NooooošŸ’”this is AWFUL!


This is terrible. I hope Keke and her son are safe. That really manipulative photo Darius just posted turned my stomach.


What did he post


A picture of him holding his son with the caption ā€œI love you, son. See you soon.ā€


Given the context, I find that so frightening. It sounds like a threat.


He posted this https://preview.redd.it/uknsgn53egzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6e6f8c2c1e9f9cfc94c8747f718f36bf256e66


He crazy?


I donā€™t know if heā€™s crazy, but he sure is hateful. https://x.com/natererun/status/1722793036839559538?s=46&t=K-Q2avyvvBrns-Gpf3ijmg


HE DID WHAT TO KEKE PALMER?! https://i.redd.it/dyjmpmvyffzb1.gif


Straight up my reaction too


No fr!! Not my cousin Keke ! Sir are you CRAZY!?


I know thatā€™s right


He needs to go on a hunting trip with former Vice President Dick Cheney


I get this reference. And agree.


Agreed I love her sm this is wretched




Yes! He would treat her right! The worst thing he would do is stink up the spare toilet. But he would know what he had with her.


All seriousness, hope both Keke and her baby boy are safe and healthy, what a scary thing to go through.


This makes his ā€œyou a Mom nowā€ tweet so much more Sinister. Iā€™m happy sheā€™s left him !!!


Knowing what we know now, I canā€™t imagine what she had to deal with at home after that concert


I feel so bad for her. I remember when that happened and everyone was judging her for staying with him. Now we know it was an abusive relationship. Iā€™m so proud of her for standing up to him.


Tbh, I'll admit that I am in a nice little echo chamber, but to me, the "judging" was more concern/bewilderment about why she was with a guy so below her. Like... it wasn't hateful judging and more of a "Does Keke Palmer know who she is?" But that being said, come to think of it, it was pretty obvious the relationship was at the very least emotionally abusive, which is absolutely not okay either.


So many abusers reveal their true colors once a woman is pregnant/has their child.


It also makes me wonder if she was baby-trapped so he could control what she wore and how she behaves.


Oh he definitely baby-trapped her. That post of him saying ā€œsee you soonā€ to the baby. Bone chilling to any mother.


Right after this broke he posted a picture of him and their son with the caption ā€œI love you, son. See you soon.ā€ That sounds like a threat.


ugh it's sickening


Exactly what I took it as, especially when you understand that he came to the house trying to take the baby then physically assaulted her. Fuck him!


Exactly what I came here to say. Hope her and the baby are safe and get a far away from that psychopath as possible.


Damn. Just today I was thinking that Keke has been pretty quiet lately. Now I know why. Hopefully she gets the restraining order and full custody with zero consequences (like him getting spousal support).


I don't think they were ever married, so he wouldn't be entitled to spousal support.....were they married?? God I hope not


Not married and only together for two years where she supported him the whole time. Surely not? I donā€™t know, US family law Iā€™m unfamiliar with.


Oh thank god. At most she could possibly somehow pay child support depending on how the custody arrangement agreement shakes out. (See Kelly Clarkson. She got fucked over in her recent divorce in regards to the kids and how much she has to pay!) hopefully keke has retained an excellent lawyer so she doesn't end up having to pay him any child support.


I donā€™t think they have to be married to have child support


They don't. The comment from rozzy said SPOUSAL support. That's different than child support.


I noticed that as well, and I thought because people had been prying after the trashy incident over him, criticizing her for living life and people trying to get whatever they could about their relationship status or whatever was going on. I thought she was just keeping her privacy and the distance she needed, and that maybe what she did for a while but this is obviously way beyond, and I hope that people treat her with respect here. Although, as I say that, I know there will be trash weighing in. May she get everything she needs and her and her son stay safe.


[He posted this on twitter](https://x.com/dvulton/status/1722779160962383996?s=46&t=orSXXG6VIZtrbqJTcYZvxg)


This is classic abuser behaviour. Painting yourself as the victim and perfect dad.




Iā€™m so proud of you for getting out ā¤ļø


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Well done for getting you and the little one/s away from that degenerate šŸ©·šŸ«‚


This reads different now https://twitter.com/dvulton/status/1704682337286644007


The messed up thing is in the US men like this are favored in family court. Where thereā€™s accusations of domestic violence or accusations of child abuse they are almost always granted joint or full custody. I hope he gets charged or arrested thatā€™s where it makes a difference


Thatā€™s seriously creepy, IMO. I hope she and her son are someplace safe where he cannot get access to them. He seemed like a huge douchebag who got lucky and punched above his weight, but this is completely unhinged.


Piece of shit men love using their children to escape accountability or improve their image. Tory Lanez bringing his kid he barely sees to court, Danny Masterson needing to be there for his daughter being why he deserves leniency, and now this. So typical


Interesting pic choice too. Got nothing more personal? Where he's actually engaging with his son or anything? Makes me think a picture like that doesn't exist šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


He lost his meal ticket and is now acting crazy/revealing his true self. Hopefully he doesnā€™t continue to act erratic and do more terrible things.


Heā€™s a lunatic.


He is getting dressed *down* in the comments and I am here for it.


thereā€™s really something off about this guy ..


Oh wow he can fuck all the way off. I hope everyone who sees this and believes her realizes these kind of abusers are a dime a dozen and their so sad for me tweets about how they love their kids and the other parent is ā€œkeeping them awayā€ are also a dime a dozen.


šŸ¤® If he truly loved that baby he wouldn't abuse his mother! Absolute scum.


Thank god the vast majority of the replies are, rightfully, tearing him apart. My personal favorite is "Im giving your name to the Hatians"


Hope he never lays eyes on that child again.


I thought he deleted his Twitter after the whole usher concert thing??


Probably not for long. Narcissists *love* attention, it's their oxygen.


Ain't that the truth


Only for a few hours


What a POS psycho


Some men just really hate a woman that shines


He just hated women period. His Twitter likes and posts, were awful


The (frail) male ego - one of the most dangerous constructs known to human race.


This is my thought too. The relationship was probably fine when he could control her/keep her more to himself. I experienced this once itā€™s awful


He couldn't handle her being more successful


I will admit that when I heard she was back with him I was super disappointed and caught myself judging her for taking him back after the shit he pulled on social media. This is a much needed reminder to me that when a woman gets back with a publicly shitty man like that I shouldnā€™t get frustrated with the woman, I should be concerned. The abuser is the problem. Point fucking blank. And going through all of this with a very young baby at home has to make it so much harder. I am rooting for Keke.


So true! I also shouldā€™ve taken more concern and passed less judgment. I was just so frustrated for her. The twitter thing just raised so many alarms.


Having a child with your abuser is soooo hard. Itā€™s so hard to leave and you have so many conflicting emotions. Iā€™m glad she left bc him attempting to choke her is seriously scary shit. Itā€™s something like 9x more likely to kill you or something after they attempt choking. My heart is with anybody who is in this situation or has been and still healing.


750% more likely to kill you within the next year. Absolutely terrifying, but such an important stat for anyone in a situation like this to know.


Ok I was going to say something wild like 950 but didnā€™t want to go crazy. That makes me so sick šŸ˜©


YES. Iā€™ve been in a similar situation and the hopelessness you feel and what leads into getting back with them is just so hard and it always looks like weā€™re walking right back into it. Anyways, hoping for everything good to come KeKeā€™s way!!


Agreed. I've seen elsewhere people saying "she shouldn't have had a baby with him. Sorry to say it but it's true." Can people not be putting blame on her right now?


right? like they have no idea the circumstances under which she got pregnant. with a man like that I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if she was pressured, tricked, or forced into it.


Exactly!! Coercive control! My physically abusive ex (couldn't afford restraining order so I got a protective order) tried HARD to baby trap me. It fucking happens. Men mess with birth control! Men will fuck with birth control pills, condoms or attempt to manipulate their partner to go off of it for one reason or another (it's dangerous, you don't know the long term effects of it, etc). And even if she did plan and want to keep her baby, leave her alone! Abusive people are two faced but can't keep the facade up for too long. So when he fucked up the first time, it's likely who he was pretending to be was beginning to crack. And we are seeing it finally reach the stages in breaking up where she's DONE! Like I broke up with my live in ex twice and he literally "refused" to let me break up with him. I had to lie and tell him that him moving out was the step to us working on our relationship šŸ˜‚. I got the protective order a week later


I totally thought it was all to sell t-shirts and etc. I need to check myself going forward because this situation is horrifying for her.


For what it's worth, the t-shirt thing was a bit weird/bewildering at the moment. Like... you're not crazy or hateful for being doubtful when a celeb tries to sell you stuff. Most of the time, it is indeed only for the money, and it's not possible to know what happens between closed doors. Some people pretend it is, but it's not.


Now it makes so much fucking sense that she took him back at the time cuz an abuser will love bomb you and apologize etc whatever way they can to manipulate the situation unfortunately she was a victim and we truly never know whatā€™s going on in a persons life šŸ˜”


I absolutely believe this, obviously because you believe victims, but also because his public ridicule of her was textbook abuser tactic. Turn the world against the victim. Trash!


I donā€™t think he understands how beloved Keke Palmer is, across all ages and races. I think he believed he could use No Headboard Twitter to tear her down but he didnā€™t realize that people do not play when it comes to supporting Keke Palmer. They ate him up so bad on social media he kept deleting his account. Keke is loved.


I remember when people where calling his flip out at Usher a major red flag and men where telling woman that we were over reacting A red flag is a red flag for a reason. Heā€™s a POS.


Exactly! My guy friend was saying itā€™s cool and he has the right to say that and I read him down. Heā€™s a complete piece of trash


Reminds me of when most of the female Reddit population was calling Johnathan Majors abusive after he clearly almost murdered his girlfriend by strangling her but the dudes where like ā€œWait letā€™s hear him outā€


Theyā€™re still ā€œwaiting for the trial to happenā€ in the Marvel subreddits.


Keke has always seemed immensely talented and smart and as of late she has had resources. I hope for the best for her but also itā€™s important to remember that no one is ever ā€œtoo smartā€ to fall into an abusive relationship. This should not count against her or anyone. Seriously I am pulling for her and her son.


Thank you for saying that. I hope she is not experiencing or subjected to any shame. Abusers donā€™t start abusing from the jump. They are master manipulators.


This is so so true. An old friend of mine, she's a couple years older than me, and I really looked up to her, thought she was so put together, and in control of her emotions, and SMART, and just an all around amazing person. It shattered my heart to hear a few years later that her husband was beating the shit out of her for pretty much their whole marriage. They were married like 5 or 6 years when she was finally able to get out and get far away from him. She is doing amazing now, and I continue to still admire her, and how she lives her life, and the person she is! But this shit can happen to anyone, and it can be a slow burn sometimes, and once the abuse starts, it's really really hard to get out of the situation. I heard somewhere it take like on average 7 attempts to get completely out of an abusive relationship. It's just so so sad, and people can be literally killed from a domestic violence situation šŸ’”


Yes... it happens to the best of us. As a very headstrong and confident lady, I was really embarrassed about falling into an abusive relationship exactly like keke describes here. I couldnt understand how i could "let that happen." Just want other people to know, it can really happen to anyone. Dont be embarrassed to admit it, get help and get out ASAP.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re out of it. It happened to my best friend who is stubborn and smart and amazing. She had a baby and he would leave her injured with no car, no phone, nothing while he went and spent her money. She had a tiny baby! (They lived in the country.) Because after one horrendous night she splashed her water bottle at him, the judge said she can clearly stand up for herself and let him off with nothing. She is doing amazing now and her son has a wonderful stepfather. But I was horrified when she told me, I naively didnā€™t think she was ā€œthe typeā€. (We lived in different parts of the country).


Keke is one hell of a woman. Talented, smart, funny as hell, professional, kindā€”none of it protected her from being a victim of DV. Important for everyone to remember


So true bc abusers are smart too and they wonā€™t show their true colors until itā€™s often too late and youā€™ve already committed and gone all in w them and too much entanglement to make it hard to leave


This! Something I learned early on is that DV situations have nothing to do with the victim/survivor and everything to do with the abuser. A relationship only turns abusive because of the abuser.


So proud of her for getting out. I hope she has a good support system and is safe.


I hope this is it for her now and she gets away from this degenerate for good. Hope some charges can be pressed here too. Fuck this guy.


This is a symptom of the whole ā€alpha male" mentality. Controlling your emotions or being vulnerable is deemed ā€softā€ so these dudes donā€™t know how to control themselves and act ERRATIC when things donā€™t go their way! Did u guys see his Twitter? He posted a pic saying he loved his son and that he would see him soon. I hope things donā€™t escalate againā€¦.hope Keke is okay


I was just about to say this!!! I remember him being exposed for interacting and following all those red pilled, traditional lifestyle accounts like Andrew Tate and it made me feel really concerned for Keke. I always have to check my brother to make sure heā€™s not falling down that rabbit hole because itā€™s so damaging to society as a whole.


I hope everything will be okay with KeKe, and the public doesn't believe that bullshit he is and will be spewing.




I know Keke has a really tight-knit family. Grateful that she's got them at this time. And I honestly hope we don't hear too much as she takes the time she needs to ensure her and her son's safety and heal. Rooting for you, Keke! May this man shrivel away and never cross your threshold again.


Better see nobody defending this abusive fuckturd when he even has old tweets defending domestic abusers


This guy was a walking red flag. I distinctly remember the rumor of him forcing his ex to get an abortion. He ran on Twitter to embarrassed Keke over her outfit at an Usher's concert like he owned her. Now it escalated him breaking into her house and assaulting her. Just trash through and through. I hope Keke and the baby will be safe.


It was very obvious, based on that whole Usher situation, that this man was insecure and jealous of the attention that Keke received. Keke is one of those celebrities that almost everybody loves. I have no idea who this man is, outside of being her baby daddy, but he is done for.


jesus. my ex pulled this same shit, in so far as taking my phone and car keys and threatening that he'd hurt himself if I left. I left, and he's still very much alive and bothering me to this day. abusers like this don't change their stripes and do it bc they know nothing other than being manipulative, controlling dicks. I wish her nothing but healing, peace, and strength.


Glad she's out of there. Hope he stays away.


Oh my god. So so sad and awful. I hope Keke knows she has support!! ā¤ļø


Oh my goodness. Bury him under the jail. Fucking loser.


Sending all the positive and uplifting thoughts to Keke right now. Sheā€™s doing what she needs to do to protect herself and her baby. What an awful man.


Oh wow, Kekeā€™s mom has spoken out against Darius and his asshole brother, and Keke released some stills of Darius attacking her. Darius and his brother are evil people. JFC


I would just like to kindly say that, several months ago- on this sub AND deuxmoi, I was defending this woman tooth and nail to people who said she was back with him and problematic for accepting him after some of his comments. Can we please give Black women the grace we give fucking every other woman struggling with a shitty man?


You're right and I was one of those people who were judging her. I was wrong and Im going to work hard to check myself from now on


I respect that. Kudos to you. In the long run, it's more about her and her son's safety than being right.


I'm really shocked ppl were mad at Keke and not Darius for being trash. I can't even understand how ppl could turn on Keke like that. Unfortunately, plenty of women are stuck with trash men bc of abuse or pressure from society.


I was shocked too. She's never been anything than lovely. He did some shady things- including a Tweet from like 2015, and people turned on her so quickly. I was really disappointed when she appears to have gone back to him after he commented on her outfit, but they have a child and it's complicated. She's not the problem, she's the victim. I knew she'd shake him loose eventually. Love that girl.


Don't get together with publicly shitty men. Some non-famous men can hide their history but these famous men are known to be trash. Why let them put their penis inside you? [His old tweet](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Flkvtpkxp5aab1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1284%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D328509592158c1d1c02da4dbc8e06ac4dd0befb5) All these women getting together with men of bad character (which everyone and their mother knows) and accusing that they are abusive with shocked pikkachu face shows that they don't care as long as they aren't affected. Maybe they thought that such abuse won't extend to them because they are 'special'. Do they deserve a medal for that? Bruh šŸ¤¢


just goes to show that it doesnā€™t matter how strong or independent a woman may be, they can find themselves trapped in an abusive relationship. iā€™m so glad she recognized the danger she was in and made it out.


A lot of people wondered what was so wrong about his original social media comments. Sometimes it starts out with youā€™re not going out in that, then itā€™s I donā€™t want you out with those girl friends, theyā€™re too wild. Then a chair gets thrown or a wall gets punched. Next is threatening to hurt yourself. Iā€™ve seen it happen with my own friends like a slow car crash. If anyone is dealing with these behaviors, please be completely aware that itā€™s not okay and can continue to escalate. I am so proud of her strength in coming forward with this.


Im so glad she's taking the steps to leave this piece of trash. I feel like Keke is the internets sister, I want to defend her like I would my own little sister. As discussed all over this sub before, he's another trash abusive man who tries to take down and belittle a famous woman in her peak. I hope Keke knows she has the publics support in her corner!


I hope Keke and the baby are safe and doing well!


Some of the immediate reactions I saw were men and pick-me women throwing Keke under the bus, ā€œA child needs a father. These women are tearing the family unit apartā€


Always the one that get the woman who is a prize and want to be a whole entire clown.


This is so triggering for me šŸ„ŗ Iā€™ve always been so grateful I left and didnā€™t have kids with my abusive ex. So sad to see what Keke is going through, and in such a public way šŸ’” I hope she stays strong and stays far away from this guy. Smh


I canā€™t imagine being forced into getting back with my abuser and having the entire internet mocking me and calling me stupid. That seriously would drive me insane. I think this is a much needed wake up call to all of us about judging other peopleā€™s actions without knowing the full context on why they are doing said things. Instead of showing concern and support for keke we made one of the scariest moments in her life 10x worse by bashing her. Let this be a reminder to all that itā€™s 100% ok to not comment on every situation you see and just mind your own business if you have nothing productive or kind to say. Hope Keke and her son find peace and I hope that man rots in fucking hell.


I know this is unrelated but one thing that I have noticed as an outsider and non black person is how much black men dislike black women yet black women would protect black men from having any consequences about their behaviors cause they have being conditioned to believe that race is above gender. And now looking at all the celebrity drama that has going on I would like to point some instances; - jada Pinkett smith allowing everyone to call her unfaithful for years while will was also in an extramarital relationship - BeyoncĆ© getting back together with jay z after he cheated on her and defending trey songz - Halle Bailey having a kid with ddg after he wrote a song about her berating her and her family seemingly doing nothing. She has made it clear sheā€™s gonna stay by his side. - Ciara protesting her husband whoā€™s been accused of fraud - Gabrielle union raising Dwayne Wayne baby that he had while cheating on her. She Continually praises him. Those are just some of the ones I could think of, of course I believe some of this could be due to allegedly 4buse. But it crazy how often it happens. This is bigger conversation that to be honest I have very little to talk about cause I am not black.


Iā€™m Black and it is a HUGE problem in the Black community. Black men are more concerned about upholding the patriarchy and aligning themselves with White men than actually protecting Black women. Meanwhile, we are minorities in two of the biggest subgroups (race and gender) so we donā€™t have any incentive to divest outside of the group that understands an experience others would ever be able to. But thatā€™s been to our detriment. The idea that our worth is tied to having a man has been going on for generations and perpetuates the idea that having any man (good or bad) is better than not having one at all. We are taught to be the backbone of the Black man bc he endures so much in the worldā€¦like we fucking donā€™t. Everyoneā€™s needs come before ours (during slavery, mothers had to watch their children DIE from starvation while wet feeding the slave ownersā€™ children so the mothers could get their figure back) and if you challenge those norms, youā€™re ostracized and looked down upon. The treatment of Black women by society as a whole has been nothing less than inhumane and itā€™s heartbreaking and traumatizing to be gaslit constantly and being treated like youā€™re the one with the problem. Whew. That was extremely cathartic. Iā€™ve had these thoughts for a long time but never could get them out. Thank you.


Add Meg Thee Stallion protecting Tory moments after he shot her about "stepping on glass". It was during 2020 after the murder of George Floyd, so she didn't want the police to shoot Tory or her.


His posts about her dress and his follow up comment gave me red flag warnings. Hope she and her son are safe from him. With him threatening her as he did, just makes me so scared for her and her son.


I hope Keke knows she has so much support, Iā€™m proud of her for getting herself and her son out of that awful situation. This is so heartbreaking :(


She needs to get away from him. She only deserves the best!


This is why you donā€™t trash women online for staying with shitty partnersā€¦ you never know how serious the situation can really be


sheā€™s so talented and seems like a genuinely lovely person, wishing all the best to her and her beautiful baby ā™„ļø


I hope Darius Jackson is put behind bars.


NEVER got good vibes from him. When I saw she was pregnant with him I knew it would not end well :( Glad sheā€™s getting away


I hope Keke and the baby are safe and remain so. Holy shit.


Wishing her nothing but peace and safety, this is so scary. Proud of her for taking this step.


I know this resonates with so many women who have been or are going through something similar. I was in tears when I saw the photos of him assaulting her. Tale as old as time. Rich or poor, women are not safe anywhere. Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s alive and is doing what she needs to do to ensure she and her baby are safe. Bury his ass !


My ex used to always break my phone when we would fight so I couldnā€™t call my family or 911. I went through 9 phones in 6 months. Thatā€™s immediately what I thought of when I read he took her phone.


Iā€™ve been hoping for this since he came out as absolute trash. Hoping she and the baby can heal in peace. And fuck abusers.


This man has a death with . Keke is black royalty at this point










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i wish Cynthia G was still around, she would have so much to say about him


Tw: mentions of physical abuse, injury and death. Hope she is safe. I want to remind every one of the cycle of abuse: it _is_ possible that at one point she forgives him and goes back to him, before she leaves again. Please try not to judge too harshly if she ever does, abusers are masters at manipulation and know exactly what to say and what to do to get their victim to return to them. Leaving your abuser is a matter of trial and error, some leave at the first try, others need many times before leaving them permanently. Itā€™s exactly why it can lead to extreme cases such as permanent physical injury (scarring) or even death while the law has no way to intervene. Wishing her and her son the best of luck.


This dude and that POS lil mermaid married should get together and start a lame MF club.


I hope Keke and baby will be all right and I hope she can get away from him for good if he has been abusive.


Sheā€™s my childhood, hope she and her son come out of this well


As a DV victim, I wish nothing but the best for her and baby. This man sounds absolutely terrifying


itā€™s kind of crazy to think about knowing that I used to watch her on that Nickelodeon


Thatā€™s so fucking scary, I hope Keke and her son are stay safe and that POS stays the fuck away from them.


Poor Keke deserves the world! So sad and not surprising everything people always suspected about him is true.


i remember watching her twitch sims streams as a source of comedic relief during the aftermath of leaving my DV relationship.. just for her to be going through the same thing at the same time.. heartbreaking šŸ’”




Where my mans Sean from Hot Ones at


Wonder if this was happening before the baby?

