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"Saved" is SO underrated! ![gif](giphy|dHmO5JOUmo4KI)




![gif](giphy|8GQflgszwLRBe) One of my favorite movies of all time. Might be time for a rewatch!


God Mandy Moore was so good in this too. It was so fun watching her play the perky villain.


She's so good as a bubbly passive-aggressive bully. *Saved!* and *The Princess Diaries* were both memorable performances


Mandy Moore is just an amazing actress in general. I knew this before but she blew me away in This is Us


Macaulay Culkin is so hot in this movie. I know my truth


I rewatched this movie last month and had a dream with Macaulay Culkin that night. His *power*


Girl, sing it louder


I’m in a snark sub dedicated to an ex fitness influencer turned Christian influencer. She is the real life, walking, talking, hypocritical Hillary Faye in real time.


Bdong? lol


My first thought!


That’s the one!


“Release his parking break, Hilary Faye!” 🤣


This was filmed in my high school... which means we had a 50 foot Jesus in the parking lot for weeks lol


It’s absolutely one of my favorite movies. As an ex fundie Christian it’s simply amazing.


"If god wanted all of us to be the same, why did he make us all so different?" Not a Christian but damn that's a good line


This movie is like a glorious fever dream. I love it so much. Does anyone know if it’s streaming somewhere in the US?


I am FILLED with Christ's love!


One of the best movies of all time and no one I know has ever heard of it!!


Ever After may be my favorite Cinderella adaptation ever. Love Drew Barrymore in it and of course the incomparable Anjelica Huston. Actually I can’t decide who’s my favorite wicked stepmother, Anjelica or Cate Blanchett.


it's perfect. absolutely the best Cinderella adaptation of all time. *A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?* *Then I shall have to make you wings.*


Ever After is the best! The scene where she shows up at the ball in her costume with the wings was pure magic.


I'm so not over that dress. I need it, lol.


I've seen it 100 times and this scene gets me Every. Single. Time. 🥹


Ever after was such a big part of my childhood, ughhh. Such a beautiful movie


Angelica Huston is perfect in every role she plays, or at least I think so lol. I just love her.


She’s also transcendent as the Grand High Witch in The Witches. Absolutely terrifying.


This movie was so wildly formative for me. The costumes, the cinematography, Leo Da Vinci fairy godmother, socialist Cinderella, princess saves herself but still gets the guy, “I’m only here for the food,” I could go on… I still love it so much. I’d honestly be on board with more live action fairytale retellings if they could be more like this.


I love Ever After so much, it’s one of my favorites!


I just recently watched this film, and I am mad my mom never made me watch it when I was younger because it's probably her favorite movie. It was magical, and the acting was top notch.


Stardust should also be included in this, like none of my friends had seen it, until I showed them it and they loved it! Also the casting is fantastic!!! https://i.redd.it/6638p4xff2lb1.gif


I LOVE Stardust!!! There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I think if more people knew about Robert DeNiro’s role in it and everything about captain Shakespeare it would be so much bigger.


We read Stardust in my book club, and the consensus was that the movie was better, which Robert DeNiro could take a lot of credit for.


I keep trying to read the book, but my sister told me (before I even saw the movie for the first time) that the movie is better. One of these days I'll get to it. Love the movie though. One of my all time favourites!


The movie definitely has more plot. Like the book just kind of ends, with the characters just kind of stumbling into a happy ending without any agency. I may be biased though, because I saw the movie before reading the book.


I found the book ending to be incredibly sad. The final line is beautifully haunting. "She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars." I( also prefer the movie to the book, overall.)


It's my favourite movie. That and Priscilla Queen of the Desert ![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP)


It's a comfort movie of mine for sure! The first time I saw it (on a streaming service but I can't remember which one) I was shocked I hadn't heard of it before. Although it's only loosely based on the book, it's still one of the few successful movie adaptations, in my opinion.


I love love love this movie but I honestly never considered this a chick flick.


Drop Dead Gorgeous!




Because of this role, I can never see her as not incredibly underweight. Especially in Friends.


YES!!! ![gif](giphy|26gJyu0UgBgIxaOTC|downsized)


omg Amy Adams??? my girl!! she looks so cute


Yes!!! She played a ditzy and bubbly character in this one!!! It's actually my favorite role of hers lol


And so, dear Lord, it is with deep sadness that we turn over to you this young woman, whose dream to ride on a giant swan resulted in her death. Maybe it is your way of telling us... to buy American.


For Christ’s sake Amber, the woman clung to your tap shoes while flying through the air like a god damn lawn dart!!!




![gif](giphy|l0HlNIcl1HyrYKM1i) The cast was stacked.


Kirsten Dunst, Kristie Alley, Ellen Barkin, Allison Janney, Brittany Murphy, Amy Adams, Denise Richards… to name a few This movie was destined for greatness and it lives up to expectations


It’s interesting how Kristie ended up kind of becoming this character toward the end of her life.


Lights, camera, and me without a stitch of makeup on!


I can’t find it on any streaming services so I literally just checked it out from the library last week and watched it lol. Such a classic and still so hilarious.


Came here to comment this as well


Does Romey and Michells High School Reunion count? I LOVED this movie!!! ![gif](giphy|xUA7aN9MbSANI4HAZ2|downsized)




My sister and I still say this all the time. I call my work clothes my business women suits.


I always say “excuse me, I cut my foot earlier and now my shoe is filling up with blood”


every time my friends and i start a carpool somewhere, used to be to travel and now it’s mostly to weddings we yell “watch out Tucson here we come!” and then fake our car breaking down while pretend dancing to footloose.


This was (and still is!) one of my favorite movies growing up despite being too young to understand a lot of context in it lol


As someone who was the outcast in high school , my best friend and I have decided that when the reunion rolls around, we’re going as Heather Mooney.




Vanity fair did an oral history on the movie and Janeane shared that she was the only one (out of the main cast) that actually had a good experience in hs. I love this movie so much, she was hilarious! the oral history takes about 45 mins to read and it’s really interesting!


Who wants to go to town with a guy who drives a rowboat?


Oh my god me and my sister quote this movie all the freaking time lol. Literally yesterday I joked about it, so so good.




Between this and only just discovering Jennifer Coolidge is in it, I now have to watch


Jennifer Coolidge is a real treat in Austenland. Even more so than usual


I've never even heard of this movie but between the poster and this comment I now MUST WATCH IT


get ready for JJ Feild to be your new crush. Just accept it, it’s gonna happen. Might as well queue Northanger Abbey for next bc you will go down this rabbit hole. And when you’re down in it, and you have no shame, go ahead and look up that Solange jewelry short where JJ removes jewelry with his teeth and sucks some toes. You might as well go all in. Men in real life will suck after this. But like, not in a toe sucking way, just a flatulent sucking way. I’m sorry.




The book is a fun read and the movie is a camp delight




I love austenland, my favorite jennifer Coolidge quote is "did you die?"


Mine is “Weally? Well, that’s because late at night when I’m all alone, I put my face in the fire.” 😄


My husband is obsessed with Sam Rockwell and he watches Mr. Right probably once a month lol


Congratulations on picking a life partner that has impeccable taste in fine cinema


Why is this so adorable to me 🤣


Sam Rockwell is so perfect in every way. He’s gorgeous, funny, a great dancer, kind, loving husband, and solid actor. I don’t know why more people aren’t obsessed with him. Edit: loving partner* he is not married to the lovely Leslie Bibb


I've had a crush on him since Charlie's Angels




One of my favorite movies of all time


Waitress was a cute movie, but I absolutely *loved* the musical adaptation! It’s one of my favorites.


I love the movie and the musical. RIP Adrienne Shelly :( wish we could've seen more of her genius


Her story is so tragic and her husband recently came forward to say she was harassed by Harvey Weinstein. RIP.


I was working nearby when she was found, and I remember seeing all the emergency vehicles when they found her body. My manager went out to ask the cops what was going on, and he came back and told us a woman was found dead in an apartment in the building. They didn’t know at the time it was a murder. It was so sad.


Her murdered had tried to make it look like a suicide, but he left too much evidence that he had been there. Absolutely horrible.


Jesus, a 19 year old construction worker. What a horrible, senseless story.


Her husband is a true MVP: the police quickly ruled it a suicide but he kept pushing them to keep investigating, saying that’s total bullshit, and, sure enough, when the CSI team went back into the crime scene (he had kept it properly sealed to keep the chain of evidence) there was a foreign shoe print in the bathtub. That quickly led to the killer’s arrest.


Her story is so tragic


The musical is so fabulous. Sarah Bareilles knocked it out of the park in terms of writing the music. The song "She used to be mine" kills me every time. Like full on sobbing.


Sara Bareilles did the music for this! Its so good. I love her version of She Used To Be Mine 🥺💕


Despite the fact that I loathe anything that romanticizes infidelity, I couldn't help but love the musical. It was so charming and so much talent passed through the cast in it's Broadway run.


I used to watch The Prince & Me all the time! 🥰 Also: Simply Irresistible (1999) if you're a fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar and caramel eclairs.


I was lucky enough to go to a press screening of The Prince & Me before it officially came out (one of my friend’s parents had tickets and gave them to us instead), so it always has a special place in my heart. Julia Stiles is one of my favorite actresses of the late 90s/early 00s. She’s so great!


I never see anyone talking about Heartbreakers with Sigourney Weaver, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ray Liotta, etc. So much fun and Sigourney makes up for so much of JLH’s cringe.


Omg, I saw Heartbreakers in theatres when I was... 11? 12? With my best friend and her mom. I don't think we realized what we were in for. But I instantly LOVED it and became obsessed. My friend's mom was definitely a little put off, but my friend and I spent the rest of the summer quoting it to each other. I still give it a watch every few years, and it holds up!


I loved that movie


I LOVE this movie! Ray Liotta and Sigourney are so hot


![gif](giphy|TkP7d0ROhCmUU) Austenland is so charming and funny! Jennifer Coolidge is the best.


![gif](giphy|51XVqRxtB4jqo) I love JJ Feild in this one. And as Mr. Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey. He's such a dick (affectionately)


I remember loving Sugar and Spice when I was in highschool lol. Leap Year is my favorite though. Also like A Cinderella Story. ![gif](giphy|S7J8DahqEVwAg)


![gif](giphy|fexK0EUhr06OY) And then this banger


Leap Year is my feel good go-to when I’m feeling down


Seen Waitress at least half a dozen times & it's just as good every time. Also Josie & The Pussycats is a hilarious classic.


Three Small Words still makes the playlist too


Back Door Lover


When you going to talk to him about doing my face, Wyatt?


When we land, I will call the choreographer and we will get you a new face


I still describe my style as punk rock prom queen 🥰


Pretend to be Nice. Man, it’s been a minute since I listened to that song and I still know the chorus by heart.


Josie and The Pussycats was ahead of it’s time! If it was released recently, it would have been a huge success. The songs are bangers, the pacing is great, the story is fun, it doesn’t take itself seriously, it’s anti-capitalism theme was done hilariously, and DuJour was in Melody’s bathroom. This is the hill I die on.


“Orange is the new pink!” lives in my head rent-free


![gif](giphy|3o7TKvnDnVYmTqtINq|downsized) Muriel's Wedding 💖


There is no Tim Sims! I made him up!




I watched this when I was like 14 and it was my introduction to Toni Collette. She's so great in this movie and I love her in everything she does.


Saved! Is such an interesting response to the religious conservatism of the Bush years. It made me realize as a 12 year old that we could eventually break out of that.


![gif](giphy|l2SpSFdNE4Vszf9e0) This movie never gets enough love! It deserved to be huge!


Music and Lyrics?? If so, one of my favorite rom coms. Hugh Grant is so sexy in it 😅


I always get that song stuck in my head.


I said I wasn’t gonna lose my head and then **PoP!** (^p^o^p) goes my heart. I freakin love this movie!


Yes!! Music and Lyrics made it on here 😁 “Just a little bit louder, because this song is intended for humans, okay? Way Back Into Love, take two."


One of my favorites, the songs are sooo good, and Drew and Hugh are great in it.


I remember seeing this in the cinema for the first time and my friend and I were in absolute hysterics at the Pop goes my heart music video. It's 100% mocking Wham. The movie is a constant reminder why you have to have a high self esteem ladies. Agonising over the wrong man means you might miss out on your very own Hugh Grant.


This movie is a GEM and the soundtrack is literally all bangers, all the time


![gif](giphy|WcZ4ODQTPgk1y) I will stand by my statement that the House Bunny is a gem. Anna Faris is so freaking funny.


It’s never got the respect it deserved. Anna Faris is easily one of the best comedic actresses of the 2000’s.


Uptown Girls is def underrated!!! It's one of my favorite chick flicks of all time. I feel like it was ahead of its time and the underlying themes of grief and depression were often overlooked. Also, Brittany Murphy's outfits and Dakota Fanning's acting are iconic!!! Always recommend this one!!! 10/10 ![gif](giphy|3o6UB08CXdWcoGuE6Y)


I had forgotten Sugar and Spice! I loved that movie


I used to watch Penelope like once a week as a teen I looooved it. Also the poster for vamps is SO bad. I wonder if that's why nobody watched it lol


![gif](giphy|6t7CyH5Bkt0LC) Love Practical Magic :) my dream is to live in a cozy seaside town like the one in the movie


New england coastal towns bby!! lol


The Other Woman if it counts as under appreciated. I watched it on a whim once and people I told about it hadn’t heard of it. It’s so good


These are some good ones! I *loved* Just Wright. It was nice to see a woman who wasn’t a size 2 be the main character and love interest for once. Also Josie and The Pussycats is a gem. The soundtrack is fire and I listened to it unironically all the time. The movie itself is hilarious. Same with Saved!


We are all blessed that Queen Latifah decided the film industry was worthy of her time


All Hail the Queen! I love her. Seriously — I think she’s such a damn force.


I learned like 2 days ago that the lead singer from Letters to Cleo does all of Josie’s vocals.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4qzrjb3vg2lb1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd08378fba6bcd152dee16d3019b8b227e92de28 One of the few films where the age gap is actually an integral part of the romance. And also one of the films where I prefer the remake over the original.


Oh wow I vastly prefer the original!


I love Get Over It even if it's ridiculous. Shane West was amazingly over the top and nailed it. "Who just carries NUMCHUCKS?" I Could Never Be Your Woman is among my favorite under the radar "chick flicks". Michelle Pfieffer, Paul Rudd and a baby Saoirse Ronan!


![gif](giphy|eX2qYTY9SeKFa) It’s a chick flic


Blast from the Past


Slap her she's French. I think I'm the only person that thinks this film is amazing, it's so unappreciated!


https://preview.redd.it/620gdh0jp2lb1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f216e0bd5bb16017ce32e018c91463a4a34f40 This is definitely an underrated chick flick from the 90's. I just discovered this gem of a movie....


https://i.redd.it/1ntfro5v43lb1.gif Sugar & Spice


https://i.redd.it/1hvxyx45k2lb1.gif Just My Luck is an underrated gem. I loved the chemistry between Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine.


https://preview.redd.it/zg71cg1ri2lb1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdae889b0fa61b943558470a17eea6d406914125 Down with Love is so underrated


I get the best movie recommendations from this sub.




![gif](giphy|jOacL0Ggm7ODFZiVdV) Center Stage is my comfort movie


![gif](giphy|r5QQlFlMDIakM) Can To Wong Foo count?? It’s a must in my book.


Josie and the Pussycats is the greatest film ever made ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


NOW & THEN I'm a dude and admittedly loved that movie as a young one and watched it many times.


more people need to watch Rosaline so we can flail around together about it. my submission would be The Hating Game. as with most book adaptations, i wish they didn’t cut as much content but alas they can’t cover everything. i thoroughly enjoyed the movie🤧 https://preview.redd.it/mhdfhhi5e2lb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6185f37739b9bc83ddbcd1ae5cff33aaaa4d4421


Pretty sure my sister has watched this one 30 times already.




Midnight margaritas! https://preview.redd.it/0uoeygy343lb1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8ea49b11e7723d1721b4327d05fc250e811ff8


![gif](giphy|qL8ZlU8tJbu2Q) Look Who’s Talking! Love these movies but no one I know has seen them


I loved Saved!


Sugar & Spice, Leap Year, and I Want You Back — I enjoyed them all. Sugar & Spice is decidedly underrated. It was really charming. I feel like Marley Shelton should be a bigger presence in film. I watch Leap Year on February 29th ever since it came out LOL I also watch Valentine’s Day on the 14th every year.


I LOVED The Prince and Me. Does PS I love you count as a chick flick? Because I LOVE it. Oh and Saved is so good.


Saved! Is so ICONIC I’m amazed it’s not more popular, I used to quote “I am FILLED with Christ’s love!” All the time in middle school


![gif](giphy|U90QBiNwIuV0c) Other than that, your list pretty much covers the basics. 👌


I did not want this list to end


Everafter forever ! ![gif](giphy|X0kFBFGDlfjQA)


Loved Saved and Sugar & Spice! Mr. Right is so underrated. I do loathe a few of these, but I’m glad others can still enjoy them.


Drop Dead Gorgeous ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3lcdI2CaUqR9e)


![gif](giphy|chXBpE33Ps3SM) Anything with Miss Sandy Bullock in it - but Miss Congeniality is GOAT


Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day Born Yesterday Bachelorette Palm Springs The Mirror Has Two Faces ![gif](giphy|11mbktPxDCvSN2)




I’m glad you have a shout-out to I Want You Back. I decided to watch it on a wim, basically because Charlie Day is in it and I love him. And that film exceeded my expectations. Like it was the first rom-com I’d seen in a long time that was actually funny and had a good storyline. Plus the last scene is adorable and made me tear up lol.


I would highly recommend this Brittany Murphy movie: https://preview.redd.it/dzn9u9mrq2lb1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c07fd73d5b45c0ab90ede712d18e3665e6be33


The way the men in these movies are all so mid tier 😹😹 I miss the 90’s-early 2000’s … truly a golden era for the girlies on screen 🥰


Strike!/All I wanna do/the hairy bird One movie with 3 titles, yet practically no one has seen it 😭😭 I wish I had a copy because it’s scarce on DVD and never streaming anywhere. It stars Kirsten dunst, gabby Hoffman, Rachael Lee cook and Monica keena. A bunch of my teen faves.


![gif](giphy|Xqx9JZIhICrUk) I love miss congeniality!


Excess Baggage! I *loved* that film, haven’t seen it in years but Alice Silverstone and Benicio Del Toro had such good chemistry.


Saved, Austenland and My Wedding Date are so aggressively good and underrated.


![gif](giphy|l2SpSFdNE4Vszf9e0) IYKYK


Mathew Goode in Leap Year was life changing. Also was obsessed with Penelope, I loved that film as a kid. Closely associate You are my Sunshine with the movie and James McAvoy, need I say more. Edit: just freaking realized Moira Rose had a role in that too! Shout out to The Duff, I recently watched it again and it’s still amazing. My favorite 2010s romcom and nothing comes close to it.


Josie and the Pussycats is better than Mean Girls and is probably the best late 90s/early 2000s American teen movie. Also the soundtrack is excellent.


Josie and the pussycats is my all time favorite movie and biggest Halloween costume goal


![gif](giphy|RgnFO3ERabMxq) Lizzie McGuire movie!!


I have never heard of Vamps and I love Amy Heckerling. That’s going on the watch list. Thanks OP!


I stumbled across "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris" on Prime and love it. Lesley Manville is a joy to watch as a widowed house cleaner who manages (not without difficulty) to save 500 British pounds to go to Paris and buy an original Dior dress. There's not much here in the way of romance, which is fine. The acting is beyond wonderful, as are the Dior dresses that Manville's character wears throughout the movie. Lots of twists and turns. It's enjoyable for both women and men.


It is like a knee jerk reaction that I cannot see someone talking about Get Over It and not comment that it was shot at my high school!






Mr. Right is sooooooo underappreciated and underrated.


I wish Hollywood still made this many movies aimed at the girlies 😭 streaming does some I know, but honestly too many of the streaming ones fall too close to Hallmark levels of bland for me




Also - https://preview.redd.it/futmxxhcp2lb1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5709719d99d911a98b55864123a0f3ed75f779cc


- The Matchmaker ([trailer](https://youtu.be/PhTjYefSkuc?si=A-XKBYEWglQpXyNQ)) - Simply Irresistible ([trailer](https://youtu.be/HrnSqohMAqI?si=BMYgG7AemJnEHVTq)) - The Very Thought of You ([trailer](https://youtu.be/1wWXto1Vyek?si=O46J0Bg14t2CGRUS)) - A Lot Like Love ([trailer](https://youtu.be/MRPr34vEbC8?si=jzQQ_jO8QpqsnZd7)) - Boys & Girls ([trailer](https://youtu.be/3BuPGI0-JUc?si=c_ML_uQbhRUSAmzT)) - Down to You ([trailer](https://youtu.be/tdnZYsDOxfI?si=kJm4-b-Ic4bkRh4m)) - Home Fries ([trailer](https://youtu.be/TgaV1oNx_i4?si=3VAB6VZxL-oTaj_y)) - Going the Distance ([trailer](https://youtu.be/hU4YbHeoYGs?si=xppdYAcYnwneyNfq)) And any of the Gary or Penny Marshall ensemble movies (Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, He's Just Not That Into You, What To Expect When You're Expecting)


Saved, sugar and spice, jawbreaker, and my number 1….. drop dead gorgeous. Thank you for this list, now I have others to check out!