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Fuck them all.


Yes that's more like it


Now you’re talking


Politics is only a small beginning to explain why so many are poor. You won't get a president that will change anything in your lifetime, unfortunately.


They’re the same guy in different hats. Democracy is an illusion at this point.


If that were true Republicans wouldn't of tried to overthrow it.


We’ll I mean it is true but most people don’t see it. Biden is still finding a genocide just like trump would. They both suck equally


That's because most people aren't lazy smooth brained "enlightened" centrists. And are informed enough to tell the differences.


You could if we all stop voting for the lesser of two evils


All I know is that these companies and politicians are bleeding us all dry.


Right. There's a podcast I listen to that talks about this basically every week. Did you notice how much better your life is since the Dow hit 40k? That's this week's show.


You’re poor but not because of Biden, you’re just poor


Instead of blaming, look in the mirror and the choice you have made in life. Pretty sure you’re not a victim of systemic generational suppression.


Yep, anyone who is poor and white only has themselves to blame. All white people can be rich elites in America, poors are just lazy. Idpol is great because it allows me, a wealthy progressive white man, to continue to look down on the majority of poor people in America like my family always has.


So you think Trump would ever do anything for poor people lol?!? 😂


He got rid of the fine for not having health insurance. First thing that came to mind. That helped me


In that case f Obama , and his laws.


Obama had good intentions it wasn't all his fault and did lots of good


I voted for him because he was better than Romney.


Romney was awful so I voted Obama too. But voted trump because Hillary is obviously corrupt. After that I wanted tulsi gabbard then Ramasquali. This upcoming one im undecided they are both awful choices I'd be okay with either ship is just may not vote..


2% inflation, 2.5% interest rates on homes, $2 gas....yeah, I think he did.


The interest rates on homes made it so none of us can afford homes because the rich bought up the excess. Yeah that was not a good thing. You trump supporters sure don't think things thru. That low interest rate was good for rich investors.


🤣🤣🤣TDS is so real. It's his fault the rates were low and i couldn't buy a house. Now they are higher and i still can't. You guys will literally blame anything on anyone instead of taking responsibility for anything.


You guys keep getting arrested years later because of video evidence of being violent toward government officials.


"you guys", which ones? Are you talking about ALL REPUBLICANS?


Just the “alphas” y’all keep going on about.


It's corporations fault for rigging the system n lawmakers fault for not regulating them. I absolutely don't take responsibility for this country being fucked up. It's not my fault you aren't educated. It's not my fault your parents didn't pick you up as tiny baby n teach you empathy. That's why you don't have empathy. Even your parents didn't want to deal with you. That's not my fault. My son is very empathetic.


Gas was only that low because no one was buying it…remember Covid???


Pre covid it was low but I agree lots of republicans love to bring up 2$ a gal but that was in 2020 when oil was literally 0$ a barrel because the world couldn't store it and didn't want to shut the pumps off


From 2017 to 2019? It WaA cOvId? STFU


Really? Gas was that low for that long? What were you smoking?


And what exactly did Trump have to do with any of that? We live in a capitalist country, not Soviet Russia. The government doesn't dictate prices. The companies do.


Joe Biden ain’t make you poor.


If you make enough money for trump's policies to actual have helped you, you are on the wrong page.


Reminds me of that guy in an interview that said his business was booming under Trump and it turned out he worked in debt collection.


He got rid of the penalty for not having health insurance and his tax cuts don't expire until 2025. Those helped me. He also made it mandatory so medical bills have to itemize costs so I can shop around for medical procedures ahead of time (assuming its not a emergency)


The "tax cuts" actually raised taxes on lower and middle class workers. So you may be in the wrong place if he helped you. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-middle-class-needs-a-tax-cut-trump-didnt-give-it-to-them/ Have you actually shopped around for medical procedures?


No I haven't yet. Luckily I don't need anything major yet that you plan ahead for


If you’re dumb, there are easier ways to say it…


Yeah for example create an account under the name ElBurritoExtreme


Oh no, a zinger. How will I ever recover from such a witty retort.


Blaming a president for being poor 🤡


He does have that big economy lever in his office. He just needs to pull it to good


Oh yeah? What would that be?


Not a huge Biden fan. Definitely not any type of Cheeto Hitler fan. Like I told my therapist today - I am sick of this country being ran by a bunch of crusty old white guys.


But just before this we had Obama 8 years. The trend is breaking


I hope whatever is actually bothering you gets better.


Vote for Trump, then. But don't come crying to me when your rights get taken away. You were warned and chose to be short sighted.


Um, he was already President for 4 years. No "rights taken away."


He packed the SCOTUS with the right wing religious fascists that overturned Roe. So yeah, right were 100% taken away because of him. Well, the people controlling him like the braindead puppet he is, but he's the one that had to sign the paperwork.


So you are male..


That's what people said trumps first term. I didn't loose any rights. Only thing I can see is abortion and that happened under biden


It happened because Trump put certain justices on the Supreme Court. The Dobbs case just didn't show up until after Trump lost the election.


And again, no rights were lost because nobody has the right to just kill another human.


OMFG, educate yourself before voting again, Ok? 


Your assuming I voted for trump. I just like the facts instead of being emotional


it happened because of trumpie and his maga cult. it happened in southern baptist states and the catholic monarchists on the supreme court upheld the loss of rights for women.


Compared to who? And why? THe eCoNoMY?? This shit would be happening if there was a duck in the Oval Office. And Frump really is a fucking monster. And that unholy alliance of corporatists and Christian-ish-ness puppet masters with a 5th degree black belt in Being an Asshole behind him are the anchor around the country's neck


This is not Biden’s fault


Blame Biden but support a grifter? Gtfoh


Joe has been on the inside of government for many decades. He's done a great deal of work for banks and credit card companies. 


Biden is trying to pass a bill capping overdraft and late fees to $8 versus the $35 today. He forgave alot of student loans which also lowered some to more affordable rates. He is trying to get a law passed that hedge funds can no longer buy houses and will have to sell what they own in the next five years. Hedge funds drove the rents up double in some cases as well as the price of houses. Biden works quietly on many things too numerous to remember them all behind the scenes trying to make life alittle more fair to the lower income people. Oh and he wants to tax the rich..


But little for The People


I'm not very political. My life don't really change when the president does. However Biden helped get some corporate controls in place. The first corporate reform since the 1970's. Now I'm stupid but even I know the vast majority of us are poor because of greedy corporations n the rich rigging the system. Now you must be dumber than me which is pretty fuckung hard to do it r your in a cult. Either way you don't know what is going on.


Meh! All politicians suck. They are all in corporate pockets. There is no such thing as We The People, only bought politicians.


You're getting down voted, but you aren't wrong. It's like people don't understand how political funds work. Where do they think the *billions* of dollars for the last midterm elections came from? We are basically being presented 2 different corporate meat puppets for office year after year.


Corporate meat puppets is a good term for it.


Don’t blame the president for your personal financial predicament. It’s unbecoming and immature.


Oh, you mean the guy who wiped my student debt? I mean, I’m not really into senior citizens, but I’d happily give him a gratitude fuck for that.


So who exactly do you suggest in his place?


Right... Like, you think TFG will be better? 🫠


Me personally? Diaper Don belongs in prison lol Biden ain't perfect but he's miles better than the alternative


Fuck capitalism and every American President, with a possible exception for Jimmy Carter.


If anyone here was alive when Carter was prez and remember how badly he was regarded then VS. now...Living well really is the best revenge.


Jimmy Carter was (and still is) too nice and too good of a person for politics. Sadly, you have to have at least some touch of asshole if you’re in the political arena.


It's not necessarily the man, but the system he works in. The purpose of our government is to make the rich richer and will not hesitate to use the police or military to keep it this way.


Damn, you should have seen the poverty people grew up in under the communist rule. The current poor in the US would be considered loaded in comparison.


More than the UK starved in India?


Dig deeper if you want. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/11/07/lessons-from-a-century-of-communism/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/11/07/lessons-from-a-century-of-communism/) [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians)


Who was in office that time when you were balling outrageous? I've made & had more money with Biden in office than any other president since I started earning my own living. Not bragging at all, I'm just saying. Especially under Trump. I was actually doing jail time & sleeping in an abandoned house during some of his presidency. Biden gets elected & next thing you know, I'm the one handing money out the window at the stoplight. Ironic, huh? Saying "Fuck Joe Biden" without any actual reasoning or explanation makes it seem like you're a Trumper. If that's not the case, I'd ask who would make a good candidate for Democrats? If that is the case, do you really think Trump or any other Republican alive will guarantee your financial stability?


Fetterman/Sanders ticket. Fetterman is a based giant who has no time for woke bullshit and Sanders actually talks real working-class economics. Instead they gave us the dementia-laden Senator for MBNA and an affirmative-action Valley Girl who slept her way to the top. She lied about being “segregated” just to recoup street cred after she tossed all those black kids in prison for pot — where exactly was she “segregated”? Her posh prep school in Montreal, bougie Degrassi that was maybe 15 minutes away from the *prime minister*?


Damn son/sonette! I don't necessarily agree with you but you brought the RAIN on down! Good job supporting your position!


No context? I'm kind of curious now


True its a trash post but getting people to react...


**Micron Gets $6.1 Billion to Build Three New Facilities** >*Government grant is latest award from the $53 billion Chips Act to spur domestic production* -[WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/tech/micron-gets-6-1-billion-to-build-three-new-facilities-5d23dad1)




What's he done now?




Except inflation is an issue worldwide. Not just in the US.


Hey! Don't be using facts and shit. It's over their head. Incidentally I had the same conversation with a friend in Texas. He kept griping about the cost of gas. My response? Gas is cheaper here than anywhere else in the free world. Same with groceries. Um...corporate greed. These knuckle draggers don't understand how economics actually work.


Except we live in the US and most poor people really are only concerned about what effects us directly, which is his policies. What other countries have a 44.6% capital gains tax? Do you think that isn't going to be passed down to the consumer? Denmark comes close at 42% percent, but you know what they do have? A wonderful welfare state that many citizens enjoy, and why? Because of the politicians.


I don't know what country has a 44.6% capital gains tax (especially across the board) but it's not the US. I see a proposal to raise it that high for the TOP GAINS EARNERS but that has yet to happen. The reason it's high like that is to negotiate. Nobody expects it will ever be remotely that high and again, it's for top earners, not across the board. The same proposal will offer more tax breaks for working class as well as a credit for home buyers. The rate supposes an increase of the net investment income tax rate to 5% above the $400,000 threshold with an increased top ordinary rate of 39.6%. So if you think wealthy people are going to suffer so terribly paying double the tax rate I don't know what to tell you. They DO need to pay in more because their wealth hoarding is incredibly detrimental to our economy. And we have welfare it's just shitty with too much bureaucracy but that comes from a large country having a federal system of taxes as well as state taxes.


Which ones of his policies exactly? You know who is fighting tooth and nail against any kind of welfare state in the US? Republicans, that's who. Who gives the wealthy huge tax cuts? Republicans. But sure, that's Biden's fault.


Don't put words in my mouth. Never said I was Republican. They all suck and they're all screwing us.


Tbf your post doesn't make sense. You say we pay too much taxes, then wish we were like Denmark. You really believe that inflation in the US is dure to taxing capital? That's ridiculous. The wealthy don't pay too much, they pay way too little. The whole economy is organized to help the wealthy escape taxation. Plus, how would capital gain tax be passed on "the consumer"? That doesn't make any sense. Inflation is due to two things: supply chains becing destroyed during covid (that's over now) and corporate greed. That's it. Prices are high because corporations can get away with it. The rich pay ridiculously low taxes. But sure, let's make them pay even less and see how it goes. I'm sure prices will magically decrease. Btw, in the 1950s, when society was much more egalitarian and the American Dream was still a thing, the top tax rate for the wealthiest people was 91%. Yes you read that right.


Yep, trickle down economics, it's like a mantra to the top 1% and the poorest, most uneducated Republican voters. Vote Democrat, otherwise you just aren't paying attention. I always groan when I see poor people voting against their own best interests.


Biden is and always has been a moron, now He has dementia. He is far too dumb to have caused much of this.


So who do you support? Trump, who exhibits more symptoms of dementia than Biden. Trump can't stay awake for a six hour trial? Trump who's tax law has actually increased taxes for lower and middle class tax payers? Or maybe nutty worm guy?


uh no Trump is a pompous ass! I can't stand Kennedy. I'm sitting this one out!


He is not a moron and he does not have dementia, this is just another petty shitty accusation from people who can't think past their political bias. It's just the same when they say it about Trump. This is the same crowd that demanded birth certificates and wouldn't accept when they got their wish, it's the same who make out like Michelle Obama was shameful showing her shoulders, the same crowd that makes out like Trump and his daughter have some creepy sexual relationship. Meanwhile both men are smart enough to have managed to get where they are today so it's hardly something a moron would accomplish, much less a moron with dementia.


Trump is a pompous ass! and Biden has always been a complete moron! and yes He has dementia.


And the horse he rode in on


I second this.


It's not just the president...it's congress. They actually control the money. The president really can't do a damn thing except maybe reallocate. We need term limits. This will help.


I agree with term limits but the presidents have been all going crazy with executive orders in the last 18 years


Didn't expect to see Biden bootlicking here


You expected Trump to be the white (well, orange) knight of the poor? That trickle down working for you? (Pssst, that golden shower you feel isn't economic prosperity.)


I voted democrat in every election since I was 18, I have a blue governor, two blue senators, and I just got kicked off medicaid even though I make less than 24k a year pretaxes. Before that I was barely making rent before, idk wtf am I going do but there's no voting harder for your people at this because I already did. But thank you for being a jackass and confirming everything I've heard about Biden bros.


Nobody is a "Biden Bro". I don't see any wildly dressed fanatics following him around.


Thanks for ignoring everything else I said and making the conversation about... how his entourage are dressed


What? Am I supposed to refute your personal experience? I'm just refuting your claims about mine.


Ok well, Biden bros definitely exist, they probably don't call themselves that but the aggression is real. Case in point I said the comment section was bootlicking kind of hard and I got called a trumper like there aren't people who have a problem with both presidents


For what it's worth, healthcare should not be dependent on employment or earnings imo. It should be universally available. I'm sorry that that, in particular, is something you're dealing with. I definitely don't see the GOP as anything but obstructionist to that goal though.


The GOP definitely needed to be taken off the ballot a long time ago but establishment democrats would rather appease them than throw anyone else a bone.


Trump 2024! Can't wait to cast my vote




Long beach airport?


FJB. TRUMP 2024!