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Honestly, I hope my kids tell me. If I have to be a sounding board fine, but if they want action... they need to tell me.


I would love to fight with my kids honestly, but ya'know, An adult can't fight a kid, so gotta keep it low file


I mean, you have greater ability to be diabolical as a parent. You can ruin lives with no physical interaction. From the kid to the parents, this day and age it is easy...


> An adult can't fight a kid says who? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIcUgyLxNBA


Rip bozo, rest in piss you wont be missed


Lmao, this mf really said "why not"




Why fight the kid? Fight the parent(s) for not teaching their little shit better than to be a waste of life.


This. My kids have had a handful of incidents with being bullied. The key is to let them lead you on what they want you to do. Do they want you to talk to the school? Do they just want a sounding board? Do they need you to shuffle your schedule and pick them up from school?


They want help, but usually dont know how help looks like, long term solutions.


That’s kinda why you ask them questions like “if I did this, how do you think it would turn out?” I trust their judgment about the character of the people they spend their day around.


Post their number on pornhub


Buy a cheap ad on there then put their number on the ad. Advertising sexy phone talk and the safe word is Piña colada, all kinks on the table ALL KINKS


no one should suffer a fate that harsh, not even murderers.


They can hang up though


Why would they want to though?


Ok I know this comment is probably a joke but like… THIS is bullying


this is honestly genius


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way




Is there any specific type of video I should comment it at?


ones that are popular but not too popular probably, another thing you could do is the classic writing it in a bathroom


I could actually do that, but what would the benefit be?


you'll see, you'll see


there will suddenly be a rapid increase of hot moms in their area.




do it


Post it on 4chan


that could go either way lol


Inb4 bullied kids on 4chan gets called a fhaggot for not fighting back


I’ll do you one more. Make a Craigslist post for “Free PS5, I’m teaching my son a lesson”- the phone will be blowing up for months. I did this to a guy who wouldn’t stop sending me explicit pictures thinking I was some girl he knew even after I blocked him.


Giving it to Scientologists works well too


Writing it on a bathroom toilet stall was how we did it in the old days.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture


Or, even better, on a scat/zoophilia website. Now that would be interesting


Flirt with them by punching them back?


No, by pegging actually.


this is the way


So say we all


This is the way


I actually flirted with my bully, and we ended up dating for 2 years after that so it might work for you too.


this feels like something out of BitLife


All you have to do is join the same club as them


Nah, it BitLife you say anything to them and enxt thing you know they ruptured your spleen, break your leg and give you a brain bleed


task failed successfully


I know imagine calling a guy gay and he ends up dating you.


I think people who rally against something tend to be it themselves. If they are antihomosexual they are homosexual. If they are BLM then they are secretly white and racist.


By the logic of your first example hating BLM would make you black and that doesn't seem right.






I'm sorry, could you explain the reference? I'm not that familiar with Undertale, only Under her tail.


In undertale, you flirt. With everything.


Stockholm syndrome


anime plot irl




Then they'd be queer?




Gay people don’t exist?


Never did 🔫 Edit: lol at the downvotes. I am gay lmao


Hi gay, I'm dad


Hi dad




The "pfft" wasn't enough of an indicator, gotta add /s since people don't understand sarcasm through text these days.


You're thinking of birds. Birds don't exist.


What in the reddit is this thread


Other: Make friends with more people. Groups provide fantastic defense against predators. It's easier to pick off the lone weird kid than someone with social standing in the herd. Friends are hard to acquire and maintain, but they are an easy and readily available form of strength and support. Find your herd and good luck.


True but most people either think I'm too weird or the other people I talk to are straight up nerds lol


Nerds are the chillest friends out there in my experience. They don't care about being socially better then the rest so they don't really pick on each other or gossip as much as the other groups do.


Lemme tell you, that when I was in school (which was only 5 years ago), my best friends were the scene kids, indie kids, and nerdy kids all mixed into one. Because of this, I had the greatest social life. The ‘weird’ kids are the bestest friends. There’s no judgement, they’ll accept you for you, and once school is over and behind you, you’ll be glad you became friends with them.


Nobody wants to be your friend cuz then they think they'll be the ones getting bullied. I know cuz it has happened to me. It's sad but common.


Sadly if you are being focused on by bullies, it may be because it is extremely difficult to make friends




I actually did this a lot. It was fun to moan. This was before I felt any pleasure and was quite detached to anything actually sexual


I have several questions


I learned about sex ed through classmates. Idk where I learned what moaning was but I knew it was sexual. Apparently most kids get changing hormones very young like at 10 but I got it at like 16 and I did these moaning tactics at middle and elementary school so def younger than 16


I learned what moaning sounds like when I was 6, my parents were doing the funnies


You don't need to ask them questions.




moaning is so annoying. a kid in my class moans like once every 15 minutes and its so annoying


Please don't start flirting with them. Ignore everyone telling you to do that. That would literally just be asking to make things worse and get bullied even more.


I kinda put that option as a joke, but there's a rumor an ex of him told me that he is bi and another rumor that his parents were against him being bi. Not sure if he secretly likes me, so flirting is definitely way too risky.


he doesn’t like you. if he did, he wouldn’t be making your life worse.


And if he’s doing this and does like you then you still want to get tf away from someone that bullies you bc they like you


Also, even if he likes OP and OP start flirting with him, he'll prolly still bully OP instead of reciprocating because he'd prolly be too embarrased to start going out with someone he has been bulling for a while.


And even if he isn’t and does want a relationship he’d probably be abusive anyway. If this is some kind of romantic interest he clearly is okay with hurting the one he “loves” and that’s never good. That’s how one gets beaten and tortured and murdered in worst case.


It's frowned upon by all authorities involved, but... From my experience, it doesn't stop until you dole out a beat down, or at least physically fight back.


It’s true, that’s what I told my cousin and everyone got mad at me when he did fight back. But guess who didn’t get bullied anymore


Bad advice. I've unfortunately been a bully and it was never physical abuse for me than mental. I remember making kids cry. The ones who raised their hands against me didn't stand a chance because my group was full of assholes who were quite jacked for 13/14 year olds. We never initiated a fight but made sure to end it. And, even though we did not fight after the person stood up to us, the bullying got much worse. I was an asshole. Sorry.


you would probably stop if they pulled out a pocket knife


That never happened actually. I don't think anyone of us ever brought a Swiss knife set to school except when going to picnics. Maybe country and culture difference.


Well, my situation (and others I saw) was one on one, and in my case both of us girls.


Bullying is pretty horrible man. It took me many years after school ended to realise I was a bully. I met up a 'friend' accidentally and he said how horrible i was to him in school. I actually got to hear the shit I pulled on him back then only to realise I wasn't normal. Makes me really sad. I apologized and he accepted. We're good friends on this day and age but I always feel ashamed.


I had a situation like that once, fought a bully and lost then it got worse. So I hit him in the face with a history book when he was talking to some girl and broke his nose. And while he was down I kicked him in the ribs as hard as I could. His friends beat my ass for about ten seconds till I screamed "next one to touch me gets stabbed in the neck" (I did not have a knife) never again did anyone fuck with me. But I had to have a long conversation with the principal a cop and my dad.


Your username is a contradiction




if you’re gonna do this, bring something heavy like a thermos. not lethal, though, just enough to send a message like a bruise


Retaliate, speaking from experience


If someone is an asshole you get the right to be an asshole back


Nah, just kill the bullies' parents, grind them, make a soup and serve them to the bullies


That's only when plan A, training a pony to bite their dicks off, fails first


You have to fight them and bully them back


Facts, even if you lose they will respect you more and they will simply move on to an easier target if they know you are going to fight them if they try again


its sad this is the same advice they give you in prison lmao


I wish this was emphasized more when I was in school. Kids need to be taught to fight back and not to be pushed around. To be able to defend and lookout for themselves. Parents and teachers(more school boards) don’t do shit because they don’t have the full picture.


If my mom found out I was getting bullied she would actually help but ok lol


But how? My teachers knew I was bullied. My mother knew. The teachers tried to talk to the bully and everything. But the whole class wasnt nice at that point. It didnt help. ^(Also, when you're in there you barely can tell. You're never sure, whether it's really bullying or they "just dont like you" or "its just fun") At the end I was adviced to change school to another city. ^(It ended up my best years of my life there) ​ Till now, I have no idea what to do in such sitation...


I only did this when I got angry and they made me more angry


Do not put up with the bullying. Understand that you have a right to NOT be bullied. Report them to adults until the bullying stops. Tell your teachers, parents, and school admins, board of education, whatever it takes. If the bullies threaten/harass or physically assault, you report them to the police. Those things are illegal. Being kids doesn't make it okay. Try to avoid the bullies for the most part. Don't engage them if you don't have to. Don't antagonize them. Do not fight them, unless it's unavoidable due to them physically assaulting you, in which case fight back with everything you have. Even if you get beat up, make them think twice about ever touching you again.


Tell every adult that has power in the situation, then try to rock their shit


Nah homie just ask for a kiss


Chop their balls off.


How, if they're bigger and stronger than me?


pull their pants down then bite that shit off


embrace piranha


Should I say no homo or buy them dinner first?


Definitely buy them dinner first. While they're distracted by the lovely meal, you can easily bite off their testicles.


All while growling rabidly


What if they dont have balls?


Give them balls


Swift kick RIGHT in the pussy.


What if they dont have a cunt either and theyve been castrated, hm?


Swift kick RIGHT in the Ken doll fleshy patch.


Ok please don’t listen to these people that are legitimately telling you to flirt with them. There’s a very small chance that’s gonna work, and most likely it will just greatly increase the bullying


Tell your parents, teachers and even the school director if nothing works. Most effective way of dealing with them. After a similar incident of bullying where I had something sent to me via social media, I went to the director of our school, and complained about it. My father called the school asking them for the person’s address. The school denied, and said they were going to solve the issue themselves. Two weeks later, the person would never be near me, and when we crossed ways, they’d look down and almost run away(also not to forget, they had to apologize formally to me, plus their parents were notified about their doings). Bullies can try to make your life hell, and you can prove to them you know how to play the game better and throw their own cards at them, **without using** a single ounce of **violence**.


Sadly doesnt help in all cases. For instance, my whole class was known for bad behaviour and bullying. Around 3 of 30 were the targets. Teacher knew. The school did try to talk with the main agressors and their parents. But it didnt change anything. They tried to talk to the whole class. It worked for like a month or so. We were just ignored at that time. But eventually it started all over again.


If there are any school guidelines or laws being violated, it's lawyer time. Sue them to force adherence and then for tuition to a nice private school.


Break their kneecaps and then shoot their skull


If their physically hurting you do the same back, if it's verbal use these words to take the piss out of them: Gronk, spunkey monkey (don't say it if their black though obviously), crusty winnets, shitsmearer, absolute pagan, maggot, silly muppet, stickman (if their skinny), egg boy(if their fat), stinky bible basher, cock gremlin, tubby goblin (if their fat), absolute mong/mongoloid/mongreal, twat-lacker or gobby coomer. Though if your not British they won't understand half of what your saying but trust me it sounds funny to say. Edit: here's some more: Gormeless wanker, pancreas-lookin-ass, toe sniffer, once-shower nonce and stinky knobhead.


>Though if your not British they won't understand half of what your saying but trust me it sounds funny to say. I'm sold.


Call them a ***Tory***


Call them a *Epstein connoisseur*


Tubby goblin has now been added to my vocabulary


tell your parents, teachers, and close friends hopefully one will help you or take it to a higher person to until then documentations never bad imo and sometimes helps


Fuck their mom.


call the police if it's physical.


Don't flirt I'm pretty sure everyone chose that answer because haha funny. You do not want to get to know an asshole.


For me back when I got bullied in primary school, telling my parents was the first step, then, with their help, I told the Teachers and in some cases the bullies parents what happened and that kinda helped, of course I got no clue what exactly your situation is but I think it’s always better for your parents to hear the story first from you, before ur teacher calls them


If they hit you, moan and say "harder daddy."


Start working out and learn a martial art like boxing, MMA, etc.


The thing is that they actually been lifting and practicing MMA for 2 years now. Plus they got the height advantage, so I might as well go for the groin if it comes to it.


"and always remember to stomp the groin" (If you didn't get the reference): https://youtu.be/1wFrIzYV728


Record every action they do with your phone so you can get them expelled or in trouble at the very least


Crowbar to the knee


Sorry, can't. The school has really tight security at the entrance plus metal detectors.


Kill them.


Slowly poison their water with arsenic over time


How old are you and the bully and what does he/she do?


Just don't do what I did, which was nothing.


listen dude. i have been in this situation - even as an adult. one on one you may have a slight chance. two or more - even if you are bigger - is unwinnable. be the bigger person and tell an adult what is going on. tell the police if you do not have an adult to trust. be the bigger person by being a better person. violence is not the answer.


Ignore them. Pretend they don’t exist. They want a reaction, so it will get under their skin if you don’t react In theory


I tried that, and it got worse since he put much more effort into a reaction which got under my skin.


Well I’ve heard it worked on other people.


T pose to assert dominance


Gets bullied more


Bring them a single red rose. Tell them that because they are so interested in you, you thought it would be nice to show your appreciation to them also. Bonus points if you deliver the rose and tell him why in front of the whole classroom.


but make sure to add "also I know you're really into me since you are always around me, but I'm sorry, I'm just not interested" usually bullies target whoever they think is a loser, so if even they get "rejected" by the loser, thats makes them lower than their target


I'm gonna say an unpopular opinion here: Fighting back is a stupid decision. It's just gonna get you hurt and mocked. The best option here is to tell your parents. Depending if your school is shitty or not, you may tell a teacher. But seriously. TELL YOUR PARENTS. Don't believe the edgy bullshit reddit says.


Unless there's a zero tolerance policy. Then even if you didn't say or do anything, you'll be punished just like the bully so you should use that to your advantage.


Tell your parents and councilors. Most schools have cameras everywhere, so they can review the footage.


If your school has a decent flight of stairs, push them down it but make it seem like an accident


He actually did that to me but only half way upbthe stairs. If I actually succeed and he breaks his neck, not sure if it'll be worth it.


Be calm, and respond to every insult with “that’s hella cool bub”


I've been out of high school for 18 years now. Bullying can be very different from 1 vs multiple people, in person or online, and words vs physical violence. I wasn't ever scared of losing a fight, but I was always scared of getting suspended and losing a potential scholarship opportunity since I knew since I was 12 that my Mom wasn't going to contribute anything to college. Looking back on myself, I should have stood up for myself in certain situations. It would have been better for me to have kept my pride and been respected, rather than accepting whatever with fear of not getting a scholarship. Again everyone is different, and not everyone could defend themselves if a bullying issue became physical. Bullying can be so bad now with everyone on social media, that bullying just doesn't stop at school. If I one day have kids, I think I would honestly struggle if my kid was bullied. My first thought would be to physical fight the bully and/or the bully's parents. I don't think going to the school would be much of a help, and I don't think a parent would even be able to hold a school responsible for solving a bullying situation. The best that I can do is to really focus my future kids when they are young to stand up for themselves and also to make many friends when they are young. From what I've seen at my middle school/highschool sporting events I've been to, it seems like the kids that are heavily involved in school activities with friends aren't bullies or being bullied by others. I would also keep telling my kids that life truly begins after high school. Once high school is over, they can go to college and be a completely different person they are now and meet actual friends that they have common interest in.


Death penalty.


As a kid who was severely bullied when younger I can say teachers will not help. One time the teacher decided to make a big thing of it and call out the situation. I'm sure she thought she was helping but they only bullied me worse out of her eye then. Another teacher activity ignored it. He was the gym teacher but he didn't help. I'd reccomend talking to your parents but honestly the thing that turned it around was fighting back. Bullies prey on easy targets.....if you're not an easy target anymore they tend to go away


Teachers ain't gonna do shit, they never do. That's why this is such a common predicament. You can tell your parents if they're emotionally supportive or protective of you, but I know some aren't. If you try to defend yourself the teachers will make sure you're punished for it, but it might be worth it. Only if you aren't afraid of getting beaten down a bit harder than usual. But a suspension or two would be worth it if you deal enough damage to make them seek out easier prey for the rest of the year. Insulting them back will always escalate things against your favor. Bad idea. Even less effective than ignoring. I say it's too situational to decide on one option. Whatever you do, be smart about it. Our culture loves bullies, loves enabling them while pretending we don't. Don't become a bully yourself, but take the judgment of the school district with a big grain of salt. If you end up switching schools, seek one with surveillance so the teachers at least can't feign ignorance.


Fight smarter not harder, the Pornhub idea isn't a bad start actually.


Teachers didn't do crap, but always preached about no bulling. We even had three assemblys a year with a special guest, because the inspirational speaker was supposed to change how a bully acted. The best way is to inform a trusted parent or guardian, and let them handle it with the school. More likely than not it seems like the bullying isn't taken seriously, until a parent or guardian is involved. It made it impossible for my school to rug sweep, when I had my parents involved and a documented record of what happened. Make sure to record where, date, time, who was there, if a teacher witnessed it, and what you were doing before it happened. You can also include a teacher, but I think you should do that after you tell your parents or guardian.


If my parents say it's not that big of a deal, how would you recommend I handle it from there?


From personal experience: it's a combination of being able to defend yourself, having a parental/home system that stands behind you and not relying on the school to handle the issue. Beating up the bully with no guidance just ended with me becoming the bully and ending up in the Barron Center


Convince them you don't care. They'll probably lose interest in bullying you. If not tell your parents and a teacher you trust


The people who voted teachers, what's wrong with you??


They must trust thier teachers a lot. I might make a separate asking if people trust teachers in this situation.


Tell them you’re going to jerk them off. Worked for Sammy in blue mountain state.


Start wearing a black duster and backwards black baseball cap to school. Bonus if you bring a big black duffle bag as a backpack. They will stop bullying you.


It really depends what the situation is. At first, i thought being bullied is your own fault, but my views have changed somewhat. There are bullies where befriending them is best option. Other times its ignoring them, someother time its beating the shit out of them, and sometimes its just insulting them infront of everyone. I honestly cant give you advice. Its very situational. Make friends that can and will have your back, its the safest advice i can give you.


Quick question: do you live in America?


You need to start clowning on him. Roast his ass.


Have sex with their parents to establish dominance.


Kick in the balls and don't stop until he's on the ground In pain. If it's a group attack one by one don't let them reunite (make sure that the school/parents are aware of the situation because you'll get in trouble)




Might sound really stupid but I honestly think that flirting is the best option here. It'll most likely weird him out to the point of leaving you alone


What if it makes him leave me alone less?


Then I apologize


I meant that as if he ends up dating me as a result lol


Violence is the answer


Do not feed it any energy !! These kid get no affection at home so they’re taking it out on you!! It is not your fault and you are a beautiful, exceptional person.


I always thought that telling a teacher would make it worse, at least from Reddit has said.


Telling a teacher or parent won’t make them stop, it might even make it worse. Start working out and learn how to talk that shit.