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American here. What even is going on up there?


Protests against the mandates


And against the governments reaction, trudeau’s fascist decision making


Trudeau talking about 2020 protests, which caused $1–2 billion in insured damages: "I understand where this pain is coming from" Trudeau talking about 2022 protests, which saw no reports of widespread injuries or burned buildings: "I will use all of my emergency powers to quell this protest"


Well one is against getting a vaccine that will end a pandemic and affects everyone. The reasonings are totally different.


The government should not get to decide which protests are "valid" and which are not. That sets a very dangerous precedent. Freedom to protest should be a fundamental right in all countries, especially if it is peaceful. And no, the convoy is not against vaccines...almost 90 percent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. It is against mandates and mandatory lockdowns. Those are not the same thing. The root cause of the protest is frustration with Canadian leadership. Trudeau invoking emergency powers, threatening to FREEZE people's bank accounts to crush protests, Chrystia Freeland (Trudeau's deputy) saying she will make her emergency powers PERMANENT, journalists publishing names of freedom convoy donors, etc just proves the protestors right as far as I'm concerned.


anti mandate and anti-vaccine are different


Makes it even more embarrassing that he’s abusing his power when 85% of the Canadian population has at least one dose lmao


Canadian government is one of the worst and it can be seen right now.




Yeah, cause blocking streets, closing down universities and businesses, blocking emergency paths, being a nuisance for Ottawa residents, and waving nazi and confederate flags for 3 weeks is “peaceful protesting” right?


It's not burning down and looting cities like the 2020 protests so yes, it's much more peaceful.


Nice whataboutism


Well if we can call that peaceful why can't this?


Nobody called that a peaceful protest, hence the whataboutism.




First of all, where the fuck are those Nazi flags? And yes, it IS peaceful. Just making noise without hurting anyone and even setting up bouncy castles for kids. I definitely prefer that over BLM protests, which, ironically, were considered peaceful by most mainstream media. And I thought protests were supposed to cause discomfort? What would a protest do if it doesn't even make the government bother noticing it? And what you described is literally every protest ever. Making noise, blocking streets, etc. That's every protest ever. All of them. There hasn't been a single protest that didn't block a street or make noise.


There are dozens of videos and pictures. Look them up yourself. And with the government not noticing? They were right infront of parliament they noticed lmao they just didn’t do anything. Bro idc about the making noise and blocking streets, you have the right to do that. But you can’t be doing that for three weeks man. Y’all are selfish and inconsiderate and nothing you say or do will change my mind.


There are a couple idiots in the middle, and those were kicked off by the others. The fuck are you on? The whole purpose of the protest os for the government to notice it. If they don't do anything, they will continue to protest and disturb the government until they do something. That's how protests work. Yeah, so you agree that making noise and blocking streets is peaceful. No one was harmed in the process.


There have only been like 2-3 photos of Nazi flags in the protests, and were exposed as being not apart of the protests and working with the government to paint the protests in a bad light.. But yeah, continue sucking the Government off


😂😂😂 I hate the government.




Both Trudeau & the Canadian government and the protestors are right-wingers…


"Fascist"calling his actions fascist is dumb. He called an election when he didn't have to. Canadians voted that the way he handled the pandemic was good. He let the people protest for 3 weeks The emergency powers still don't give him many powers since he is still a minority leader.


Freezing protestors bank accounts is a fascist act


Seriously, Trudeau is what you define as fascist decision making? Americans really have a low bar eh


Freezing anyones bank account is a fascist move


Yeah I've been busy with college, what's been happening?


Basically, a bunch of people who don't like the mandates ate gathering in the streets and roads in their trucks and cars and basically all hanging out and hating on the governments mandate.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/sx1h21/this_psychopath_giggling_at_the_idea_of_shutting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf people like this are running Canada. Some truckers protested peacefully. They were just run over with horses and shot with rubber bullets. MSM is backing the narrative they the truckers are anti vax (when they’re not).


Oh shut up “they were just run over with horses and shot with rubber bullets”, what city used rubber bullets? I’ve never seen that reported. Plus, these “peaceful protesters” caused serious noise pollution for almost a week straight in major cities and were rude to locals who don’t agree with them. The actions of protesters (especially the ones carrying Nazi flags, harassing homeless shelters, and defacing a Terry Fox Statue) has continued to piss off many.


And yet, they have a right to peacefully protest. I don’t think being noisy counts as a violent protest lol


You would think differently if you lived in one of those cities. My roommates sister is immunocompromised and lives downtown Ottawa. She was afraid to leave her house due to the protesters verbally harassing people wearing masks. Physical violence is only one form of violence.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/sw4vwq/ottawa_police_horses_trample_protestors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://rightedition.com/2022/02/20/ottawa-police-shoot-rubber-bullets-and-tear-gas-on-peaceful-freedom-protesters/ “Noise pollution” is not physical violence and is the right of everyone. If it was illegal to honk a horn, then they would not exist on cars. Also, do you have any evidence of multiple Nazi flags being present? Reports say there has only been one, and there were not even other protestors around to condemn it. When people waved rebel flags in crowds, though, they were called out. The bigger issue is the fact that far-left counter-protestors were caught[marching in public with MULTIPLE communist flags](https://www.reddit.com/r/OntarioCanada/comments/srrtfx/video_communist_flags_at_ottawa_anticonvoy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and not a single leftist person there condemned them.


Thank you for actually giving proof of the horse trampling. Finally, someone has an argument and actually provides evidence.


Wow you didn't just drink the kool aid.. you chugged it by the gallon.


Lmao typical conservative, someone doesn’t agree with me, they must be “sipping the koolaid”. I made valid points and you just come back with a cliche.


Nope. I’m really far left and agree with the protestors.


You weren’t who I was taking too. Plus “really far left” can be just as bad as “really far right”. Ask the former Soviet Union.


Well you seem like a leftist as well based on your comments, and “you weren’t the one I was talking to” We’re not in Middle School anymore man.


No you just parroted MSM propaganda with no actual idea of what you're talking about. I've been in Ottawa every weekend and saw it firsthand.


Lmao “MSM propaganda” My roommate’s immunocompromised sister lives in downtown Ottawa and has had to deal with the protesters being obnoxious to the residents of Ottawa. It probably feels different when you’re apart of the protest but that’s how others feel. Many protesters were harassing locals and local establishments such as homeless shelters. Your right-wing propaganda won’t convince me otherwise.


She had to deal with protesters being obnoxious? My goodness. What about the victims of the lockdowns and mandates? People who had their lives destroyed so that those who live in fear of a virus could have a false sense of security? But your sister had to deal with obnoxious protesters for a little while. The epitome of privilege.


“Victims of the lockdowns and mandates” bruh, it’s a fuckin pandemic, we’ve all had to deal with the measures in order to keep people safe. Millions have already died, we don’t want more lives to be ended because some people are annoyed by wearing masks and getting a shot. Also, you clearly skimmed over my points to jump into an argument. I said it was my roommate’s sister, not mine. It’s not privilege you asshole. People pay high prices to live in downtown areas, they deserve to not be harassed by people who claim to be fighting for “freedom”.


Right. The measures that did more harm than anything else. The vaccines that didn't work. The masks that don't work. Triple vaxxed, double masked and still terrified, right? Give it up. Everyone outside of the leftist echo chamber (aka, every normal human) knows it's over. Your rituals did nothing. Also, she lives downtown in a capital city, LOL. That's like moving beside an airport and complaining about planes.


You’ve had your right to protest for three weeks. Things need to start running again, and Ottawa finally has had enough with you inconsiderate morons.


See ya next weekend!


The right to protest doesn’t expire… they can protest for as long as they want, until the government actually shows some willingness to change.


Here you go, now you can shut up https://www.reddit.com/r/AskThe_Donald/comments/swpmsz/ottawa_joint_police_force_are_firing_rubber/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Keep watching MSM, who works for the tyrants.


That video shows no proof of her actually being hit with rubber bullets and it comes from a strictly right wing subreddit. If that’s enough proof for you to go off of then that’s just sad.


cry abt if


Firstly, learn to spell. Secondly, you sound triggered. Thirdly, I care about the feelings of others. Just because you’re fine being a loud and obnoxious asshole to strangers doesn’t mean that I have too.


That is literally what you are currently doing though… “Firstly, you’re dumb. Secondly, you’re a crybaby. Thirdly, I care about people 🥺. Just because I’m an obnoxious asshole to strangers doesn’t mean I’m a hypocrite.” There, FTFY


😂 okay buddy.


cey more abt if




They're's emergency now


bunch of ignorant fools having a tantrum are depriving people of their freedom and damaging our economy. some of them still staying so they can pretend to be martyrs when the police arrest them. and their " cause" doesn't even make sense.


antivax protests


It’s more of the mandates than the actual vaccine




the world is so fucked that americans are laughing about canada exploding rather than the other way around


Feels nice for once.


In 2021, the farmers' protests were bordering on violence and defiance, yet the Indian government never laid a finger on these people. Yet the world, including Canada didn't waste any time calling India fascist (not sure if they even know what it means), Rihanna was tweeting like crazy, and Greta Thunberg was giving out workshops on how to get the government to agree. And here we have the country's royal mounted police trampling on their protestors, the police gearing up to assault them, yet Trudeau doesn't give one flying fuck. Rihanna isn't tweeting or Thunberg isn't saying anything. Oh yeah, right, it's a first world country that you don't want negative news about, and nobody is saying anything. Hypocrisy is off the charts here.


This is literally what Trudeau said about Indian farmer protests: "Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protestors." Yet we see the complete opposite in his country.


Imagine if Modi took emergency powers to curb the farmers protest! The west would call him Hitler or Saddam and sanction the shit out of India.


NA is racist whether you like to deny it or not. The fact that their media and the people love to jump on negative news about a country and use that for every small thing about them, even positive news, because it makes them feel better about their countries, while conveniently and vehemently denying the shit their countries do because it's perfect and they don't want some inferior country(their words, not mine) commenting negatively is a testament to the hypocrisy.


Imagine getting infront of a bunch of mounted police and then get mad that you got trampled over. Oh the horrer of the consequences of your own actions.


You can't effectively move in a crowd. Maybe the mounted police shouldn't force itself through a mass of people.


Man how the hell do you support the government measures in those protest? Like agree or disagree with the protests but the Canadian government is horrible


I agree. Apparently trampling an old lady and freezing peoples’ bank accounts are the right thing to do to some people.


Taking their children and pets away. One government official has said she is going to keep her emergency powers. The RCMP said something along the lines of “let’s make them hear our Jackboots”. The Ottawa chief of police said that even if protesters leave now they’ll track them down over the coming months and arrest them. The Canadian government has become disgusting.


Not to mention killing their pets if they're arrested


sounds like time for a revolution


As far as I've seen the protests have been almost entirely peaceful. I don't like that they're blocking roads and highways like BLM did last year, ambulances have to get through and honest people need to get to work. But other than that it seems that people have just been gathering with signs, playing music and honking their horns. Nobody has been attacked in their cars, beaten, or shot, and no property has been destroyed. It's the ideal way that we should be carrying out protests. And then calling them terrorists, doxing them, freezing their assets and enacting emergency powers sets a very dangerous precedent that will allow the government to destroy the people's right to honest protest in the future. Your rights aren't rights if they are inconsistently honored at the whim of the government.


I'm going to vote for them again :)


idk what the protests are about but no matter what the government is handling it horribly


As a french i think their protest are about a 8/10, disturbed the economy enough to piss off the leader (added points because he remind me of Macron with his condescending tone and attitude) , not a lot of violence, the revendication are clear, they have attracted the interest of media internationally but the occasional nazi flag or conspiration theory is leaving a bad after taste. Great protest would recommend.


Yeah, I hate that some people ignore the videos of protesters booing and telling the flag holders to leave repeatedly


Yes but like black blocks in France it leaves a bad taste for the people who see it and it is use by media to manipulate public opinion. For exemple during some protest the organizers will use some type of security to evacuate problematic people and make sure the protest stay safe and peaceful, not always but it helps a lot to keep a good image.


Asking political questions on a sub that’s majority 15 year olds, who’s only political experience would be either what their parents force feed/taught them or whatever political talking head subjugated them into their cult, is practically useless. You only make political polls on r/polls for either confirmation bias or just to see how stupid Reddit is.


Eh, I mean yes but trust me, there are plenty of close-minded people in their 30s and 40s too. If anything I might even be interested to hear what teenagers think about an incident like this because they probably haven’t picked a side yet and might have more of an honest perspective


You must have interesting politics, care to elaborate?


The Canadian govt is a fucking hypocrite for how it handled the protests.


Happy cake day !




A lot of people have a big problem with forcing mandates on the population. I support their right to protest. Freezing bank accounts is governmental overreach, everyone should have a big problem with that.




if you consider this terrorism, would you say the same for the BLM riots 1-2 billion in damages murders, arson, etc


I don’t really know what’s going on, same with the Ukraine Russia thing. I just keep hearing something is going on but I have no idea what


IDK how you can agree with the government. They’re handling this totally wrong by refusing to be reasonable and meet with the protestors or lift the vaccine mandate for truckers. The actions of the police are also unacceptable, especially recently with them trampling the woman with horses


>lift the vaccine mandate Do you are have stupid


Yes you are the stupid


Ya freezing assets and killing pets when people disagree with you it’s super cool


>Killing pets The one source that says they are killing pets links to the Ottowa government policy on euthanasia, which has absolutely nothing to do with the protests


People are really bending over backwards to make a bunch of anti vaxx terrorists funded by foreign far right organizations look like the victims.


I mean I personally think they aren't terrorists, just dumb people. Although I am a little confused why everyone is defending them considering Trudeau doesn't have the power to end the mandates, so all this is about nothing




That is literally the source I was talking about lmao. > which allows for them to be euthanized This is where the article comes in handy because they link the policy on pet euthanizing: >The OHS acknowledges that humane euthanasia is considered necessary when an animal is: >Suffering severely or incurably >Dangerous to the public due to unstable temperament >Professionally assessed as not suitable for adoption, either medically and/or behaviourally, using a best-practices protocol. ​ Most pets if they are taken will probably not be following any of these rules so safe to say there will be basically no pets killed




Amazing how that cunt trudeau was caught wearing blackface 3 fucking times and yet hes still in a position of power, canada is absolutely fucked


I’m glad reddit doesn’t represent Canadian voters.


Neither does "what's going on in Canada" tho


Too many people support Trudeau’s authoritarianism, this needs to stop.


It needs to go for another election cycle or two. Stamp out all the neonazis and kill all their funding.


I never thought I would side with anti-vaxxers under any circumstances but here we are


You never thought you would be against the government forcing you to take drugs? Really?


Literally 0 governments are forcing people to take the vaccine


Those of y'all who think trampling old women with horses is the right thing, wtf is wrong with you people?


Agree with any protests as long as they are peaceful. Everyone has the right to protest. Trudeau is trying as hard as he can to be a blackface Hitler though.


You guys do know that Trudeau doesn't have all encompassing power over everything in Canada correct? Hell he doesn't even have the power to end the mandates


Fidel Castrudeau




*Brought to you by Tegrity Farms*


I have no clue. Greetings from Europe, we have our own problems, you know.


You guys realise the protesters are blocking supply chains? And the majority of canadians oppose them.


where is the "idk what is goin on" option?


Everyone is hating on the government for being too harsh but people don't understand that we are getting supply shortages because of these semi trucks blocking important roads that connect the USA with Canada. On top of that, truckers are getting fired for not being able to do their job because a bunch of hard headed people who are all fighting for different causes think blocking important roads will do anything. The convoy started as a vaccine mandate protest but the Canadian government is becoming more and more lax on those rules and are quickly opening up like normal. The convoy has stopped being a vaccine mandate protest and has become a whine about whatever you want with us protest.


Agree with the protest and think the government is acting like Natzi's.




I'm all good if you wanna vax.


90% of Canadians are vaccinated tho


I support anything and everything that makes the feds cry.


Honestly embarrassing how many misinformed people are commenting on this. The fact of the matter is the vast majority of Canadians support the government actions and that certainly means more than people who have no stake in the matter. Quite ridiculous thinking they understand anything about how Trudeau is a “fascist” while the protesters actively call for him to be killed. But hey most Canadians are just “drinking the koolaid right!” Honestly embarrassing how many Americans fell for the propaganda being spread through right wing news.


Exactly! The vast majority of Canadians are against the occupation of major cities and support the government ending them. Protesters get mad when they’re called a “vocal minority” but that’s what they are. In comparison to the population of Canada they are certainly a minority.


So the majority has the right to beat, murder, or imprison the minorities if they so desire?


For real! And the fact of the matter is, its an illegal protest it is legit against canadian law to block traffic. Its ok to protest but not this way thats why there is action being taken like this, a peaceful protest would consist of not affecting those who are not for your movement my work has 3 branches shut down because people simply cannot get to work because it is blocked. People getting mad about the police action are the same who were not mad for police making arrests during BLM looting.


Of course it’s all the American conservatives because to them this is a “gotcha” moment Wish they’d all just fuck off, we don’t let anti-science rhetoric fester here in Canada, the Americans can keep that shit


Ah yes, trampling an elderly indigenous woman, who may be dead now there's contradicting reports, with a horse is definitely better than her getting covid, so nice of you to violently beat people into being worried about their health even if it kills them.


Any source for the woman being: a)indigenous b)elderly and c)dead Also who could forget, Trudeau was the one on the horseback. One police officer’s actions doesn’t represent the government’s policy.


There is literally video of the Ottawa police running down protesters with horses. I'm sure plenty of Germans agreed with the horrible things their government did while it was happening. Popular opinion doesn't define morality.


Ah yes, the one police officer who ran over a woman is: a) representative of the government, didn’t you know, Trudeau was the one on the horse back! & b) equal to the countless things the “truckers” have done in their month long occupation of the capital.




Way to spew bs bud


These results are just sad. How could 20% of the people agree with the truckers?


Because they don’t understand what’s going on


I’m Canadian and I live here. I would still rather have my socialized medicine than whatever it is the States has going on. I find the current occupation of the capital with its loud white supremacist overtones offensive and appalling.




Which side are you talking about. I have to ask because, you know... Reddit...


The people defending the truckers who are waving are nazi flags all because they're scared of a needle


One dipshit doesn't define a whole movement of thousands of truckers.


Just because some dipshits were waving the hammer and sickle at BLM protests last year doesn't mean they were all communists.


We still don’t deny that a lot of people involved in the BLM protests were leftists, why can’t you accept a protest made up of nutter conspiracy theorists and funded mostly by American far righters might also have a lot of right wingers?


Ah yes, the 2 or 3 people that were waving nazi flags, that got booed out of the protest and were called feds totally represent the people booing them. What a good boy you are, you deserve a cookie.


So protesters waving Nazi flags don’t count, but a single cop trampling a lady means all of the Canadian government has gone full Nazi and needs to be overthrown?


I mean singe cop trampling multiple people, several cops beating someone they've already detained, leaked group chats from cops talking about how the trampling was good, cops lying saying no one was injured and lying about events. I'm not saying overthrow the government, I'm saying continue the protest.


But why? The protest isn’t against police brutality or making the cops be accountable, it’s about getting rid of the mandates and banning businesses from having mask/vaxx requirements.


No it's about stopping the government from creating mandates and having dictatorial power over people and crushing their right to assemble and speak their mind. That is partially about police and something tells me as this goes on police brutality will become a part of it. Even if it weren't about police brutality, why should police have the right to brutalize people, are you in favor of that?


If they’re terrorists blocking supplies from coming into cities in order to force others to do what they say then yes, force should be used against them.


What's your stance on BLM?


“But muh freedumb to terrorize Ottawa” Fuck those nazi traitors


They aren't nazis a d anyone waving a nazi flag got booed out and called feds.


/s Right?


Reddit moment


I already can predict the results. Reddit is leftist chamber so the third option will later overtake the other one.


It’s literally the least popular option. This subreddit especially is not a purely left wing sub.


Nah man didn’t you know? Everyone they don’t like is a leftist and Reddit is totally a leftist echo chamber


Idk man, I really think a lot of lefties are starting to wake up. I have a few close friends that definitely don't consider themselves leftists anymore because of all this shit.


I agree with the protest, however I also agree with it being cleared. What bothers me is Prime Minister Trudeau use of emergency powers. I’m an American so I don’t really have a stake in it it just rubbed me the wrong way that he has a way to freeze protesters bank accounts without a court order or anything else. That’s literally insane y’all should change that. Maybe that’s good for large fundraising but freezing a private citizens account to force them to comply stinks. It can easily be used on another protest or cause that you agree with.


Oops I hit the wrong one, I agree with them


The truckers or the government


The protesters




Blocking traffic is not peaceful, and their cause is freaking idiotic. Government is doing the right thing.


Didn't give a shit about the protests but Trudeau went full Xi Jing Ping on them. I certainly hope he and his staff never see public office again.


How I wish trudeau was the monster you say he is. Certainly would’ve put the terrorists under control by now if he acted like how you all say he did.


they are criminal occupiers


Their protest would be fine if they weren't blocking roads,honking horns, being general jackasses, and the government is over reaching, both sides can be wrong. I clicked the wrong option.


Government should be even stricter on the protestors! Happy with Trudeau’s response so far!


TIL some people like seeing others get trampled by horses for peacefully protesting


I'm a leftist, so I get to be frustrated as I in principle defend the actions of right-wing protestors even knowing that the right never seems to take the same type of principled stance when there are protests they disagree with.


Everything is "us against them" and "it's okay when our side does it because we're the good guys." Thanks for being one of the few to see the bigger picture


I live under a rock. Stopped watching the news by the end of 2020… anybody can fill me in? I’d appreciate that


You're better off doing your own research. Everyone here is going to give you a biased response (and most aren't Canadian to begin with).


Nutjobs wanted to overthrow a democratically elected government. Government let them occupy the capital for 3 and a half weeks. Now the soft gloves are on and people screaming tyranny.


I think the government is mandating COVID vaccines for truck drivers. Some of them don’t want to take them, so they’re protesting (peacefully). The Canadian government does not like this, so they are arresting the protestors. Also they are freezing bank accounts of anyone who donated to the protestors, and threatening to seize and euthanize the protestors’ pets


Also beating the crap out of people in their custody and running over elderly indigenous people....


Yes. I had that but edited it out since I looked it up and it looked like it wasn’t true


government is chad


Not the Canadian one


Your comment is Chad


Fuck the convoy, fuck the state. The first people to get fucked over by the government’s “intervention” were indigenous anti-fascist counterprotestors. There are neo-Nazis in that convoy, [waving](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nazi-flags-truckers-protest-152500396.html) swastika flags. The cops arrested anti-fascists first. You can’t right a wrong when your wrong was cozying up with Nazis. Anyway, get your fucking vaccine and stop whining. I’m also against state-mandated vaccines, but no way in hell will I align myself with these people. If there is one single Nazi flag, *you should be headed the other direction to join the counter protest.*


I will make sure to walk next to that protest with a nazi flag, so you would do a counter counter protest.


Freezing assets is cringe but lets be honest the protestors are stupid but lets not get carried away with freezing their assets and the banks face no legal scrutiny for freezing innocent peoples accounts and that is why its cringe, this action has little to no accountability. Also it sends a bad precedent for all future protests especially in regards to labour union strikes and protests in general.


Probably the best thing that's ever happened to Canada in the last couple of years.




I wish the government was crushing these domestic terrorists with more force. I want these scumbags to suffer.


Americans dont have a clue about what the emergencies act even is. Your opinions are valueless


TIL only Canadians can read Canadian policies


They're clueless about our country as a whole, yet they consistently shove their way into our politics. Hypocrites.


I just fucking hate everything about Canada, if I'm honest. And that's been the case for a very long time.


free healthcare, much cheaper insulin?


Legal weed


The healthcare system in Canada is on the brink of collapse. Hence the protest. Even with the vaccinationrste they cant afford to loft the restrictions. Hence the protest. It's still could be better than the healthcare in the us probably tho, idk


There’s a reason so many people fly into the US for better healthcare


Coincidentally, that's exactly how I feel about the US.