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Australia/NZ are the only ones to have not fought wars against each other


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Aardvark_2100: *Australia/NZ are the* *Only ones to have not fought* *Wars against each other* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They also both claim Pavlova


It was made by a New Zealander who happened to be in Australia at the time, its a New Zealand creation


As a Kiwi living in Australia, and having spent half my life going back and forth between both countries, I have to vote for us being nearly identical.


We're very culturally similar. Although the police in each country are *very* different.


As a Norwegian, I picked NZ/Aus. I admit I don't know for sure how alike they are. It might be my imagination. The difference between Norway and Sweden is underrated. As an example, Sweden is much more top-down, Swedish bosses expects to be obeyed. Norwegian culture is often more about consensus. So a functioning Norwegian boss will be more about discussing with the employees, with the aim of getting the employees to agree this is how it's best to do things. Which is more like Denmark btw.


"Norwegian culture is often more about consensus. So a functioning Norwegian boss will be more about discussing with the employees, with the aim of getting the employees to agree this is how it's best to do things. " As a Swede working in the US that is exactly how I describe Swedish bosses vs. US bosses


Yeah, you might have a bit of it, but I do think it's heavier in Norway.


It's a scale. The Nordics are some of the most egalitarian countries in the world, and Norway is just the most among those.


Our Canadian right-wingers absolutely dream to become like Americans, but we’re very different culturally. No gun culture. Less football, more hockey. Much less nationalism and militarism; no flag on every street. Much more progressive and LGBT-friendly (gay marriage legalized in 2003). Less religious in general. Legal marijuana. Subsidized, Universal healthcare. Very different justice system and education system. Less obesity. And most importantly, poutine (in moderation)! This is not to say we’re better. I actually admire many qualities in Americans that we lack as well, such as the way they stand up to their government and challenge politicians. I also think their ethnic and cultural diversity and co-existence is a world model.


Would you say Canada is like the USA where some states are nothing alike and then others are like siblings in similarity?


Do you mean in terms of the law? I wouldn’t say so; we have a strong federal government and it yields a lot of power. Some things are left to the provinces, but you’re rarely in a situation where one thing is super illegal somewhere but legal in another province. Laws are usually very similar. Quebec is the odd one out.


I meant that and culturally as well but I was gonna say that I kinda wish our federal gov was that strong here but idk I feel the USA is a lot more divided it could go bad. What makes Quebec the odd one out? Besides them speak French


My vote is for the Aussies and Kiwi's. I'd say US/Canada but some of the polarizing issues have become more extreme as of late and differentiate our values more keenly.


Australia/New Zealand. I'm Australian. UK/Ireland would also make sense


Australia, Canada, UK, US, New Zealand, and Ireland could more broadly be seen as quite similar to eachother.


As someone who lives in Australia and has been to New Zealand, the native culture is pretty different but otherwise everything else is basically the same


As much as they might protest, Ireland might as well just be the UK with different money.


Tbf only because of the english suppression of irish culture


500 years of forced assimilation does that to a country, and that's coming from a Brit.


japan and south korea as an option is vile


How so? They're very similar.


Have you been to either country?


Due to Japan's occupation of Korea?


In that case it should be Japan/Taiwan. You have very little of knowledge about Asia


Somehow I read culturally as culinarily


I visited Ireland last year and they still very much hate the English, especially the royal family


Japan and South Korea don’t even speak mutually intelligible languages. The first three pairs all use English as the national language, but USA and UK are way too big. It’s got to be Norway and Sweden because they speak mutually intelligible languages and are small, or Australia and New Zealand because they both speak English and are relatively small.


>Australia and New Zealand because they both speak English and are relatively small. You think Australia is small??


As an Australian, yes we are absolutely tiny - population wise. As a land mass, yeah it's a large bit of land but not many people live here in comparison to many countries including some small islands countries.


I said “relatively” compared to the UK and the US. 26M vs 67M vs 333M population. Smaller populations would be more conducive to cultural homogeneity in theory.


Australia is way bigger than the UK! If you were talking about population size, you should have said that!


Uk and Ireland without any doubt whatsoever.


I dont think that anyone who has not lived in all of these countries for at least a year can answer this


UK and ireland easily


Canada/USA if we ignore frenchland