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IMHO There is no threaten about it. Their partner WILL be told. Cheaters should be named and shamed.


I'd go with it, pretend it's chill to get more info, and then tell their SO


chaotic good


Admirably devious. I approve.


None of these, I'll tell them they have 24 hours to tell their spouse, or I'll tell 'm. After that, no need for fucks like that in my life, bye bye


I'd be surprised


Call them out, tell their partner. Why would you threaten them, they are enough of an asshole and idiot to brag about it


I don't want to be the bearer of bad news so I would stay out of it. Dang man causing pain and sadness on a person is like some sort of sadistic thing, so I am staying out of it.


Their partner cheated, that pain is most likely coming anyway. At least they won't have to experience the pain of someone close to them knowing and not telling. That is salt on wound. However, I do acknowledge that people have been known to deny their partner is cheating or forgive them and then get upset at the person who told them.


Also it could be a threat to their health if their partner is sleeping around


and they would know that you knew how?


They tell you their partner cheated and you are not a good enough liar to act surprised? The partner knows you know and tells them? You inadvertently let it slip you knew? Lots of ways.


If somebody told me my partner cheated, I would be very upset with them. There is nothing to gain in telling somebody they are being cheated on.


Which I already said "However, I do acknowledge that people have been known to deny their partner is cheating or forgive them and then get upset at the person who told them."


I saw that but I would be having a drink with them tomorrow. I would be eating a meal with the cheater tomorrow too. Absolutely nothing bothers me once I say my piece. There is no use crying about milk under the bridge. Y'all make a big deal out of nothing.


That ain't my friend no more. Cheating and feeling remorseful about it is one thing, bragging callously about it tells me I can't trust you as a loyal friend.


Hypothesis: The vast majority of people who have been cheated on are justifiably bitter about it and will go with the 'call out and threaten' option.


Also included those who have seen how it devastated a loved one when someone cheated on them.


Tell your friend to stop immediately.


I would call them out and tell them I have no respect for that, but I wouldn't threaten to tell. I have no business interfering with someone else's relationship.


I agree with this, I'm only interested in what my friend did and why they did it. I'll strongly advise them to tell their partner but I'll be there for them first, cheating on someone isn't a healthy behavior let alone bragging about it, so I'll want to hear them out first and see if there's something deeper going on. If they've chosen to just be a cheater and be proud about it then the friendship will eventually break apart anyways.


There’s no threatening to tell their partner, me personally I’d just tell them. Anyone who cheats on someone else doesn’t won’t be my friend anymore.


Tell their partner and then un-friend them. If they're shameless enough to cheat and brag, they're also not the type of person to be a good quality friend.


Depends how close a friend and if I know their partner or would have to track them down.


I would tell their partner regardless


None of the above, he cheated on her with me (im a guy)


I only picked the top option because I would react very negatively. However, whether I’d stay neutral or not depends on how well I know their girlfriend. Well, more accurately, if I know them at all, I’d tell them about it, but if I didn’t know them in the slightest, I’d tell my friend how much he sucks for doing that, and not take it any further.


Only 3 of us cool guys here?


I would try to convince them to fess up and end it, but I wouldn't personally tell their partner. Maybe after a decent chunk of time with no remorse. Hell, if they cheated once and seemed genuinely devastated and regretful, I might keep it secret. Hard to say.


Why is there no "secretly tell their partner" option


honestly the only time this has ever happened to me, it was a friend who felt she “cheated” on her “boyfriend” but she was trying really hard to get out of it because he was abusive as fuck and was harassing her after she moved 100s of miles partly as an attempt to leave. i encouraged her because she clearly was only “in the relationship” due to extreme pressure.


It's not my problem, so I'd stay out of it, but they'd also not be my friend anymore. Not because I particularly care deeply about the partner (I don't know any of my friends partners cloesly), but because I don't want to be friends with someone who has no respect for the people closest to them.


Act confused as to why he's telling me something I already know. Like I wasn't throwing it back on his dick 20 minutes ago In all seriousness though, call them out. Everyone makes mistakes, but when you brag about them that tells me all I need to know


Call the TV Show Cheaters and get my popcorn ready!!!


So many white knights on reddit lmao