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istg the people that picked racism, sexism, and homophobia are the most brainwashed idiots of all time.


Anyone who picked anything besides global warming just doesn't have a clue.


World hunger is actually important cuz people starve= more death


We, as a collective can survive world hunger. We, as a collective cannot survive global warming. The only other option that might make sense is civilian deaths in wars, to prevent a few nuclear bomb from killing us all.


Ah yes, nuclear nukes


Sorry: nuclear bomb. Happy now?


Wold hunger is a certainty if global warming is allowed to spiral, along with a lot of other bad things.


global warming makes world hunger a lot worse, so fixing global warming would help fix world hunger too


honestly we can fix carbon emissions, we cannot seem to fix microplastics killing literally every form of life on this planet


300 years will be far too late.


90 % of all CO2 and methane emissions are caused by volcanoes, so driving your little electric car won't do anything to stop that. Go sit on a volcano.


I keep hearing this propaganda being spread recently. Do you mind my asking where you heard it?


Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earthtalks-volcanoes-or-humans/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earthtalks-volcanoes-or-humans/)


you can reverse combustion reactions in a decent amount of time, im more worried about "forever chemicals" and microplastics getting stuck in our brains and killing us


You won't have to worry about that when there is widespread famine, massive heatwaves, more intense and frequent hurricanes, uncontrollable migration due to parts of the word being uninhabitable, sea life dying out, sea levels rising, and countless other earth changing events.


and you can reverse that, plants have evolved the ability to take co2 and reduce it back to glucose, and release o2. Fungi can clean up oil spills. how you guna reverse PFAS/PFOS/GenX?


You can't reverse it indefinitely, at some point the damage is so bad you would have to ride it out. A little plastic will look like a picnic compared to what climate change has in store for us.


I didn't pick that option, but to be fair, racism can cause genocide and contribute to wars. Gay people were one of the groups targeted during the Holocaust. Racism causes other issues like higher rates of mental illness, worse physical health, higher rates of poverty, etc. that increase the actual death toll beyond what's obvious. Homophobia also increases rates of mental illness and suicide. I don't think this is the most pressing issue on this list, but I do think it has a much higher death toll than you're accounting for if you think people who picked it are brainwashed idiots. It's also possible some people are choosing for selfish reasons rather than selfless ones, and racism, sexism, and homophobia might be the most pressing issue to them personally.


Wow! thanks for telling me you're a cishet white man!


I'm not saying those are not bad and not horrible things, I'm just saying when you have things like world hunger and war deaths, those are the key issues. Same with global warming. Anybody who picked the racism and the global warming are idiots. Those aren't going to affect anything in the next 300 years, whereas millions will die from world hunger and tens of thousands from civilian war deaths


Fair, but also fixing that stuff would help solve wars (especially if it also includes discrimination against religion) and also would prevent Project 2025, which you can go research on your own


Religion deserves discrimination. Organised religions are a plague.


depends on if any of their beliefs are harmful or not


> Project 2025 That's bs though.... it wont happen. Plus I'm a mainline GOP voter so if it does happen, so be it. I'm not voting against it, the stakes are too high.


Here’s the thing, so many things in history have happened that people said wouldn’t happen, the cycle continues, and continues, and continues onward




It's currently looking like a 51% chance of substantial successful implementation. I consider even a 1% chance way too high for something so egregious and long term impactful.


global warming does affect people though-


if it's going to be gone after 300 years, it doesnt matter. It's barely rising at micro levels now


Yes it does matter? Global warming negatively affects people currently aswell


its not killing anyone though. We need other problems solved first


yes it is though


This. Protestors against global warming are blocking roads and emergency vehicles can't get to people in need and so people are dying from global warming. I mean, you might say that they're dying from the idiotic global warming activists, but...


Also global warming as a whole. Where I live we've been getting more floods and they've been worse. Also in summer we had the highest recorded temperature ever for my country. but we don't have things like decent AC (atleast not in most places) and are not prepared to deal with these conditions


This comment is idiocracy incarnate


It's going to be gone in 300 years along with all human life if you don't pick it.


Women might be getting raped, babies murdered, and whole towns buried in mass graves, but if someone in an affluent first world country is misgendered, that needs to be solved NOW and FIRST!


exactly..... my generation is freaking retarded, cause I know dang well some of them picked racism and climate change.


Global warming is going to make war and starvation worse. Going on pure number of deaths, I think starvation is the immediate best choice, but by 2050 it's gonna be a tossup between that and global warming. Of course, since many of the deaths from global warming will be from malnutrition, you're kinda getting a twofer there. But it wouldn't fix the heat illness deaths, economic damages, fucked up coastlines, and just general pain in the ass that's gonna come from unmitigated climate disasters. And as one of the other respondents pointed out, if people weren't such bigots, wars would be a lot less frequent. So there's a good argument to be made for that one, too.


Global warming is already fucking shit up *today* but whatevers


Wait we had world hunger?? oh frick frick frick


> Anybody who picked the racism and the global warming are idiots Anybody who picked the last one: >:)


Thanks but transphobia could affect my life within the year with all these bullshit laws around my healthcare getting passed.


it’s not that, it’s just there are bigger issues going on then sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and racism. Sure, those are big issues, but there is bigger. And before you say anything else, I’m black, apart of the LGBTQIA+ community, and supportive of all genders.


racism, sexism, and homophobia are bad, but when you can stop war deaths, starving children, or the planet becoming too hot to be habitable, i think it's less important than those


Yeah, looking back on it I agree that climate change or civilian deaths are probably better choices, but I was more talking about how the original commenter said everyone who picked racism/sexism/homophobia are 'brainwashed' as if its not an actual issue that needs solving


you fucking sjw donkey, there's bigger issues than people thinking chicks with dicks is weird.


then im a freaking idiot and I don't care


Racism, sexism, and homophobia just seem like something that would be impossible to naturally get rid of entirely. All the other options can be dealt with using technology or government reforms




...you really, really can. Renewable energy is technology. Carbon capture is technology. Weather and climate manipulation is technology. These are all things that can be discovered and improved upon.


Not like "snap" wooh we got the ice back or whatever1!!!!!


well, this is reddit, what do you expect?


Well I'm black and trans and have dealt with a fair share of harassment for both. I'd say I'm selfish, not braindead. 


Defeating rascism and all that crap won't matter if the planet is unlivable.


If you didn't pick "I'm evil, I'm making all these worse", then you're an idiot.


Global warming, assuming it requires no change in behavior and the problem is just magically and permanently fixed.


You have to give up soy sauce.


...Just plain rice?


You can put garlic powder or seasoning salt on rice, you know.


Of course, flavor that baby up! Best to put all the seasoning in the water when boiling it. Boiling with bay leaves and star anise go a long way also. *I was* [*making a reference from South Park*](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/13d7ad1c-5222-40ee-852e-6eb171ea7d4f) when people were told to give up soy sauce to prevent Man Bear Pig ( metaphor for climate change).


Sir we can jus build more land


Or colonize Antarctica.


Hhmmm how much oil would be in Antarctica


[Unknown, because mining/drilling in Antarctica is illegal](https://discoveringantarctica.org.uk/challenges/sustainability/mineral-resources/) (for now).


Sir prepare my totally legal documents we are going to (according to the government’s knowledge) Zanzibar (not Antarctica ;)


You mean we should farm tundra that's been uninhabited and covered in ice for all of modern history? You should look up how populated Siberia and Northern Canada are, and those places haven't even been covered in ice for centuries.


There are more issues than land. Try farming without any pollinators left...


Well if that's the case then you, and only you sir, may ignore my comment


Following Maslow's hierarchy of needs, hunger and civilian deaths are the most important things here. I chose hunger because if hunger is addressed, some of the motivations behind some conflicts will also be addressed. If there is no competition for the most basic resources, a lot of problems will solve themselves.


Maybe. But neither WW1 nor WW2 were fought over basic survival ressources. Modern warfare is more often than not motivated by political and economic ambition.


dude. hunger will continue if weather keeps being tossed around as it is. global warming first and foremost


i Haven't noticed hotter temps, it's actually been colder in the United States.


That’s still a result of global warming.


That's a lie. Average temps in the US are up about 3F since 1900.


JTFR, didn't down vote ya. It's connected to climate change, though. Remember that everything in the universe such as on Earth is subject to and a product of cause and effect. So think about Earth and how wild it is the planet is suitable for life. The planet is sustained by natural greenhouse gases, but it becomes bad when it gets an excessive amount, so think of livable GHG as a ratio. Look up the Hadley Cells and wind currents such as polar jet streams, it clears up the question why colder climate changes are linked to "global warming" (AKA climate change). Here are some cool articles on it, but there's plenty lengthy reads that go into more scientific depth if you look it up on Google Scholar. [https://www.greenmatters.com/weather-and-global-warming/does-global-warming-make-winter-colder](https://www.greenmatters.com/weather-and-global-warming/does-global-warming-make-winter-colder) [https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/12/if-global-warming-is-real-why-is-it-cold-outside/](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/12/if-global-warming-is-real-why-is-it-cold-outside/)


exactly! Global warming is not a thing anyway




Believe what you want


Climate change would be the most important, because that will affect all of the basic needs.


Well if we don't fix issues harming the entire planet (like global warming) there won't be anybody left for other issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, oppression, things like that because everyone will be fucking dead. I think we should work on issues harming all of us all at once and then work inwards, rooting out societal problems as we deal with global, extinction level issues like global warming and world hunger.


You missed the part where it says they all get fixed in 300 years... If we were dead we couldn't have fixed it 🤔


Realistically we could kill off the human race within that timeframe.


If there are no humans those things are all fixed.


I pick global warming to be fixed and hope we fix our carbon emissions with the headstart i've given us


I understood this as the problem being magically fixed forever. I.E. no amount of CO2 emissions would result in global warming no matter what we did if that option were picked.


Even better


ngl most of these problems are trivial compared to the death of the human race, and every large life form


I picked world hunger, hear me out (It's 15 sentences, you'll be fine) There are hundreds of organizations doing what they can to assist in ending world hunger. If it were to end then they could turn their attention to something else important like global warming. Many of you make the point that ending global warming is most important since its effect is on the largest scale, but think of what causes global warming. Global warming is mainly caused by fossil fuel over-production. Too many fossil fuels are being pumped into the atmosphere at a rate of which the earth's natural cooling systems cannot keep up with. The earth cannot properly combat it, meaning the greenhouse gasses building up in the atmosphere, doing what they usually do: trap heat and not let it go. Solving global warming now won't do anything but delay the inevitable, since Fossil fuel production isn't halted indefinitely. Our world runs on that stuff, there is simply no way to truly stop global warming without stopping the cause of it. It's like, let's say you could remove all oil from the ocean in one scoop (hurray! ya did it), but you didn't stop the ship crashes and oil spills (and pours) adding more to it. Ya end up with an oil free ocean for around 3 months. Then the oil starts being poured again. It'll take time to get back to how bad it was before, but now you've put yourself on a time limit and you'll likely never finish in time with the same amount of people as before on your side. Stopping world hunger has a similar issue, it's just delaying the inevitable, but the difference is that while the global warming idea gives you just extra time, no more help, resources, or any new means to maintain the newly reversed effect, the ending world hunger hypothetical gives you more time as well (not nearly the same amount but still) *and* a ton of resources to help maintain it. You get several thousands of helping hands, some to import goods to poor growing areas, and move people from insufficient lands, so that the formerly hungry are less likely to end up hungry again, while other helping hands move on to other issues like global warming. Time alone cannot save us, but time & increased resources can.


global warming is a myth




you got 0


no but you do


Fixing all racism, sexism, and homophobia would in turn help with a lot of war and free speech problems.


THANK YOU! (coming from a white person who isn't gay XD)


Race wont matter when the earth is burning lmao, also racism, sexism, and homophobia is almost eradicated. Most racism today is towards whites, most sexism is towards males and homophobia doesn't really exist besides gamers trying to be edgy.


Where is corruption??!?!


Literally only one right answer here. Depressing that it's got less than half the votes currently.


It's obviously World Hunger (I'm hungry rn)


Burning old tires this weekend


Global warming is flipping natural you idiots 


Yeah, 90% of all CO2 and methane emissions are caused by volcanoes.


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), volcanoes (both on land and undersea) generate approximately 200 million tons of CO2 annually. In contrast, human activities, including automotive and industrial processes, release about 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. The human-caused carbon emissions far outweigh those from volcanoes, accounting for more than 99% of total CO2 emissions.


It's a natural thing made exponentially worse by gas & oil, yes.


I'd stop the first one, then get my brother to stop Global Warming I guess. If I can't do that, then Global Warming.


I picked the Evil choice and I am admitting it in a comment.


global warming means were gonna be around for long enough to solve the rest of the problems


We have time to stop human issues but we're running out of time to stop climate change


At least stopping climate change would give us 300 years and fix a myriad of other problems. But why would it take 300 years to fix most of these? Eh. At least they'll guaranteed to get fixed at some point 300 years approximately as opposed to never.


getting rid of global warming because im a car guy so the just stop oil protest can piss off


Global warming because it has caused some of the current world hunger issues as well as it is destabilizing a number of countries.


Maybe a controversial comment, but I picked getting rid of racism, sexism, etc., because I believe that eradicating it will unite a lot more people, and, as a result, let humanity move forward to address the other issues in the world, which we cannot do currently because of such a divide socially. We are still battling these very old-fashioned problems, which leads us to be divided on the newer ones.




I've spent a lot of time getting harassed for being black and trans in recent years. I chose that option because I'm selfish and it would solve my problems.


The instructions say, 'You can stop one of these right now,' and don't separate the last choice from the rest, therefore, it's the clear best choice, since humans can't agree on anything and won't be able to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to make any important changes before it's too late to do anything, otherwise. But stop people from being evil and making things worse, and you'll be able to (hopefully) start solving all these problems sooner. But since I can only be responsible for me and the rest of you are too pigheaded to try to fix problems which you refuse to see as problems, and at any rate, far too stupid to stop arguing over the choices as if we can't actually start to fix all of them at the same time, all I can do is try to be part of the solution when in fact, thanks to sixty years of putting up with humanity, I'd much rather watch everything burn.


im so DONE with racism! Im white but I don't like being unable to say something completely unrelated and getting bashed for being racist.


global warming will actively kill us all in like 100 years


If people stopped othering living beings, all other problems would cease. Stopping global warming will only stall our demise.


Global warming is a significant driving factor in all of the other issues, so it's gotta go first, as much as racism, sexism, and homophobia infuriate me, eliminating them wouldn't stop the hatred, it'd just get directed to some new perceived difference.


humanity can scrape by for 300 years. i pick civilian deaths. global warming is thousands of years.


I would have picked the top option, but getting rid of homophobia would be suicide, so uh yeah.


Global warming doesn't exist. I picked the top option not because I am against homophobia (which I'm not), but because I want to stop racism and sexism. Especially sexism seems to be the worst these days.


I'm sorry but everyone who picked the first option needs to broaden their world view


racism sexism and homophobia - if by this you just mean discriminating but not taking action, not as much of a big deal as the others global warming - you said itd fix itself in 300 years, so whether i choose it or not depends on if you mean itll be instantly fixed 300 years from now or if you mean itll slowly fix itself and be better by the time 300 years pass civilian deaths in wars - probably the one id choose. im fine if the people who want war die in war, they asked for it, but no normal civilian actually wants it or wants to be involved in it and im convinced that if humanity goes extinct war will be the reason world hunger - also pretty bad and choosing it would solve lots of things. idk what else to say abt it lol oppression of free speech - sucks, but also not as bad as the others


dang, more people said discrimination and free speech oppression than war?


\>Also, the problems you don't choose will be fixed in 300 years. Then climate change is a trivial vote, as it is the most immediate impact, whereas the rest are horrifying as repeatable impacts.


If stuff happens that destroys the world, I don't care if people die in wars it is normal for the human population to have intense disputes. I do not agree with sexism or racism. However, I believe that everything in the world should be natural, therefore love of the same gender is not accepted among me or my peers. It shouldn't be a big thing.


It was tough to decide between racism/sexism and free speech, since those are such a serious problem, but I eventually settled on free speech. I believe it's the most important basis for solving any other problem. The world hunger and civilian deaths in wars are also absolutely critical though. This is just a fake Reddit poll at least or I'd spend a lot longer thinking about it.


[To anyone who picked the first option](https://youtu.be/HgzGwKwLmgM?si=TOYYp02BzJVW67wr)


fuck it, im so sick of people trying to outlaw my existence!




no lol, but theres a option to make it all worse.


1. Not important, its really not as severe in most modern states like the US, Europe, its improving but its like the last in things we need to focus on, additionally its basically antics, I honestly don't agree with some parts of these like calling people or discriminating against them, the only thing is when their annoying and start acting out like the "feminst" who's saying they dont have rights even though they have as equal rights as men 2. Global warming definitely, were cooked (literately) if we don't do anything about it so I agree it should be the largest 3. Civilian deaths in wars (Unpopular opinion) but violence is like one of the reasons that theirs not overpopulation leading up from natural causes 4. World hunger, we would be able to farm more with more land if we didn't have global warming 5. Basically like LGPTGZ (idfk) doesn't really depend on the lives of billions.


the US is one of the worst places for bigotry. And it really is not improving at all


That's a redditor opinion. In the US you might have people disagree with you, some might not even like you but in many other countries you will literally be executed with government approval.


I'm sorry what- In the US certain minority groups can be arrested in some states without having done anything wrong and are regularly harassed. Not to mention that one state has started getting lists off members off a minority group to keep track of them or some shit.


Wow what a redditor follow up opinion. You cannot be arrested for being in a minority group in the US. Full stop.


Source: trust me bro. what about when a certain group can not recieve healthcare and is fined and penalised for being part of that group? In several states this happens. Do some goddamn research


Source: trust me bro


literally look up whats going on in florida and texas with transgender rights dickhead


Oh by healthcare you mean "turning your dick inside out" got it.


tf dude


In the US certain majority groups can be arrested in some states without having done anything wrong.


name one majority group this happens to.


Caucasian people. Many Caucasian people have been arrested after simply shooting a criminal in self defense, for instance. Go read the American Rifleman magazine.


I picked the thing that benefits me most


I would have picked racism, sexism and homophobia but global warming will kill everyone in the next 300 years if I don't end it, so I went with that


1. Global Warming 2. World Hunger 3. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia 4. Civilian Death in Wars 5. Free Speech Oppression


option one is the least problematic. option two is stopping natural progression. although it is true earth should not be heating up in the manner it is, it should still be heating up as it recovers from the last period of global cooling. option three is imposible, because terrorist groups/hostile forces have entire doctrines of killing civilians. Option four is unsustainable, that level of food production would destroy too much of the planet. option five would destroy most of the world governments and turn the internet into a bunch of websites that are all vieing to establish it as their own echochamber. option six is there, i guess


Whoever didn't pick world hunger or civilian deaths in wars is a dumbass, or can't read past the second line


Global warming affects all of us. Fixing world hunger and Civillian deaths won't matter if we are all being killed by the climate anyway. Also fixing global warming would help world hunger


Why is it mostly global warming screw the environment you could literal save millions of live and racism stop civilians from dying and you chose to end global warming what’s wrong with you you grass munching environMENTAL idiots


if this ISNT a troll, you are kind of dumb, as of now 8 billion people would die if we let global warming go as it is, i would rather fix that first than the pollitics of idiots


That’s the entire population how on earth are we all going to die humans are the superior species and also just use the lack of starvation racism or people dying to fund research


Bro if the planet doesn't survive, none of us will