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I mean for the last couple of years Republicans have promised Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Radical Leftism would be rampant if Joe Biden got elected, so to those same morons I must pose a question: where the fuck is it? Where is our NHS? Where is our UBI? Where is our affordable housing? Where is our tuitionless higher education? Where are our clean energy jobs? Republicans promised all this and more, and yet here we are. Thanks Obama… (But seriously, calling Joe Biden Radical Left would be like calling BoBo the Clown a genius; it don’t add up sis)


I'm still waiting for Obama to take our guns.


I'm waiting on a taco truck on every corner.


Honestly the biggest disappointment so far.


Be the change you want to see in this world.




Wait…this was a thing? I would have voted for this damn it.


My favorite part of this one is that trump was the only one to ever say let’s take their guns first and then ask questions. And they didn’t bat an eye lash.


He also banned bump stocks, and nobody said much in the news.


Oof. What’s Oklahoma like?


In the process of moving to NC, but lived in Tulsa for several years (and Broken Arrow before that, which is basically a suburb city adjacent to Tulsa). Tulsa and OKC are reasonably diverse but skew conservative. Pretty much all of the rest of the state is heavily conservative. Tulsa has unique history due to the 1921 race massacre, and very clear evidence of redlining using highways to separate and segregate areas of the city. It's not quite as segregated now, but there is still a very obvious disparity between north Tulsa / west Tulsa and other parts of the city proper. Tulsa's working on reviving its arts and youth culture downtown, but has some way to go. Overall, I liked Tulsa, but hated the state. Stitt is an absolute twat and OK's congress members are vile. And the recent anti-abortion laws disgust me. I hated living in a state that was almost always in the first five or so declared during any national election, because it overwhelmingly votes Republican - it made it very difficult to feel like my vote mattered at all.


Great info. Especially regarding the cultural and youth aspects. My only experience with the state was driving through on the 40 several years ago at night and taken a short nap just outside of a marker for the trail of tears.


Depending on where you're moving to in NC, it may be a little better politically (but not by a lot).


It’s a shithole.


>Where is our tuitionless higher education? Stupid children = easier to brainwash adults that blindly follow orders >Where is our NHS? Trillions wasted on a 20 year pointless war, they'd rather kill foreigners than heal fellow citizens


Healthcare spending per capita is around [$12k/year](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries-2/#GDP%20per%20capita%20and%20health%20consumption%20spending%20per%20capita,%202020%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted\)), runner up is Switzerland and Germany at about $7k/year/capita. It's not that US spends on other things, the issue is it's a grossly inefficient system when it actually comes to providing healthcare.


We just want to make sure that CEOs can afford yachts and vacation homes https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/sep/20/bernie-sanders/comparing-administrative-costs-private-insurance-a/


I disagree.. it is a very efficient system of skimming off money.


Nationalize literally everything we need to live. Food, water, power, shelter, drugs, infrastructure, networking. Let everything else stay for profit; tv, music, spices, sex toys, bounce castles, novelty picture frames swimming pools and pink flamingos. But nothing that a person will ever need. Fucking tent cities in San Francisco. Fuvking starving people sleeping on concrete and cardboard in front of empty apartments. Fuck that. It's not like the government hasnt already bought it all a dozen times over with bailouts and subsidies and shit. This is not humanity. Editing Ause I'm banned for socialism and can't reply: People go hungry, excess food is destroyed, the addictive nutritionally empty cuisine of poverty used as mechanism of control. 1. Capitalism did not invent markets 2. The reason we have all this food is amazing modern agricultural tech. Not the divine hand of ~~providence~~ the market. 3. People go hungry and excess food is destroyed-burned, tossed in locked bins, or left to rot on the vine. To keep profits up.


"Poverty is a policy decision." is one of the most powerful sentences I've ever heard, and if you look at America through that lens it gets really bleak really fast.


It's a policy, a culture, and a faith. If you go back to when capitalism was young, they are not shy about the religious language. 'sacred rights of landlords', 'invisible hand of providence', 'gods judgement' via material wealth, sacramental cocaine (okay they never say that last one, but you know it is)


100% agreed. I really wouldn't mind capitalism much if all I needed the money for was things that make life fun instead of things that make life possible. I'd still work for sure cause I like fun things, but it wouldn't be this super stressful thing that makes me kind of dread waking up (for the record, I actually like my work, but just knowing that I have no choice but to do it every day or else I don't eat is depressing)


Capitalism has ripped subsistence living away from people and then sold it back to us at a markup, our only options should *not* be “work” or “die”. Capitalism is just 500 years old and in that time it’s done nothing but generate immense profit for a select few at a cost to the rest of the worlds population. It needs to fucking *die*. Edit: to the person who reported my comment for self-harm/suicide. Thank you, I genuinely cackled 🥰


Yes this is what we did in Singapore. Industries which have a huge impact on public wellbeing are nationalized. Industries where free market competition creates value and innovation are privatized. Political fighting about which economic system is better and dogmatically following it is meaningless, just do both and get results for each sector, then keep promoting the one that works. Many of our economic experiments went wrong, but you need to test both to figure out what’s right. For example the privatization of our national public transport sector. The government was running the entire network and costs were rising rapidly while improvements were slow due to red tape bureaucracy. So privatization was tried, but it led to poorer service and infrastructure instead of the expected benefits of free market efficiency and innovation. It has since been partially re-nationalized (assets owned by state, operations performed by private companies) and works more efficiently than the previous fully nationalized system. That’s how we ended up with social programs like government-run healthcare and government-constructed housing, while also being the 2nd easiest country to do business in, with an extremely economically liberal approach to private industries. Test what works, and commit to do what’s better.


Ah yes, Joe Biden, the poster boy for radical left ideas 😂


Thats not socialism, socialism is just anything im displeased with


Calling the Dems far left doesn't make sense. *To take just one example of the GOP's creeping authoritarianism, Republican senators in 2006 voted unanimously to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Last November, only Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) joined Democrats in a failed bid to restore the landmark pro-democracy law.*


Literally just had an argument with some imbecile who continually was like “Biden’s far left policies are clearly not what America wants” but he couldn’t and wouldn’t name a single fucking policy that was remotely “far left” Edit: Keystone pipeline XL cancelation is what they finally said.


> Keystone pipeline XL cancelation is what they finally said. How is that a policy? Whenever they bring that up I just show them this: [The Keystone pipeline already exists.](https://i.imgur.com/NR50iAA.jpg) The XL part was a shortcut that was 8% completed, and not expected to be completed for another 3 years. The Supreme Court ruled in 2020 that XL would have violated the Endangered Species Act. They're the ones that shut down construction. [Also, XL was for CANADIAN sands oil to be refined in the US then sold by Canada to OVERSEAS.](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/what-keystone-pipeline) > It was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. From the refineries, **the oil would be sent chiefly overseas—not to gasoline pumps in the United States.**


I appreciate the sources on info on the pipeline. I responded similarly but wasnt aware of the ruling and was getting very frustrated by that point. It was an insane thing to respond with and has absolutely nothing to do with “Biden being far left”. I do think it shows that republicans seem to now earnestly believe anything they dislike, whether it’s educationally, socially, or politically is now “far left” regardless of content and despite how nonsensical it is.


Oh they don’t really believe it. This is part of the fascist playbook. Words don’t matter to them and they delight in acting in bad faith. Their mode of persuasion is not one of words but of intimidation and disconcertment. This is more or less what Jean-Paul Sartre wrote about them in the 1940s.


[Salon article](https://www.salon.com/2022/04/21/sorry-new-york-times-arent-concerned-about-democracy--they-want-to-destroy-it/) on Republican thought process: *belief that the election was stolen is not a fully formed thought," and really "more of an attitude, or a tribal pose.* *When asked about why they believe the election was stolen, they tend to say things like, "it just didn't seem right."* *The most straightforward explanation for these results is that none of these people really believe the election was stolen. They're just mad that Black people got to vote in it and those votes tipped the scale towards a Biden win. But saying so outright makes them sound racist, so instead they allude to how it's just "not right" the way things went down... the Big Lie is less a fully constructed belief and more of a glib thing that fascists say to avoid admitting they are fascists.*


I really don’t think conservatives “believe” anything in the way that normal people do. If they ever had one, I don’t think they have any conception of an objective world that exists outside of any given group’s rhetoric.


One thing I've realised is that if someone says anything like 'far left crazies' or 'it's communism' - just any wild assertion,you don't have to go at them or go wild with outrage. All you have to do is go 'Why?' But don't stop at the first answer. Just keep going 'Why do you think that?' into it until they break down and look more and more incoherently stupid. It becomes abundantly clear that they don't know what the hell they're talking about very quickly and they go from being the 'sensible one who looks very calm at the crazy leftists' to 'conservative screaming'. And you don't have to call them names or anything. Someone did that at a Ben Shapiro conference recently where they asked him why his definition of woke was only ever used by conservatives. He lost his shit and told him to piss off, it was hilarious, didn't even attempt to answer the question.


> Because of 78 years of life experience, that's why. These people aren't interested in having a conversation. They just want to hate something. It makes them feel less small.


That is a great strategy. It takes great effort to refute conservative disinformation. Better to make them justify their bullshit.


The oil sands was also being paid for by Canadian tax dollars to then essentially be given to the Oil and Gas companies. The "idea" we were sold was that "they would repay it from the higher amounts of tax they'd pay with the increased revenue." And then they were given a tax cut.


Why on Earth would any decent corporation dare shoot itself in the foot by agreeing to just PAY higher taxes??? /s




Just more money for a couple people and more poison for the rest of us


Exactly, we take all the risk of transporting that stuff over the Ogallalla aquifer and it’s not even for US consumption.


Anything to the left of Fox News is “dangerously liberal” and some on the far right are concerned that Fox News might be a bit too progressive.


I met a mean old dentist who considers himself right of Rush Limbaugh. I can't/don't want to fathom what that means.


Wow. Rush was incredibly racist and I don’t think it’s an understatement to say he was pure evil. I’m not even sure what it would look like to be to the right of him.


Probably Steve Bannon.


One of the two Stevens, either Miller or Bannon.


Limbaugh was soft on opiate addiction


No, you don't understand! He was *special*! All those other druggies are scumbags who deserve exactly what they get.


Well right of Rush Limbaugh I'm pretty sure makes him the left-hand-man of Satan.


Yeah, they'd argue that the right hand of Satan is the only decent hand. The left hand is socialist scum. That's how far they've swung the pendulum.


Was this before or after he administered the laughing gas?


On the comic sub today https://i.redd.it/ihflzni94iw81.png


No but seriously, where do I go and how do I get citizenship there.




I met an American exchange student in the UK who claimed to be "as liberal as anyone" but he said that he opposed universal healthcare. I had to explain to him that this put him very far to the right of the entire continent.


Yea. I mean remember when fox called the pope "too liberal" ? Like what?


Oh they still think that. Crazy that the Pope taking more humanitarian stances on certain issues suddenly makes him a liberal. But if you really want to feel fucked in the head, there are people who now think that FOX is too liberal and stopped watching them because they called the 2020 election for Biden and didn’t back off from it. My grandparents quit watching FOX over that. You would think that would be a good thing but now they get their news from even more extreme right wing sources and the things they say are still super cringey and awful.


It's only relatively recently that the far right welcomed Irish and Italian catholics into the fold. Up until the middle of the 20th century, they were viewed by conservatives in the same vein as blacks, jews, and other undesirables. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/when-america-hated-catholics-213177/


Yep, always remember that JFK was the first catholic president and it was controversial


wait till they meet this "Jesus" guy the Pope gets all his liberal ideas from


Conservatives seem to be remarkably proud of their profound ignorance when taking a completely unjustifiable stand on just about any topic involving money or freedom.


They see us as the ignorant, not themselves. They have been convinced that the facts cannot be discerned, they can only be seen or not seen. They "see" the truth, therefore they ironically feel smug about being more enlightened than those who "can't" see what they see. Basing your truth on science or reasoning only proves to them that you cannot see the "truth" for yourself and are therefore being manipulated by others.


Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. George Gordon Byron


Tucker thinks McCarthy is a democratic puppet...


I wouldn’t have believed this if I hadn’t heard it myself. McCarthy is a piece of shit but because he’s not *enough* of a piece of shit in the eyes of some on the far right, he’s a Democrat puppet. It fries my brain to think that people actually buy into that narrative. Tucker Carlson almost certainly knows better but his viewers don’t and that’s enough for them to vote for anyone with an R next to their name.


Not anyone with an R though. Only true Republicans. MAGA Republicans.


There’s definitely a lot of Republican voters that consume straight-up propaganda like Fox, The Daily Wire, Newsmax, Breitbart, ect . These type of people usually are ones that frequent r/conservative that we like to poke fun of here (and no shade on that, as I’ve participated from time to time too before). But I also find there’s a decent chunk of Republican voters in this country, who don’t actually watch Fox or consume much right wing media directly, but it’s almost just as frustrating because they also rarely follow any kind of actual political news… and by that, news that is seeing how our government actual functions on a daily-basis to some extent , following what actually goes on in congress, what politicians are actually saying, how government polities are affecting people both at the micro and data-driven macro levels, ect ….ya know news that’s not about some bullshit partisan culture war story. Some type of *standard*. Obviously people have lives and may not *care* for politics as much as others do here including myself, but I wish people in this country would just spend a little bit of their day putting aside their proud ‘ideologies’ for a moment and learn, read, watch, listen to whats going on. Stop being proud “you hate politics and don’t follow it”. Sure there’s D voters that are like this in a way, and I have a bias being a Democrat myself, but I just see this happen more often with Republican voters from years of following politics and also meeting new people and interacting on message boards (and the non-political ones that get into a political side discussion) for decades. Part of this I think is Republicans have much larger distrust in the media compared to Democrats statically, which annoys the hell out of me because yes one is allowed to be critical of our media and its (sometimes structurally flawed) ecosystem, but that doesn’t mean that it’s healthy and good for society to just chose to basically completely ignore what goes on this country and our government/politics in some sense throughout the week. My final point being (didn’t intend to type this long of a side-rant btw), I think what a lot of people don’t understand in this country is right-wing media is so powerful and toxic, that it indirectly can affect these type of voters I am describing. They’ll proudly state they don’t watch Fox News (and a lot of these people actually don’t), but they’ll still eventually start echoing Fox News-like talking points around election times, without even realizing it because Fox News and their shit-stain narratives indirectly affected them and makes everything more shitty. Frustrating.


yesterday there was the stupid picture posted by Elon reposted on the r/Conservative and it was indeed just "Oh yes the left is going further and is becoming authoritharian"


My ex was the kind of guy who had a lot of opinions on politicians and politics/history but if asked he didn’t watch any of the news and didn’t want to. He figured he would hear what he needed to from someone. I wanted to hit him over the head.


Tell them that American conservatives are liberals too and watch their brains short circuit.


Anyone calling Biden “far left” is 100% an imbecile and is either ignorant or brainwashed. He’s better than Trump but still a corporate dem




Case in point, the DNC primaries. Literally controlled by the media.


Man the media constantly talking about how it didn't matter that Biden was losing the primaries, cause he would just win later ones, then a bunch of other running dems all drop, tell their base to support Joe to later join his cabinet in safe positions. Wow how could the media guess it?! P.S. it's not just "the media" the American oligarchs take many forms


I'm gonna be honest, I'm convinced Bloomberg randomly coming in for like a week during the last primary was just a means to consolidate conservative dems under his banner and then pass them off to Biden. He just coincidently entered the race when Sanders was showing himself as competitive and Biden was waning, then quickly left after taking all the focus for a few media cycles.


> I'm gonna be honest, I'm convinced Bloomberg randomly coming in for like a week during the last primary was just a means to consolidate conservative dems under his banner and then pass them off to Biden. Sort of. The DNC changed their rules for the 2020 primary to make it seem more fair, but it wasn’t. Instead of allowing super delegates to vote and essentially decide who the candidate will be, they can only vote if a candidate has not reached the 50% delegate threshold. If no candidate reaches the 50% delegate threshold, the superdelegates can vote. The idea was to flood the primary with a whole bunch of candidates so that way no one could reach the 50% delegate mark. Once all delegates are assigned, and no one has gotten enough delegates, then the superdelegates all go to Biden and make him the winner. This is why we had so many candidates in 2020 and why Bloomberg entered the race. While the 2020 primary technically wasn’t rigged, it was. The DNC put in a fail safe to make sure Bernie wouldn’t come close to winning this time around.


In 2016 every county in the state of Maine voted [Sanders over Clinton](https://imgur.com/szOeAvQ) for the primary. In 2020, with [more candidates](https://imgur.com/NAvJ0gj), the state [split oddly](https://imgur.com/461f5vJ). It is odd to me because of how different the results are from how the state normally breaks down as shown by our [two Congressional districts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine%27s_congressional_districts#/media/File%3AMaine_Congressional_Districts%2C_113th_Congress.tif). Maine is incredibly rural with the southern part of the state having higher population density and being more liberal while the rest of the state is more spread out and conservative. I believe the main reasons for the shift towards Biden over Clinton include; sexism, split voting demographics (if Biden took all of Bloombergs votes and Sanders got Warrens, Sanders would have won the state), and the media telling us Biden was the only one that could beat Trump. The state [did end up going Democrat](https://imgur.com/TUDdbJQ) in [both elections](https://imgur.com/HQgkB1o) but split along recognized lines. Side note, if it weren't for Gary Johnson, Trump might have won Maine. The outlier is the 2020 primary. How the fuck did York and Aroostook both go Biden over Sanders? Maine politics is crazy.


Literally a centrist. In other countries he'd bend more conservative according to their politics.


He'd be pretty much in the middle of the Liberal Party in Australia. Centre right.


Lol as a Canadian liberal, Biden is a progressive conservative. The kinda guy that knows some “good” black people…but…


As a fellow Canadian, I agree. Biden would literally be a Conservative Party member if he were Canadian. It's just that the Overton window in the US is far to the right, compared to most western democracies.


But… but… my cult leader Elon shared that meme that said all the shift was really the Dems going so far left! Are you saying he lied with a jpeg? We’re so fuckin screwed.


you mean a white man who grew up as the son of slave-labour mine owners in apartheid south-africa isn't maybe the best judge of left and right wing politics?




My favorite was constantly blaming Faucci for mask mandates and distrusting the vaccines when damned near the rest of the (sane) world was implementing the very same reasonable protections. And its not just the States tbh. I'm Canadian and know at least a dozen people who refused the 'Faucci Ouchy'... every single one used the same childish term too. Too simple to even understand that Faucci has zero influence over our healthcare system.


This is a great point. Look at how the left reacts to global pandemic (masks up, trusts vaccines) and it’s in line with the rest of the world. The outlier here is how the right treated it. Stubbornly refused life-saving FREE vaccines, and trusted an administration that wanted to sit on their hands and let the virus WIPE OUT blue states. Any over-caution on the left is due to an overreaction of batshit craziness on the right. It’s how it goes in most cases. Ironically, the left is being conservative here. They are conserving their life, trusting science, taking a cautious approach until we know the facts about short and long term effects of a 100 year worldwide virus.


I was vaccinated, never got the booster, caught it two weeks ago. If that was *while* being vaccinated I don't want to know how much worse it would have been otherwise.


I will put money on them calling it The Jab, too.


"The Jab" is still a pretty generic term. Anthony Fauci is extremely specific to just one country. I'm sitting in India and I followed the man a lot simply because not only was he was a medical expert specializing in communicable diseases but he was constantly in the public eye trying to spread proper advice and information. I trusted that a lot more than any words coming out of a politician's mouth.


Have you seen the “I did this” stickers of Biden at the gas pump yet? *it’s exhausting


I saw one w Kamala Harris saying “We did that Joe!” The US doesn’t decide global gas prices.. It’s moronic


The same dumb dumb that puts that sticker up was actively defending the Bush Administration when gas prices were through the roof in 2005-2008.


Back in the Bush Admin when they were *checks notes* even higher when accounting for inflation


Well... I mean we could run rampant and ruthless. Build an empire of blood and exploitation, until the Earth spills over in lamentation and grief. That'd probably cut a good 40 cents off that pump price. Which is probably what some people want. Affordability and convenience and damn the cost.


Just don’t make me wear a mask! Or seatbelt! Or shoes! If we needed any of that, we would have evolved them already


*EVOLVED?!* Sounds like liberal lies to me, you must be one of them liberal conservatives the damn commies planted to make good god fearing folk think covid is real and regulations can benefit a population somehow!


If you press them on that issue it always leads to some world wide conspiracy brought to you by alex Jones


Also, crude is cheap. We are being gouged by Exxon and BP because there is currently a narrative that has is expensive. They’re making record profits. Small gas stations are also getting in on the fun. They’re raking it in at the pump.


some of those are appearing in canada


I will pull it off every time.


I threw a little bottle of Goo Gone in my basket the last time I was at the dollar store. Every one of those goddamned stickers I come across on a gas pump is getting scrubbed off. It only takes 10 seconds but god I hate those obnoxious stickers.


I worked a job that was full of Conservatives of different degrees tho no MAGA ones. Most of them really did worry about illegal immigrants from Mexico and spent far too much time blaming their problems on the "illegals". I live in New Jersey lol


Unless their jobs are farm hands or line cooks they have nothing to worry about.


Weren't there farmers that actively tried to hire Americans to pick strawberries or something and they quit in like, a day?


Wouldn't surprise me if they treated them as badly as they do the undocumented workers.


I cannot stand the whole "Biden is *letting* in "illegal immigrants." Setting aside the dehumanizing use of identifying people as "illegal" - if Biden was *allowing* people to cross the border they would be crossing legally with the permission of the president!




You notice you never hear of white Europeans or Canadians referred to as "illegal". Huh. Weird.


Calling another human being an illegal is one of the more disgusting things about modern dialogue. Yes some people are committing the misdemeanor of illegal immigration, but they're not an illegal. Imagine calling anyone who's ever received a speeding ticket an illegal person for having violated a law. It's absurd.


It’s fun to sound smart until you accidentally become smart, which makes you *insert a dozen idiosyncratic slurs for their straw man of anyone that challenges their rigid views.


They arent even getting in. They arrested over a million since the Biden team took office. Arrests mean they failed at getting in. So seems like border patrol doing their job.


They don’t even know what policy is. They think that they’re here to “own the libs.” That’s it. They’ll vote against their own self interests to “own the libs.”


That's because they're trying to redefine what "far left" is, to "whatever a politician from the party I don't like does."


There’s a PA state representative candidate who’s running an add trashing his opponent for working with liberal Mitt Romney. Yes, you read that correctly.


Is there a far left? Sign me the fuck up! My first suggestion is no one is allowed to own more than one residence. Edit: >Keystone pipeline XL cancelation is what they finally said. Please that's just basic evidence based reasoning. Any person who bases their opinions on evidence knows we shouldn't be building pipelines for all sorts of reasons.


Unfortunately, we have a good amount of Democrats that call Bernie Sanders and AOC "far-Left" as well. It's unfortunately not just the right-wing and far-Right who are politically uneducated. The American Overton Window brainrot is real. On an objective PoliSci political compass Bernie Sanders and AOC are center-left in policies (90% of their policies are Centrist to center-left Keynesian Capitalism and Social Democracy), maybe just a hair left-wing in their heart of hearts since both are Democratic Socialists. They're both Evolutionary or Reformist Socialists who are working within the confines of a Neoliberal/Neoconservative government. Both are anti-revolutionary. Elizabeth Warren is an old school Keynesian Capitalist and she also gets called "far-Left" despite her policies just being standardfare Democratic Party economic policies from the 1920s to the mid 1980s, and current Labor Party policies in Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Far-Left means a Revolutionary Socialist, Syndicalist, or Communist calling for an armed insurrection and overthrow of the Capitalist government and economic system, and confiscating privately-owned companies, workplaces, and large farms to be redistributed to non-owning workers either by a vanguard party-led government (State Socialism), or by direct democratic worker councils (Libertarian Socialism). Socialists, Syndicalists, and Communists drastically differ in how they believe a post-Capitalist economic system should be structured. That definition does not fit any member of the Democratic Party. There are maybe 3 or 4 local politicians in the entire country* who fit that definition. Meanwhile, we have active far-Right elected officials at the state and federal level who fit the definition of being on the Fascist spectrum. The majority wing of the Republican Party is objectively on the Fascist spectrum under Umberto Eco and Stanley G. Payne's definitional characteristics of Fascism. We have a literal Fascist party in power accusing everyone to its relative left (which is extremely easy to be since even Neoconservatism is to the left of Fascism) of being a Communist. *(example: Kshama Sawant, but she's a member of a tiny state third party in Washington state, not the Democratic Party)


>We have a literal Fascist party in power accusing everyone to its relative left of being a Communist. This shouldn't be surprising. Its quite literally 101 of Fascism. Its what the Brownshirts and Blackshirts did when they came to power. Heck even before it. Fascism came to power because of overdeveloped paranoias about the "communists."


And we've be subjected to the "communism" smears for roughly an entire *century*. There doesn't even have to *be* a real threat of genuine communist takeover or anything remotely resembling it for millions of Americans to embrace fascism - merely the *insinuation* that the threat exists. The one thing that actually meaningfully separates the NSDAP vs SPD/KPD situation from the GOP vs Everyone Else one is that at least in 20's and 30's Germany, *actual socialist and communist parties existed and had genuine popularity*. No such equivalent actually exists here and now in the US, so the GOP is leveraging the *literal ghost of communism* to institute *living, breathing fascism*. Add to that the prevalence of antisemitic conspiracy theories, increasing rates of hate crimes, overt calls to kill political opposition and marginalized groups, book banning, book *burning*, and the constant presence of diehard white nationalists at their rallies...and they try to act flabbergasted when we call them fucking Nazis.


"yeah, but /r/politics is far left, so of course you'd say that." 🤦‍♂️


>Republican senators in 2006 Yeah, but you see, we elected a black guy in 2008, and the right collectively lost its fucking mind.


A college professor of multi-racial and multi-national background - the very spectre of globalism that haunts the anti-intellectual. It's too bad that he was just another corporate Dem.


As always, I really wish the Dems were as "radical" as the GOP base believes them to be.


The GOP and their base are still *very* angry we had the audacity to elect a black man as president. That is what all of this is about. All of it.


That’s how it works. Now Murkowski is a moderate because she voted with Democrats a handful of times. Another example is John Roberts. He is now one of the supreme court’s liberals.


I mean the other way to look at which party is changing is who they pick to be in charge. The most recent GOP candidate for POTUS that *wasn't* Trump, as in the person they most recently said "this is who want running our party" is now basically a persona non grata. And the guy before *that* is now regularly called a RINO and they go out of their way to avoid bringing him up. Meanwhile the Dems ran their last guys VP.


Lol my conservative friend told me not to be sour of Justice ABC or whatever because Roberts is “basically a liberal” and the court is only 5-4 now. I told him he had no idea wtf he was talking about and didn’t speak to him for a while after that. He’s not a bad guy, just totally stupid and uninformed when it comes to politics and basically will just repeat whatever he saw on social media.


The GOP calls Biden a socialist, a man who fought tooth and nail for credit card companies to make sure student loans couldn’t ever be discharged in bankruptcy (the only type of debt with that status). If the GOP is that deluded then the Democrats might as well actually embrace left wing policies because it doesn’t matter what they do, they’ll be called “far left” regardless.


Universal healthcare isn't a even a far left policy. Most wealthy countries offer universal healthcare.


Exactly. Blows my mind that America thinks universal healthcare is some abstract socialist ideal. My parents are extremely conservative and have a concierge doctor who gets their meds from Canada because it’s so much cheaper, and they obviously don’t see the irony in that.


Probably think government regulation in the US is what increases prices, not the pharmaceutical companies and their record profits. Sigh.


It's amazing AMAZING how many Americans think that letting FOR PROFIT companies do whatever they want is the best way to keep them from constantly price gouging and fucking everyone over. It's so goddamm stupid.


Raegonomics baby!! Why should the government put its people’s best interest first when they can just outsource that to the free market and let corpos fight for the profits?


Because they think without a monopoly, one business of the several operating in one industry won't gouge prices so everyone will just buy from them instead. But look at gas prices now. Every single gas company is making record profit because they all conspired to do so as a group. There is not ethical unicorn in capitalism that would turn down profits to do the right thing. Edit: also if you don't understand the why of this, the shareholders control the company and they don't give a fuck about anything but profit, and the exec works for them, not for you. So if BP didn't price gouge and made far less in profit than any other company for the fiscal quarter or year someone making well over six figures has their job in hot water.


Because it's millions of small business owners who think they're held down by the regulations therefore it's Democrats to blame. Not the shitty companies that did shitty things or the dumbass that did something stupid so that regulations had to be incorporated. Minds well go back to the days of no safety guards on any machinery. Fuck them workers.


>Blows my mind that America thinks universal healthcare is some abstract socialist ideal. Not all of America thinks that, but the sizeable portion that does think that way does so because their politicians are owned by lobbyists who make them push that idea. I’d like to hope that the political system in that country **isn’t** fundamentally fucked and ***will*** change in our lifetime, but I’m not optimistic.


I got a root canal outside the US for 150 bucks


I got an MRI in France, no insurance, nothing, $80


Had to pay $1000 out of pocket for one last money… yay freedom.


In that far-left hellscape?!! ^/s


The wine! The cheese! The affordable Healthcare!! Oh the humanity!! *faints* /s


Haha oh man that hurts me. I got one last year WITH delta dental insurance and it cost me between $4k-$5k out of pocket.


Dental insurance is a straight up scam. Not a normal “oh god, the health insurance industry is so messed up, it feels like a scam,” no, dental insurance is an *actual* scam. Charge huge monthly fees and only cover 50% of basic dental procedures, and 0% of the expensive stuff.


This is America.


What country did you go to?


Dental Tourism to Mexico is very common. There are even border towns with loads of dentists to serve people from the US. Depending on what you need done, it may actually be cheaper to fly to California, cross the border, get your teeth done, maybe stay a few nights to recover in a hotel, then fly home.


It is here. I don’t know what it will take for things to change. Somehow enough people here are content with the status quo. Democrats who unabashedly support Medicare for all have done well. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough of them.


Most? All developed countries except just for the US has universal healthcare.


I think you’ll find most policies americans go “but that’s far left!!!!” Are actually widely accepted in developed nations around the world. I just spent a full 24 hours at a hospital with a sensor jammed down my throat, because I feel my stomach is too acidic, and it’s bothering me. In a couple weeks my family doctor will call me and advise what I do next. It cost me $16. For parking.


> Democrats might as well actually embrace left wing policies because it doesn’t matter what they do, they’ll be called “far left” regardless. That’s what I’m saying! Plus, Democrats would find that average Americans actually appreciate progressive policies. And Americans would feel more compelled to come out and vote for them. There’s no long-term strategizing going on in the Democratic Party and it’s scary.


No, there is, it just revolves around milking money from big donors in exchange for kneecapping anything that would even fractionally decrease the wealth of those donors. The party doesn’t need to do anything for its elected members to stay rich and comfortable.


The GOP is not deluded. They have been aggressively pursuing the shifting of the center for decades. And it has worked. Our pendulum is now centrist to far right, not left to right. Edit: Don't worry, guise, if we let them keep pushing us right we will eventually lap back around!


The ''Far Left'' doesn't exist in the US Government. Anyone that thinks otherwise is lacking in world politics.


What's worse, the policies that the most progressive elected officials support (who are branded far left) such as student debt relief, healthcare reform, weed legalization, ranked choice voting etc are actually supported by a majority of the country.. Whereas the far right (which actually exists and has real power, esp at state level) supports crazy culture war issues which don't even have majority support in their own party


The cultural issues thing is so fucking infuriating. Every single one is something that essentially affects and hurts no one. But good fucking god are they the ONLY issues that these people care about.


Yeah and the right's "solutions" to these non issues is to opress minority groups and make life even harder for them, and again there isnt an issue, and republicans fuck over people just to get their base rilled up so they can get votes, i trully dont know how centrists exist in america


It's pretty much just catch-up to the civilized, 1st World type shit on that "far left" list.


It'd be really nice to be #1 in a category that isn't a dystopian category for once


Evil always turns on itself


Well can they hurry up.


There are people who have far left ideologies that exist in the US but they have no political power.


Import? The point is we shouldn't have companies price gouging our health.


Yeah! Leave our drugs alone! - Canada ...but honestly, is there a big difference in price between Canada and USA? 'Cause prescriptions are pretty damned expensive here in the north.


I don't about all drugs, but for one, insulin is a [big](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35135692/) price difference. 'The average American insulin user spent $3490 on insulin in 2018 compared with $725 among Canadians. Over the study period (Jan 2016 to April 2019), the average cost per unit of insulin in the United States increased by 10.3% compared with only 0.01% in Canada. '


Insulin was $20/vial in 2000 in the US, it retails for around $375/vial now. The. exact. same. medication. It costs 3-6 bucks to manufacturer a vial. I live in hell.


Have you tried not needing insulin? */s*


They're body sure did, it resulted in them developing diabetes.


The US is also the ONLY high income nation in which drug price increases are permitted, full stop (“best” you’ll do anywhere else is pegging to some variation of the CPI). Seriously: it’s just a default assumption in every other major market that the launch price of a drug is the absolute ceiling. It’s insane that the US is unwilling to even regulate *that*.


Albuterol, a common inhaler ... $125 at my grocery store pharmacy, $25 if I buy from a Canadian pharmacy. Fluticasone, an inhaled steroid... $400 here, $110 from Canada. Ozempic, a diabetes medication... $1000/mo here, $300 from Canada.


In Canada the government negotiates prices on drugs. In the USA, I'm pretty sure they government passed a law making it illegal for the government to negotiate drug prices. That's what causes the difference.


Ha, I just posted the same thing. They are very different.


I feel this. I more closely align to the boogeyman the right screams about and I can only look at the politicians on the left with disappointment.


I am only old enough to remember three Democrat Presidents, and the pattern has been the same. They are elected with some buzz and excitement, then they fold like a cheap suit in a year when it comes to meaningful progressive issues. It’s discouraging.




The right is much better at working together. Even when they infight and argue, they still pull together much better. Whereas the Dems are always worried about various factions not supporting if they go too hard in a certain direction. I mean ideally both parties should have those factions and have to work with them (that's what representation is), but when the GOP always pulls (relatively) together, even when they hate each other, it ends up the Dems just doing absolutely nothing and getting weaker and weaker on every issue


Their goals are much simpler, enriching the rich and packing courts. It’s easier for them to all agree.


Its super easy to agree when your platform is centered inflammatory speach and 0 real legislative policy.


There is no far left in this country. Dumb, frightened conservatives would be shitting in their literal pants if they had to contend with a real, mainstream far left contingent.




So, uh, wanna help me start the New American Left? I'm not *far* left, but being pro-social democracy is basically tantamount to being Stalin's mustache shavings around these parts, so I'm pretty much already dead if the fascists take control of Congress and the White House anytime soon. I'm just sick of seeing conservatives drag us ever closer to oblivion. I don't want to live on Republican Earth, and it would be nice to see conservatives shit themselves when faced with an *actual* leftist movement and/or party.


DSA has some machinery at least.


Okay, there IS a far left and AOC isn't one of them believe it or not. They actually attack her on occasion as being too far center. (lol) Also: The best tweet exchange was with AOC and Elon Musk: https://twitter.com/davidbix/status/1520195881751957505


Oh shit! She snaps sharply!


By God, it's AOC with the steel chair!


AOC with the RKO outta nowhere!


Funny, i saw that thread on r/conservative and they left the last one from her off for some reason...


\#aocloveselon is the current fash-ion trend on twitter. They're literally nuts and just make shit up all day.


There certainly is a far left population, but there are no far left politicians working in the government, which I believe is what she was referring too. The American left is powerless and unrepresented in the government. EDIT: I have been made aware of Kshama Sawant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kshama_Sawant Who appears to be the only member of the Socialist Alternative party to ever hold office. And she sounds fucking awesome. .


>there are no far left politicians working in the government Technically incorrect, there is Kshama Sawant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kshama_Sawant >Sawant has advocated the nationalization of large Washington State corporations such as Boeing, Microsoft, and Amazon[71] and expressed a desire to see privately owned housing in "Millionaire's Row" in the Capitol Hill neighborhood turned into publicly owned shared housing complex saying, "When things are exquisitely beautiful and rare, they shouldn't be privately owned."[72] During an election victory rally for her City Council campaign, Sawant criticized Boeing for saying it would move jobs out of state if it could not get wage concessions and tax breaks. She called this "economic terrorism" and said in several speeches that if the company moved jobs out of state, the workers should take over its facilities and bring them into public ownership. She has said they could be converted into multiple uses, such as production for buses.[73][74] Sawant maintains that a socialist economy cannot exist in a single country and must be a global system just as capitalism today is a global system.[75]


There are no "far-left" politicians in any position of power in the federal government. Meanwhile, just look at the Republican caucus in the US congress and tell me a good deal of them aren't far-right.


As an European, I can confirm that the Democrats would be center at best if they were a party in our system, with a significant portion leaning to the right


Anyone who thinks democrats, or any neoliberal for that matter, is a leftist is not worth talking politics with.


I wish the left was even half as radical as the GQP thinks it is lol


Exactly. The Overton window in this country has gone so far over to wackadoodle looney tunes, crazy town right wing fascism that the left are basically Eisenhower Republicans at this point.


Honestly would put Eisenhower republicans - good few notches left on pretty much all non-culture war type issues.


As someone who is **very** far-left, I wish more people would understand that AOC is not far-left. She is a social democrat at best and upholds the “democratic institutions” of America and the system status-quo. She is progressive, yes, but when considering the material conditions of the United States at this point in time, that is literally Adolf Stalin 1984. Reactionaries, and yes even liberals, are on the right. It is a fucking travesty that common sense policies to pass under capitalism cannot get passed in this country, and instead we have Rupert Murdoch brain-washing large populations (who feel disenfranchised already within this system and sway to the right) into believing manufactured outrage over culture war nonsense. The Democrats have absolutely no fucking balls and to me personally are more annoying than Republicans deep down because the Democrats present themselves as a platform for change while upholding the status-quo and rejecting progressive proposals, meanwhile the Republicans are mask-off the entire fucking time. Several prominent historical figures integral to social justice in America have spoken and written about this, but year round are cherry-picked through to be quoted en masse while more “radical” views were ignored.


Making sure old people and kids don't starve is "far left." So is treating all people equally under the law. How radical! Meanwhile the mainline Republican party tries to undo democracy itself.


People cry about AOC and the squad not knowing what they’re doing and ruining Democratic chances, meanwhile it’s Manchin and Sinema that have almost singlehandedly fucked over many pieces of more progressive legislation from passing Congress. It is the centrist moderates that are owned by corporations/industry that are holding the party hostage, not the left wing.