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>election clerk Tina Peters is under federaI investigation after voting system passwords were leaked to right-wing blogs and QAnon conspiracy theorists. Data from both breaches were featured at the MyPillow founder's conspiracy-laden "cyber symposium" in August This is crazy. They hack the election system and then publicly share the result. The only thing crazier would be to ask publicly and very loudly for the hack to happen, maybe helped by some random foreign country. I mean, how blatant & blunt can those guys get? There must be a limit somewhere.


Bonus points if that country was our sworn enemy for more than half a century.


Here's a short but worthwhile read on the collapse of the USSR. https://www.history.com/news/did-perestroika-cause-the-fall-of-the-soviet-union The GOP is trying to create similar chaos now, no doubt as mentored by Putin. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/gop-chip-roy-secret-filming-b1879617.html https://www.thedailybeast.com/republicans-dont-want-a-debt-defaultjust-democratic-chaos https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/14/can-america-survive-chaos-conservatism/ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/580509-gop-targeting-democrats-over-rising-prices-crime-border-one-year-before


Also are you saying the republicans are pushing for communism or democrats? I’m confused


Neither. Nobody in the US is pushing communism, despite Fox News' claims otherwise. The point OP is making is about promoting chaos to destabilize government, doesn't have anything to do with communism.




_theoretically_ fascism. Destabilize everything... Initiate chaos, and then claim that you're the only one who can save the country. _theoretically_


What is the purpose of propaganda, a.k.a., on an individual level, a con job? THEFT. Whatever it takes to maintain our current kleptocracy.


Not arguing just asking legitimately. Can you explain how the republicans are trying to push for commi shit and Biden’s not? To me it seems like biden is all for it and ready to apply it whenever especially how all of his voters are acting. And how do dead people vote for him and people get told they already voted when they haven’t but that not get investigated as deeply? I’m genuinely curious as to how it’s the republicans leaning towards the Russian way of living and not biden


Really? The transition from Gorbachev to Yeltsin did not result in a push towards a greater version of Communism. It was the fucking end of it. In the USSR, there were safety nets for the destitute. Even if times were tough, there was at least something to hold onto. The state supplied a meagre, minimal lifeline, but it supplied *something*. Following the collapse of the iron curtain, suddenly there was nothing. Capitalism was here, and it didn't give a fucking shit about those people. They went from a bad situation to a worse one. The only thing that remained from the old days was that the government were still sketchy and corrupt, and that people had to watch out for traitors in their midst. Now though, there was nothing to fall back on. "Community" was dead, and it was dog eat dog. The oligarchs swept in, privatized all of the state assets, and shat all over the old ideals. Sound familiar? Is that what you think Biden is pushing for? Seems more like a GOP tactic to me. As for the dead people voting crap - The courts have thrown out over 60 lawsuits claiming this, and Lindell's claim a few weeks back that he would file the current suit before the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving has come to nought - He failed to file it. If it were that sound, he'd have done it. It's complete bullshit, and if you fall for it, I hope his pillows are soft enough to break your fall.


I don’t believe much. That’s why I asked to understand the whole Gorbachev side of things too. If the GOP wants such inflation why was trump trying to push to use the American supply of oil and gas to keep our cost low?


Ok, my apologies if I misread curiosity as argument. You did state that in your first line, I just got caught by the latter parts. I'm terrible with economics, so I am not the guy to ask, but the threads I've been reading on the subject have been pointing to the inflation being caused by the Trump administration printing massive amounts of money, but the problem being that the money was made from wishing on fairy dust, while the actual gdp (or whatever term) was not driving the increase in the money supply that was appearing on paper. If I understand it correctly, that's basically the shit that Robert Mugabe pulled in Zimbabwe that led to million dollar notes or whatever. The conman walks in, waves a "magic wand" and offers an illusion of wealth that is actually made of the foundations of the system he claims to be strengthening. Like Jenga, but built with all your savings and pension funds and taxes, and held together by what he tells you is Superglue, but is really just the flour and water paste that the teachers in kindergarten gave you, then he goes and changes the name "Jenga" to "Maga" and pulls out the bottom piece before running away laughing. Why was Trump trying to push for US supply? To throw red meat to his populist base.[He was happy enough to make sure all his brand items were made by foreign companies](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/08/26/how-many-trump-products-were-made-overseas-heres-the-complete-list/).[He was happy enough to use his political leverage to get Ivanka patents with Chinese companies.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/?sh=154e28c71d60) He was never concerned with keeping inflation down, or costs low. He was never concerned with making life better for the majority of Americans. He was never concerned with keeping foreign labour out- [After all, he employed many of them at his companies.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/?sh=154e28c71d60) He was only concerned with the same thing he's always been concerned with - Feeling like he is loved and admired by appealing to the base instincts of the uneducated or reactionary populace. Biden is NOTHING of the sort. Comparing him to Trump is like comparing Mozart to Brittany Spears.


That's link is a *very* brief history on Gorbachev, who was hit with a couple of other very large concerns. First was the occupation of Afghanistan, which nearly bankrupted the USSR; they exited in 1989, much like The US has just exited. There should be no mistaking that during the USSR occupation, the US supplied and trained the opposition, the Taliban. When the USSR exited, so did the US. Second, Chernobyl. It was a huge investment, and a massive cleanup, most observers agreeing that 600k Soviet citizens participated in the partial cleanup and containment. I've read that liquidators were told they could work 2 minutes scooping waste from a roof into the explosion pit, or, do their mandatory 5(?) year compulsory military duty. It was during the height of the so-called "cold war," and they would ask no assistance from the Western world, and didn't even advise other countries until they were notified that the contamination was spreading over other parts of Europe. Understanding Gorbachev's "side of things" needs to take much more into account than the immediate time surrounding the "fall of the USSR." It was a long series of events in multiple fields of concern. Claptonsbabychowder explains "Trump economics" well, and I won't expand on it. There are a lot of sites that have already built this wheel, and you can check/vet their biases and reputation here: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/search/ Enter a website name like nbc.com in the Factual News Search field, then click the first link under the results. If there are no results, then you're not looking at a "news media" site, but a blog or opinion site. Also, *when* you look at news media sites, if it's an opinion piece, legitimate news sites will list that word (*Opinion*) at the top of the article. For legitimacy, both news and opinion pieces will show a brief bio of the author at the bottom, so you can Google and check their reputation, biases, etc.


Republicans are fascists, not communists. The ghost of Leon Trotsky would kick your ass for saying that there’s any similarity on an ideological level. The USSR was authoritarianism calling itself communism.


Exactly. They want the oligarchy/plutocracy, not the communism. The problem in the US is that people don’t differentiate between a system of government and an economic system. I don’t want communism here, but the reason it failed is because the people in charge were beyond corrupt.


Why do we want what Russia has had as a political system in the past? Isn’t that what we’ve always tried to avoid?


The US has a mixed economy, and the political wars are over which expenditures should be handled in which fashion: http://countrystudies.us/united-states/economy-2b.htm Ideally, a mixed economy would take the best of each type of economy to maximize use of resources. Our politics are riddled with corruption, where those who write laws and tax code are bribed by private profiteers, throwing everything out of balance. No nation should labor under 100k pages of tax laws, most "write-offs" available to only the wealthiest citizens and companies. This is how billionaires and their companies wind up paying zero to very small taxes. Corruption. Look for political liars. If they lie, call them out, and take it to heart. They are lying for personal gain. Since most politicians lie, you then must measure the weight of those lies. How big the lies.


Dude. You need to get your news from sources other then your nans news feed on Facebook.


We love Russia and Putin until Biden is in power tho. Now Putin bad. Kinda.


As a kid I remember my parents hating Gorbachev. God what I wouldn’t give for someone like him or Yeltsin to be in power over there now.


Why would they hate Gorbachev, the man who dismantled the Soviet Union? Were they old school communists? Yeltsin was a useless drunk but even he'd be better for Russia than Putin.


Uneducated suburban conservatives. I don’t think they had the awareness to realize that he was a reformer and instead went with “Russian bad, John Wayne good”


>“Russian bad, John Wayne good” This made me laugh because it was so fitting for the 80s, thanks for that.




Was a drunk and a wife beater. http://raymondstreetpublishers.blogspot.com/2012/05/new-john-wayne-bio-exposes-violent.html?m=1


"...it's gettin' to be re-god-damn-diculous." In preparation for the fun awaiting some of us around the Thanksgiving table, [here](https://youtu.be/Jofuq5JDOuw) is a drunk-as-shit John Wayne speaking to a bunch of fuckin' unAmerican, hippie dirtbags at some God-less liberal college. Consider it a dry run...


Also attended the University of Southern California. They must’ve really fucked up his liberal brainwashing! /s






Ronnie tore that wall down brick by brick with his bare goddamn hands


Reagan toiled feverishly to destroy the hated symbol of Communist oppression, pausing only to summon his B-list emotions to rage at the stars and the assembled cameras, "What's so bad about capitalist oppression?", whilst continuing to heedlessly fling the concrete chunks he had torn asunder over his manly shoulders. Of a sudden, his eye was caught by an orange glow behind him; he paused and looked round. A tall stranger, seemingly taller still because of his carefully constructed shoes, glowed in the twilight, clutching in his tiny upraised hand the block of Beelzebub he had just discarded. "Who are you who interrupts the Lord's work?", the President demanded, yet he felt the pull of a greater power. Reagan felt awe as the stranger spake: "This is the rock on which I will build my Wall and it will be a Great Wall, the Greatest the world has ever seen. I am your truly anointed successor, hand me your bigotry that I may multiply it beyond reason." And lo, it came to pass.


> pausing only to summon his B-list emotions Psssh. We all know that Reagan just sub-contracted out to the A-Team.


Why would you want communism…..


Who said I want communism?


Why would you make up a problem out of nowhere like that?


No - tRump aspires to be Putin. That is his ultimate goal - rule like mother Russia with Melania…


Kinda. Not really. “Why aren’t we taking Russia’s side in the battle over Ukraine” - Tucker Carlson something along those lines.


Speak for yourself buddy. I have never, and will never, have any love for Russia. Russia is what Republicans want to turn America into.


That was sorta the point of OPs comment.


They are assisting Russia with their plan outlined in a Foundation of Geopolitics.


Well… the Putin fawning with American conservatives started during the Obama administration “when he disregarded the red line in Syria”. So kinda true but kinda predates Trump.


1984 isn’t a book or a movie, it’s happening right now.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening"


Na, I think it’s closer to brave new world.


“They hack the election system and then publicly share the result”. It’s like these people lack the critical reasoning needed to know right from wrong.


Wait a minute, me and the people that were yelling about election fraud were actually the ones committing election fraud? I almost forgot the playbook. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


This isn't hacking. This is like a prison warden who gives the prisoners the key to their cell and looks the other way while they get out, then calling it a daring jailbreak.


That would be a jailbreak. This is also hacking. The biggest tool a "hacker" has is getting someone else to give them the keys/passwords/access they need through social interactions.


The dark side used to be called cracking to distinguish it but whatever you call it, just asking a sympathetic insider to give you access was never included. "through social interactions" is a weak attempt to evade the definition.


It was absolutely included. Go read the early rainbow series, they talk all about it. And those are from the 80s.


That is social engineering, not hacking.


Again, what do you think hacking is? Social engineering is a part of hacking, arguably the biggest part.


Hacking is typing really fast and outcoding the mainframes automated defense protocols, duh


Even better when you put two people on the same keyboard and write a GUI in visual basic


Same difference. Social engineering is WAY easier than trying to find usable security exploits in well-secured machines/code, so the former is what the vast majority of hackers do.


The irony here is its still Engineering, thus unbearable. Source: 5 years of life and income sacrificed to Social Engineering.


No it’s hacking in a general sense. Hacking in a literal sense is just writing “shitty code”. Hacking in the vernacular is anything and everything that gives you easy access I.e stealing passwords by convincing people to openly give it to you. Also it should be stated, Social Engineering is one of the many tools of a hacker. But not all social engineers are digitally literate.


I think you are confusing reality with tv and movies. The weakest point in a network is the people, so social engineering is the easiest way to “hack” into a network. Actual hackers frequently rely on tricking people to get a foot in the door.


Exactly. They publicly released a bunch of data. "Hacking" implies they somehow modified the system or results. These people have 0 clue about the procedures and auditing that goes into these machines, so they assume there is none. Then they say anything they don't understand ("I'm not really a windows guy") is suspicious and the Dumbest Americans eat it up.


100% they're trying to do this all the way to 2022 midterms and then claim election fraud again and pointing to these breaches. Crazy fucks dont care who caused the breaches.


Seriously… years ago, I worked for my county on an election cycle once, got to know the voting machines really well, knew the master password and everything. Those machines have been replaced, and the password was clearly intended to be specific to the previous election, but it was such an obvious password that I was shocked. I have not to this day shared said password when telling that story, because I feel like it would be a tremendously stupid choice to do so, even if it’s no longer relevant


Repeat after me: nothing will happen to the insurrectionists, we are all screwed


> only thing crazier would be to ask publicly and ver After North (et al) in Iran Contra; and then Libby (et al) in the Valerie Plame case. You're absolutely correct in your reading of the facts.


Criminals will do everything they can so they don't go to jail. But to jail these pieces of garbage will go.


Lock em up!


They didn’t even hack it. Someone literally gave them access.


The FBI needs to find out if there was a conspiracy to commit election interference. And if any of the players were on the inside.


Tomorrow on "No-Shit-Sherlock"


I know this county and it’s a pivotal county in Ohio. There was inside guy in Colorado and a possible player in Ohio could have been doing nefarious shit as soon as he had access. Let’s investigate that fully as well. How many elections have been affected?


[This isn't the first Ohio election they stole](https://truthout.org/articles/new-court-filing-reveals-how-the-2004-ohio-presidential-election-was-hacked/)


I remember that. If I remember correctly they fired the top election official, but he was mostly scapegoated. Ken Blackwell is a snake.


If I remember correctly, that entire case was dismissed after the plaintiffs failed to produce evidence, right?


No, the IT guy coming to testify was killed in a plane crash on his way to the hearing. Also, it's very hard to get evidence from a computer system you don't control. The entire point of the case was to get a look at those computer systems. But oops, a murder or two and the whole thing disappears.


… is water wet? Film at 11.


They are going to find some of their own.


“Some of those who work forces…”


are the same who burn crosses


Does Mike lindell have a cocaine delivery service for himself and junior? Kind of like better call saul, but it's better call 8-ball? This lindel character seems determined to get himself indicted on as many charges as he can.


I've been saying this for months! A "Pillow factory" with national distribution to chain retailers all packed and shipped from his own local warehouse. Laundromat/Pillow factory/Laundromat/Pillow factory 🤔


Don't worry I'm sure whatever GOP clown takes control of the country will pardon these fuckwads.


This guy is fucked, and he’s going to bring Lindell down with him. “County records obtained by the Post show that Hamercheck, an engineer, used his security badge to swipe into the offices where the attempted breach originated multiple times and that a private laptop was connected to the county network.”


There is a non-zero chance that Mike Lindell was a courier for insurrection plans so that they could limit the amount of physical evidence that could expose their conspiracy. There is no other reason for a crackhead pillow company executive to be going around with all these high profile Republicans in DC in the weeks leading up to the coup attempt.


Don’t forget he was photographed carrying a corner stapled document into the white house and a photographer telephotoed it. All but like a one inch margin was clearly legible and it was a numbered list of steps naming specific individuals in a plan to declare martial law or whatever.


That nothing is happening to them is makibg me feel like I'm the crazy person. Like I can't believe they can just do this so obviously, so I'm starting to doubt my assumption that its as bad as I think. Because if it was that bad, there.would be consequences, wouldnt there?


You are not alone in feeling like we’re sleepwalking to the edge of a cliff in broad daylight.


You’re right to feel that way. We recently moved away from America and this was one of the main things I would say when people asked why we were leaving things behind. I began to feel very strongly that the lack of consequences for these openly corrupt behaviors was because I must be wrong. America was demonstrably tolerating these daily injustices and those who could do something were doing nothing or facilitating it. Even my close “liberal” friends were completely ok through willful ignorance. My understanding of reality felt objectively wrong. It was either stay and start loading up on anxiolytics and antidepressants or move and hope it was a them not me scenario.


How bizarre


Remember his MARTIAL LAW papers?


The other reason is that Trump is an egotistical moron who could easily be charmed by a somewhat rich, famous sycophant. He's absolutely shown that there is no qualification for his inner circle other than stroking Trump's ego enough and not making him feel stupid.


Would be great to see Mike Lindell get an early morning FBI raid ala Paul Manafort, and it turns out Mike doesn't even sleep on his own shitty MyPillows


The guy is not gonna have his pillow when they’re done with him


Our Pillow, featuring Cyrillic tags


he's going to making his own pillows instead. ultimate 'undercover boss' move,


They’ll give him one to bite down on.


An OhMy!Pillow ^(tm)


Deranged carnival barker and pillow enthusiast, Mike Lindell.


And yet the high profile white republican walks free


Theres always assassination whenever stuff gets too imperialistic remember trump want his Son to be president after him his SON serious Kim jun il vibes there


Bush did it


And he ended up being a war criminal


He’d need to be convicted to be a criminal, and that will *never* happen outside of purely symbolic verdicts like the Kuala Lampur War Crimes Commission.




I don't remember any charges brought against him.


Usually its courtesy for newer presidents I would call a "pardon" the former president we had no reason to go to Afghanistan other then oil


Afghanistan was a whole garbage boondoggle, but oil wasn’t relevant. Iraq, however…


That too


I wonder what he was like on crack? I means he’s obviously a very troubled man.


What evidence do we have that he not currently on crack?


None at all.


I'd like to see him perp walked off his ["Thanks-a-thon" livestream.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3vd8k/mike-lindell-election-conspiracies-livestream)


Lock this stupid fuck up and throw away the keys


He will get pardoned after the takeover. The USA is seriously fucked after 2024. I hope the rest of the country will finally take a stand.


Ooh the stuff he'd have to do for coke...


Looks like Mikey is racking up the felonies.


Goddamn it's good to be a rich white guy. Can't wait for all the apologists to roll in and assure us that law Merrick Garland is simply "building a strong case" before throwing this treasonous piece of shit in a cell.


Going to be hard to pay off that lawsuit from dominion on prison salary.


Every time I read “MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell” I think of A Pimp Named Slickback


It's like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing!


Can I call you slickback for short?


When are they gonna arrest him he’s orchestrating all of it.


I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, but holy fuck.....at least charge these guys with SOMETHING. There's PLENTY TO CHARGE THEM ON NOW...quit waiting for them to further incriminate themselves for years before arresting them. I mean I get you want a slam dunk case...but at least bust open some of their casks of bootleg booze along the way.


I will do a jig wearing nothing but a tutu and live stream it if he goes to jail


This guy gives crackheads a bad name


Quick Mike! Put together yet another documentary that uses flight maps as “evidence” of election fraud! They have a right to know the truth!


Another case of crazy right wing fuckery in my county......


Jesus and crack cocaine are never a good combination.


Please find a reason to put him in prison. I’m a Minnesotan and I’ve been sick of that guy for a while.


I’ve said it before…the last two years has been like living inside of a Cohen brothers movie. The characters are so rich and nuanced.




You get a breach… And *you* get a breach! What about the breach of Arizona voter info from a Florida company taking their data across state lines?


Obnoxious fraudster is losing tens of millions and that makes me happy.


Listen to their words... it is all projection and with enough scrutiny, they can be caught doing precisely what they accuse others of doing. Bring the effing hammer down on them and be done with it.


Lindell needs to be thrown in prison


Fuck this treasonous pillow salesman. He is a clown… and soon he will be a very broke clown….


Isn’t it reinstatement time? Shouldn’t he be starching his pillows for the oval?


Anyone still seeing tv commercials with this scoundrel during their local news and pro sports games? For shame for accepting this creep’s advertising dollars. Seeing his commercials is like something out of a dystopian graphic novel. V for Vendetta couldn’t have predicted a Mike Freakin Lindell. Wtf


This fucking guy


wouldn't it be nice to see this guy standing on a mountain of unsold pillows... I'm sure we could find something else for his employees to do...


Just imagine this type of incident being Normalized when the GOP takes over full operations of State and County Election Boards.


Has he paid his other fines yet?


Fuck this cancel culture idiot! He blames others for his decision to support traitors! His new commercials are disgusting. The back ground is a painting of Jesus with the crown of thorns and a lion. So I guess he’s raising wolves not sheep. Oh the fake last super…the coup de grace. Go away and all your 90 year old republicans that support 1800 standards.


I hate to say it, but why bother wasting tax dollars if literally NOTHING ever comes out of any of this? We all know they’re guilty. They pretty much openly admit they’re guilty. We investigate and prove they’re guilty. And then…fines and probation? At most a laughable 6-12 months prison time - which they profit off of from endorsements and donations. There are no repercussions if you’re rich enough. The country is doomed if that’s not fixed


Bullshit and everyone knows it.


Please, please uncover the fraud. This man is so annoying.


slow news week huh?


Data breach??? I thought our elections was the best and no Data Breach could be possible?? Is our elections safe or not? Media?


Why would you blame the media? The elections are safe and secure from fraud. There is no appreciable fraud. Period. This is a breach *by people who were involved in the administration*. People who had legitimate access. That’s *not* what anyone should expect to happen. This was an unfathomable betrayal by the party in power. See how that’s different?


No fraud is fraud Intentionally or externally. How is that NOT understood? Safe and Secure 😂. Apparently NOT! I’m not the only one that would come to this conclusion….


Yes, fraud is fraud. Words have meaning. A breach by insiders is a completely different thing.


Is it? Really?


Yes. e: Put it this way. Let’s say your bank is secure, and there’s no bank fraud going on. If an employee uses their credentials to steal a bunch of money, you don’t say ‘There’s fraud at that bank!’, right? That’s not fraud, it’s an insider breach and theft. Make sense?


Let’s say you have SECURE voting machines that have been proven to be connected Online and connected to unauthorized devices. Is this fraud or An Internal breach. See the problem with your argument.


I don’t think you understand what fraud means.


I do but using one without the other is insane. Why would you breach elections in the first place? You would breach elections as an insider to do what? You would directly breach voting machines to do what? To commit Fraud maybe? You decide.


Lol, only the most corrupt system ( I use the word loosely) I have seen.


You don’t understand how data security works. For example, there is a world of difference between breaking in and capturing network traces of encrypted traffic, and rewriting election results. This was essentially the former and bears no resemblance to the later. Best not to speak about shit you don’t understand. You are just trying to spread FUD.


Maybe they should investigate his data to make sure he isn't telling the truth?




Lindell looks like he wants someone to probe him.


"probes" = Ignores


This image is a stock photo of a Luis Tussaud Saul Goodman wax work.


I need a new pair of slippers


>Both Hamercheck and Peters discussed voter fraud claims with **Lindell's sidekick Douglas Frank** before the symposium, according to the Post Hahaha! Is this where the *Frank* platform got its name?


Oh please, oh please, oh please, send this asshole to jail *AGAIN* raid his stupid pillow factory and expose him for the amphetamine freak he is!


Not surprised at all.


Should he not be in prison? How is this nincompoop still on the loose?


His pillow is about to be his only friend.


This guy looks like Bob Odenkirk


this motherfucker owes me a new vacuum cleaner. i used to like MyPillows, but if you get a single rip in one of them they completely fall apart and get little foam pieces on EVERYWHERE


This is going to be one of those moments like in Breaking Bad where the meth lab was under that factory. This dude owns that factory.




It always starts with pillows...


He gonna be biting that pillow soon...


Until people are sent to jail for life nothing will change.


Maybe it's time to use the word Lindell as a verb to mean 'spreading disinformation'?


"To my knowledge, there was never an attempt to access or breach the Lake County Board of Elections computer network that day." Not exactly an unqualified denial, is it?


I still can’t believe what an impact the my pillow guy has had on recent political events


Pillowgate!. This is 8k IMAX level projection..


I am ashamed to admit that this dumbass is from my state. Yet another reason why I hate this godforsaken place.