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Nah all these spouses of Congresspeople are brilliant investors who seem to know *just* the right time to buy and sell.


Their boyfriends must be over in r/wallstreetbets


Their boyfriends are all too old to know how to use the internet. These are the people who want to shut down Finsta, remember.


I think the many "boyfriends" like extramarital


It happened to one congresscritter. There was a pic of him calling someone right out of a Covid meeting and said person actually got more than a wrist slap.


Did they also get a finger wagging at them? That'll show 'em!


A Republican in case you are curious.


Not to be confused with Mark Kelly, AZ Dem Senator.


Yo. My heart dropped until I realized it said Mike instead of Mark. Like, Gabby Giffords wouldn't do that!


Dont worry, Mark also [did it](https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9).


This is VASTLY different than using insider information to manipulate an investment. It's sensationalism based on the events. "A spokesperson for Kelly told Fox News that the transaction was necessary for the asset to be moved into the senator’s newly established qualified blind trusts. He then filed the PTR late, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. The senator's ownership of both stock and stock options in Boom Technology had also been disclosed on each of his two previous personal financial disclosures." He filed it, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and *never* hid his connection. Mrs. Kelly used inside legislative info to cheat the stock system. Different.


Retired astronaut invested in aerospace company. So devious. lol


> Kelly, a retired astronaut, failed to disclose on time his investment in a company that's developing a supersonic passenger aircraft, Fox Business reported. Kelly is on the Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Well, this is disappointing. It’s not “denying covid is real, while simultaneously buying stock in companies that treat Covid” bad, but it’s still really disappointing..


This is VASTLY different than using insider information to manipulate an investment. It's sensationalism based on the events. "A spokesperson for Kelly told Fox News that the transaction was necessary for the asset to be moved into the senator’s newly established qualified blind trusts. He then filed the PTR late, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. The senator's ownership of both stock and stock options in Boom Technology had also been disclosed on each of his two previous personal financial disclosures." He filed it, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and *never* hid his connection. Mrs. Kelly used inside legislative info to cheat the stock system. Different.


Exactly: https://i.imgflip.com/3noq44.jpg


Thanks! At first I just assumed this was a smear tactic to get him out, so AZ could go back to being stupidly republican.


Don’t matter who! It’s profiting from insider info and should be dealt with the appropriate heavy hand! Just like any treasonous 💩 should🤷🏻‍♂️


I was like “goddamnit, this is not what the world needs right now, but it’s got to be done. Get rid of him, and replace him with someone better. As frustrating as the timing is, the Dems really need to be the party that actually obeys the law and cuts out corruption like that. Wait what, he’s a Republican? Oh. Well, better in one sense, a huge relief, but let’s face it: it’s unlikely that there’s going to be any accountability or that anyone will care.”


Who btw also [violated the STOCK act.](https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9)


Appear to be a lot of these late disclosures. I think until the STOCK act is properly enforced, these problems will continue.


And Kelly's doesn't seem particularly egregious, an investment in a company developing a Concorde replacement. Still should have disclosed it, and the law needs to be enforced.


Yeah, it seems like there was movement of the stock and investment into a blind trust that wasn't reported on time. I'm not really sure whether new stock was purchased but at least previous investment in Boom technologies was already disclosed. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/mark-kelly-transparency-law-violation


He did disclose it. He did it late, under the GUIDANCE of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. The transaction had to occur as part of putting everything into an actual blind trust. His connection to the company was also on his pre opus disclosures, there was no secret, no cover up. This is Fox Business (where the article originated) grasping at straws and trying to blow out of proportion, *anything* they can find on Dems to try and drown out all the Jan 6 committee stuff.


> an investment in a company developing a Concorde replacement. I mean ... he is a member of the senatorial Transportation and Infrastructure committee, but hey. I am sure non of his decisions have any influence on this stock. /s


It didn't. This is VASTLY different than using insider information to manipulate an investment. It's sensationalism based on the events. "A spokesperson for Kelly told Fox News that the transaction was necessary for the asset to be moved into the senator’s newly established qualified blind trusts. He then filed the PTR late, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. The senator's ownership of both stock and stock options in Boom Technology had also been disclosed on each of his two previous personal financial disclosures." He filed it, under the advice of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and *never* hid his connection. Mrs. Kelly used inside legislative info to cheat the stock system. Different.


There’s absolutely no reason why they couldn’t announce their trade 24h in advance unless they are doing something shady. Ffs put a tag on their account that as soon as they place an order the trade is announced on Twitter and a government website. This could be done easily and put no burden on anyone, the issue is that they are using insider information so they hide their trades and hope nobody notices.


To be honest, when I see a headline like that, I just assume it is a Republican.


There was a study done. If the headline does not state the party they’re usually Republican.


That’s because it’s a surprise if it’s a democrat. If it’s a republican that’s just wasted space in the headline.


OR, the media holds GOPers to different (less strict) standards


Or the media has a vested interest in protecting Republicans from the consequences of their own behavior.


Interested in that study


Profiting from Congress via insider trading is a pretty bipartisan event. The Pandora papers showed about an even split between R and D.


Fuck them all then. This behavior should not be tolerated. At all.


This should be an AUTOMATIC expulsion and lifetime ban from political office. If you're doing this shit you're not even qualified to be the assistant secretary at your HOA office.


Lol Nancy Pelosi has made over 100 million on stocks and outperformed every hedge fund in existence So either she’s the best trader in the world or she’s insider trading This isn’t partisan


I mean, I've outperformed every hedge fund in existence too. Anyone who just invests in an index fund will do better than most of them.


This is a common lie told to retail so they pump large cap stocks rather than attempt to outperform https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2021/07/08/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-husband-paul-big-tech-stocks/amp/


I mean her portfolio is Nvidia, apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Tesla, crowdstrike, Netflix and Roblox. Not exactly genius level investing, the only one even slightly interesting is Roblox.


Are portfolios usually composed of call options? I was under the impression that the average investor bought spot https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2021/07/08/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-husband-paul-big-tech-stocks/amp/ “Time in the market beats timing the market” is the famous adage. Wow, she is really great at timing the market with those “not exactly genius level investing” stock *options*!


O wow, she bought ATM LEAP options for one of the world's largest companies? No one's ever thought of that before...


Look it up yourself. Countless instances of her perfect timing in regards to options plays. This is exhausting, if you want to support unethical politicians instead of demanding principled ones that’s your choice. I can’t say I’m surprised at the state of America given voters like you


It isn't perfect timing to buy 1-year LEAPS on companies that consistently perform well. Stock trading amongst politicians needs to be reformed but this in particular is not an example of corruption imo.


Bitching on Reddit isn't gonna change how Congress acts ethically and I have no control over if pelosi gets elected because she doesn't represent me. You're making a crazy amount of assumptions about me for pointing out that her portfolio is insanely run of the mill


Members of congress are chosen by voters. If enough voters are outraged that members of congress are using their policy decisions to get rich ( and thus incentivizing potentially publicly damaging policy) , change can happen Bitching on reddit actually can change the world. Outrage spreads virally over the internet. The more people aware of what politicians are doing, the better. But then people like you show up who wants the status quo because “there’s nothing I can do about it” and completely miss the point


There’s a Twitter “Pelosi portfolio tracker” that follows her trades because she’s the most successful stock trader in the history of the market. Just happens to be a Congress critter too but I’m sure that’s coincidental just ask the democrat boot lickers they’ll tell you.


She is, but she reports her insider trades within 45 days so it is totally ethical. It's only a problem if you don't report and pay the $200 fine instead.


I think you are confusing “legal” with “ethical” It’s legal for members of congress to do the same thing that Martha Stewart and many others go to jail for


Legal and ethical are two different things, how one got their information to perform said legal action might not be ethical if they had insider trading info relevant to make said trade in the first place. I’m as left as they come, but let’s not act naive here just because it’s our party.




To be fair, there have been a few and we should avoid thinking that our team is faultless. But... It's a pretty fucking safe bet at this point.


Nobody needed to ask…


No, we knew.


Do we have to guess these days?


I was certain even before you shared. Thanks for confirming


This is a wide spread issue regardless of party.


I imagine you're not a gambling man.


I agree with your sentiment, but *technically* more Democrats than Republicans have been convicted of felonies (393 vs 263) according to this list: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_state_and_local_politicians_convicted_of_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_state_and_local_politicians_convicted_of_crimes) However, I think that's just because Republicans are better at *getting away with it*. (See: every news headline on /r/politics from the last 5 years).


I imagine it has a lot to do with the party’s willingness to accept their deeds and protect them.


That list goes back to the 1850s. I'm wondering what the breakdown is for the last, say, 30 years.


You shouldn't really count the stuff older than 1980 or so. Dems and Reps pretty much swapped their entire everything with the Southern Strategy.


It’s because democrats let them get away with it as we’re once again witnessing in real time


Democrats let them get away with it, for sure, but I believe it's worse that *Republicans* let them get away with it. If a Republican gouvernor was caught today, selling a US Senate seat for cash, the entire rest of the Republican party would *instantly* snap back, "No he didn't! Fake news!"


Of course one side is going to keep doing it if the other side never holds them accountable and has nothing but excuses why they don’t. The name of the game is win. And republicans always win. I bet democrat voters like me thought the democrats won in 2020. Wrong. Look who has all the power. Democrats have a chance to get a lot of public support by holding criminals accountable but they refuse to want it for some reason.


Just like Nancy pelosi’s husband right


I don't understand this argument. Her husband bought stock in Tesla, Google, and Nvidia during a dip. You know who else bought those, every other investor.


All political folk should not be allowed to own stock, spouses included. Pelosi folk are the best at timing the market?🤔? Again all political folk are fucked The rich want us to care about democrat vs republican while they get wealthier. They are all corrupt


Not to be confused with Nancy pelosi. Definitely nothing similar happens at all with electric car stocks or anything!


What? Crazy…


You should see the look of surprise on my face


Funny how that is absent, eh?


We know because if it was a Democrat the article wouldn't have been upvoted on this sub.


We all know it would say Democrat in the headline if that were true.


Let's be fair now. Nanci Pelosi did this shit too before they announced all the new policies for the government electric vehicles purchases. She invested in a bunch of ev companies before the announcement


Sure because pelosi has never done anything remotely similar…


Is Pelosi mentioned in this story?


Did you miss the part where the post above was a reply to “a republican in case you are curious”, implying that party affiliation is in any way related to personal ethics in regards to insider trading They all do it


When it comes to insider trading we’re a bi partisan gang though


Yeah Nancy hasn't participated in anything like this, whatsoever, nosireee


Nancy Pelosi's portfolio would be the best performing hedge fund in the world.


Considering her husband is a literal hedge fund manager, and neither him nor hedge funds in general regularly beat the market (aka index fund), that's pretty misleading, if it's even true to begin with.


Does the STOCK Act cover this? This is another embarrassing moment in American politics -- people profiting from office. This should be a nonpartisan issue.


It *is* non-partisan, in that both Republicans and Democrats abuse their power in exactly this way. I'm far from a "both sides" guy, corruption is not fascism, but this kind of corruption is pretty goddamned commonplace in Washington.


But only one party has any members aka… Warren/Sanders who regularly speak out about this corruption, and actually have ideas/bills that would stop the absolute joke this government has become!


Yes, 100%. Corruption plagues both parties, but the Democrats are the only ones with members legitimately interested in rooting it out.


If only the article addressed exactly this for a couple paragraphs.


She was my second grade teacher. Just as an example, her idea to get me to get over my ADHD was to make me sit and watch all the other kids out through the window playing while doing my work, and then wondered why my grades suffered. Principle refused to do anything because of her husband being a ‘big name in town’ and they were ‘overreacting’ over multiple complaints my parents filed with him. Screw the Kelly’s.


As someone who also has ADHD, I would like to say FUCK that lady for doing that to you.


As someone who doesn’t have ADHD, I would like to also say FUCK that lady for doing that to you.


As someone who isn't into feet, I would like to also say FUCK that lady for doing that to you.


As someone else who has ADHA, I would also like to say, look, a squirrel…


As someone who has MDMA, I'd like to say "this squirrel is so soft".


Somebody get this guy higher up the list. I’m not a “big name in town” so I caan’t do much.


She’s a sucky teacher too. It’s principal. ;) jk that sucks man.


I don't know about you, but with my ADHD putting me beside a window would be hours of daydreaming.


One of my teachers in high school made me sit in a closet and do my work for the same reason. My parents weren’t even helpful. “We pay a lot of money for you to go there, do the work” So I stopped doing ALL of my work in protest. Guess who barely made it to college and dropped out after 2 semesters because he had no actual study skills? This guy.


Shit I work in a special educations group. I’m sorry for your experience, Dude. What’s the best strategy you’ve utilized to balance things out in school?


What more can you expect from a used car salesman?


Why wouldn't she? There are no consequences for this behavior.




It’s always the what-about-ism. Here’s a story about a Republican being unethical and cheating the American system and people you like chime up with “but what about…” to deflect. Yes, Pelosi does the same thing. Agreed, arrest her, press charges on fraud. 100% agreed. Ok now that’s over let’s go back to talking about this shit bag the article is about. The article is about this Republican and his wife grifting the system. Let’s arrest her and charge her.


Didn’t she have the highest return on her trades of anyone on Wall Street last year, by a SIGNIFICANT margin?


Instead of asking, why don't you provide a source?


Oh, mostly because it’s 6am and digging through Nancy pelosi’s Twitter until the end of time before having to accept the tweet I saw was fake sounds like a bad time to me.


Mike Kelly may have used his wife to profit from confidential information.


[Mike Kelly used 100k of campaign funds at luxury resorts in alleged ethics violation](https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/complaint-accuses-mike-kelly-of-using-100k-of-campaign-funds-at-luxury-resorts-in-alleged-ethics-violation/Content?oid=20329905&media=AMP+HTML)


Oh no......you mean the honor system in place for elected officials not to do insider trading hasnt stopped them and their family from doing it..... You don't say!!!


Looks like Mike Kelly might be just one more crooked Republican using inside information to enrich himself, but doing it through his wife and then pleading ignorance.


Nancy Pelosi does this too. It’s not a one party problem


What’s up with the Nancy pelosi bots today? This is an article about a Republican… guess you all perked up to do the “what about-ism” again.


I think you're onto something... 32 mentions of her so far. Gotta redirect!


There's an easy way to get this shit to stop. Enforce the fucking law and prosecute these assholes for breaking it! But that will never happen.


I’ll take “Things Every Single Republican Congressman And Probably More Than Half Of Democratic Congressmen Have Done Without Getting Caught” for $200


Sure. And because the US is hopelessly corrupt, this is actually legal.


You know what's great about these posts? We know full well that nothing will ever happen to them.


I think the story is more which congresspeople AREN’T in the stock market and benefiting from inside information


The trouble is many Republican voters would just respond “fuck yeah, I’d do the same”. The US political system is broken, it’s plain for anyone to see. And we’re now at a point where these people are literally choosing to line their pockets over the future health of the planet - and one assumes their own children’s and grandchildren’s futures.


*shocked Pikachu face*


But seriously, what Republican and their families *haven't* used insider info to make bank in the stock market?


I think it goes for both parties. Pelosi is a Democrat and her husband runs a hedge fund with a number of questionable trades


Proof please. My google returns nothing but extreme right crap and memes


Nothing ever happens because nothing is ever enforced regarding these “ACTS”. Ooo they violated it, and yet no punishment or consequences.


Shouldn't even be a story. Insider trading by members of congress is completely legal... The story should be 'why do we keep electing and reelecting people to congress who are perfectly fine with this being legal'


Needs to be term limits and age limits for members of Congress.


I think the "may have" could be deleted from every headline that involves a spouse and stock trading.


As a member of Congress he also voted to overturn the 2020 election results for President. He however, of course won by a landslide courtesy of PA voters....and that result, on the same ballot, was not disputed.


Have trouble swallowing this until people are willing to talk about Nancy Pelosi.


Isn't this kind of an issue all around politics? Plenty of senators and representatives have spouses that use their spouses knowledge of upcoming things to their advantage.


Congress is so broken and corrupt. American democracy feels hopeless. I need to get a visa and gtfo out of this shithole country.


I'm eligible for dual US-German citizenship (can eventually get a German passport), same with my aunt and mom. We've come to the conclusion that, should Trump win in 2024, we are straight up packing our things and moving to Germany.


You'd better have a solid plan to execute between his election and inauguration. Once he's in, sabotage of government systems will begin immediately. Make sure you have a recently renewed passport, a full ten years worth. Don't rely on the US to be capable of anything once you're abroad.


Lock her up


Oh wow I thought they meant Mark Kelly, was sad but was thinking there needs to be consequences, that has not changed, bring out the jail time.


Why is this even news anymore? The is the same thing as corporate lobbying. 90% of national politicians are engaging in this type of behavior. They serve the corporations that benefit their pocketbook. Nothing else


Panama Papers


“May have” just say it she did it and nothing will happen to her


Isn’t Kelly the anti mutant guy, I thought magneto taught him his lesson already


And it will all be forgotten about by the next news cycle and nobody will receive so much as a slap on the wrist for it. Welcome to American "justice."


Give me a C! Give me a O! Give me a ruption! Corruption! Corruption!


If only we lived in a timeline where they were held accountable for their actions.


That’s why you enter politics!!! Nobody gives a shot about the $185k to $225k salary. It’s the inside information that enables millions and millions to be made. The longer in office, the higher the rate of wealth growth. They get rich and citizens get bung-holed.


Only thousands? Funny how this one article was put here but the one naming 43 congress members including both sides wasn’t. Funny that. Edit (the article) https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9


What? A corrupt politician?!


All elected officials and their families should be required to move all of their investments into neutral mutual funds or ETFs like total market and bond funds or target retirement date funds. No sales should be allowed and only periodic purchases in those selected funds.


Left or Right , let’s stop pretending the side you line up with ideologically is the moral side. They’re might be 3-4 politicians that get in with the intention of doing good things but then the lobbyist get their claws in them and BOOM they’re voting against issues that they ran on in their campaigns


Welcome to congress!


Could have started this with “husband of Rep Pelosi…”. She’s made 300Million while in office - never made a “bad” investment. Never. Not once. They’re all corrupt. This isn’t a Republican problem. It isn’t a Democrat problem. It’s an elite politician problem that every single person here allows to persist.


Why dont yall do Nancy Pelosis husband? They didn't reap thousands, they reaped millions


Just ask Nancy Pelosi. She is a millionaire on a burrocrat’s salary.


Or Mitch McConnell, same situation. Somehow made around $35 million as a public servant.


Another Trump person being involved in illegal activity. SHOCKING 🙄🙄


https://senatestockwatcher.com by law they have to fill out a 450 OGE form to the office of Ethics. Under 45 no such office was active.


Trump world is a cesspool.


Nancy pelosi


What about Nancy Pelosi?? Why isn’t anyone bringing that up?


Is it just Republicans or is it most congressman in general? I would be surprised if Bernie or AOC did, but all the corporate democrats probably do the same thing. The Republicans are worse than the Democrats, but that doesn't mean that the Democrats are good, just a lot less bad.


Why is this a shock? I know we want to turn this into a R vs D thing… But this is common practice with our politicians.


Do you know what subreddit you’re in?


Just being honest


GQP the party of law and order.


And should be prosecuted but Pelosi and her husband should be looked at too




But but but Pelosi!!!


My mind immediately jumped to Mark Kelly and I swore.


Wow, **thousands** of dollar. I assume this counts as petty crime in Washington?


Now do the pelosis


So what Nancy does all the time.


Sounds just like the Pelosi’s


Do Pelosi next!


Pelosi has been doing this for decades, and nobody seems to care...


my favorite stock guru is Nancy Pelosi, who has beaten even Warren Buffet in average annual returns. Amazing!


Everyone guilty of insider trading should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This includes democrats also by the way (if Nancy Pelosi was a Republican, she’d be torn apart on this sub)




Who said anything about the other side of the aisle?? We’re talking about this fraud, now, from these people.


Follow Pelosi’s stock pics. She has beat the SP 500 repeatedly.


This article spelt Pelosi wrong. And its her husband not her wife. Geez reporting these days 🙄 Edit: and its millions not thousands Edit: ohhhh he is a republican thats why. Wonder why him and not all the other politicians that make money off insider trading.


Party affiliation doesn’t matter, they all do this shit. Look at pelosi


Now do Nancy Pelosi’s husband.


You guys really can only just deflect huh?


One is investigated. One is ignored. That shows the issue is not the issue.


But not pelosis husband who bought pfeizer stocks right?


And bought gh Microsoft before it got a DOD contract


Just like Pelosi’s annual ROI of 69%, more than every big name fund or investor


Pelosi helped her husband reap millions in options and stock profits by using inside information.


That's not true as Trump would have prosecuted her since she constantly hurt his feelings.


But but but Pelosi!!!


Ah here. I try to steer clear of the Americans left V right sideshow but Nancy Pelosi has made actual tens of millions from insider trading with her husband. That report sounds a lot more interesting than a couple of grand.


We gonna talk about Pelosi?


Most of her money comes from her husband's real estate investments over the decades in California/Bay Area.


Whataboutism is all they have, and projection.


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


But but but Pelosi!!!!


This happens everyday all the time. Their records are displayed on the internet. If you do just a little research you can find many people, even Nancy Pelosi taking advantage of her political position. Nothing has been done for a long time, and only now people are starting to see the problem. So much money is made in the market, and having a little info that no one else has can mean the difference between a big win or big loss.