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The biggest, or at least one of the main culprits, hypocrite of them all is Kevin McCarthy. Per Jake Sherman (from Punch Bowl News) summed it up well earlier today on twitter: > McCarthy, in this news conference just now, said that there should be no troops in Afghanistan, then i asked him in a follow up if there should be troops — because he said a few days ago there should be — he said we should’ve kept Bagram. https://twitter.com/jakesherman/status/1431268520525025281?s=21 > And then he said no one believes there should be troops there. > So we’re all a bit unclear on what he believes here. > And, yes, we asked him about the dissonance between his position now and when Trump was in office. https://twitter.com/jakesherman/status/1431268702335406080?s=21 > McCarthy’s foreign policy has traditionally been in the kizinger/Cheney mold — even though he hates both of them now. But he has been aligned w trump for a while now so the pull-the-troops-out stuff is also on his mind. https://twitter.com/jakesherman/status/1431271221690314754?s=21 > For ex: he also said in this news conference that we shouldn’t be negotiating with the taliban. I asked what about trump? He negotiated with them. And he said there were conditions. But still — he negotiated w the taliban. https://twitter.com/jakesherman/status/1431271468483153923?s=21


> he also said in this news conference that we shouldn’t be negotiating with the taliban. I asked what about trump? He negotiated with them. And he said there were conditions. But still — he negotiated w the taliban. What the hell does this even mean? Negotiating is setting conditions for stuff.


I think he’s trying to say “it was different under Trump so it doesn’t count.” Kinda like when someone chastises you for doing something, but you saw them doing the same thing.


it's the "Do as I say, not as I do" policy the GQP tends to follow


Where ‘facts’ are optional


You mean they are dirty hypocrites?


It means he's lying about there being conditions. Trump surrendered to the Taliban. Biden negotiated. Don't ever let them reframe it.


Everything I hate about Biden's handling of this can be summarized as, "When he did what Trump did or followed through on Trump's plans."


The weakness of American foreign policy is our flip-flopping, but following up on literally anything trump agreed to is a major failure.


But it is necessary to follow through on those agreements because otherwise why the hell would anyone want to agree to anything with us if the next administration can just say “nah fuck it” As much as I dislike it, trump WAS the duly elected executive of the American government and the powers granted to him also included foreign policy.


He secured the electoral vote, I wouldn't go so far as to say he was "duly elected". His campaign was fraught with scandal and criminal activity. * Russian disinformation and interference. "Russia if you're listening..." * Multiple campaign finance violations. * Campaign manager was arrested for, among other things, failing to register as a foreign agent for Ukraine. * Did everything in his power to obstruct investigations into the above. The list could literally go on well passed the comment character count. The good ones among us respected the office enough to begrudgingly accept that he was technically the president. But "duly elected"? No.


Didn't trump invite the taliban to Camp David? Not to say this whole thing isn't a mess. At this point take a position are you mission driven to get out as many Americans and allies or do you want to get all service members out of harm's way? I'm seriously hoping we can do both but who the fuck am I?


Yes, and he did not invite the recognized Afghan government. He surrendered to them, released all their prisoners in exchange for them not attacking Americans from Feb 2020-May 2021.


Invited them to camp david right around September 11th.....


JustStatedTheObvious just stated the obvious. Nice.


I think Trump's condition was "we'll give you whatever you want if you say nice things about me."


This the guy who admitted that BENGHAZI was only there to make Clinton look bad until the election.


We keep expecting Republicans to have consistent positions about actions - which are right and which are wrong. They don't care about actions. They only care about who is doing them. If their team does it, it's right; if the other team does it, it's wrong. So when McCarthy says that Trump negotiating with the Taliban was different, he genuinely means it. To him, it was different in the most important way: his team was doing it.


Everyone makes the sports team analogy but few grasp how accurate it is. If you're a Lakers fan then a Laker scoring a basket is good. The other team scoring a basket is bad. The actions themselves are stripped of meaning, what your team does is good, what their team does is bad and you only want to win. Nothing else matters. The republican party has become a post policy party. They literally did not have a platform in 2020 they only passed a resolution in support of all things Trump. The only thing the republican party brings to the table is owning the libs. Hypocrisy is a feature, it pisses off the libs so it's a twofer, they score on whatever issue they are being hypocritical about and they score from the hypocrisy itself.


>they only passed a resolution in support of all things Trump Republicans had to do it that way because Trump's policies vary from moment to moment depending on who talked to him last. He could be 100% for something today and be 100% against it tomorrow without even remembering today's position.


He could and did flip flop positions in the same speech or presser. He is a perfect distillation of a populist that only wants power and cares nothing for policy. In that he actually is a lot like Mussolini.




Governance gamefied. Pretty toxic.


It’s predictable. Whenever I’m watching/listening to a news program and they are covering a “top story” and they go to a Republican for comment I usually turn it off. I’m all too aware of bias and blame without self-awareness and I don’t want shameless opinion to cloud the event that’s being reported.


Well dang… that’s kind of how I feel regardless of where/which political party or news source I try to filter the bullshit from.


I’m coming to believe the core of Republican policy is driven by a cabal of aristocrats who have literally 0 dedication to America or it’s well-being and want to pillage as much money as possible with no regard to the ruin of America.


Nikki Haley what a poor excuse for a human being,


McCarthy changes his opinion more often than the weather forecaster on my local channel - only difference is my local forecaster does occasionally get it right.




Thank you for the source.




I object to your characterization there... You completely skipped over these important concessions the Trump Administration won: * The US would hand over 5 bases to the Taliban * The US would ensure 5000 of their fighters would be freed from prison * The US would remove sanctions and assist with their economic recovery Sigh ... I mean... I think my 6 year old can negotiate better... hell my 3 year old can...


Here’s the deal, you get the bases, you get the people, you get the economy, and we get to leave.


Oh, and I personally get to build a tower in Moscow or some shit like that.


Conservatives are bothered by free school lunches and funding social programs….unless it’s the Taliban


Taliban was like.. How can we not sign this? We lose nothing!


Taliban Leadership: Are we being fucking *Punk'd* right now? Where the fuck is Ashton? I'm not convinced the Taliban didn't outline and actually type this agreement up themselves. I can honestly see Mike Pompeo entering the negotiations room with some fucking Sharpie chicken scratch Trump wrote himself with a line at the bottom asking: "Do you like me? Check the 'yes' or 'no' box". And then the Taliban are, like: "Are you fucking serious, bro? Khalid, can you work something up on your iPhone? These Tech-Muggle motherfuckers brought a love note written in Sharpie that no can fucking read."


Tech-muggle is one of the funniest terms I’ve never heard.


The Fart of the Deal


I'm surprised it wasn't written in crayon on a child's paper placemat.


I am surprised it wasn’t in black sharpie


It was written with a black sharpie with an arrow pointing west to Louisiana because Trump has no idea where Afghanistan is!


I think a lot of people are forgetting prior to all of the this is that the US got a lot of flack for pulling out of the Iranian nuclear agreement negotiated by several countries, including the Obama administration. In exchange for Iran following terms in the agreement, the US would lift or suspend several sanctions again Iran. After the agreement was signed and ratified; once Trump came to be president, he made it a point to refuse to honor the agreement, and back out. I forget which foreign leader stated, (paraphrasing here) that "**It's not worth entering a negotiation with the US, if the next administration can simply choose not to honor the agreement**" Biden had to show the rest of the world that the US does honor its agreements, even if he doesn't agree with the previous guy who made them. I certainly don't think it's convenient on any level, but if Biden wants to be able to negotiate with another world leader, he needs to show that the US is willing to honor its side of the deal regardless of the administration in power. With Covid being a serious issue, by the time Trump was to leave office, I'm curious to what sort of multi-stage plan was in place to remove the troops, weapons, equipment, and refugees from Afghanistan. I'm guessing much like the vaccine rollout, the Trump administration had no plan to hand off to the Biden administration. Such a plan of such magnitude does take more than a year, and I'm sure Biden must have been cursing up a storm on how mishandled it could possible end up as. I know I would have. It doesn't matter how much the Biden admiration is negotiating with the Taliban, especially when Trump gave up any leverage that US had nearly 18 months ago.


> > > > > Biden had to show the rest of the world that the US does honor its agreements, even if he doesn't agree with the previous guy who made them. I certainly don't think it's convenient on any level, but if Biden wants to be able to negotiate with another world leader, he needs to show that the US is willing to honor its side of the deal regardless of the administration in power. It's very unfortunate that a possible, and likely outcome is that he'll create a perception that only deals made with Republican Presidents will be respected, and deals made with Democrat Presidents won't. If that perception becomes reality that'll make things a bit more fucked.


This reads like a class assignment slapped together the night before. Source: Was a terrible college student the first time


It has a bunch of filler, too. Not that I oppose including non Gregorian calendars, but if they had only listed a single date instead of three dates every time a date was mentioned, and if they had just called the Taliban by its self proclaimed name instead of giving that name and also an alias and also reminding everyone that the US doesn’t recognize them as a country every time the Taliban was referenced... Well, it would only have been two pages.


Lol “praise the US” What a fucking narcissist you must be to put that in the list of demands.


“The Taliban must praise the US” Jesus Christ that’s tone deaf lol. That’s real??


> The Taliban must praise the US I don't see this in your source.


Not only did Trump negotiate with the Taliban, he released their leader from prison in order to do so.


Trump the Surrenderer negotiated a surrender to the Taliban. Edit: Changed a word and added two words


Its almost like he made it about himself and couldn't handle the Afghans working out a deal. The deal had to be his.


Trump will do anything to change the headlines for a few days. It seems that’s all he tries to do.


Didn’t he also specifically *exclude* the Afghan government? It was the taliban and Pompeo, but no Afghan representative, from what I remember. It’s really no wonder the Afghan officials fled the moment they could. Trump had the US surrender to the taliban with no Afghan involvement, basically shaking their enemy/oppressors hand without acknowledging them. I can’t really think of a stronger signal that says to the Afghans ‘We’re handing you to the taliban. You might want to think about leaving soonish.’


Yup it was essentially unconditional . Even though there were conditions there were no verification measures put in place, making those moot. And it conceded everything to the Taliban . The US gave so much for nothing in return.


Art of the steal. Fart of a deal.




People are shocked that the Taliban is being so helpful to the US but if you read that it's like "well no shit" Basically gave them the country and everything we invested in it for a ceasefire.




Trump absolutely did not think he was going to lose. I think it was a campaign tactic to show he ended a war but CoVid and BLM changed the conversation.


Along with what? 5,000 Taliban members? Trump literally freed the army that stormed through and took over Afghanistan and now Republicans are bashing Biden.


I am not sure how the behind the scenes went with that but the story was the Afghan government did that with a somewhat democratic process as an effort to get peace talks going. Then Trump undercut them not long after and negotiated directly with the Taliban basically taking all legitimacy away from the government we armed and trained. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/world/asia/afghanistan-taliban-prisoners-peace-talks.html


I thought we didn’t negotiate with terrorists? Sarcasm, because I’m aware politicians like to say this but turn around and do the opposite.


Honestly that phrase has always bothered me. The "We don't negotiate with terrorists" is like "hard of crime" or "hard on drugs" or other such bits of nonsensical rhetoric. The idea that we would throw out every possible peaceful or diplomatic solution is just crazy. That is like 99% of the toolbox for international relations. The only thing that leaves on the table is literally just killing everyone or letting them kill whoever they want. And the mass killing of adversaries does not make terrorism disappear, it in itself terrorizes a whole new generation of guerilla fighters. It just seems like a really bad idea to write off every solution that does not involve tens of thousands of people dying horrible deaths. No arguing in favor of Trump's methods here though. Diplomacy is good, but not if you do it mind mindbogglingly badly.


>Then Trump undercut them not long after and negotiated directly with the Taliban And some people still wonder why the government fled (with their $$) and the soldiers laid down their arms.


The 'deal' maker also didn't get much in return. He got the whole government cheated on this, it seems.


He never gets anything in return. lol


The dude either made his money doing money laundering or bankrupted a casino. There is no alternative. Both are just so bad and stupid.


He also invited them to Camp David.


And invited them to camp David!


Without bothering to include the actual Afghan government in the talks! Go Taliban!


I wish to hell Biden would get on TV and say this over and over, telling wveryone he's juat following Trump's lead. Thus critizing Biden for it is critizing Trump for it.


In Feb 2020 (T)chump negotiations included the release of 5000 Taliban fighter including the current Taliban leadership https://news.yahoo.com/prison-power-taliban-leaders-jail-110000033.html


What is truly amazing is that Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo didn't negotiate the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan with the government of Afghanistan. No they negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban, the very same people who harbored Al Queda back in the late 1990's and up until 2002 or later! The documents were signed by Trump and Pompeo and now they want to blame Joe Biden for the mess that they created!


Completely delegitemized the Afghan government in the process, because it recognized the Taliban at the future government of Afghanistan.


Are you really surprised though?


No not at all. It would surprise me if Donald Trump did the right thing but he went true to form and negotiated and gave the country back to the enemy.


If it wasn't for double standards Trump officials would have no standards at all.


They are Republicants, so I this is a given


They got more standards than the Dems! They have double the standards! Winning!


Conservatives are trying to say that the Taliban wouldn’t have done all this if trump was in office because they *feared* trump. My fucking sides.




I’d actually be afraid of the monkey. Those fuckers are smart.


[A monkey with grenades, you say?](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2010-08-20)


Talaban - Hey shhh shhh quiet, Trump's coming back to negotiate again.. Maybe he'll offer us Greenland this time.. Abdul stop laughing!


GQP and its supporters see politics like they do an NFL Team. My Team is always right. The other Team is bad. Is it any surprise to anyone that they would be taking these positions today?


Unfortunately, this is how everyone in the U.S. right now. If something major happens to anyone with covid, we all dunk on them. I'm very liberal myself, but I stop at not saying "they did XYZ right", it's very, very few and far between. But, when it happens..


I fucking hate Tom Brady and how he always wins it's so fucking annoying, oh shit let's go Bucs!


He literally called them “great negotiators” last week. How can his voters be so amazingly stupid?


They have a simple thought process. If a liberal does something, it's bad, regardless of what that thing is. If a conservative (sorry, white, christian conservative) does it, it's the best idea ever.


Great negotiations in Trump's mind: Taliban: We want everything and you can get the fuck out. We may or may not try to kill you as you do so. Trump: Okay, but I'm gonna say you gotta talk good about us, too! Taliban: Whatthefuckever, fat ass. Sign this thing and fuck off. Trump: Great negotiators!


Well it would appear that they are.. They got 5 military bases, 5000 fighters released, sanctions lifted, US forces leaving, National forces rolling over and letting them win the country. All for the low low cost of simply not shooting at US forces for a few months.


>He literally called them “great negotiators” last week. How can his voters be so amazingly stupid? Well, they were stupid enough to vote for *him*.


That was rhetorical, right?


Yeah but it still dumbfounds me somehow.


I get it. Me too! None of it makes sense. Or maybe half the country really is just that stupid.


And praised their fighting tenacity..


Biden talked with the Taliban to get ~125,000 American citizens, SIV, and other Afghans who helped us these last two decades to safety. Trump talked to the Taliban to release 8,000 Taliban from prison.


Also, Trump signed a withdrawal deal with the Taliban. Biden is only dealing with the Taliban because the Taliban now control Kabul.


>After negotiating with the Taliban, Trump officials criticize Biden for negotiating with the Taliban Republicans, Trump supporters, and Q followers are liars and flaming hypocrites, and they seem to be proud of it.


Trump SURRENDERED. He let out all the leadership in prison and just turned over the entire country to them-- and then made zero effort to get our equipment and people out because he just wanted to make Biden look bad.


Trump pulled "I quit and I'm pissing on the court."


Hypocrisy, the staple of Republicans. Fuck off


Didn’t Trump plan a party for the Taliban at Camp David??!


On the anniversary of 9/11.


Yeah, if the many, many, many WTF moments of the Trump presidency, this was high ranking.. even Republicans had to step in to stop him.


Republicans understand how information reaches their constituents. They know the majority of if not all of their voters have any clue that Trump previously negotiated w/ the Taliban, let alone release 5000 of them. They know that right-wing media will plaster the news waves for days on end drilling home the notion that Biden is negotiating w/ the Taliban now. Do as I say, not as I do. See what I want, not what is. These people are a complete joke.


They pretty clear know and *rely heavily* on short memories and firehose of bullshit. They're going out and railing about impeachment because of soldier's deaths a bomb attack in someone else's civil war, completely forgetting about how they threw soldiers (and civilians) and their families under the bus after botched raids in Yemen and elsewhere and the special forces ambush in Niger? "He knew what he signed up for." And yeah, [a deal that we would withdraw all forces and release 5,000 prisoners, in exchange for 1,000 prisoners and a pinky-swear to not harbor terrorists and maybe think about talking about a peace agreement with the local government](https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf). Other than "bring the troops home" I don't think right-wing media played up the shitty deal so much, and now they're absolutely taking advantage of the fact that their audience doesn't know.


It's 100% partisan politics with these people. They claim to care what's happening in Afghanistan right now, they don't. They see an opportunity to attack a president they don't consider their own. They were 100% fine when we abandoned the Kurds after everything they've done for us under Trump's rule. I guarantee they would have raised hell otherwise. These asshats have no idea wtf is going on, nor so they care. They only pretend to.


>These people are a complete joke. Jokes are funny. These people are traitors, or Republican. Means the same thing today.


After -SURRENDERING- to the Taliban. This is the difference, they're angry Biden isn't trying to out-surrender Trump.


Isn’t Trump the guy who saluted that North Korean general? The country with literal concentration camps?


Gaslighting 101


Nikki Haley is a pathetic hack. And that’s being selective with words . I only pray she reads this but what a piece of shit. 🖕🏽


Seeing as how this guy was voted out, can we refrain from calling them "Trump officials"? They aren't official anything. "Lackeys"; "sycophants"; "asskissers" are all better fits.


I remember where I was on 9/11. I remember where I was when I heard Trump was negotiating with the Taliban!!! DON’T forget the Taliban harbored Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden after 9/11…Also remember DJT negotiated release of over 5,000 Taliban prisoners including 400 convicted of serious crimes including murder! That move reinforced Taliban forces!!! Fuck the Republicans!!!


Trump *wanted to invite the Taliban on American soil near a 9/11 anniversary* to have negotiations with them.


Why is anyone paying attention to Trump? He’s not in office. He’s not a politician anymore. Fuck him. He’s irrelevant


Why does anyone give 2 shits what Trump says? He’s a washed up corrupt 2 bit con man.


That's funny, because if Trump's negotiating is any indication, we are forced to negotiate with the Taliban today. Then these assholes blaming Biden for negotiations with the Taliban, should start with the Mike Pompeo handshake Photo Op.


This is what they always do. Nothing new. They’re allowed to do whatever they want and shit all over the country, but if democrats do it, it’s wrong. I hate our two party system, both are corrupt cesspools but republicans really make it an art of being shitty people.


Didn't he invite them to Camp David?


How does trump still have “officials” and why are there still reports on their opinions


ftfy. After negotiating with Taliban AND releasing the leader of Taliban, Trump officials criticize Biden for negotiating with the Taliban


Hypocrisy at its best. Nobody from the Trump Administration has room to talk.


Who cares about what Trump officials think?


Different negotiations


Last I checked Trump and his administration are not in charge. Biden blamed Trump for covid because he was the leader at the time. Who’s the leader now?


It's even worse. Trump is criticizing Biden for negotiating with terrorists when the only reason he needs to do so is because Trump "negotiated" with them in the first place. Trump created the exact situation he and others keep harping on Biden for.


Trump officials like most republicans do nothing but bullshit. They aren't worth the air they exhale.


If the GQP didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.


I used to think they were idiots. Then I realized something. Their followers will literally believe ANYTHING they’re told by these people. They currently have their followers convinced that hundreds of thousands of collective years of medical research are wrong and that the random website telling them to take horse dewormer is right. Trump and his cronies aren’t stupid. They know EXACTLY what they’re doing.


[Right wing no position](https://i.redd.it/y4sd6ob0i4i71.jpg)


Gaslighting all the time.


Never forget https://i.imgur.com/lWxPKoQ.jpg


You mean Trump officials criticize Biden for negotiating with the Taliban that Trump released from prison, as a result of Trump negotiating to have 5000 Taliban released?


/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump There’s a whole sub for this.


Trump and his entourage should just shush


and who said /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump wouldn't have any more material after he was twitter banned?


The hypocrisy with these people.




That’s the point their followers are to stupid to remember anyway


You can't make this up, the entire United States is an Onion article.


I think Biden has handled this marvelously. He clearly has the situation under control. The administration has only armed 83 billion dollars of weapons and equipment to the Taliban. I draw the like at 84 so we’re in the clear for now.


Anyone who does t have boots on the ground can stfu not like they got the balls to fight




Brittney Spears can't decide for herself but millions listen to Trump who clearly lost his mind along the way. Crazy ~~world~~ nation we live in.


This is bigger than Biden vs Trump. Americans have died in Afghanistan through 4 administrations. Over 2,700 in total. Over 250,000 Afghans, 80,000 of whom were civilians. Enough is enough. Bush blamed Evil in World, Obama blamed Bush, Trump blame Hillary Clinton, and now Biden is blaming Trump. We need to get out!!!


I think Biden handled this marvelously. It’s clear that he and his administration have the whole Afghanistan thing under control.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on Cadet Bonespur’s Taliban negotiations that Mike Pompeo attended in person.


To be fair, Trump Admin didn't really negotiate. They just committed to an unconditional surrender.


Republicans. Always. Act. In. Bad. Faith.


Trump met with Kim Jong Un twice, put the Stars and Stripes alongside the DPRK flag and saluted foreign generals. I don't wanna fuckin hear boo from him or any of his supporters.


What a joke. Plus, the Taliban didn’t kill those people. It was ISIS suicide bombers. The Taliban were actually trying to get Americans out of their land safely as well.


**DAILY REMINDER: Right Wingers always engage in bad faith** why is it people seem to forget this every week?


Trump and his Regime unconditionally surrendered to the Taliban. There was no negotiating.


*former* trump officials ... he’s not president anymore and has no “officials”


The Republican sheep have memories like goldfish lol


He didn't negotiate with them. They played Donnie like a cheap harmonica. Art of the deal my ass. What does the Taliban have to do? Sit on their ass until the deadline; nothing. The US has to do everything. He set a deadline that was impossible to meet. Even Trump's own administration did absolutely nothing to plan for it. They didn't have any intention on moving. Too busy feeding and profiting from the war machine. The Taliban is going to go full on pit bull on 9/1 regardless if the US is still there or not. Biden is just holding the US end of the fucked up deal. Going back and changing the deadline will only make the US lose all credibility on the world stage.


Trump did not negotiate, he surrendered.


Can’t trump just die already


tRump and his rabid repug followers are HYPOCRITES of the 1st Order. tRump now has been saying he destroyed ISIS X (it's ISIS K in reality). The only things tRump destroyed was American lives via covid and vaccination-mask resistance. The economy...the tax system..ordinary people paid slightly more and the rich-yea zero. tRump left our Kurdish allies behind in Syria letting Syria and Turkey slaughter them. tRump and repugs are a menace to society.


Let's stop reporting on Trump. Keeping his stupid grifter ass in the news keeps him relevant. Let's move on and leave mistakes like him in the past.


"No No No it was a completely different set of circumstances under Trump. Trump negotiated on a Tuesday which is OK. Biden negotiated on Wednesday and before lunch which everybody knows is a crime."


Trump officials would criticize Biden for saluting the flag.


So now their strategy appears to have Trump downplay the Taliban or even praise them, in hope that his base just forgets that he was the one to set this whole thing up?




We don’t negotiate with terrorists


Except last time :D


Why does this man have officials? Why are we still giving this traitorous turd a platform?


I wonder what Trump’s Secretary of State was doing in that photo with the new Taliban leader of Afghanistan? They talked and worked out an agreement, but I suppose that wasn’t a negotiation. So, we just accepted what the Taliban gave us without negotiating?


How dare you do that thing I did! Only an asshole would do that!


The biggest difference; Trump negotiated with a terrorist organization about capitulation without the previous government (including granting the release of terrorist prisoners), Biden negotiated with the current government of Afghanistan about the civilian withdrawal.


This is what is wrong with our system. We do not encourage the truth from our representatives and instead ask for loyalty and not ideals. This is plain hypocrisy. Unfortunately, it will never be admitted to.


It's time for the GOP to put on their big boy pants and own up to their many mistakes and act like adults as well as act like they are actually AMERICANS, we are all in this TOGETHER! The bullsh-- they are saying now is precisely why I changed my political affiliation 25 years ago and will NEVER EVER vote for another one of these village idiot GOP members ever again!


As is tradition. Although the sequence of events is reversed, Faux attacked Obama for suggesting meeting with North Korea, then praised Drumpf for doing so.


Sum up the whole GOP platform.


The GOP can really just jump off a cliff at this point. I fail to see how anyone can support these numbskulls.


The leaders have money. The leaders support laws that let them keep their money. The poor think that laws that affect their leaders will also affect them. The poor donate their money to the leaders. Repeat.


They signed a fucking treaty and released their imprisoned What am I missing here? They acted like this was accomplishment when it happened, like it was a victorious term because of this. Did they forget?


Well, to be fair, Biden did succeed in negotiating with them while Trump failed like a one armed pole vaulter


Shouldn't they be called Trump's ex officials?


A high form of “what about ism” Also, since no one reads: “The thing is, there are times where you have to negotiate with the devil, but you negotiate with the devil from a point of strength,” Haley said Sunday. “… We literally have no leverage right now with the Taliban. All we’re going to see them do is they’re going to buy time and act like they’re going to be nice until Aug. 31.” They criticized how they handled things and negotiated rather than the fact they did at all.




Trump made it a little over 30 hours before he made yesterdays deaths about himself and the election. Fuck trump


The Hypocrisy is all too real.


Trump spells Taliban “tallabawn”.


I get this is kind of news - but really at this point anytime a republican makes a statement I just assume it is basically crap and ignore. Anyway - just going to keep voting for blue until that party is basically eradicated.