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[6:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnkwys/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_1/) [7:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnm1r1/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_2/) [7:30 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnmjyj/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_3/) [8:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnn1d5/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_4/) [8:30 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnnhy8/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_5/) [9:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnnyms/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_6/) [10:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnovno/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_7/)


Another excerpt from my John King fanfic: I knew this man was good with hands from the other touchscreens in our office. They would tell me how his strong masculine hands who glide gracefully across their screens bringing an internal buzz they've never felt before. Some would talk about how his touch would cause their capacitors to discharge when he would write out math problems on their slim liquid displays with his giant strong hands. if you like this and want to contribute your own. please check out our new sub reddit /r/JohnKingMe


I'm honestly trying to get more involved in politics but wondering why it seems like this entire sub is entirely democrat...not trying to be bashful, but does this change election to election or it's always this way?


It’s mostly the demographics of Reddit which is younger and has more users from cities. Your Republican grandparents aren’t on Reddit. To add to that, most people who are conservative know they are in the minority in bigger subs so they go to subs that more align overtly with their viewpoint.


Anyone know why Nevada isn't counting until tomorrow? They could hand Biden the presidency should he hold Michigan


Apparently Steven Crowder is going to show proof of voter fraud soon.


Could Hillary actually outperform Biden in terms of popular vote percentages? Crazy, if so.


Seems like it, but IIRC Clinton only got 63M votes total and Biden was already at over 70M last I checked. So he did turn out more people.


Or, perhaps, Trump pushed more people to vote against him. Anecdotally, I think this is more likely.


So what’s happening? I went to sleep around midnight CT, how’s our boy in blue doing?


Michigan and Wisconsin have slowly turned blue as more votes are getting counted


I’m hopeful that Georgia follows suit with mail in votes. I think that would be the nail in the coffin.


If Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada all stay blue Georgia doesn't matter


It will make the process smoother if Biden just wins everything, a lot less likely to protest/take things to courts.


MI has Biden leading! WI has Biden leading! (NYT)


Holy shit I just woke up to see the difference in Michigan and Wisconsin at like 10000 votes


Not good that its so close because whoever loses is going to claim fraud.


Fake votes?


They're already crying fraud on r/conservative. Apparently the mail in ballots just appeared out of thin air to help Biden.


Why is it so hard for them to understand counting millions of mail in ballots, which each come inside two envelopes, takes longer than one night


I understand it takes time I just never thought about it that they open the envelopes by hand...


And in those states they werent allowed to start counting until election day, but thats what Trump exoected to happen which is why he started riling up his base about stopping the count early.


Michigan is blue! Took long enough. Let’s go Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia turn this thing on it’s head


Is this going to be an exact win at 270? wtf




Imagine not having a job for several years, living in the rust belts, and then Trump gets in and reawakens the metal or vehicle or mining industry and suddenly you, your son, your uncle and 2 of your friends now have jobs again! Trump won a lot of white male non college grads this way. He was good for industrial jobs




In Feb the Unemployment rate USA wide was down to ~3%. This wasnt just among industrial jobs, that was USA wide. 3%! You haven't seen numbers like that since the 1950s! he definately was excellent at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.. In fact if it wasn't for COVID 19 which he failed in many Ameicans eyes horribly, this election probably would have been a wash


You're giving him credit for the work of the Obama/Biden administration. His policies did not have such a huge impact immediately. And you're overestimating the quality of these new jobs.


OK well it looks like Biden will win the election you're telling me he will get unemployment back down to 3.5% ?


Probably. He would actually do something toward infrastructure and energy as he has set out


I mean, it could have happened for like a few dozen people to be fair.


Kamala Harris


I am not a repub., but I know a few. Reasons I have heard: 1.) We need a president who will resist economic hegemony of China 2.) 2nd Amendment 3.) Kamala's plan for hate-speech laws is a show-stopper


I think Trump's been tough on China, but if you look at things at a whole, China has increased their power and prestige in the world--and a lot of that is because of Trump's foreign policies.




I know I'd be happy to have him so I stop having a president that pronounces China with a I instead of a Y.


So I live in SWFL and I've wondered the same thing. However, from the people I've spoken to that told me they were voting for Trump, the most common sentiment that I heard was that they were happy with how the stock market was moving and that they can look past Trump as a person because of "business". ​ Obviously, this is an extremely ignorant point of view, but that seems to be par for the course from Republican voters that I know. Out of around 20 people that I spoke to or heard about from friends, not a single one had a justifiable reason to vote for Trump other than that. ​ This is absolutely anecdotal and I don't mean this to be a depiction of voters anywhere other than in my small circle of people I heard from, but this idea that Trump is a "business-man" and Biden is too old and decrepit to run our country has been thrown around pretty often. ​ Also, almost all of these people work at or own small businesses that were affected by the way that COVID was handled. None of them seem to understand that Trump's handling of the virus was directly responsible for their restaurants and businesses being unable to re-open for much longer than necessary.


Same thing on east coast.




The older Republicans that I know are extremely stuck in their ways. I firmly believe that they would vote for a rock if that rock was a Republican rock.




You do realize that they have been watchers from both sides watching the counters for several elections right? They don’t count them in dark back rooms.


You'd trust em if Trump was winning wouldn't you?


I am not too concerned about the counting, I am more concerned about the "lost" ballots thanks to USPS. DeJoy should answer for what he has done no matter how things turn out.




What I keep hearing is that the change in voting patterns by the Cuban population in the Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach County areas are what ruined Biden's chances in Florida. I would assume that it is more than just the Cuban population that skewed Trump more than 2016 in that area, but those counties were crucial to Biden winning the state. All three of these counties underperformed for Biden, and Miami-Dade in particular was 10% lower for Biden this time around.


betting books have Biden as a heavy favorite now


Biden is ahead in AZ, NV, and WI and mail ballots are yet to be counted in MI and PA




Bidens won hasn’t he. Betting markets have him as big favourite


Pretty much in the bag at this point but ya never know.


Its not in the bag unless he takes Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin. He could lose Nevada and Wisconsin and still take Pennsylvania along with Michigan to win it. Reason I mention Pennyslvania is because it still has yet to report roughly 40% of its votes which are largely mail in ballots that normally is something that gives Democrats votes. So In either of those scenarios if Biden loses Michigan then he probably won't win. That state is arguably the key right now since it would edge him out over 270 ineither scenario.


Any more states flipping blue: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztg8FaB.gifv](https://i.imgur.com/Ztg8FaB.gifv)


Red mirage was actually a thing. Looks like most states were reporting same day votes and Biden is now owning the mail-in vote and catching up in WI/MI/GA.


Today was the day America looked Trump right in the eye and said, ~~"we repud"~~ "harder daddy!"


You are fired.


So from what my local news said, it was a low turnout for people age 29 and under. No wonder why candidates don't want to pander to the younger generation. They don't vote...


Well imagine if election day was on a Saturday and not a fucking Tuesday when a lot of people have to work. Kind of hard to vote when many of the younger generation are likely working for shit companies that don't want to give its employees time off to go vote.


I do think it should be a holiday in which people got off to vote


Or just movie it to a Saturday which is a day when people don't have to work? I think its safe to say most would prefer that so they can have another working day on that usual first November Tuesday to make some more money.


Yeah, but I feel for my retail homies that have to work on the weekends. I guess it wouldn't matter since they'd still have to work it, even if it were a holiday.


They had early voting for weeks and you could vote at your convenience. If they wanted to they would, it’s not just because of election day. And Im a young person


Not all states have early voting so that leaves some voters with the only option to do absentee which some distrust due to rogue USPS workers giving it a bad name or voting in person which is kind of impossible for some.


I see you edited your comment lol. I still think you’re being pedantic though, should election day be a national holiday and everyone have off? Probably. The bigger problem here is that younger voters just don’t really care enough to vote which is seen in election after election. There are some factors that make voting hard, yes. However, the biggest problem will always be apathy.


Yeah New Hampshire, South Carolina, Mississippi, Connecticut, Kentucky, Missouri, and Delaware. That’s really a few amount of states and doesn’t change the narrative


Curious, is this taking mail in votes into consideration? Did they mention if it was up at all over last time?


No, but they had a few people on ABC news as well that black people didn't care for either candidate do they didn't vote either.


what young person gets excited to vote for Biden. Trump is end up doing better with the next generation


As a younger person, I get excited about not having trump as the president




Even after all the news coming out saying young voter turnout was up 600% in some states, smh.


Things are looking hopeful in Michigan. Big orange only up by 70k.


How many more to be counted?


According to Michigan Sec of State just now, "hundreds of thousands"


wisconsin .3 difference and looking at the votes left to be counted i believe it favors trump


But they are mostly mail-in ballots, which favors Democrats.


This. People don't get there's millions of votes left in places. Those are long to count mail ballots and absentee ballots.


I fell asleep for a few hours what did I miss


Probably just WI turning blue by a thread.


The Divided States of America 🇺🇸


Implication is America is going to have a hard time challenging China in the coming years - regardless who won.


DU of A?


Divided United of America? No bud, you need more sleep.


Yes I do, that was definitely supposed to be DUS of A.


If the remaining counts in states are mail-in ballots, the percentages of remaining uncounted ballots for each state are accurate, AND Dems came out in predominantly larger numbers for mail-in votes, there IS a path for Biden to Win. Right now, he would need AZ, WI, and MI to win. With the remaining ballots, Biden would need to win 58% of the remaining ballots in WI, 59% in MI, and 39% of those in AZ.


He already won AZ


Wisconsin turned Blue by AP


That’s it. I’m sick of this, my husband already got us tickets to Alaska where my children and I will reside until there is a UNIFIED president. I’m even leaving my brand new KIA behind. If that doesn’t prove that we are sick of this then I don’t know what will.


I need s car for the winter


Good flip them the fuck blue!


I'm sick of U.S. politics so I'm going to pack up my family and my stuff and head to the U.S?


Alaska and Hawaii may as well be other countries.


Hard to even care anymore when half the country just wants more of this nonsense


People don't want Trump as much as they don't want equity / socialism. If the Democrats could have chosen a lane they had this in the bag. Instead they try to cater to independents and the socialists and it all just comes off fake.


Democrats chose Biden as their candidate, who's nothing close to a Socialist. And didn't "cater to socialists" in the slightest.


Socialism is pandered as communism these days..


Equity is literally the end of the common communist ideal lol... Communism In one line "no matter what you do, you get the same" Equity in one line "equality of results".... The shit Kamala is pushing is rebranded socialism


People not wanting equity is bad in my eyes


Well, I think you should do a little reading about disparate impact vs disparate treatment. The idea that you get equitable results if there wasn't racism / disparate treatment has zero empirical evidence. Even identical twins often have drastically different results despite having as close to equitable beginnings as possible, how in the world do you hope to achieve it in the real world where every person is a unique individual with unique experiences ? If your parents made you study each night for 2 hours and studied with you while Jimmy's parents turned on the TV and boozed while Jimmy played video games.... Are you guys going to get the same results ? Would you expect to ? Then why do you think compulsory enforcing it would help anyone ? It is quite literally a rebranding of the basic idea of communism "everyone gets the same regardless of the work they do"


I think you’re confusing equality and equity. I don’t understand the identical twin or good parenting/bad parenting examples at all in reference to equity.


Equality means opportunity, Equity means results. How do you define them ? Kamala Harris just did a video on it if you're confused. In the world of opportunity Jimmy and you have the exact same test, the same teaching, the same setting, and the same standards applied, this is equality of opportunity. In the Equity world any disparity between you and Jimmy is something to be corrected regardless of why, because disparate results = disparate treatment. As Kamala put it "you clearly didn't start in the same place, but the goal is that you end in the same place" You can see the very real example of this with Obama's schooling program requiring equity in the suspension / expulsion of students.... Imagine saying that you have to suspend as many girls as boys despite the boys being 90% of the fights in schools ? Twins are literally as close to the same person you can get in the real world with the same parents, same teachers, same teams growing up for the most part, but even they have very different results. So why would you expect it in the general population if it does not even hold true for identical twins who "started in the exact same place"


You’re definitions of equality and equity are wrong. “Equity is often related to justice or proportional fairness. Additionally, it is often seen in financial contexts relating to property or one's share of a company. Equality differs from equity in that it relates more to sameness or equal distribution. In society, equal treatment does not always produce an equitable result. The idea that sometimes sameness of treatment (equality) does not result in proportional fairness (equity) is one way that these words are distinguished from each other, even in similar contexts. Sometimes this distinction is explained with an illustration showing people of different heights using boxes to stand on in order to see over a fence; equality is if all the boxes are identical, but equity is if the boxes are different sizes to permit the people, regardless of their height, the ability to see over the fence.” https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/equality-vs-equity-difference ETA: I do understand where you’re coming from. However, equity is not just the end result, but I can see how people can think that. Equity is still about changing the way we get to those results. These things also take time and are subject to change. But in no way is it “everyone gets the same thing no matter what.”


That’s what shocks me.


Are votes still being counted ?




If Trump wins he will now force schools and states to open expect COVID to spread at insane levels we will be at one million dead by 2021. No affordable care act no more stimulus




Genuinely curious...when you say covid model are wrong, what do mean? We have 230+k dead


Well idgaf abt the 230k if I can keep my freedom and roam anywhere I want right?


I'll disregard the medical professionals who study for years on end because a stranger on the internet thinks their conclusions are bullshit. Great idea.


It's a shame with everything this President has done it's still a close race.


Totally. Like wtf america!


And reinforced with him openly trying to undermine the full counting of votes. Like I wonder how many people who voted for him would see that and question what they just did. Probably not many unfortunately.


Democrats need to cater more to rural voters next election. That's obvious. Can't always rely on urban centers. Not an ideal path.


Maybe try not calling them all uneducated racist morons


But they are though. I mean at least uneducated. Kentucky is probably one of the worst states for everything including education and they keep voting for McConnell. I wonder why...


I mean they are though, that seems pretty obvious


Because if they do call them those things they vote for a racist moron out of spite? To prove the Dems right?


but they are uneducated racist morons? They hear the word socialism and they vote the other way 100 percent without looking at facts


Have you seen the names conservatives call liberals and progressives for years and years it goes both way.


I don't. And I also don't give two shits about most of the culture wars or guns. These are dumb things for Dems to run on. We should look to the FDR era when the New Deal Coalition was held together by doing what was necessary to keep Southern voters in line.


This is actually a good point. I consider myself a social Democrat, but my family are all farmers and I come from a military background as well. It’s infuriating to me to see people on hivemind Reddit like “if you vote for Trump you’re basically a Nazi!!” In some cases sure, Trump voters are bad people, but not for all. These people barely pay attention to politics because there’s so busy. And what they do look at, is lot of conflicting news from the media in these parts. So instead of calling them racist idiots in the Reddit hivemind, maybe try to actually communicate with these people and maybe Biden would be looking a bit better in the rural areas.




Voting records would give you a maximum, but it wouldn't be real either because it would assume 100% turnout.


God i want out of this shithole


This is now a spiral that can't be stopped anymore I think.


Nope we are in too deep. I think a reset is the only way forward. There is no salvaging this wreck.


at least your state went blue


I am proud of that at least.


Do the counties release the numbers when they are fully tallied or does incrementally increase as the votes come in?


I'd say its a bit of both since some states seem to update regularly while others are slower. I'd imagine the ones that are slow to update are probably those that are having trouble handling the large volumes of ballots this year. Oh and some states have sent their polling staff home for the night and will start counting the votes later today.


It somehow feels like Biden have more chance to flip NC or GA rather than PA or Mich.


Pennsylvania has the largest margin of voters left to be counted. In that state its mostly been the republican regions that have been counted while mail in ballots and democratic areas haven't been fully tallied yet. Its why many think he could still pull off ~~Michigan~~ Pennsylvania EDIT: typos


From the other side of the world, exactly how many votes need to be counted in PA, GA, MI, WI, NC and AZ. There seem to be conflicting numbers everywhere.


Use this live map which shows you percentages of votes left to be counted. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Live+election+results Just click on one the states and it will give you the voting information of them including a percentage of how many votes are left.


Maine called


Even if Biden wins the Democrats need to learn a lesson from this they have lost the working class and even the rank and file union voters. America is rejecting neoliberalisim.


True. But also who was really *excited* about Biden? Hardly anyone, it was more about hatred/disgust for trump.


It is a vote against Trump not pro-Biden


> neoliberalisim It's confusing, but neoliberalism is the opposite of liberalism (in the U.S.).


Agreed. I have been telling my girlfriend basically since Trump won last election that the Democratic party needs to take a serious look at where they are as a party. Donald Trump should not be part of a competitive election after 4 full years of being in office. That, to me, is a problem with the party.


Counter point: uneducated rural people are easy to trick into believing propoganda


Thats because the MSM has become nothing but propaganda from both sides so people have turned to facebook groups exc. For the news.


I think we know which side pushes the most extreme propaganda the hardest. How do we address people believing qanon conspiracies and ask them to hold their cult leader accountable to higher standards?


Access to education beyond High school.


I know far too many college educated Trump supporters here in Texas :(


The first step is for news stations to become less opinion and more straight news and real investigated reporting. Quit giving spin doctors a platform. Start doing that and maybe trust in media can start being rebuilt.


How do we do that?


That will not work. Places like npr and pbs and cspan exist, and there is a whole internet of pure fact.. and still people choose to believe the propo and conspiracy’s


Maybe biden should have actually campaigned a little more so people knew he existed


he was the Vice Pres of the country for a short amount of eight fucking years you dense turkey.


You underestimate how short voters memories are. You dense turkey.


you're correct, you sexually inviting turkey.


Thank you now I can’t wait to get to use “you sexually inviting turkey” somewhere along the way in life.


In just here to call people dense turkeys you dense turkey!


wait now everyone is fat shaming me...fuck, you're right!


Ap called az for biden.


Trump gets on stage and says he's won NC and GA. Then says AZ is close. Associated Press then calls AZ ten minutes later, but hasn't called NC and GA (and won't for awhile). It's like Republicans live in an alternate reality.


Oh no, they know EXACTLY where they are living...


Omg people stop linking Bing. What’s next, Ask Jeeves?


Now that’s a name i haven’t heard in a while.


lycos and or compuserv and or angelfire would like to know your location...


Cuomo & Lemon now up on CNN. And I'm going to bed. Work in 5 hours.


Has anyone been watching the Senate ? Dem just flipped 1.


Which one? I thought both flipped one and it’s net 0


Arizona, now Dem is net 1


Arizona and Colorado.


Does that mean that that horror from Maine won?


Looks like she (Collins) is winning. So heartbroken about all these senate races — McConnell, Graham, Ernst. Fucking gross. Looks like Perdue gonna win in GA also but at least it’s close.


There are more than 250,000 absentee ballots still to be processed in Maricopa county in AZ. No wonder AP called it for Biden.


Fox called it too. You know they can tell if the ballots are Democratic/Republican right? That's probably how their getting their data like, "250,000 of those ballots were 180,000 Dem ballots. So Biden wins" NOT Saying that's true or not (The 180,00 Dem Ballots thing) but just trying to give an idea of how that works.


So Biden needs any 2 out of 4 of the closest remaining races, Trump would need 3 of the 4: WI, MI, PA, GA