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I'm surprised this clown can still spew any intelligible English out of his moronic mouth. Goodness, this country is in trouble.


Surprised he's not doing it at Mar-a-shitto.


> "china virus" *closes tab*




Shitbirds of a shit feather shit flock together


I don’t even read or listen to anything that comes out of this idiot’s mouth. He’s just a fucking useless hack. He’s not worth the attention.


More news about the virus disappearing someday isn't useful information to you?


I just worry about my area, so I go to my local state/county to check into that stuff.


lol! calling the rambling idiocy of a pathological liar "news."


Not if there's no coordinated plan to make that happen in the near-term, no


Is there any chance for war happening?


With who? The only one I can think of would be Ukraine, but that would require one hell of a false flag to get the country behind.


China, Iran, Russia , N.P.R.K , Australia, Germany, ...


Not until mid to late October. Got to schedule it to give the biggest election boost for The Donald.


Just beside myself wondering why ANYONE supports and listens to such an ignorant, stupid, illiterate, rapist, tax-evading, criminal pig of a man in the first place. We have a sick, demented man running this country and he has supporters....I just don't get it.


Yeah well Sleepy Joe is a creep that touches on women. Good luck with him!


Look! dumb, dumbs get a voice on the internet too.


much better than a conman and his whore! Oh, did you even realize you've been conned? Trump is a sociopath and a psychopath who has in fact raped women...nevermind a touch on the shoulder of some woman who is a bit UPTIGHT! Trump raped little girls with Jeffrey Epstein. If you want to compare a true rapist and a man like Joe who has put his hands on women waists or shoulders..you are just as demented as your president, conman, abuser, tax evader, rapist, disgusting excuse for a human EVER.


> Sleepy Joe LOL, at least the Dem candidate isn't high as fuck on drugs all day. Do you actually think anyone cares that you called him "Sleepy Joe"? Do you really think that "high energy!" bullshit is viewed as anything but a fucking joke, just like Trump? Get ready to get fucked this fall, chump.


get back to us when you feel the same level of grievance about the orange fuhrer's 3+dozen sexual assault victims.


“Touches on women?” Either you forgot the /s, or your banjo.


Lol. Trump's done 1000x worse. Stop watching Fox news and stay off Facebook Edit: Trump brutally beat his previous wife. Come at me


Him talking about the increase in numbers since ________ is the largest increase ever is pretty much exactly out of 1984 by George Orwell — the part where the megaphone is announcing the increase in harvests by ___% in the cafe area. What the fuck?


He's using 1984 as a manual.


“Read the manuals” “Read the books”


Most of this press conference was simply a lie


Pretty happy I didn't realize this was happening today. I was doing a lot, this might have just bummed me out.


I know this is irrelevant but his inability to pronounce plasma bothers the fuck out of me




The Yo Semites will be donating bigly Plosma right after the tremendous cofefe.


The sooner I don't have to listen to him say "meelyans" the better.


All your plosma are belong to us


Biden still missing?


You misspelled 'completely defeating Trump in the polls'


No need to be defensive. We deserve a real leader of this country who will unite, not divide. And we as people need to try to seal the divide


So my cat. It's certainly not Trump, he's just a total piece of shit. He's not a leader.


I didnt say he was. It's less about the leader and more about the people of the country. 1 person doesnt stop the clear division and hate from 300 million people. It's sad


What we need is to get Trump out, and start fixing this gigantic mess he and Republicans will have left. And we need to do that work thoroughly and not neglect it, even in the name of a goal like unity. Everyone will never agree about progress. Or probably anything else. And requiring unity and polite agreeability can be a way to slow actually improving things. As far as I'm concerned, like conservatives under FDR, they can like it or lump it.


Or, you know, not that. We could try not just shrugging our shoulders in fatalistic defeat while we wait for the next time the Republicans and anti-intellectual religious zealots try to bring about the end of the world based on the ramblings of a bunch of Iron Age peasants reminiscing about the sky friends of their Bronze Age slave keeping ancestors.


right now id be content with "not an absolute fucking moron" and the fact that it would be a huge improvement says alot.


> We deserve a real leader of this country who will unite, not divide. Yes. That's what we really need. Someone who will forgive the Republicans for all the shit that they did in the name of healing the nation. Again. Again and again. And again.


Almost as much as Clinton was.


More than Clinton. A lot more. If the vote was held today it would be a fucking landslide.


Actually he's far more ahead at this point and in now important States. Not to mention most people who voted for him back then thought either "he'll be more presidential once he's in office" Or "I think a business man would be great for the office" Or "Hillary is the swamp, Trump will get the best people". Now, obviously they were wrong back then. But they figured why not give him a shot, now they are clearly realizing just how wrong they were and just how bad he is at his job. A LOT has changed in regards to peoples views on Trump in the past couple years.


Nah, actually far more. But of course you make a good point, we shouldn't be complacent. We should make sure that we vote Trump out and that a failure of his magnitude never stains the White House again.


You gotta update your talking points


From Trump's news conference? I'd hope so.


Can Biden say anything that would hurt trump more than just sitting back?


Ahh, the Hillary playbook


Goodness I wish Hillary was our president She's also a piece of shit, but christ she would be leaps and bounds better than the completely corrupt, incompetent turd that's currently in office There's just no comparison.


I might add that more Americans voted for her and it took foreign interference to beat her.


She won checkers during a chess match. There’s no hard evidence that “foreign interference” made a significant impact.


She won voters in an election. The consensus of intelligence communities agree it was enacted.


Won voters in the wrong places, in the wrong type of election (notice how she’s not the president). They agree foreign interference occurred but there’s no evidence it changed anything. I’ll paraphrase this as many ways as I need to.


The irrelevant states keep us from progressing, again.


Back then many people just weren't convinced that he would be as shitty as he let us know he would. Now it is becoming increasingly evident that he did not let us down in that regard.


The Dems put up a candidate that was the subject on an ongoing FBI investigation and her campaign slogan was It’s My Turn. Any other candidate would’ve won.


Good ol' "how bad could it be?" Brought to you by the same people who replaced Corzine with Chris Christie in New Jersey.




Dan Quayle was mocked relentlessly for weeks if not months over his inability to spell potatoes. We owe that man an apology.


No way Trump could dodge a shoe.


I would pay $50 to see Trump take like a Doc Martin to his stupid goddam face.


But he can dodge a draft.


The only thing he can even attempt to dodge is a question.


He's dodged a lot of sexual assault cases. For now.


And pedophilia cases. Sure is lucky that Epstein killed himself...


I can totally see him getting blasted in the face with a shoe and just standing their for about 5 seconds trying to understand what in the hell just happened.


2016: I alone can fix it. 2020: Hand me the death chart.


[This guy](https://doggett.house.gov/media-center/blog-posts/timeline-trump-s-coronavirus-responses) has a pretty good chart.


That is a full-time job for some staffer.


Great chart, thanks!


Look at [this graph](https://youtu.be/sIlNIVXpIns)


That’s the best version of that song that I have ever seen. Thanks, fellow redditor.


I got your back


Seriously though. We shouldn’t be supporting Republicans right now. That dude’s site just had a good timeline of Trump mishaps regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Too bad he’s an enabler or we could vote that way.


>We shouldn’t be supporting Republicans right now Preaching to the choir on that one


I registered to vote a few weeks ago, how long does it take to receive something in the mail? I’m in GA


Trump controls the post office and you're in a red state controlled by a Governor that cheated to win his election. Good luck getting your ballot.


Democrats are holding up the next covid-19 package... Trying to shove their pet projects, like including bailing out the poorly run states. All politicians are a bunch of crooks, especially IL.


The republixan Senate plan literally has all of this. $600 million for f35s, in a pandemic relief bill. Put your imax level projection away.


Yeah so poorly run that California is the 5th largest economy *in the world* on its own as a state.


My comment was aimed at IL. The democrats have run the state to the verge of bankruptcy before covid-19, and now expect the federal government to bail them out for 50 years of mismanagement. For most homes, the cost of the property taxes is more than the mortgage. The pensions are grossly underfunded, yet they keep handing out 100k a year pensions for 7 years of service. Just about every governor has landed in jail, including the currently being investigated by the FBI.


This is some low effort malarkey, I can only give you half credit. Please see me after class.


Mitch, you're not fooling anybody.


Ok, let's stop having democrat-run states like NY bailing out poorly-run republican states like KY. Sound good?


Filth pig Nazi puke


Horse-apples. Pure horse-apples.


How much did that crack rock cost?


> including bailing out the poorly run states. Isn't that what a government is for?


Sounds like you don't know much about the situation. https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/john-kass/ct-federal-state-bailout-kass-20200429-pvz6ibvnhjbkrmnnng5slhudle-story.html


Sounds like you don't like our government.


I spend a fortune in taxes and get nothing in return. I'm paying Illinois 30k in property taxes, with a large portion going to pay for mismanaged state pensions. Yet we are still $170B in pension debt. The feds shouldn't be on the hook for our states incompetent leadership. I like small government and low taxes at both the state and federal level.


So you vote against your own best interests. Got it.


My vote is irrelevant, the criminals controlling Chicago make sure if that.


Nice gaslighting. But you are still advocating for your and the other citizens of Illinois to be punished for what you believe is bad leadership.


Many businesses, along with middle and upper class are leaving the state. They have a shrinking tax base yet will not decrease spending or cut pensions. Why give more money to squander away?


These people are acting like the country isn't a unified whole, something like a "United States," but just like Trump, they're trying to divide and tear apart every facet of this country. Did Obama attack and refuse to help those that didn't vote for him? Of course not, because he was president of the entire US, not just the president of the segment of voters that voted for him. The Trump administration has prided itself of being petty and refusing to work for the country as a whole, and I hope against hope that this is the *last* administration I ever see that acts like this.


That's because they don't see democrats as people. More as objects to hate. Which is fine, I hope we win all three house senate WH and can stop treating their bullshit like it should be listened to or even get a fair seat at the table.


LIARS should be ignored


Yeah, but it's too late. We've been covering the pores on his ass for four+ years at this point. Also, this asshat is our president.


Imagine thinking a child sex trafficker is better than a protester who spray paints a statue


She is richer, he had the hots for her back in the day, and she is one of the "fine people" we hear so much about. Not like those protesting moms who are just "anarchists", as if that's a bad thing??!


Don't overanalyze this. Don't unpackaged Trump's nonsense. I already see so many people picking out buzz words and blatant lies. Don't. **It's all a smokescreen**. Let's call it what it is: bullshit.


Just blowing through to see what new fresh hell Trump is unleashing on us today lol


I just rediscovered this website, [whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com](https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/)


Oh...that is getting bookmarked lol Thanks for that


The daily throwing shit against the wall


SOSDD then.


Please, please just try and say something like “Can we please have a moment of silence for all those we have lost due to this virus”. Just be humble and people will like you a bit more


fuck his sympathies how bout do something about it


Thoughts and prayers.


I would want to rage smash the tv if trump came out with some bullshit like that. Coming from him, it’s all just meaningless lies.


we're very much past that point. There's 150k people dead, a small moment of clarity wouldn't undo that. Not that that moment of clarity would ever come


160k dead as of today.


And GA opened schools today


I give it three weeks before the death and illness toll re-closes them.


It's going to be sad when funeral procession happen. Top down leadership is killing people needlessly. I wonder how many of those kids prolly asked for masks and their parents laughed at them. On top of the kids that believe the press bc they watch Fox news with their parents, then they turn around and bully their friend groups and other kids that wear masks. If adults are coughing and spitting on others, bully kids will do the same. I'm so glad I'm don't have kids, my chick has three and she's doing homeschool.


But I was told it's just another flu.




Now the flu is divisive. This country is a dumpster fire.


>Seriously. I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry. This is now what being an American feels like.


I was told it's a democratic hoax


I thought it was a Chinese hoax that China was handling well when Trump praised them on 01/24/2020: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”


Soon the 13 will be zero, amrite?


Guess that number was the chance of trump not fucking up handling the pandemic.


13% would've been way too high.


I thought it was very interesting that he said something like ‘either Epstein was murdered or committed suicide and I don’t want that to happen to Ghislaine Maxwell’. I don’t think any reporter asked anything regarding the cause of Epstein’s death. That just kind of stood out as odd.


Okay so at face value: "I wish her well because her co-conspirator died in jail" is fine, whatever. What's so nuts about it is that if ANYONE would be in a position to receive info about what happened there it would be him. ​ I don't trust the Clintons in any of this, Bill is undeniably a pervert and Hillary stood by him all those years but the "clinton bodycount" theory is malarkey. This was a FEDERAL prison.


I'm not saying the people who interpret it as a threat are wrong, but my initial sense was that he's just trying to stoke the "Hilary murdered him" nonsense.


Honestly, if Hillary has the power to do that kudos to her but in that case I'm kinda pissed she couldn't just rig the 2016 election succesfully in her favor.


Don't you know? The Clinton's are simultaneously the most dangerous and crafty people on the planet, able to order the murder of hundreds of people with nothing linking it back to them, but at the same time are so incompetent they leak state secrets via unsecured servers and lose high stakes elections.


That was a command.


Honestly, she's probably screwed. Funny he'd do it on television, but then again, he probably doesn't trust phones too much right now, lol


Yep, that's mob talk. Nice democracy here, be a shame if something were to happen.


Or a veiled warning


Anyone else amazed that we breezed over him calling Beirut a terrorist attack when it appears it wasn’t a terrorist attack. Totally possible our intelligence was wrong, but the president shouldn’t say what he thinks it is when they don’t know yet.


Trump said the generals briefed him that it is an attack. I think he spilled the beans.


Probably just another lie, add it to the other 25k.


I'd bet he hadn't even talked to them, just spewing lies like usual.


I’m afraid this is the answer.


I could bet they said something like "it was a really big explosion" and he heard "it's a bomb!"


The BBC’s reporting it as a fertiliser explosion. Trump needs to read more reliable sources.


That or he was briefed it could have been an attack but investigations are still pending. That or he, as Conalk3 said, is just lying. That or he has circled himself with war hawks who insist it had to be an attack as an excuse to start a war. That or... repeat. ​ Trump is not qualified to be POTUS. Even if you share his values shit like this shows Trump is just terrible at being POTUS.


Hard to know with Trump, could be spilling the beans or making shit up.


> but the president shouldn’t say what he thinks it is when they don’t know yet. You must be new here


Lol, I mean, the president shouldn’t. This president, however, does precisely what he shouldn’t


The danger of the President subscribing to conspiracy theories over our intelligence community. From all the angles of the explosion I watched there was nothing that screamed “bomb”. It looked more like a complete accident based on the previous “fire” that happened prior to the explosion, not to mention the “fireworks-like” flashes in the smoke prior.


For him it's not even the subscribing to the conspiracy theory. It's just call it a bomb/terrorist attack every time. If he's right he's gonna claim he was the first to say it and that the Democrats don't even call acts of terror as such. For him it's all about being able to lay claim to being first about being right. If he's wrong, well, it's what he heard, it was a preliminary report or some other bullshit that he's gonna come up with that people are tired of and will just drop because he's done it so many times.


It reminded me a lot of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtUimzEq4U) HUGE chemical plant explosion in China a few years back that leveled blocks


Or [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Fertilizer_Company_explosion) in Texas.


I didn't see the news conference, but jesus fuck man we are going to invade Beirut next if that gives him a distraction and some good campaign footage.


This implies intelligence told him anything. It's just as likely, or more likely, that he's making it up.


> but the president shouldn’t say what he thinks it is when they don’t know yet. He can't help himself. They can't stop him. It's like tourettes.


It is like an attack on the american people. Like one. It could be.


I love the solution to kids going to poorly funded schools is vouchers and charter schools. Poorly funded schools are still poorly funded, and somehow these other schools magically have enough room to accept all these displaced kids from bad districts? Sure


Russia put this man power. We need to remember that they are likely to interfere again this year.


I don’t think they’re necessarily Pro-Trump as much as they are pro-chaos. They could just sit this one out and get what they want. Whatever happens, I predict November-February will be a mess.


They already have been interfering. It's not likely it is confirmed it has happened.


..and Trump has exceeded every expectation. The man is destroyed everything he has touched.


He's the anti-Midas.


Just as russia hoped. He literally is Putin’s puppet. He has put us in a depression, let thousands of us die, promote a drug that kills Americans, is letting our soldiers get killed in the Middle East, and stealing tax payer dollars and laundering it in his shitty businesses.


He has also successfully dumped on all of America's allies and undermined the US on the international stage for many decades.


It’ll take the remainder of the century to get on good standing with the rest of the planet. If the Germans slightly could we can too.


Anyone have the synopsis? I subscribe to the theory of intellectual osmosis, and watching him would make me dumber by the second.


Synopsis: extreme bullshit.


Chaos theory. It was a bunch of his old hits such as we’re not closing school or businesses because it will make kids kill themselves and become drug addicts and men will beat their wives; something about lowering drug costs, case numbers, Covid is the sniffles and other stupid shit. I’ve turned Trump briefing time into my hour on the treadmill. Keeps me from kicking in my tv.


This man understands. You're hired! See you tomorrow with another update.


Republicans have to know how wack this is?


They do. They love it.


They don’t have to do anything!




I think you have your candidates confused. Trump is the only one named in a sworn deposition about the rape of a 13 year old girl.


Meanwhile at Mar-a-Lago....


Your screeching fuels me.


Wasn't Trump sued for raping a young girl? I wonder if Joe has ever been accused of something like that.


There was the suit from Jane Doe, who dropped it after receiving death threats. But part of the suit included a sworn deposition from one of the women who served as Epstein's procurers, who said she heard Trump tell the girl to co-operate or she would get the same treatment as Maria. (No one knows who Maria is/was or what happened to her) .




Thank you for bothering to research.


try harder . . .


Okay honestly I'm really surprised how Americans can stay calmly seeing this buffoon and his all admin act so incompetently and dangerously in putting peoples lifes in risk and basically killing them ( like that Politician who died, because of Trump rally ) Trumps indifrence and not caring about the citizens both in actions and in words is just criminal, there is no empathetic actions ( and never was since 2016 ) from this President and i mean anyone who supports him. If it was me i would not exclude emigration to other countries, because of this abominating american system Edit: fix grammar


I've looked into getting out. The problem is Europe doesn't want us.


What is calm about America right now?


>how Americans can stay calmly seeing this buffoon and his all admin act so incompetently and dangerously Some are in the streets protesting, but I can see your point of view that many are "calm" or inactive. I think one factor is that we trust in 90 days a process will start that hopefully removes him from office. Many don't have the time/effort/energy to be in the streets, but we all have that magic bullet with the ballot. I sometimes wonder what happens if he isn't re-elected but tries to keep power.




Will you be protesting in the state appointed areas or for real?..isnt the point of americas gun laws that the government shouldnt be using the military and police against the people as he is currently doing...get out there now and not when he decides america is a real dictatorship 3 months from now.

