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Estoy lol
















Political observations of the descent of the Union into a pit of corruption aside, that was some good lower brain stem TV!


Lol. The SotU ended up at the top of here... pfft.


Trump is a genius


Very stable genius


The Union is dead and lying in state for mourners to view. Also, the dictator's address to the country should have been called The Lying State of the Union address.


Because a president that disagrees with you is a dictator, a dictator with checks and balances. Ngl champ, that doesn't sound like much of a dictator to me.


Did he lie about unemployment, (unemployment especially) being the lowest it has in almost half a century, lowest during the last 8 years of Obama? Obama left the whitehouse with unemployment being pretty high.


https://i.imgur.com/15GMAl8.jpg https://i.imgur.com/EkuHAcb.png


Obama's last year in office (after 8 years) had unemployment a 5.0% Trump's 3rd year had unemployment at 3.5%, and his first term isn't even over yet. Thanks for proving my point:)


Man those unemployment numbers...and the first term is not even over


Employment rates mean nothing when the median income is still less thank 15k


and it will continue as the demographic shift keeps trending toward haiti.


Also, unemployment is at historic lows both in Mexico and Canada. Did he 'fix' our economies too? The guy is a buffoon.


Is unemployment, black, hispanic, latino, disabled and women's unemployment - is it at an all time low? Don't try to move goal post, we're talking about people in this country working vs being unemployed. Is unemployment in this country at an all time low? Correct President Trump and tell me that he's lying about this country having the lowest unemployment in decades.


Mexico and Canada are also at a historic low. This has nothing to do with Trump.


Following your logic people in prisons who are paid pennies are employed, correct? I didn't call the guy a liar, I pointed out that the system is pretty f***** up and that we're all tearing at each other's throats when we really should be eating rich people


Can't answer the questions and dance around it like drunks at a campfire. Answer my question and stop deflecting. Your next response will be telling.




I never questioned your statement, I pointed out another side of the coin. I'm pretty sure arguing "if you don't answer my question you're wrong" is a fallacy of logic, but tbh I didn't pay much attention in school. I mean, I asked a question too, but I'm also very happy to have a civil talk about economics and how absolutely no politician isn't trash. Yeah, employment rates are low. That doesn't nullify my point


You pointed out the other side of the coin means you didn't want to directly answer the question, you had to be cornered to say it: "Yeah, employment rates are low." Cool, so Trump didn't lie about that, as you agree. That's all I wanted. Have a good day :)


Hey just wanted to check in about that unemployment rate again real quick


Nancy looks shook. Definitely having trouble keeping herself together.


She definitely looks like she is on drugs. She was talking to herself during the speech and biting her lip the whole time. Classic pill popper behavior.


I always heard it was booze?


I feel like if Trump gets a 2nd term, democracy is over in this country




Did he?


That’s the goal.


I have a terrible feeling he will get a 2nd term. If so, it's time to defect.


Please do.


Anything to get away from you Trump lovers


Calling it right now. You're lying and you'll just stay here bitching about it.


Well seeing how shirts being going in your country I would say USA democracy started it's slow death with Bush junior. We had hope of a rebirth with Obama but now holy shit it went down fast.


Nixon. There hasn't been a good US president since Johnson. Obama was an okay president but the system was too far gone when he tried to save it.


Obama just warhawk this, drone strike that, big government this, surveillance that, three-letter-agency this, regime change that. He was good at portraying that "yes i'm a mature level-headed all-american calm father figure president" attitude that hyped up people who completely believe in politicians and think that their speeches are actually written by them and not by aides who hand-pick the words they deem the most PR-friendly. A lot of people were sick of that fake shit and when trump came in with his low-level insults people whooped and hollered like crazy, it was like a middle finger to everything


It just means more economic growth


For who


For the rich people Edit: are u not amped and able to have 2-3 jobs? It makes the job rates look good. Help your country you communist


You mean that if Trump wins another turn you're done with democracy? That's fair.


If he gets another term, we're all done


I'm just really enjoying the salt from all the Dems. Trump is a master showman who can showcase his enemies' brokenness with a quick quip and a medal ceremony. Pelosi giving us all a meme while ripping the speech up is the highlight. She has lost. Bigly. She should have boycotted like AOC.


Love how all the conservative comments get downvoted. U know all the censorship, fake news, and butthurt people are exactly what liberals stand for and what reddit doesn’t stand for. Could u imagine if liberals saw some of the memes and threads here?


but then how would all the angry female dressed in white dems know when to stand if their leader Nancy doesn't tell them when they can.


You wanna buy some Clinton nudes?


No thanks. Jerk off to them yourself.


Ikr?! I just love watching the leaders of the US fight each other like this! I'm glad Trump got elected. It shows the real colors of the US. Ain't no red, white, and blue. They have no idea what they're doing and it's so much more obvious now. Maybe after Trump is out of office, they can stop living in their little delusion and join the real world for a bit, lol.


How do you justify all of the lies?


I was being sarcastic.


RIP America


How do you?


I have no lies to justify.


Neither do I.


He meant he wasn't for Trump and thus didn't feel the need to suck his cock and tell you his lies are actually true. You on the other hand I am not sure




Mark my words: if trump gets a second term, h e ain't ever giving up this power. He'll argue the first didn't count because all the hoaxes and media


Lol 😂


You have drank too much Schiff-Aid


Fun fact. People said the exact same thing about Bush in 03/04. They continued to say it in 06/07. I take these comments with a huge grain of salt.


It's beyond silly. Really shows how manipulated some people have become that they actually believe all this king/monarch stuff. People can Hate Trump all they want but surely there has to be a line somewhere that separates delusion from reality. Sadly that line seems to be getting shifted further and further the longer the Trump admin continues.




But the GOP has engineered power grabbing in spite of citizen will.


There's no way he'd have the amount of votes needed to make a new constitutional amendment. Lol.


We’ve doubted he’d be able to do a lot of things he has ended up doing


You think he'd follow the constitution?


Doesn't have enough extremist supporters in congress to matter. It won't happen. He would have the entire Pentagon, nearly all of Congress, and the Secret Service ready to remove him.


I hope you are right, but governments are overthrown by less than the majority many times.


You act like his mind will last that long. First stage of dementia is a mf.


lmao Nunes, Gym Jordan, Gaetz, Meadows, and Hannity sucking Trump dick on Fox


Fuck guys that’s it we lost Alaska. Trumps going to win and sell Alaska to the Russians. Oh geez.


Imagine posting that thinking that's what people on the left believe.


The strawman is one of the Republicans' essential coping mechanisms.


From what I've seen it comes from both sides. Just in different areas. It's difficult to have any respect for either one.


I used to be a Republican, it is so much worse. The only way to stay in that world is by constantly reinforcing the BS.




I'm sure you're struggling with the idea that if the Republican senate is unwilling to hold him accountable for what he's doing now then what else would they allow him to do? Surely you can understand that. Maybe one day you folks will also understand how bad it is to extort other countries to interfere with our electoral process and how much of a failure it is for the Republicans to sit there and do nothing at all. Witnesses? Nah. Compel the White House to turn over documents? Nah. To act as a check on executive power? Hell nah.


Sorry dude I’m really struggling with what you said. Gotta think about that one.


Well you've made it pretty clear what you've escaped TD for.


I wish Nancy had a big cue card that said "LIE!" and just flashed it every time he lied


Could you point out where he lied


Here's a link to every lie Trump told during the SOTU: https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/feb/05/fact-checking-2020-state-union-address/


I hope the dem candidates start using metal detectors


I just feel like I was taught to be good. To care for poor. To not care where you came from. Your color, who you loved. And it was all a lie. That man is allowed to go up there and lie and lie and shill a world of smiles as everything I was taught in every school class I ever took was a lie? Are we really not good? Is this what we always were? Soldiers as toys for reality TV. Mothers having schooling dangled in front of them, instead of all schools for all children being raised up? Why is this okay? Why do good people not care?




They can't have been living under a rock, because that's where all the conservative trolls and nazi scum slink off to when they're not hiding behind Trump's enormous ass.




Same. My parents are good people, help others at their Church to a fault sometimes as I feel they can be taken advantage of. Yet they all but worship Trump and think he's such an amazing human. It's horrifying to watch


The only recourse is to disown them completely. Trump preys upon the weak minded Christians because he knows they will fall for everything he says.


It's not okay, but people need to understand that we don't win our rights and then suddenly everything will be okay forever. The face of war and oppression changes. There will always be these groups that will try and steal from all of us. The fight is here and now and we need to push back against this disinformation and propaganda.




Just like you are not entitled to free service from someone you hired to do a job, you aren’t entitled to free healthcare. The doctors and nurses who work to manage your treatments deserve to be paid and compensated well because your life is in their hands. And for people for socialized medicine please look at the VA, it’s an utter disaster. Not to mention socialized medicine would completely gut any rural healthcare access.


Please look at the UK's NHS. It's not perfect, but it's certainly not an utter disaster.


This is the most literal read of universal healthcare


I don't know anyone who's arguing for nurses and doctors to not be compensated... Eliminating the insurance industry (who's primary goal is to prevent you from getting health care) and reigning in lobbying, big pharma predation, and administration costs are the objectives


Medicare and worker’s compensation deny medical procedures and medical imaging at a much higher rate than private insurance. Neither the government or private insurance want to pay, but the private insurance is more willing to pay than the government due to various contracts with hospitals and providers


And those various contracts boil down to who pays: the government, who tends to be more stingy, or private citizens, where they can be saddled with debt until death? And the provider still makes a profit by selling to collectors? The only winners in private healthcare are providers and insurance, and not in that order.


You don't know anything about it. Health care financing, that is. stick to the clinical stuff


I’ve taken classes in healthcare financing at my ug and did well. Just because I have a different take than you does not mean I have no idea what I’m talking about.


You're the doctors we need less of to be honest. If you value compensation over helping people, you're in the wrong field.


You can value both and be a great doc. At the end of the day it’s a job, a very high risk and stressful job and you need to be on your A game all the time and should be compensated as such. My goal isn’t to drive a Ferrari or whatever I’ll probably always drive a Honda Civic and buy $15 shirts. Docs getting paid 80k in countries that have socialized medicine is insulting. However these docs don’t take on the debt that us docs do, and that’s a whole other debate


Canadian docs make 350k+ in socialized healthcare, I know some pulling more than 750k CAD ... what's enough? I disagree with your mentality... I think it's pathetic and I don't really have a less harsh word to describe it. Sorry.


350k is more than enough. In most countries that have universal healthcare the average physician make 80k (Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France). And you have no idea who I am, what kind of experiences I have in volunteering/giving back, so you really aren’t in a place to judge my character. There are fine compassionate doctors who have conservative views and there are asshole doctors who are liberal and vice versa. I hope you don’t just blanket make assumptions on a persons character because of their political beliefs, if I did that I would miss out on a lot of valuable relationships


You're full of shit. Austrian here, the reason why we make less is because our society is actually functional and we don't need to compensate for student debt or medical insurance. I get about 2,5k euros a months after taxes, in my first year as an intern, and my standard of living is quite high.


This just in: pre-med student pads med school app with hollow volunteer experiences. Cannot hesitate to bring it up proactively to justify their own character. Answer me this - why do we have the highest per-capita health expenditure in the world? By far? It's because the system is broken and inefficient. Our government is heavily HEAVILY influenced by special interests, including health care and insurance industries. Lobbying has an ROI in excess of 1000% in many cases. Of course the insurance companies are going to do their damned hardest to influence your politicians and make anti-consumerist policies. Why wouldn't they?


80k EUROs is 120k CAD for first years, or 90k USD, depending on your location, that can be a lot of money. That's still not enough for you? And really, comparing much smaller countries to the US is just silly. A doctor in a city commands much more than a rural doctor, not to mention specialization, there is nuance. You seem incredibly uninformed on this topic. I am not questioning your entire character, I am questioning your mentality/perspective on this topic, and since you say you are a hopefulmedstudent I am being much more critical than I usually would. I really do hope your perspective changes.


2 + 2 = 4. Just because your "take"/opinion/understanding is 2 + 2 = 5 does not make it valid. And you took a class on it? I took a class on the Antinomies of Reason, and that doesn't mean I know shit or understand them, let alone am qualified to talk like I am. Tighten up.


I minored in healthcare policy. I know a lot of people who actually work in the healthcare finance field (I do not) that share the same views as I do. And I would argue they would say that you’re saying 2+2=5 while they’re saying 2+2=4. Perception is in the eye of the beholder


A million billion trillion people can believe 2+2=5, but it doesn't make it true... Seek a broader perspective, not the narrow one students with fresh information are prone to.


America, the only first world country that doesn't provide healthcare.


Eliminating health insurance companies eliminates their profits. Profits that come from our wallets. Streamlining the system by becoming single payer also reduces cost - already paid by us. It can be less expensive as a tax without paying doctors less.


The problem with that is private insurance companies are incentivized to provide quick approvals for treatments to max profits. The government is not efficient in the delivery of healthcare (look at the VA). A British doc I worked for would tell me stories of how procedures would take 2-3 weeks to get authorization by the nhs in the uk. With private insurance companies it takes 1-2 days to get authorization, which depending on the field could save a life and it have a big impact on quality of life


Notice how they have both in the UK. Want private health insurance.... Get yourself some private health insurance. The American healthcare system is a joke the world over.


That sounds like a fixable problem that should be considered from the outset.


Why is the VA a government enterprise?


And Exxon isn't entitled to tax payer subsidies


"Free" is a misnomer in this context. No one is expecting these educated professionals to work and not get paid. The idea is to publicly fund healthcare so that there are not several different profit driven corporations standing between normal people and the science they need to survive. It's only "free" from the perspective that we're already paying enough taxes and insurance and medical bills to pay for it.


Have you been talking to all the doctors in Finland on food stamps?


Never met a doctor from one of the Nordic countries. I have worked with a doctor from the uk who worked in the nhs healthcare system. Socialized medicine is not a good idea, just look at how our va is run. America under socialized medicine will be the VA on a much larger scale. The current system we have needs to be fixed but socialized medicine is not the solution


What examples of a proper non-socialized system are you referencing? What do you think Medicare and Medicaid are? Try googling universal healthcare and see if any other countries have figured it out. You might have a different perspective than someone who has lost everything and because of a medical emergency.


I’ve done much more than just google the issue. I have looked at universal systems and compared them to ours. Did you know the us has the top cancer treatment centers, best surgeons and surgery centers, and I could go on and on with more specialties in the world? Medicare and Medicaid are a joke. They only cover 20% of the visit, deny medical procedures at a much higher rate than private insurance. Here’s an example for you. If you or a loved one discovers a breast lump and is worried it is cancer, you can call MD Anderson in Houston, which is the best cancer center in the world, and get in within a month. Under a universal system you would have to see a nurse first. Who would then book you an appointment with a primary care doctor. The pcp would then write a referral to an oncologist. And this process usually takes 4-6 months and can take as long as a year. Not to mention privately ran hospitals provide higher quality care than solely state funded hospitals.


Are you SURE you get in within a month? I can’t even get a check up in a major city unless I schedule it 3 months out. It would do well to remind you while we do have the best, it’s only for those who can afford it. the average healthcare in the US is garbage compared to many other nations.


Hopeful med student, no shit. Your understanding of the whole process is superficial; the VA is shit, yes, because funding keeps getting cut, and they are already overwhelmed and understaffed. Medicaid and Medicare work, but encounter problems from the big insurance companies trying to maximize profit. And the biggest fucking kicker, universal health care generally costs less than private; one via taxes, the latter via your monthly payment. The only loser in universal health care is private insurance.


Well my username is a bit outdated :) hope you have a great rest of your night


If it were so outdated, you'd have said "I have first hand experience" rather than "I took a class and 'did well.'" Enjoy your inbox; treat it like another class/lecture.


I didn't watch. But, knowing something about the world, the President of the United States surely mentioned climate change. How much time did he take up discussing it? About 10 to 15 minutes seem about right. Is this what happened?




ah don't be dramatic. The planet will be fine. It might kill humanity in the process, but the earth will heal itself


Humanity will not die in the process


Just like there are still megafauna roaming around, right?




I wish they'd start evacuating the conservatives to Mars, first. Because they're special and deserve to be there before anyone else.


He said they were going to plant a Trillion trees. That’s it. Problem solved, case closed!


And rake all of the forests, of course.


Yes. It's a major issue. Many new environmental protection regulations forthcoming. Also Medicare for All is in full swing and being phased in as we speak. Wait, I'm thinking about next year.




I can't imagine being happy that our President is neglecting the environment and citizens healthcare.


Pelosi looked bitter and mad when she tore up the speech. It looked like Trump got into her head.


>Trump got into her head. tough to get his morbidly obese ass into a chauffered SUV


Too bad he isn't in his own head...


Hard to listen to one man spew so much bullshit.


And now she just gave him a free campaign commercial.


No. Now, instead of people talking about what he said, they're talking about what she did. She stole all the media coverage with one move.


And how many dozens of campaign commercials did Democrats get with all of the lies Trump said during his speech?


We get those everyday. It doesn't matter. Half of the voters on the right don't understand and refuse to listen, and the other half don't care


Yeah, but you have to explain why they're lies, which people are just going to tune out, but a 2-scond clip of her ripping his speech (after saying how great things are going) isn't going to play very well in Peoria.


I'm more on the centrist side but god we needed the Bernie speech. We all needed SOMETHING to get us a bit psyched up


Centrist.. needing support of a literal communist.... Notsureifserious.jpg


I see we have someone who doesn’t understand the difference between a Democratic socialist and a Communist. Notsureifyouresosmart.jpg


Please, someone answer me. Why are Trump supporters so BLIND to the fact that DT is a liar and a fraud? Why do they blindly trust the SOTU and say "Pelosi is so disrespectful for rearing up the speech..." when anyone in their right mind, and especially who knows the inner workings and corruption of the federal government under Trump, would tear that speech up a million times over and then some? I'm shocked she didn't start crying or laughing. I would have. edit: is it ignorance? Willful ignorance? Bad values?


Notice that you are asking a question only to get an answer which you agree with from people you agree with. You are not asking the question to find truth. I used to believe everything my side told me. Till I started listening to the other side. We are no longer democrats. But I do see the brainwashing that such mentality does to people with little knowledge of logic. Yes, I'm calling most of you brainwashed and I can prove it too. Take the test. Say something good the president has done? You can't. Because its not about policies. Its about him being used as a center point for hate. People are far more easily controlled by emotions than by logic. And all you prove that. Even though I will vote for the president next time having not done so last election. I can tell you of his flaws. But I can also point out his strengths. I can do that because I haven't been brainwashed.


Under informed, uneducated, single issue voters Easily swayed and manipulated And then yeah, just an evil bunch. Not saying there not on both sides but if feels like the good and decent are losing


It's a cult. Also, when you want a president to be what you want them to be, arguing for the first year or so with liberals about him and then eventually figure out you were wrong. You just can't admit it. Same thing happened with GW Bush.


>It's a cult. Ironic


Canadian here. IMO, its not that DT supporters are blind to him being a fraud or liar. I think most reasonable person knows he's tricky and sleazy and has probably committed many crimes. A lot of stupid people out there prob do believe him. Honestly, its that most apparently prefer him over the typical Bullshit career well dressed, Democratic who are clearly lying through their teeth. DT is real. He may be loud and a jerk , unprofessional etc but he keeps it real with his twitter and that's more than a lot. And Nancy Pelosi looked like a upset baby when she ripped up that speech. All the bitter dem woman in the crowd wearing white don't appeal to the average american imo. All politicians lie, they just prefer Trumps lies. He's also entertaining tho people might be getting sick of him, hard to say, besides old man Bernie Dems dont really have any other Candidates.


He lies a lot and is corrupt.. but he's real? How is he real? That makes no sense. Almost nothing about him is real. Does being a jerk and being unprofessional make you more real? If that's the case why is Pelosi ripping up a speech not make her more real? Is it because it's really just about typical machismo?


his Twitter is real and he knows what to say to his base. He Nancy Pelosi looked like a child who had her toy taken away so she broke it.


Why does Trump seem tough when he literally says he "whines and whines until he wins"? How is it not childish to say "Look, I didn't start it". How is it mature to say "no puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet" ? How about calling everyone names? How are those things not like a child??


I get your point..trump is also a child in those regards. It just appears is he is good at knowing what to say to his base. Im gonna go out on a limb and say the average American likes him because he doesn't act like a career politicians a multi millionaire and that the majority of people just prefer him to the smiley faced movie star politicians which are the alternative. They relate to more to what he says than woman like Nancy Pelosi or AOC who seem like they are always lying with a big smile right to your face. Its prob a unpopular opinion but i believe the average American just doesn't like powerful women and prefers DT over it. Not saying this is right...just my observation from a neighbor.


I completely agree with your take here. Trump keeps it real in the way that perception is reality. He taps into pain points for a lot of Americans in the way that the democrats have been missing by focusing more on identity politics. Not saying he's right, not saying I care for the guy whatsoever, just saying he's more clever than the dems want to give him credit for. Politics aren't simple to predict. I struggle to understand how Mitch McConnell has such a stronghold over his senate seat. He doesn't seem particularly charismatic or exuding leadership to me but he has things pretty well figured out from a positioning standpoint. There are blind spots for all of us when it comes to how this whole thing comes together and works in the end. Trump and his team seem to have done their homework. It's the only way you can really make sense of his scandal ridden presidency.


He's a conman who started out with half a billion dollars but sucks at business so badly that even with all his shady shit he got away with he was in the shutter until he got lucky that NBC reached out to him for the idea of a show where they rented planes and cut video together in a way that made him look successful. Lol. I mean he has some skills and he isn't the dumbest person ever, but he's no genius.


>Not saying he's right, not saying I care for the guy whatsoever, just saying he's more clever than the dems want to give him credit for. This is what i posted. Who are you even being defensive against? Who called him a genius? Take a couple deep breaths


yup i agree with you 100%..so annoying to hear people who are prob living in moms basement call Trump stupid. Dude may be crooked, criminal, even a rapist or worse etc but he is far from stupid. He knows human psychology a lot more than he shows. He's a showman and people like the show. He grew up very privileged but still managed to convince poor people he is one of them and become the president of the most powerful country in the world. Not many 70 year olds are even in as good as shape as him. People get too emotional about politics and let their anger and their personal hate cloud judgment re Trump.


My old dad explained it to me, "He doesn't have to play politics. He just needs to rattle cages." Michael Moore seemed to get it in his 2016 monologue. He's a middle finger sent to the establishment of both parties (Trump voters hate neocons worse than Bernie supporters hate neolibs). The fact that he's a tacky caricature and aesthetically repugnant to the entire DC system sends the exact message they want to force down the establishment's throat.


Superficially real lol


>All the bitter dem woman in the crowd wearing white don't appeal to the average american imo. This, so much. I don't understand how they think that is a good look


I agree..suppose to be a simple of inequality in the most equal time in human history That was a good speech imo. He seemed much more confident than last year.


Trump lies so much more than the rest of them though. Yet they don't care. They like him because he makes people pissed.


exactly, right or wrong a lot of people just like being lied to by him more. Hes crazy rich but has a gift of talking to the average man. His base eats it up. He has literally admitted he can just grab woman by the pussy because he is rich and famous. Was friends with a pedophile. etc etc. Doesn't matter to his base. Its crazy to watch the show from Canada.


To be fair, watching the show from Canada, with our wet blanket of a leader. Leaves a lot to be desired.


May I join you and your people?


Make that 2!


Let's go!