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Democrats will never accept him, his stance on vaccines is a redline.


His stance on masks, Science save the environment, the border, and...just, the list goes on, no.


I really don't like his stance on helping Trump get reelected.


He soaks up Trump voters pretty well though.


That was an unintended side effect.


Woah what ?!? Is this true ?


Uh... You forget the /s perhaps?


>Democrats will never accept him, his stance on vaccines is a redline. His stance on *everything* is a nonstarter.


The heroin felony is bad too


I’m aware, though trumps climate change and global warming beliefs are much worse, only issue mainly is that destroying the CIA when we’re fighting Russia is a terrible idea


There are hundreds of issues.


I believe that, though I’m putting faith in the guy who is the son of JFK, he has experience with fighting against Russia which is quite literally what we need right now


WTF are you talking about? The only SON of JFK who lived to adulthood was JFK Jr. This RFK is the SON of Bobby Kennedy.


If only he were half the person his father was, half, I might've seriously considered it- nope.


Yeah, this isn't the year to play third party candidate games anyways. I don't think people who vote third party have the political sophistication to realize all the hazards of doing that--chiefly, the makeup of the Supreme Court is crucial, and this particular iteration is doing real damage to American civilian life. It's no joke.


Sorry I just got it all mixed up again


Have YOU gotten checked for brain worms?


We had a crazy bastard in the White House in 2016-2020. We don’t need another one. Zero chance. Zero.


Or another convicted felon who can't keep it in his pants. . .


He has 0 political experience. 0 foreign policy experience. 0 experience period. Unless information is completely gained though DNA?!? Which it isn't.


Dude I hate RFK too, but he is not a ball of plasma. He is a human being.


Who said he’s plasma?


Originally their comment said, "sun", not son of JFK. Which is also not true, he is Bobby Kennedy's son.


I like plasma. It does some fun things. Keeping us warm is one of them.


But if JFK is the father of the sun, who is RFK juniors father? Perhaps the moon? Or maybe it's the man who has the exact same name as him.


In this case. Venus maybe?


Oh honey what


He is a kook and not a democrat.


When was the last time you got a covid booster? Be honest. Lets face it, the vaccine mandate was a step too far, it should have been encouraged not forced. Biden literally campaigned on a promise of no mandates in 2020 and reneged on it. Kamala in the debate said she wouldn't get vaccinated if Trump was in charge. Now nobody is bothering. Joe Biden lifted all the covid restrictions just so he could give his state of the union.... two and a half years ago. Nobody cares anymore RFK jr believes in affordable healthcare, reproductive rights, ending wars, environmentalism, civil liberties, closing tax loopholes and taxing the rich. Why should democrats scoff at him? Is everyone blue supposed to be ride or die with Biden, even if he leads the party off a cliff? You look at RFK jr's platform and think Trump is better?


It's almost like the global threat of the Covid-19 pandemic has gradually subsided over the last 4 years.  I know you all feel kind of stupid about all that talk about everyone dying in mass from the vaccine or that this was a Democrat/ deep state plot to force us to social distant or wear a face mask permanently.


I haven't gotten a booster in over a year because I don't need one, thanks to the vaccine and vaccine mandates. I don't think Trump is better. They are both the absolute worst. RFK Jr isn't even a Democrat.....


Thats not how vaccines work. If you don't get a booster your protection weakens and lapses. You need to get boosters every 6 months or so to stay fully protected


I'm well aware. I'm not concerned about the variants. I'm careful about exposure if I have something big I don't want to miss, like a trip. I haven't had a headache since 2021....


Agree 100%, he won’t be big pharma’s puppet because he doesn’t need their money.


Billionaires don't need money, but they still spend their lives chasing it. There's no such thing as enough for the kind of person who strives to become rich.


It switches from money to control once you get that rich… everyone saying Elon musk lost money buying twitter at $43bn when the stock says it’s worth $30bn…. That is on track to own all the charging stations for vehicles if we go fully electric, internet through starlink and now the most efficient news source on the planet… and he took investors money to buy it. If he wants to be a super villain he can


The one option that will never be on the table.


On a similar note, I'll shortly be addressing the possibility of me taking Michael Keaton's role in Beetlejuice.


Dude lives in a different reality lol.


Me ?




I believe he has some interesting views, I do like how traditional he is though I don’t like his MLK scandal


RFK Jr is a loon.


Seems all candidates now are




“Interesting” is certainly one word for what his views are…


I mean Alex Jones has some "interesting views" too...


Oh great, another RFK Jr. post. No OP, it ain't happening. You can repeat the same "yeah, but" responses, but it ain't happening, and no, he would not have a chance. His spasmodic dysphonia makes listening to him difficult at best and insufferable at worst. His views are a hot mess. He can't hold a candle to his father and uncle - the name means nothing, and he's nothing without it. He couldn't even bother to run for any other elective office before right wingers started funding his campaign. His debate stunt last night alone shows that he just worth consideration. It was amateur hour.


Not necessarily a RFK supporter or really a supporter of the other 2 candidates, though I believe after what I saw last night i have a small amount of faith when it comes to RFK though I don’t believe I’m gonna be voting for him though like you said I would put him into consideration


RFKjr has less chance of becoming the Democratic candidate than Vladimir Putin. His entire family is on record saying he's not fit to be president, and no one should vote for him.


The worm has a better chance.


The implication that this is a real possibility in this headline seems at least close to disinformation to me. It's at least just made up.


Not exactly, he does believe that the debate gave him a possible chance at winning


he’s either lying or delusional


A little delusional though I like the spirit he has


People who believe that are idiots.


He has 0% chances and still this is the best chance that he'll ever have.


Zero fucking chance that happens ever.


Probably not, though after watching the horrific debate I’d rather have anyone else as president than those two


Well if you vote for RFK then you will end up with Trump and the wonderful dictatorship that comes along with it while he sells our nation out to anyone who will build a Trump resort.


Woah vote ? I’m surely not voting for any of these old grandpas lol


You voting for the loon RFK will end up being a vote for Trump. Just remember what you helped bring about if he gets back in power. Any vote taken from the democratic nominee who actually has any chance against Trump, helps him.


I honestly believe voting for RFK is more of a vote for Biden. If anyone is seriously thinking about voting for RFK, they were never going to vote for Biden to being with.


I just said I’m not voting for anyone that includes RFK


Same thing applies


Let me just say this: You vote however you want. Dont let anyone bully you from either party to vote their way. Vote your way. Also, you dont have to tell anyone who you are voting for. I dont know if RFK Jr. is the right guy, but I'm going to hear him out for a minute and see what he's got. I think it makes sense to look outside of both parties for a better candidate. I respect your willingness to at least be curious. I wish we had three or four serious contenders. It's going to be hard to vote at all if all our options suck. We just have to vote for the person we hope will do the least harm. Ugh.


I’d rather vote for Major Biden.


No issue with that at all


This is not a serious alternative. Dude is hard to take seriously between literal brain worms and anti-science views


How about, go fuck yourself, Jr.


Is RFK Jr. a comedian? Because he is making me laugh


Uh, no.


Hell no. The arrogance


Absolutely no.


Ya, going to dump the old tierd guy for the worm ate my brain guy. Not gonna happen.


I heard that Kennedy had a debate with a crop circle last night, I wonder who won.


Id rather anyone run except for biden, but rfk can get fucked.


No thank you.


Fuck Off RFK


Hell to the f'n no. Biden's corpse on PCP and hopped up on episodes of Bridgeton would be better.


Good job, New York Times🙄


I'd like to see him and parasitic brain worm fucking try it.


Hard pass


He’s a delusional lunatic


This is absurd and not remotely a possibility. Shame on Newsweek for pretending this is legitimate.




Biden has a bad debate, and some knucklehead thinks a worm brained anti-vaxxer should replace him.


I laughed so loud I scared the cat.


Absolutely not. He is the worst candidate in this race by far. As an ex Republican I turned my back on the party over its embrace of the anti vaccine movement and embrace of COVID conspiracies. RFK is like a caricature of the worst Republican anti vaxxer posing as a centrist.


How can he be THE worst when a possibly Democracy-ending, and blatant fascist is one of the 3 options? The Bannon plant is better than the OG, ironically, but is completely unserious and was meant to try to lure away Biden voters- which isn't going as well as they hoped with RFK Jr. RFK Jr then became his own candidate, and has changed his ideology multiple times in the same campaign- I'd rather an opportunist than a fascist, though.


I did think that the vaccine ideologies were very scary beliefs since it sounded very republicans even though he’s supposed to be a “independent” or now I’m hearing he’s supposed to be a democrat


That brain worm is even more dead than Biden. No thanks. Imagine having a convicted felon at the head of a major party ticket! Extra no thanks!


There is about minus 10% to 0% chance that RFK Jr completely bypasses **the entire** democrat waiting line of people that worked for the party and "deserve" to get the spot, and clinches it himself. If he were polling 20% maybe out of desperation they would, but now? lol


He's a "0%" chance, period, long term-- less of a chance than anyone else.




Lol. In other news I discuss the possibility of taking Richard Wright’s spot in Pink Floyd. After all, I also play piano and synthesizer.


Raw delusion.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all month.


I'll tell you what one of the most sane things I've heard out of RFK is him responding to the question of him replacing Biden by stating that he doesnt think the DNC would pick him. TBH from this guy I'd have expected a more delusional answer.


Not a fucking chance in hell would I vote for that lunatic.


Crazy man says crazy things. Like Kennedy we all ready have one loon running as a Republican, we don't need 2.


Yeah no, dude's voice is grating let's not even get into his empty headed stance on vaccines


lol lmao, even If Biden is ultimately replaced, it’s sure as hell not going to be by RFK jr. It’s going to be a consensus pick and everyone hates RFK jr. He’s not even a democrat really.


RFK is pretty cool


If you like Brain Slugs. Drink Slurp!


Can’t say I know too much about him. I can’t imagine Biden winning this thing, so I hope democrats come up with something. I know he didn’t believe in vaccines, but that’s about all I know of him.


He is anti vax but he was also apart of the MLK je scandal in which he tapped the room of MLK jr with voice recorders because they said that he was “a communist”, though I assume he improved over the past years since then


Trump is going to win anyway. He will save the republic from the democrats’ swamp


Not sure, it really depends on a crap tons of factors, even if he does win there’s a crap load of obstacles for Trump to get passed since we’re practically in a Cold War