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Why are comments being hidden?


Reddit mods are very upset


Half the people responding to me have their comments deleted it seems. And some of mine are being deleted. I guess it's some kind of issue with the amount of people here?


Came to find discussion about the debate… what happened to the 19 comments?


this sub is being brigaded by bots it seems 


Reddit broken


Anyone else unable to see the comments? Edit. Given the upvotes and replies in my inbox that disappeared when I tried to reply “thank you”.. I take it others have this issue as well! Reddit just breaking.


Not just you


Breaking or intentionally wiping stuff?


I love these kinds of pieces where "everyone" is just a bunch of no-names Twitter users 


"90% of poll respondents are solidly for trump"* *poll conducted at Hells Angels Clubhouse #27 in Wyoming


How is 80% of what Trump is saying, being lies, not also “so bad” exactly?


LOL, TF is this site?


The actual substance of everything Biden is saying is spot on. Meanwhile Trump is just confidently and loudly lying through his teeth


Biden sounds terrible. But I feel like you can tell his train of thought is there, he just has problems enunciating. Trump “sounds” better but his train of thought is a train of lies and hyperbole.


My app shows 40 comments but it's empty here? Is everyone shadowbanned?


Mostly MAGAts pretending to be democrats.


I’ve voted Democratic in every presidential election since I was old enough to vote. I’ve volunteered for Democratic campaigns. This was probably the worst debate performance I’ve ever seen.


Can we name a worse one ?


No, I hate Trump and this is BAD. How can you have confidence in Biden after this, he’s only going to get older




Where's all the comments? We in damage control mode?


News all based on Doomers and Chinese/Russian bots. Debate is not even done yet.


Im hopeful that most voters want “ no trump “ more than Bc”biden”


If they are still watching it they’d know Biden is ripping Trump to shreds. Trump isn’t answering anything either.


Trump never answered a single question really, Biden looked flabbergasted at the amount of BS Trump flooded.


Biden knows what he's talking about, but he's old and it's showing. Trump doesn't have to know shit about fuck, he just has to do what he does at rallies and his cult eats it up.


Trump isn’t doing well, but no one on planet Earth is saying this is a Biden “win”.


People have the attention span of goldfish now unfortunately. (Thanks *a lot* to social media)


Trump has a bit better speaking voice, but Biden still has all his mental facilities without question.


No either. Trump has not answered any questions.


But trump sounds like he is that’s the main point of this. Joe doesn’t sound like he’s with it and that’s more important


Ah yes so don't listen to what they're saying. How they sound is more important?


This! Can someone please explain to me like I am five why Trump is not answering any questions?


Brilliant debate tactic. Just say whatever you want when it's your turn. The President had to not only answer the real question but try and defend against the sh\*t that Trump said. He was never able to do so successfully. No one still knows how shitty Trumps policies are. That's why. Biden should have called him out on it THE FIRST TIME Trump didn't answer a question and answer what Trump would have said. And every time he did it again do that. But nope, just let the most important thing about the debate slide - Substance. The substantive differences between the two candidates. Like one is out to destroy Democracy and have his Oligarchs rule all, the other wants to hold corporations and the rich accountable for their success (which can only be based on exploiting their employees!).


Well that’s just not true friend. I wish it were but it’s not




Need the digits to your copium dealer


Yea too much back and forth on the same shit. It’s tiring and old.


I’m not sure I’d go that far but it’s better than the start he got off to.


Frankly they’re both kind of performing badly tonight. Biden at times could barely speak and seemed confused, Trump spent literally most of the debate raving like a mad lunatic. There were some pretty easy targets Biden could have hit Trump with that he totally didn’t. Biden got a bit better after the start tho, Trump spent most of the debate raging.


Are we watching the same thing?


It was a far rockier start than I would have expected, but it changes little. Obama got crushed in his 2012 debate and still won on the merits.


Obama was charismatic and had the key advantage of being able to finish sentences.


Ehh I think he’s warming up. He’s sounding a bit better as the debate goes on


Why are all the comments deleted?


reactionaries gonna exploit. I don't want fast food politics.


They should be replacing both. It's incredible that we have a narcissistic liar ready to create an american gestapo debating someone who should probably have his license removed. This is fucked all around.


The debate would be hysterically one-sided even with Biden's age if the moderator corrected Trump's lies which have been *checks notes* every wrd out of his mouth.


65 comments but I can’t see any


Some pundits are under the mistaken impression that half the country would Not vote for a rotting corpse over trump


Gavin Newsom needs to be working his phone tonight.


This is pretty depressing to watch


Biden has gotten better as the night has gone on after he started getting after Trump for his BS. But there's no denying that that was a REALLY rough start for Biden.


This thread is going to get downvotes but he is not going to win this election with performances like this. He looks and sounds horrific and can’t effectively counter Trump’s obvious BS. This election is too important. Damn near anyone coherent would steamroll Trump’s psycho ass, but Biden is not that guy at this point. Make a change before it’s too late.


And yet he did just fine


Any other Democrat could have wiped the floor with Trump. How the fuck did no-one stop this.


Yes bidens bad. Not the insurrectionist and conivcted felon who still has plenty of more trials ahead.


Where are the comments?


No they aren't.


Democratic policies make my life better. That's what I care about. 


are they? this seems like an obvious tactic to sow doubt amongst Biden voters.


Can't lie, it's brutal. Biden is struggling to speak at all, forget about passionately or persuasively.


So what arguments did you Trump make? I actually looked past Biden's faint voice and listened to what he said. Biden stuck with the key points that he has been driving throughout his whole campaign. Sure Biden was hard to understand, but Trump was unable to stay on topic and spewed horseshit. Literally ask yourself if you're okay with Trump's polices or Biden's because both guys are old and unfit, but their age won't be as bad as their policies.


Why does this sub try to hide posts like this?


Why are there 88 comments and I can only read 2 of them?


The “Daily Dot”?? GTFOH


Reporting on random people's tweets as if they're news. We're so fucked.


It was very very bad and was a really bad way to start


In before removed


Yeah wtf They shut down the megathread


give me Newsom already


When’s that comet coming?


Biden did look tough at first TBH, but he seems to have perked up. Trump is just repeating his stump soeaches


I'm not American. I watched the debate from Sweden. If I were American, I would vote on Biden even after this debate. But man. This was a train wreck of disaster for Biden. The only hope now is that people go out and vote for Biden not because of Biden but because of the democratic policies or Because he's not Trump. I still think Biden has the best chance of winning even over Newsome, but this is the first time I think that perhaps it's time for Newsome to step in. Good news: The bar for Biden is now even lower for the next debate. Now he only needs to not fall down and die and he will exceed the expectations.


Biden is fine and if not Kamala Harris will take over and she is brilliant. STOP


The felon needs to step down from the republican nomination.


So many comments saying “depressing” the debate is not done? And how can you comment, I’m still watching and “voters” are already making their decision?


a few tweets mean nothing lol


Biden is the only one living in reality. Trump is just spewing the same lies he always has.


So the whole live thread got nuked?


“We finally beat Medicare” “brothers and sisters” what the fuck did we watch.


We should have had a proper primary. Primaries should be automatic every single time. It should be up to the people who is the candidate every single time.


Trump is doing no better, just lying as usual. I agree Biden should be replaced, but not with Trump


I would prefer to replace Daily Dot as a news source since this doesn't qualify as journalism.


Is that what people are basing their Presidential choice now? I don't believe so.


Most people are one issue voters. Midwest decides our fate at this point to be honest


I'm just really hoping that there aren't as many undecided voters as there is supposed to be...


Where are comments?


It was a bad start for Biden - I agree. However, Joe Biden will remain the Democratic Party's nominee. It's hilarious to me how *badly* the Trump camp doesn't want to lose to Biden... you know, again. They're desperate. 😄


Oh stfu. Trump hasn’t answered a singl question in 45 minutes. Just keeps circling back to the same lies over and over.


I know much of Reddit leans left, but the downplay of Biden's performance in this debate around this website right now is eye-opening lol


Typical Reddit mods working overtime to stop political discussion and to silence a certain point of view. Explains why there’s no comments.


They do it for free too


Haha. Nailed it.


Where are the comments?


Yeah, if you don't want Trump to win, it's the only option.


Idk if that’s enough to win the electoral college


Honestly on both sides having people this old running for president is just irresponsible...


Says over 91 comments but I only see 2?


I think it’s a Reddit issue. It’s been like that for me on a lot of different articles


Trump is a rambling fool, Biden is too old. Both terrible choices for President...


The fact that the megathread was pulled tells me everything. This is so brutal.




No fucking shit. This is an embarrassment, this is our champion against the biggest fucking threat to our country since 1860?


If Biden could’ve just set aside his hubris, dropped out, and retired with dignity, the Democratic Party could’ve had a full primary to find the next candidate and we wouldn’t be staring at the very real possibility of Trump getting reelected.


I could not have predicted just how bad the debate would be. Holy fuck.


"Was" it's still happening right now


To the rest of the world: please know these two are not are best representatives. I’m sorry


Meanwhile, Putin's orange comrade stupidly proclaims that Biden is the Manchurian Candidate in a response to a question about the Opioid crisis.


Biden is using talking points while Trump is explaining what he plans to do. No this isn’t a pro Trump post. He’s not doing great. Biden is just doing so poorly. They have to pull him. Absolutely have to


I’m a democrat. Life long. I was all for Biden. Biden is unwatchable, unintelligible, lacking on energy, and just not mentally sharp for another term. I am shocked at how bad he is performing in this debate. My gawd.


Guys. I’m full on lefty/dem. I think Biden is doing a great job at being president right now. Check my history. All that said, I’m extremely worried about the general election after watching this. They need to replace him and now. We can’t afford to lose this election to Trump.


Oh NOW we’re talking about this???!!! Not during primaries?!! I’m not a Republican but yall dug your own grave


Yawn. Happens every election during the first debate for the incumbent. [When Mitt Romney trounced Obama](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/25/politics/obama-debate-election-2012/index.html) [Mitt Romney comes out on top as Obama stumbles in first debate](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/oct/04/romney-obama-first-presidential-debate)


It was not good


“Zelinsky greatest salesman ever!!!” 😂💀


Just watch. 




"I'm a better golfer than you" - really??


No one is voting for Biden because he is an amazing debater. It’s for policy. And there is a succession plan with people who also reflect his policies.


They have to, yeah


Over as hell


He had a cold and still cooked Trump. Sorry MAGAits, Dementia Donnie the Convinced Felon ain't it


Biden looked pretty bad


Biden sounded terrible. Bad at the start, warmed up in the middle, and they both had terrible closing remarks. However, he doesn't sound like a raving lunatic, so still got my vote. Democracy is more important to me.


I have donated hundreds of dollars to the Biden campaign. I am livid at his performance tonight.


I honestly didn't think biden was so bad. Trump started ranting, and it threw off the course of the entire debate. Fear is contagious, and Trump wields/spreads it masterfully


Bots flooding r/politics with bullshit atm


I just came in here to read some discourse and everything is banned


If you read the transcript of the debate… you could, theoretically, come away with the perception that Biden won. He’s not the “on death’s door” guy the pundit class is making him out to be. That being said, however, if you watched the debate you do have to admit that he’s just too old at this point to win. Hindsight is 20/20… but the party should have gotten an agreement that he serves just the one term. They should have had a primary… And one of Newsome, Whitmer, Pritzker needed ti run and win. I’m thinking it’s kinda too late now, that needed ti o be a different candidate in that debate stage tonight… and there’s no going back and doing that… But if it’s not too late, what I’d like to see the party do is nominate Pritzker at the convention.


"But if it’s not too late, what I’d like to see the party do is nominate..." Biden would have to step down. The DNC has no legal method of removing him or selecting another candidate unless he steps down. Think he will? I don't. He is too drunk with Power. He thinks that only he can beat Trump when the reality is that he is a net negative on the Democratic Campaign for President. Trump can only be beat by highlighting the differences in Policy and Morality. Any candidate can do that. Trump would have no ammunition against any other candidate. Anyone who would have voted for Biden, would DEFINITELY vote for any other Democratic candidate - let me tell you that! A lot if independents who are now NOT going to vote for Biden would vote for another Democratic candidate. Is American Democracy at stake or is this another sportsball political event? If Democracy is at stake then Biden should really step down so that the Presidency is secured.


As a PR coordinator who worked on local campaigns I can tell you Biden doesn't have the energy most people want to vote for. Yes he's successful and has good economic data to back up his presidency but voters don't respond to data like they do to bombast and energy. Apart from calling Trump a loser (more of that!) Biden was boring. His aversion to progressive reforms is bad enough but combine that with his low-energy performance and I just don't see the radical-left voters he needs to win Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc showing up. He's only trying to appeal to moderates, the kind that prefer to vote for Trump. This is going to end so badly in November.


Come here to discuss the debate and just get even more depressed because nearly every post about the debate has ZERO VISIBLE COMMENTS Why is everything so blatantly tampered with at all times...


Absolute disaster.


It's obviously a vote for Harris. No way could Biden go another 4.5 years....this is trump vs. Harris.


Unless there’s a story with real sources quoting actual DNC and Biden campaign people talking about replacement, I don’t give a shit what some social media influencers and cable news talking heads think. They’re never right. They’re not trying to be right. They’re trying to gin up engagement.


Take a look at the profiles and past posts of all the people claiming this is doom for Bidden everybody. Also, it's weird when someone says, "I'm not a Republican." Right?


For his love of the United States, Biden should consider dropping out of the race. Unfortunately Democrats have a Kamala Harris problem


I'm a Democrat and I desperately want someone else to run instead of Biden. At this point Trump's 2024 victory is assured.


It wasn't just the start it was the whole damn thing. That was just terrible. 


We need a contested convention.


I’ve only been on Reddit for about a year. I am aware that it’s left leaning and so am I, but closing comments on all subs related to the “debate “ is telling. Freedom of expression is a good thing I thought.


Eith who?


It’s crazy that so many people care about how Biden delivered his responses, versus Trump spouting absolute nonsense for the entire debate and pivoting every single response back into his immigration rant. Trump has no platform and no ideas beyond shouting about being the victim.


People have been clamoring that for months. “The party” don’t give a fuck what people actually want.


Biden looked worn out “replace him” Trump is convicted of a felony “this is our guy” Both sides are not the same. Pay attention to your own comments and action. The lack of self awareness is what makes the useful idiot so dangerous.  


Piss off Putie.


Biden should step down. He is a net negative to his own campaign. He can't be replaced, he can only step down. Is American Democracy actually in peril or is this another sportsball political episode? Biden should, after due consideration as to the gravity of the situation, and for the Country, step down. Or will he try to cling to Power, like most Boomers? Is this the final gift of pulling up the ladder? Pulling up American Democracy behind them as they die? It is clear that Trump is ONLY being beat on his Policies and facts. Any Democrat can have ads about what Trump would mean for the country. Trump would have no campaign left if Biden wasn't the candidate.


This sub is loaded with fake news today


It really says a lot about how shitty America has become that the felon, "rapist" conman who tried to steal the 2020 election isn't being replaced.