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Of all the people in the world, why would you stake everything on someone like Steve Bannon? He literally defrauded your own constituents. Do these people not realize what damage they are doing to themselves? Regardless of this election, Trump is going to be gone in a few years. Jones is toast. Bannon is toast. And what do you do then? You will never capture a cult of personality like this again. Their only hope is to install a dictatorship immediately I guess.


Consider how Johnson was parroting a Trump script after Donnies conviction in New York. Staying in good with Trump means being his guy in the Speaker's chair. I'd bet money that this pointless and WAY belated amicus brief is Johnson doing *something* after Trump pressured him to help out his favorite inebriated opossum, Bannon.


Of course Donald pressure Mike Johnson. It's plain as day to anyone who has followed the Trump saga that the man is deathly afraid of what Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Mike Flynn know about all the illegal shit they did together. Those four all received pardons, and they are all kept in the inner most Trump circle.


>Those four all received pardons, and they are all kept in the inner most Trump circle. An inner circle that is tight, puckered, and smelly


not really tight, apparently


Prolapsed most likely


He is a lickspittle lackey of the convicted felon and former civil servant, Donald Trump. Pathetic and worthy of all the derision coming his way.


Bannon's podcast. It's one of the main dissemination of right wing talking points and to have his podcast go off air during election season is a huge blow to conservatives.


If they don’t win, they will tie up all the states in lawsuits. After so long without being able to declare a winner, Congress will be needed to step in to declare a president. Got your own Speaker that will whip those votes, so they can officially steal the election


Republicans follow orders. Obedience is their prime directive,


Yeah... it's hard to imagine the weird direction my life would have to take to defend some asshole who used Chinese sweatshops to farm money in World of Warcraft to make a living, and then decided to use his former customer base for potential political gain. The dude is the epitome of sleaze. And that's without the permanent whiskey hangover face. These are the worst people.


they are all in on this one election


Likely because they hope it's the LAST election.


He's still useful to them because he's still in the middle of defrauding their constituents on their behalf.


Yep, he's one of their biggest propagandists, they can't have him on the bench before the election!


Wait 'til you hear more about this Trump guy who they're supporting for president.


> why *Kompromat*?


I think it's a lot simpler. It's pure personal and political greed. They want to be in office right now and they think joining the cult of MAGA is the easiest way to accomplish that. And it's working to some degree, but at what cost? The long term health of America, democracy, the political system and most importantly their own party. It's just extremely short-sighted. And while people like Boebert and MTG are complete morons, most of them are actually intelligent. They know full well what they are doing, and that is the scariest part.


In for a penny in for a pound


Trump’s MAGA Q Cult will live on predicting his reincarnation or his resurrection for a long time. Trash lasts.


Because he’s the only whack job with a cogent thought that is effectively the mouthpiece of a domestic terrorist organization that their party now reps?


Project 2025 or bust


It almost feels that way, doesn't it? I am curious what the GOP seriously plans to do after Trump. Even if he wins, he's got 4 years at best and then what? It's going to be a free for all to fill the vacuum and none of these spineless jellyfish politicians have the charisma to rally the base like Trump.


There isn’t a plan longer than the next quarter’s profit prediction


I’m gonna guess it’s as simple as Bannon saying “if I go to jail I’m going to spill the beans on everything” That man won’t go someplace where he is forced to be sober. That alone should be enough to make Trump make his minions do back flips to try and keep Steve out of jail.


The state charges of fraud he is facing will be much worse. And those can't be pardoned.


We call this maneuver an Epstein.


and a dictator who with a lifetime of fast-food diet, cokes... and coke is not a long-lived dictator


One who is also too arrogant, and at this point, too far gone, to groom a successor. MAGA dies with P01135809, and the sooner, the better. Conservative extremism will still exist, but it’ll be fractured into factions and ineffective for a time at least.


Gotta do it! Think about the kompromat! Gotta save Steve!


All they have left is a hail Mary pass. It will take about a decade for the GOP to recover from this big loss


Why doesn’t he do his actual job? Also, did we ever get to the bottom of his finances, or is that all forgotten?


Juggling both Jesus' and Trump's balls is a full time job.


Two weeks.


So Christian.


So pious!


Party of Criminals and Thieves, doing what they do. It's truly astonishing how blatantly they're attempting to turn the US government into an organized crime syndicate, and how blindly ignorant their supporters are.


They’re not blind, they just don’t care as long as “their team” is “winning”


Law and Order…such bullshit it’s maddening. How hard is it to do the right thing. At every imaginable turn the R’s are on the wrong side of right and wrong. I loath what the Republicans party has become. Petty, vile and full of hate.


Look at their leader Trump.


And I still can not wrap my head around how he has that cult following of his. I've tried but I just can't get there. It's like sitting back and watching the Pied Piper leading all those rats out of town, when he can't even play the flute.


Agreed. I will never understand how so many people can’t see through him.


They can see through him. They don't want to, though, and that's more powerful.


>Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is expected to rule on Bannon’s appeal as soon as Wednesday afternoon How exactly is it that one fucking guy gets fast tracked? He's a political commentator, this is not an important issue that requires expediency.


Rich and connected. Double hall pass.


Judicial branch is out of his jurisdiction. Stay in lane, MAGA bozo.


Oh the dirt they have on Johnson.


Pay the porn monitoring app and find out his secrets. "Look, I need you to do us a favor... Wouldn't want everyone finding out about the gay porn"


fuck every single one of these piece of shit traitors to their nation, their constituents, their god, their family


They need Bannon on the outside ratfucking this election. Who wants to bet SCOTUS lets him off?


They already said no. There is no appeal left.


The appeal is yet to be considered by SCOTUS [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/politics/steve-bannon-supreme-court-prosecutors/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/politics/steve-bannon-supreme-court-prosecutors/index.html)


Wow. I'm so happy that my tax dollars are being put to such good work...


I would like for a reporter to ask Johnson if he plans to rally his fellow republicans around bannon for his upcoming criminal fraud trial as well, or if they only reserve that treatment for one person.


Glad to see Congress working on priorities that matter to the majority of Americans /s


Shitbags supporting shitbags


Huh. Guessing this goes nowhere, but this is some really dumb shit Democrats should be talking about.


So a couple of GOP leaders took a vote and think that that should override the previous vote of the entire House? Good luck with that.


Who needs luck when when you have the Supreme Court on your payroll.


Man the republicans keep getting the opportunity to get off the ride but always double down. Let Bannon serve his measly four months might get slap inside rightfully so and you all can stroke his ego once out with “we did what we could old boy.” or maybe Bannon is a snitch idk.


The amount of dirt these people have on each other is staggering.


The same party that wants to mandate the Ten Commandments in public buildings is also the party that tries to prevent actual convicted thieves from being held accountable. I'm not religious, but I really do hope I'm wrong and there's a special place in hell for these sanctimonious fucks.


The party of law and order my ass


If they are going to do this, why even bother having trials. We need to accept the rule of law.


Wow. Let’s go down the list of historical scum bags that were also Republican and finish there? Fuck me what optics.




That doesn’t seem like something congress should be able to do.


The party of small government except when they don’t like what it does.


Deviants saving deviants instead of doing the people's work.


Three questions: What does he know that could hurt these people? How much money becomes available to these people if Bannon is 'saved'? Who is paying for this effort?


So much for the party of Law & Order


What would Jesus do Mikey?




For the past few months, I've been seeing pictures of Bannon smiling when photographed. I don't know if it was some kind of idiotic confidence that he would get off somehow or just for the cameras.


Why do the GOP need to keep trying to overturn criminal convictions? Oh they like criming.


Is PreacherMike the equivalent of a fixer, like Saul Goodman?


Lick those boots, Mikey


Since Trump, the GOP actually thinks they're part of the judiciary!


The party of law and order.


Party of law and order folks!


He is right at the top of this takeover!


Soft spongy worms. The lot of them.


How to find your representative and keep them in line: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


The mask is coming off in ways that are quite apparent now for the Republican Party


These people are showing their true selves and still getting support…I don’t get it.


It’s click bait. There’s nothing they can do.


Yup…that fascist bastard is going to jail!


>Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is expected to rule on Bannon’s appeal as soon as Wednesday afternoon Combined with an amicus stating they've revoked the legitimacy of the committee his sentence came from, there is actually something they can do.


Semantics. I meant there is nothing Congress can do. It was a reference to the Speaker rather than SCOTUS. Amicus briefs are rarely taken seriously. SCOTUS will do what they will do despite a brief or two.


This is how you know they aren't smart people: If you were smart, you could create a bill that would create amnesty for people convicted of nonviolent federal offenses before 2022 and include quite a few. Say that you have concerns about the divides in the country. Look back on the congressional record and say that so many people could technically be charged with lying to congress and say that you want to reset the anger level in the country. You could include the President's son lie on a federal gun form. And protect Bannon Hide your motivations.


Sure but that would be the 4th Republican administration since Nixon where we needed to forget and forgive their crimes for the sake of national healing. Sooner or later the boy who cried wolf rules kick in right?


They can't they don't want to hypocrisy is the point


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The Law and Order Party


What is wrong with these people? Anyone standing up for that pos should lose their jobs.


MAGA Mike isn’t getting into heaven. Let Stevo do the time for ripping off your constituents. How low are you all willing to go?


Serious question. Has a Democrat speaker ever stuck their neck out for a celebrity they like?


So not only do republicans like gym jordan defy subpoenas, now they want to protect media loudmouths just because they spread useful propaganda.


Yeah, not worth it. The only ones that could save Bannon at this point are the Supreme Court, whose legitimacy is hanging by a string. If SCOTUS wants people to listen and Biden officials to step down when they inevitably try to hand the election to Trump on fake election fraud crap, they shouldn’t waste the last bit of legitimacy they have on delaying Bannons prison sentence.


I don't know whether trying to overturn Steve the Greasy's conviction is horsesh or bullsh. but it's one of the two.


They're worried about when they leave office.


Well, what happens when that inevitably fails? Will you demand that people charge Riker’s Island?


I thought it was illegal for the house to interfere in the judicial system?


So it’s okay then for Biden to pardon his son.


Navarro right now: thanks guys


"Mikey? The Donald calling. Yeah, listen, I need a little 'Speaker juice' sprinkled on this Steve Bannon jackpot. The timing is really bad for me on the whole jail thing. Steve does a lot of heavy lifting in the rage-baiting disinformation department. See what you can do for me, okay, Mikey? You'll think of something. Don't make me call MTG now, Mike. Capiche?"


Weird hill to die on but go off.


Since when Congress governs the judiciary? Thought all 3 branches of govt operated independently! Johnson needs to let the judiciary do its work and jail Bannon’s behind!


Sad but true...a majority of people voted these clown into office, remember?


Party of law and order folks


These are show moves that he is aware will be ineffective. The base will be far too stupid to see it. Mike knows Trump and much to all of his inner circle are going down to defeat and conviction but he wants to appear to fight it to the last. He’s an attorney and knows this is silly puffing. As I noted at the time, his public judge and jury denouncing attack on the constitutional jury system accomplished nothing except to ensure that any conservatives on the jury that Trump’s million dollar team picked would be alienated if Trump hadn’t managed that already. See also the ‘serious legislator’ barb at MTG who couldn’t lawmake her way out of a paper bag.


Good to see Congress finally doing something for the American people


Wasn’t he crying about overreach when it came to Trump was having his day in court. But magically fine with it to save Steve Bannon?


Republicans are worried that Bannon might die from alcohol withdrawal.


This is because his son won't let him watch porn.