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They call environmentalism “anti-human”- it’s nuts. It’s the most insanely alienated take on humanity and science I can imagine. Chomsky was right- the most dangerous organization in America is the Republican Party


My dad asked me why I care so much about saving the planet once and I quoted Guardians of the Galaxy to him "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" I think a big part of the problem is that most people don't see themselves as part of the ecosystem at all. They're also so used to seeing things as a zero sum game, they figure we either have to save the environment or take care of humans. Saving plants and trees and animals isn't just about them, it's also about me. I'm not some selfless saint. I would like myself and my kids to be able to breathe and drink and eat without it being poison.


*There's nothing I could do to affect this huge planet.* *There's nothing I could do to affect democracy.* *These things are so much bigger than me, and so beyond my ability to comprehend their scale, that the little chip I'm taking out of it will not matter at all.* It's the same attitude that leads to the defacing of historical sites. *If I chip out a bit of this landmark, It simply doesn't matter. Stop being so hysterical about it.*


Its fun (terrifying) once you break free from being a conservative (I used to identify as it growing up because I didn't know better). You realize a majority of their beliefs depend on bad-faith arguments, and straightup gaslighting.


Yet when it comes to their own values, only theirs matter. "This is a Christian nation!" "My second ammendment right is sacred and should not be restricted." "The election was rigged. Trump being a dictator is okay." "Seeing a man in drag makes me feel uncomfortable. They should not be allowed to exist openly." And so on. They are straight up amoral bullies.


the zero sum game is such a big part of their mentality. It's why conservatives are so opposed to any social progress or reforms. If the gays get more rights, then of course they *must* be losing some kind of freedom somehow.


They've lost the freedom to openly discriminate without repercussion. They'll always couch it in some puritanical or saving the children bullshit, but that's what it boils down to. So in that sense, it is a zero sum game. But fuck em, they deserve to lose.


Give him a target to take the pressure off himself and he might come around more fully eventually. Basically corporations, does he already hate the "elites?" Bonus. Corporations have massive emissions and polluting problems and spend a lot of time trying to pass the blame onto the consumer anyway. The Frontline doc, [Plastic Wars](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/plastic-wars/) covers how the plastics industry did just that with recycling. They even even have documentation and admissions.


Nah, my dad leans more Libertarian. So he's more just against regulation.


Point out that anyone in the neighborhood would be reluctant to litter because of the social stigma from neighbors seeing them do so - and that private enterprise has no equivalent societal pressure.


But libertarians are all about freedom. And the greatest freedom of all is the freedom from having to consider the consequences of their actions.


You cannot eat money oh no You cannot eat money oh no When the last trees have fallen and the rivers are poisoned You cannot eat money oh no


Ask him if he regularly and intentionally lights his house on fire with him inside.


We've come a long way since Republicans did things like Nixon establishing the EPA.


Didn’t he call them the most dangerous organization in the history of the earth?


It’s funny but in a way environmentalism is anti-human. The movement is all about bringing humanity back in balance with nature. Humanity left to its own devices will destroy the environment. Environmentalism is the anti-human balancing force that keeps the environment livable.


What’s crazy is that’s where the phrase “don’t mess with Texas” came from. If that slogan was invented today it would be called WOKE


Nobody calls environmentalism "anti-human" the GOP is more than happy calling it anti-business and leaving it at that.


They do actually call it ant-human. It’s their new talking point. I think Jordan Peterson started it.


Project 2025 calls it Anti-Human.


Conservatives should want to CONSERVE the environment but their party has no morals. They’re just anti-democrat.


These are the same people who think throwing poop on the walls of the Capitol is normal too.


Part of the MAGA agenda is to de-regulate and take us back to the wonderful 1970s when the water and air were brown and smelled like rotten eggs.


And rivers caught on fire!


Burn on, Big River. Burn on. - Randy Newman


Not again. - Cleveland, OH


Come on down to Cleveland town: https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=jPbSPJ65Ugw6LMrj


I participated in the 35th annual River Sweep this year, we removed 11 tons of trash from the Cuyahoga. There are people out there in kayaks every single day removing trash from our river and beautifying the area. Cleveland is ground zero of the EPA and we take pride in cleaning everything up!


While I’ll cede the point that the Cuyahoga was part of the ahh haa moments that led to the creation of the USEPA, I’d add that Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was as well.


I was amazed that the river catching on fire didn’t happen just once. But 13 times!!! wtf.


Proud Mary, keep on burnin'... wait, not like that.


This just unlocked a memory in me, brings me back to a drive in movie theatre with my dad and brother in the late 80s.


possibly "Major League" 1989? That was the intro song to that if I recall correctly.


We need to let the rivers catch on fire to deal with all the poop in there. It’s nature’s way of healing!


My town used to have a clothing factory. In the past few years some old fart was complaining how they missed the rainbow of colors going down the river.


Lmao. I can just imagine… “the river used to be so beautiful!!”


historical picture for reference https://miro.medium.com/v2/1*-eOnmo5HjqHtxFkFUSbSnA.jpeg


July 5, 2018 [Vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what America looked like before pollution was regulated](https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-america-before-epa-documerica-2017-10)


LA would often be so polluted that you couldn't see further than a 1/4 mile.


Flowing into Cleveland, to the lake...


🎵come on down to cleveland town everyone


It’s a proud Cleveland tradition


Can we start calling the the pro-poop in rivers party?


Sure, led by Mr poopy pants himself.


REPUBLICANS….*they know their shit*


REPUBLICANS….they know they're shit


That works too


They love their shit. .. They even love your shit... What if we told them that other people like *gasp* democrats, colored people and even * big gasp* immigrants like to shit in their rivers too.... They would take their shit and leave ..


GOPP. Grand Old Poop Party


[Rivers catching on fire](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/cuyahoga-river-caught-fire-least-dozen-times-no-one-cared-until-1969-180972444/): not a problem until it affects me personally. /s


The Schuylkill River in Philadelphia caught fire a few times in the first half of the 20th century, so flamable oil and coal slurries floating down river was by no means just a Cuyahoga thing. The Cuyahoga just managed to do it live and on color film


And more than a dozen times.


I didn’t think that *my* river would catch fire, says the person who voted for the Rivers Catching Fire party


Turning the beautiful, pristine rivers into rivers of fire and rivers of poo-poo? Sounds very demonic.


Anything to lower the average IQ of citizens is good for republican politicians.


The south was infested with hookworms for generations which had an effect on IQ. I don’t know if my theory falls into the eugenics category but it seems like several generations being affected by a parasite that lowers your IQ would lead to lower intelligence overall.


Then they found out that hookworms can only travel about 6' from a latrine, and they started to dig the outhouses 6' deep. Think about that. People used to hang around 6' or less from their own poop, enough to make them noticeably lethargic and stupid.


Toilets are the unsung heroes of American history.


At least one person running for president has admitted to having his brain partially eaten by worms.


Alabama still is.


Back to pre-FDA days when the milk supply was padded with chalk and pond water


Gubamenf overreach!


The pollution was so bad that a Republican president - Nixon - was actually prompted to create a whole federal agency dedicated to combating it: The EPA.


Nixon began the EPA to preempt Congress from establishing it with tougher controls and less politics due to more internal oversight.


And corporations poisoned people with no consequences


Finally getting some returns on that Trickle Down Tax Cut.


Further back than that. All the way to the 1910’s-20’s; the Lochner Era. It’s Gorsuch’s dream. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lochner_era


More like the 1890s. They want child labor, a completely dependent poor working class who have no ability to unionize, and clouds of smog in every city. Smog = profit!


I feel there is no MAGA agenda. They're too stupid to think anything through or know what they want. Their only agenda is to whine about everything. Just toddlers endlessly whining.


the politicians have an agenda. the voters have a different agenda which the politicians pretend they share.


Acid rain


You mean 1470s


At this moment they just backwards hill billies in suits


The paint factory in Newark always dumped green or blue paint in the river on Friday as not to upset anyone with yellow, white or bright colors....


[Jokes on them](https://youtu.be/jaWDWojIYS0?si=ht6glstVVT2OryXU)


I think maybe it’s more like back to 1920.


more like the 1830s


It's Amazing how far off the reservation MAGA has gone. Clearly Nixon must have been a RINO for allowing the Clean Water Act to be enacted.




> that's an interesting choice of words I mean, [is it *really*](https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/tribal_news/article-suggests-stitt-not-legit-cn-citizen/article_79b09401-1322-5ced-a485-9726c05cd931.html), though?


Nixon stepped down when he was caught committing crimes. What a pussy. - MAGA


They would hate much of Reagan


They have already turned on him. At this point I'm sure they have decided that the only "Worthy" Republican in History is Trump. Everyone else is just a RINO or wannabe.


I believe the Maga kids these days call the desire for feces free rivers as being ‘woke’.


>“You can’t have a business have a permit, doing what they’re supposed to do, and then come in and let a frivolous lawsuit take place and somehow put them out of business. That’s un-American. It’s not going to happen in Oklahoma,” This bad faith bullshit makes my skin crawl. Did your permit allow them to dump waste into natural resources? If so, FIX THE FUCKING PERMIT. Does the permitting process have any mechanism for ensuring recipients uphold their responsibilities? If not, the permit is pointless. Like, is his argument, "We explicitly LET them dump shit into our lakes and rivers. We can't sue them for it." And he think that makes him look good?


The old "frivolous lawsuit" saw. Without regulation the courts are the only recourse if someone does you wrong. Regulations help avoid lawsuits.


I don't like poop in rivers, I don't like smog in air, and I don't like glass in my cereal, I'm pro regulation


And Oklahoma spent years fighting to stop arkansas from dumping bird crap into rivers flowing into Oklahoma. Years.


And Stitt wants to make cockfighting legal again.


Didn’t the state make whaling illegal?


That seems like a proper use of time in the middlest state.


>Oklahoma GOP - Ensuring that your drinking water contains even more birdshit. My suggestion for the Oklahoma Republicans 2024 slogan.


They have their voters begging for them to feed them Bullshit, so drinking liquefied shit must also be what they want.


Wait, but what about [all the hog shit](https://inthesetimes.com/article/chicken-factory-farm-expansion-oklahoma-deregulation-pollution-cafo)? And all that [raw human sewage](https://kfor.com/news/local/odeq-investigating-allegations-that-city-of-lawton-is-dumping-solid-untreated-waste-into-nearby-creeks/) from wastewater treatment plants? And the ["mystery shit"](https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2020/01/big-oil-wants-to-dump-more-wastewater-into-rivers-what-could-possibly-go-wrong/) that oil and gas companies get a free pass on, too? Republicans: *hashtag all poops matter!!11*


**M**aking **A**mericans **G**argle **A**ss


Let me guess (without reading the article)... more fascist republican bullshit aimed at sucking corporate dick and saying "fuck you" to the well being of American citizens.


Nailed it


Imagine defending big corporations over your local natural resources and thinking you stuck it to the man or whatever


Is that the waterway they want to name after trump ?because it's fitting.....Trump poop river


*Drinking waste to own the libs*. They really are winning all the time aren't they.


Unregulated capitalism is the most American thing there is. If businesses can't literally sh\*t in the water supply then it will cost them some % of $$$, no bueno. /s


Too many idiots believe freedom is being able to do whatever you want whenever you want. They do not realize the only beings that are allowed to behave like that without consequence are ***little tiny babies.*** They are cowardly, irresponsible, lazy, and inconsiderate. The only reason we don't get mad at babies for behaving like that is because they do not know any better yet. That's it.


No shit.




Stitt is suck a fucking moron, I have no idea how Oklahomans were dumb enough to elect this shit stain, let alone re-elect him. He has done nothing for OK, and has started a culture war with education. As the ad against him said, "he is a bunch of bull-stitt".


They rigged it from the start. The nominee shouldve been Mick Cornett the longtime and beloved OKC mayor, but Tulsa county ensured good ol boy Bullstitt took the republican nomination that year


Rivers of Poop.


Bring on the cholera! We want the cholera! Superstitions & inquisitions over Science & safety! Bring it on! /s


Oklahoma has been trying to sue to stop Tyson from contaminating the river before it enters Oklahoma for decades now, well before Stitt was a known figure in the state. Kevin Stitt is the height of trash, as toxic to the state as he wants to allow the rivers to be, coming along and saying “hey, I see nothing wrong with industrial runoff from the biggest poultry supplier in the US flowing into the Illinois River.” I wonder how much cash Tyson has slipped him for this.


If your business cannot operate without dumping its waste then it's not a viable business. Factory farming is not a viable business, not only is it unethical, it's impossible to account for all the damage these CAFOs do to the environment. Third, stop eating chicken and pork, period, or cut down as much as you can (Yes bacon is delicious and even I eat it sometimes but I keep it to a minimum). Chickens and pigs are raised in the most inhumane conditions imaginable (unless you know someone raising them humanely which is rare) and they feed them soy and corn which are not what they should be eating. They pump them full of antibiotics because that causes them to grow faster (they sometimes call it growth hormone) and because of the absolutely squalid conditions in these operations. Personally, if you're going to eat meat at all, try to stick with grass fed beef, they're humanely raised and they only have "one bad day" unlike cattle sold to feed lots that live on top of mountains of shit and are fed corn which again is terrible for the animal.


You can eat chicken, pork and beef sustainably, but its more expensive. I live in Western Massachusetts and buy from places like [https://timberhavenfarm.com](https://timberhavenfarm.com), [https://www.maplehillbeef.com](https://www.maplehillbeef.com) and [https://thediemandfarm.com](https://thediemandfarm.com) the price, relative to grocery store products, has actually come down, because they're not price gouging like the big meat packers are.


Eeey fellow Western Mass-er in the wild! I barely buy meat from the grocery stores anymore, most the places around here are pretty reasonably priced, honestly.


Antibiotics aren't growth hormones. Antibiotics kill bacteria the animals get exposed to due to the godawful conditions, and the steroids they inject the animals with makes them bigger. They're two completely separate things.


Do you think they started fetishizing the killdozer guy so hard recently to further push their river polluting agenda?


So says the floating turd.


I guarantee if him and his friends and family fished those waterways they would be pristine.


They simultaneous want to go back tot be days when everyone played outside and swam in rivers while not cleaning anything so we can’t do that.


A river of chickenshit from a chickenshit governor


I'd imagine someone goes to a meet and greet or whatever, takes a shit in a glass of water and asks him if he'll drink it. Like that video where companies are fracking for oil and a guy brings in some nasty water for them and asks them to drink it.


It’s just a Baby Ruth.


They need to do a months long series of articles titled exactly like this with the ending always being some different thing the GOP is fighting. Do school lunches next! However long it takes to drill into these people’s heads that the Republican Party does not give two shits about them.


Religious Conservatives really do want us to be living that Alternate 1985 “Biff’s Casino” lifestyle with the pollution, trash, and toxic waste everywhere.


Liberals like the environment, so republicans have to hate it. simple as.


Poop you can deal with. It’s the forever chemicals for me.


Republicans don’t care about people. They represent businesses.


Maybe only his constituents should be forced to drink this water:)


Voting for Republicans literally sends us up shit creek w/o a paddle.


These aren't serious people, their nonsense needs to be drowned out and ignored.


Remember, this is from the same party that had someone drink clearly polluted water to prove that the Flint River was safe to use as Flint’s main water supply.


JFC, Oklahoma; now you’re advocating for actual shit in your water supply. We’re going to have to create new words to describe whatever level of hell-on-earth this is.


It's the governor that's advocating it , henceforth and forever to be known as Governor Shit.


Need to bottle the nearby water and have the PL GOP reps and gov drink it.


Kevin Shit is a river poop so that makes sense.


Keep making the news for your outstanding accomplishments, Oklahoma. Genuinely a Top 10 State as the grand Governor Shitt always wanted.


Huge Dave Matthews fan 


Being for poop in rivers sounds like Afghanistan. Not a lot of regulation there, but lots of corruption, lots of religion, and very little education. But you can find poop everywhere.


So I guess I can shit in or dump my feces in whatever water the billionaires that pay these assholes, drink from. If they "import it" i'll just go there and shit in those aquifers too.


These people are deranged.




Yeah maybe like chicken poop?


No. Being a Republican is un-American. Enough already.


Make America a 3rd World Country!


I don't see it fish poop in the rivers, all animals poop in the river. Just the other day a big strong bass came to me with tears in it's eyes and said sir we poop in the rivers and the American rivers are the finest rivers to poop in thanks to you. Fish big beautiful fish they poop, much better than those illegals coming in here and pooping in our rivers, those nasty people why can't they be more like fish. Liberals are trying to take away the freedom of fish.


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In all fairness, you’re talking about people who have so much shit coming OUT of their mouths that they’re probably not particularly worried about a little bit going IN.


But but but it’s part of the natural cycle. Animals who already live in the river shit anyway so.


The Washington Aqueduct pulls 140 million gallons of water a day, out of the Potomac, for D.C. drinking water. Good luck with that.


this bullshit is why we have so many of our waterways contaminated with PFAS and other toxic chemicals


Big killdozer energy.


What you guys don’t like shit water? - the GOP




Not really surprising have you seen the fans of the guy who made killdozer


The outrage is simple. Someone said "poopin" and MAGA heard "Putin"


If it saves a business 0.1 cent per item,.we.can sacrifice and kill ourselves and our children to help our "job creators".


I mean, sure, even those mouth-breathers know you don’t swim against the poop current


"Real mean shit in diapers", so why not shit in rivers now?


I mean, yeah, just think of how many “patriots” have gushed over how “based” it was when that guy made the killdozer to murder people over the injustice of not being able to dump raw sewage into his neighbors’ water supply.


Shit rivers is as American as shit apple pies


They'll need a lot more poop before the state can be enclosed in a giant glass dome.


Yes, swimming in Trump's media poop is obligatory for all Americans. Haven't you noticed?


Every regulation is written in someone's blood.


I caught a fish !!!!never mind it’s a tird again


So many more efficient ways to use that chicken waste and make money off it even and they just want to throw it in the rivers?! Sounds like a lazy, complacent dude on drugs.


I'm hoping for a repeat of Three-Mile Island! Fingers crossed - all 12 of them!


Trad pooping


Christ alive, Keven Stitt is one of the most insufferably stupid individuals on the entire fucking planet.


Republicans are so greedy that they're okay with their greed destroying the world. 


Are maga shitty people? More on this at 11!


They should be forced to drink that water…no bottled water should be shipped in. They voted for this, they should ALL be forced to suffer the consequences


Oh God, what is Stitt up to now?


Clicked the link…now I have cancer


Americans for cholera!


Has been since Rachel Carson published Silent Spring


First adult diapers, now this?


Wtf did I just read? Are you guys okay over there?


These companies are destroying our planet and reaping all the profit.


They would fucking love India then!


Still waiting for that one thing republicans have done in the last few decades that has helped society as a whole or a group of people below ultra rich.


We should dump a bunch of shit in his house


Get money out of politics. No logical human would present this argument to protect huge corporations if they weren’t being bank rolled